Mesotherapy at home using pharmaceutical products

Every woman dreams of tightened, fresh facial skin. You can get it through painstaking self-care work or a series of miraculous injections with hyaluronic acid. There are many reasons to reject both the first and second methods: lack of time, finances, desire. Meanwhile, the dream of eternally young skin does not fade away and only flares up with renewed vigor as soon as a woman accepts her next birthday greeting. Today we will talk about what facial mesotherapy is at home: it is this procedure that returns elasticity and beauty to the skin, allowing a woman to make her dream come true quickly and inexpensively. Mesotherapy is performed using pharmaceutical products, so it is available to any lady who wants to regain her youth.

Differences between home rejuvenation and salon rejuvenation

Home rejuvenation is not much different from salon rejuvenation. We will tell you the main differences so that you can decide whether it is worth purchasing home devices to maintain beautiful skin or whether it is better to use proven procedures in the salon. So:

  • Home rejuvenation involves punctures to create access routes to the deeper layers of the dermis. Punctures are made with a mesoscooter - a device that is a roller with many thin needles.
  • Home procedures are less traumatic , largely thanks to the mesoscooter. Its needles are thin and short: the punctures are painless and not very deep. However, their length is sufficient to deliver vitamin cocktails deep into the skin.
  • Nutrients are applied to the surface of the dermis. Thanks to the created channels, they are absorbed inside. It is necessary to understand: home rejuvenation takes a long time, since the penetration of active substances into the skin is insignificant .

Preparation for roller mesotherapy

A dermaroller is a personal use device that cannot be “shared” with other people to prevent infection. Before each use of the device, it must be disinfected. To do this, simply immerse the roller for 5 minutes in a container with chlorhexidine or another disinfectant. The optimal compositions for disinfecting a specific device model are indicated in the instructions. After disinfection, you need to shake the device and dry it completely in a position in which the needles do not touch other surfaces.

Before performing roller mesotherapy, it is important to clean and dry the skin; you can additionally disinfect it. It is also necessary to wash your hands. If desired, you can use rubber gloves.

To obtain greater effect, the dermaroller is used in conjunction with special cosmetic preparations: meso-cocktails, gels, serums. They are applied to the skin before rolling a needle roller or immediately after this procedure.

The main requirements for products for roller mesotherapy are sterility and the absence of potentially dangerous components: fragrances, artificial preservatives, etc. Conventional facial care cosmetics are not suitable for these purposes, since if they get into the distant layers of the dermis, they can provoke allergies.

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Is facial mesotherapy effective at home?

Of course, facial mesotherapy at home cannot be compared in effectiveness to salon procedures, however, with the right approach, you can get very good results. Most often this is:

  • Correcting the shape of the face You, without a doubt, can expect that the contour of the face will become pronounced and even. Of course, you will not turn a round or square shape into the coveted oval, however, you will get much closer to the goal.
  • Improved complexion Perhaps this is the first effect that you will see after several mesotherapy procedures at home. The complexion will become healthier, yellowness will disappear, age spots will fade.
  • The vascular network will disappear. Good news for women suffering from visible vascular network on the skin of the face: using a mesoscooter will help cope with this problem in several procedures.
  • Elasticity In addition to elasticity, you will receive the necessary tone. This will have a good effect on the general condition of the dermis: wrinkles will smooth out, folds and sagging will go away.
  • Cleansing comedones and acne With active home mesotherapy, you have every chance to cleanse the skin of comedones, inflammation and acne. The main thing is not to abandon the procedures at the beginning of the journey.

After reading the advantages of home rejuvenation, you should not run to the store for a mesoscooter or to the pharmacy for vitamin cocktails. Although mesotherapy procedures are effective, they will not relieve excessive puffiness or bags under the eyes. In addition, the procedures have contraindications, the violation of which can lead to serious problems. Read the entire article to make the right decision regarding the relevance of home therapy.

