Yogurt face masks: benefits of a mask made from natural homemade yogurt

Hello, dear readers!

Yogurt is a very tasty and versatile product. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and is so beneficial for our body.

The best yogurt is natural, homemade from starter culture and only natural ingredients. It is this kind of product that is the most useful, and not the store-bought one with chemicals.

Yogurt for the face has antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It perfectly relieves redness, inflammation, removes acne, moisturizes the skin, makes the skin clean, healthy, radiant, elastic, moisturized, and prevents aging.

Chemical composition

A yogurt mask is very effective for the face, because it contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

This product, thanks to its chemical composition, not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also softens, smoothes it, tones it, and the pleasant aroma of the mask will give you