Mesotherapy treatment areas

With regular procedures, experts note significant changes in the skin for the better. This applies not only to the face, but also to other parts of the body. The procedure effectively affects the following areas of the body:

  • Face: nose, lips, forehead, chin, eyebrows, cheeks, nasolabial folds;
  • Neck;
  • Neckline area;
  • Stomach;
  • Hips and buttocks;
  • Hair;
  • Back.

According to experts, to lose weight you need to undergo 4-10 mesotherapy procedures, and to eliminate cellulite – 5-15. Sessions are held once with an interval of several days.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The advantages of mesotherapy are obvious:

  • Efficiency The effect of the procedure is several times greater than the effect of using any face masks.
  • Saving time The procedure can be carried out at any time, and it is not necessary to exclude anything from your plans. All stages can be easily combined with household chores.
  • Saving finances A one-time purchase of a device will cost much less than undergoing a course of anti-aging procedures in a beauty salon.

Despite all the seductiveness of the positive aspects, you should not brush aside the negative aspects:

  • Responsibility You must understand: any negative manifestations that appear after the procedure will lie on your conscience.
  • The amount of Mesococktail substance reaches the target areas in small quantities.
  • Complications There is a high risk of complications after the procedure: the correct choice of vitamin cocktails is questionable, and there are cases of neglect of contraindications.
  • High degree of injury to the skin.

How to choose and use a facial massager correctly

To treat areas with thin and sensitive skin, it is necessary to use a device with the shortest possible needles - 0.15–0.3 mm. In other areas, to obtain a quick and noticeable effect, doctors and patients recommend using an instrument with needles 0.3–0.5 mm long.

Regardless of whether you need a mesoscooter for oily skin or dry skin, it is advisable to use the minimum size needles for the first time, and then you can gradually increase their length to the maximum permissible value of 0.5 mm.

The roller mesotherapy procedure includes the following steps:

  1. The treated area is visually divided into small parts - the frontal area, the area around the eyes, cheeks, nasolabial folds, area around the mouth, chin, area under the chin, neck, décolleté.
  2. The massage begins with areas with thicker dermis - forehead, cheeks. The most sensitive areas are massaged last with a roller with the shortest needles.
  3. Each area is smoothly and gently massaged with a dermaroller - horizontally, vertically and diagonally, 5-10 times in each direction. Near the eyes, at the wings of the nose and in the neck area, the instrument is rolled strictly along the massage lines (more about them in the next section). It is important to avoid pressing the roller too hard, especially when treating sensitive and thin skin. When treating tissue around the eyes, it is important not to touch the surface of the eye itself, inside the eye socket. Before changing the position of the roller, the tool is first raised above the surface, and then set at the desired angle and rolled. Otherwise, it is easy to injure tissue.
  4. Sensitive skin is treated for a maximum of 10 minutes, normal skin - no more than 20 minutes.
  5. If desired, a meso cocktail or other suitable product is applied to the skin.
  6. After the session, the device is washed and disinfected again.
  7. If desired, after the first procedures, a soothing mask is applied to the treated area for 20 minutes - homogeneous and not clogging microchannels.

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The most popular mesoscooters

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Mesotherapy has a long list of contraindications. When you contact the clinic, you can be sure that the doctor will collect a complete medical history before subjecting you to this procedure. It is ideal if you take your health seriously and visit a doctor before home therapy. This will let you know if you have the contraindications listed below:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding, hormonal imbalance;
  • Inflammatory processes on the face. This also includes open wounds, dermatological diseases at any stage, herpes, fungal skin infections;
  • Formations and tumors of any type and origin;
  • Convex moles and warts;
  • Diabetes mellitus and cancer;
  • Recent facial chemical peel;
  • Psychological abnormalities of any nature, epilepsy;
  • Thermoneurosis;
  • Taking antibiotics and courses of treatment;
  • Allergy or individual intolerance to components.

You must realize : having decided on a procedure that bypasses contraindications, the responsibility for your health and future quality of life falls on your shoulders.

Anti-aging products

The effect depends on the selected drug, but is also directly related to the manipulation. Many microtraumas appear at the injection site, which triggers the synthesis of one’s own collagen and elastin. As a result, complexion, microcirculation, metabolic processes improve, and skin elasticity increases.

The components for meso-cocktails are selected individually, taking into account the condition of the skin and its main problems. Based on the principle of action, drugs are divided into several groups:

  1. Vitamins – necessary for nourishing the skin and improving hair condition .
  2. Lipolitics – break down fat cells.
  3. Vascular - normalize metabolic processes, blood flow, and the condition of the dermis.
  4. Lifting – help increase tone , firmness, and elasticity.

Taking into account the drugs used, allopathic and homeopathic mesotherapy are distinguished. In the first case, the cocktails include medicinal and artificially created components:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins A, E, B, C;
  • organic acids;
  • medications;
  • fat-breaking substances;
  • hyaluronic acid, etc.

Homeopathic cocktails are of plant origin, so their advantage is their naturalness (aloe vera, guarana, artichoke, etc.).

When should you do the procedure?

You should not rely on home therapy if there is no reason . The desire to look younger, unfortunately, is not suitable for conducting a mesotherapy session at home. However, if you encounter one of the following problems, then while reading this article, we recommend opening a tab with an assortment of mesoscooters. indications include:

  • Loose, sagging skin of the face and décolleté;
  • Light pigment spots;
  • Seborrhea;
  • Blurred face without contours;
  • Double chin;
  • Spasms of muscle tissue on the face;
  • The complexion is different from healthy;
  • Networks of expression wrinkles.

The described cosmetic imperfections can almost 100% be eliminated with the help of a mesoscooter and meso-cocktails . Thin needles of the device, punching tunnels in the skin, force the body to turn on the natural process of regeneration of damaged tissue. Additional treatment with vitamins and pharmaceuticals will speed up skin healing and allow you to acquire the necessary tone.

Benefits of mesotherapy

With this procedure, skin rejuvenation occurs. The effect is achieved primarily by renewing the skin layer and improving metabolic processes in tissues. Mesotherapy can be performed at any age, but it is advisable not to do it for teenagers under 17-18 years old. The procedure is painless, and the effect lasts for one and a half to two years.

The procedure effectively solves the following skin problems:

  • The severity of pigmentation is reduced, skin color is evened out;
  • Fat deposits are removed, the volume of the cheeks is reduced;
  • Improves hair growth by accelerating cellular metabolism;
  • Smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin and moisturizes it.

Devices for home therapy

To buy a really high-quality mesoscooter, listen to the recommendations of the best cosmetologists in the country. Choose the device that best suits your needs for facial skin treatment and correction.

Perfect Photo Portion

Perfect Photo device from Japanese manufacturers. The price of such a miracle device starts from 90 thousand rubles , however, it fully justifies every penny invested. The mesotherapy function is combined with electroporation, which makes the device an indispensable assistant in the fight for youth and beauty. The device can affect areas of the dermis with current and LED radiation in various color spectra.

Beauty Iris Gezatone m708

The French counterpart of the device presented above has similar functions, however, it costs much less. Iris affects the face with three types of currents, one of which is galvanic. You can learn more about the effects of currents on facial skin here. The device removes wrinkles, discolors age spots and tightens facial contours.

Gezatone m9900

The American-made device performs a wide range of procedures. These include: electrical stimulation, chromotherapy, mesoporation and many others. All of them are available when using the device at home. The price of Gezatone m9900 is 6 thousand rubles . Thousands of women who have tried this device leave only positive reviews about home therapy. Here is one of them: Lesya, 39 years old, Magnitogorsk. Purchased Gezatone m9900 at a discount at a price of 5 thousand rubles. It was collecting dust in a distant drawer for a long time: I was afraid to use it after reading negative reviews about home rejuvenation. When I plucked up the courage and performed the first procedure, I couldn’t believe my eyes: the skin tightened, the red spots in the nose area lightened. Thanks to this care, I look about 30 years old. Gezaton has served faithfully for more than three years. I definitely recommend it.

Ionic Mask

This device comes from the USA. Its price does not exceed 4 thousand rubles , however, and the set of functions is limited only by the effect of current on problem areas. Start using the device after reading the instructions . Incorrect actions lead to severe facial injuries, the treatment of which is not always possible later.

Anti-aging serums in injections

An alternative option for rejuvenation at home is the injection of youth serum into problem areas on the skin of the face. Our editors urge you to abandon this method of becoming younger and not to use this method yourself. Incorrect dosage or unnecessary trauma to the skin can lead to deformities or serious health problems. Choose only safe ways to restore skin elasticity and beauty.

Answers on questions

How to do mesotherapy for yourself if you are very afraid of pain?

The procedure is really not a pleasant one, because you have to endure needle injections into the skin, but it is still not as painful as it might seem. If the pain threshold is low, then it is recommended to use lidocaine or other drugs with an analgesic effect, thus easing your sensations.

What can replace mesotherapy?

Many women use alginate masks, which are an excellent substitute for mesotherapy. They are developed based on alginic acid, which is extracted from algae. The product can give a lifting effect, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin.

How many treatment sessions are required?

A course of home mesotherapy can consist of 5-10 sessions. The interval between procedures is 7-14 days. When the desired result is achieved, you will need to use the roller approximately once a month as maintenance therapy.

How much does a mesoscooter cost?

The average price of such a device today is 1,500 rubles.

Meso cocktails

Facial mesotherapy at home is carried out using pharmaceutical products. So that you don’t feel the agony of choice, we’ll tell you what specific products you should buy for a meso-cocktail:

  • Placentex;
  • Mineral complexes, vitamins in ampoules;
  • Glycolic acid;
  • Pharmaceutical herbal extracts;
  • Thioctic acid;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Animal extracts.

Of course, there are other active substances suitable for meso- and vitamin cocktails. Consult with a professional cosmetologist to choose the product that is right for you.

Products for home mesotherapy: with hyaluronic acid and other components

As already mentioned, you cannot use self-prepared formulations to carry out procedures with a mesoscooter at home.

Some people use the drug in combination with serums, alginate masks or creams. You shouldn't do this. Firstly, they are non-sterile and the likelihood of infection will be high. Secondly, these products are not intended for injection into the deep layers of the skin; the procedure will be ineffective.

For mesotherapy at home, you can use ready-made cocktails or single products, which are easy to buy at the pharmacy:

  1. Hyaluronic acid (low molecular weight). The drug strengthens intercellular connections, moisturizes the skin at the cellular level, and has a lifting effect.
  2. Collagen. Returns elasticity to the skin, corrects the oval of the face, reduces the depth of wrinkles.
  3. Ascorbic acid has a brightening effect, eliminates age spots, and improves complexion.
  4. Aloe vera extract moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, one of the effective remedies for problem skin.
  5. Thioctic acid improves complexion, smooths out small scars and acne marks.
  6. L-carnitine is an effective remedy for correcting facial contours.

Popular ready-made meso cocktails:

  1. DMAE. Serum with a complex effect - nourishes, moisturizes, starts the process of cell regeneration. The use of this drug helps smooth out wrinkles, improves skin tone and improves complexion.
  2. Blessie Anti-Aging is a cocktail with a pronounced anti-aging effect.
  3. MYM dermaroller is a universal product for maintaining facial skin tone.
  4. GIBILAN. Mesococktail containing ginko biloba extract, which strengthens blood vessels and reduces rosacea.
  5. Stretchcare is a meso-cocktail with a rejuvenating effect, designed for mature skin.

These cocktails are used in mesotherapy in many salons and are available for home use.

Rules for the correct selection of meso cocktails

To choose the right ingredients for a meso cocktail, use a few golden rules :

  1. Be sure to visit a dermatologist , find out about your skin problems and talk about upcoming home therapy. The dermatologist will indicate the active substances suitable for a particular case.
  2. Do not mix components purchased at the pharmacy. Lack of knowledge about creating anti-aging mixtures leads to terrifying consequences, including toxic poisoning. If you decide to mix several substances, first consult with a practicing cosmetologist. Under no circumstances listen to advice on women's forums: what suits one woman can cause significant harm to another.

It is important to follow safety precautions when using each product, so carefully read the instructions for the current formulations.

Important nuances

  1. The home mesotherapy procedure is best done in the evening. This will increase the efficiency of the recovery process and allow the reddened and slightly swollen dermis to calm down during sleep.
  2. Before going out into the sun after the mesotherapy procedure, it is important to apply a cream with SPF factors to the skin.
  3. At the initial stage - about 3 weeks necessary for the skin to adapt - the frequency of use of the dermaroller should not exceed 1 time every 2-3 days. After this period, daily use of the device is permissible if the length of its needles does not exceed 0.5 mm.
  4. Before each subsequent session, it is important to make sure that the dermis has fully recovered.
  5. To prevent getting used to the home mesotherapy procedure and reducing its effectiveness, it is recommended to undergo courses of 10–20 procedures 1–2 times a week and repeat the courses twice a year. Breaks between courses will help the dermis maintain its natural regeneration abilities. But it is important to take into account that addiction most often occurs not to the dermaroller, but to cosmetics based on collagen, hyaluronic acid and other active ingredients used in combination with it.
  6. The mesoscooter must be stored in a protective case, protecting the instrument from contact with hard surfaces.
  7. Such devices must be changed promptly, avoiding the use of instruments with blunt or damaged needles.
  8. After a fall, the dermaroller must be replaced, since further use of a fallen instrument can cause skin damage.

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How to carry out the procedure correctly

Facial mesotherapy at home is not a procedure that can be done relying on intuition. To perform the correct movements with a mesoscooter and not make mistakes when applying a cocktail to your skin, watch the training videos and read the step-by-step instructions :

  1. Wash your face using tonic or foam. It is ideal if you rinse your face with a herbal decoction of chamomile.
  2. Disinfect the mesoscooter. To do this, dip the roller in alcohol for three minutes.
  3. Wipe the areas you are going to treat with icecaine or dicoine. This will make the procedure painless.
  4. Apply meso cocktail.
  5. Start massaging your face using a mesoscooter. Walk each line at least 10 times. Lines for the procedure will be given below in the text.
  6. Finish the massage by washing the mesoscooter in alcohol.
  7. Apply a mask : it can be a nourishing or moisturizing composition. Read more about masks here.

Carry out the home rejuvenation procedure once every 20 days . Do not overdo it: the skin must go through a full cycle of cell regeneration. Once you see the first results, you will become a fan of home rejuvenation.

Massage lines

Let's consider the main massage lines that need to be carried out with a mesoscooter:

  1. Frontal lobe: from the center to the right and left temple;
  2. Superciliary area: from the eyebrows to the hairline;
  3. Nasolabial zone: from the nostrils to the upper border of the ears to the left and right;
  4. Chin area: move to the left and right shoulder, grabbing the central part of the neckline.

When performing a massage, use all the lines described. You should not run the mesoscooter over them more than 15 times to avoid injury to the skin.

Types of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy can be performed on the face and other parts of the body. The procedure not only solves aesthetic problems, but also helps to lose weight. Mesotherapy is performed in different ways. The most popular is injection, when drugs are injected into the skin using syringes with ultra-thin needles. In addition, there are the following types of mesotherapy:

  • Hardware. With this method, drugs are applied to the skin and treated with special devices;
  • Oxygen. The meso cocktail penetrates the skin pores under the pressure of a stream of oxygen;
  • Mesoscooter. The medicine is applied to the skin and carefully rolled with a roller;
  • Laser. The meso cocktail is delivered under the skin using an infrared laser.

Rehabilitation period

Home therapy has a rehabilitation period : skin injuries almost never go away without leaving a trace. Over the next few days, swelling and bruising will be present on the face. Follow these tips to reduce recovery time:

  • Limit visits to the sauna, bathhouse, solarium or beach;
  • During recovery, give up alcohol and smoking;
  • Do not attend training sessions or take any additional physical activity;
  • Do not paint your face with decorative cosmetics;
  • Do not press on damaged skin areas or rub them.

How to roll a mesoscooter on your face, diagram

Experts say that any cosmetic procedure will be more effective if the optimal direction of movements is strictly observed. Following the pattern of facial massage lines for the mesoscooter ensures that the skin is directed in the right direction and protects it from excessive stretching.

Massage lines pass:

  • from the décolleté area up the neck;
  • from the chin up and to the sides;
  • from the nasolabial zone - to the earlobes;
  • vertically along the bridge of the nose;
  • from the area between the eyebrows up and to the sides to the temples;
  • from the inner corners of the eyes along the upper eyelids towards the temples and back along the lower eyelids.

Following the correct directions of movements during massage helps to achieve excellent results in the shortest possible time. Sometimes patients, in an effort to obtain maximum results, purchase an instrument with needles 1 mm long, apply strong pressure to the roller and achieve the “blood dew” effect. For reasons of sterility, this should not be done at home. Start with short needles and light strokes, gradually increasing pressure. If rare drops of blood appear, remove them with a cotton swab soaked in chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

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Unfortunately, mesotherapy can bring not only joy from the effect obtained, but also make you worry. If the consequences of the rehabilitation period have not passed on the third day , consult a doctor immediately. Any delay can lead to serious complications. Among them are:

  • Inflammation and infection resulting from punctures;
  • Facial muscle atrophy;
  • Allergies and swelling;
  • Lymphostasis;
  • Itching;
  • Lumps under the skin that develop into serious tumors.

If you notice any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Do not try to treat the effects of home rejuvenation with pharmaceutical products yourself or using advice from forums.

Whatever rejuvenation product you choose, be sure to weigh all the pros and cons. We hope that the article “Mesotherapy at home using pharmaceutical products” fully answered all your questions and helped you make the right decision.

Instructions: how to do it yourself?

Manual procedure:

  1. cleanse your face;
  2. disinfect the skin;
  3. draw the drug into the syringe;
  4. Apply using the micropapules method to the desired area of ​​the face: only around the eyes or over the entire surface of the skin (read about mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes here).

Hardware, or fractional, is carried out using special devices.

  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need to wash and disinfect your facial skin;
  2. apply the selected drug;
  3. carry out the procedure using a special device for home mesotherapy.


One of the popular injection methods of preserving youth is biorevitalization. The principle of action is based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid (a biological moisturizing component). After 25 years, the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases, hence the first wrinkles, dryness and dull appearance of the skin.

An alternative to biorevitalization is taking hyaluronic acid in tablets. Leading aesthetic centers in Asia have conducted research and found that a course of taking such medications helps restore the skin's water balance, enhance collagen production, and even help solve joint problems.

A visible effect is achieved only by regular course intake, drinking two liters of water a day to retain moisture in the body, as well as a combination of hyaluronic acid tablets with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Salon techniques

An experienced cosmetologist will definitely offer you an alternative to injections. If you decide to fight imperfections such as fine wrinkles, acne, enlarged pores, pigmentation and post-acne, a good result can be achieved with professional facial cleansing and peeling.

Peeling based on fruit and other acids gently removes rough skin and activates the appearance of new healthy cells. Depending on the depth of penetration, this procedure eliminates wrinkles, age spots and scars and significantly rejuvenates the skin.

Cleansing your face will also help refresh your look. Thanks to the accuracy and careful work of the master, all impurities are removed, pores are narrowed, and the face looks fresher and younger. Today, salons offer both manual cleaning and the ultrasonic method.

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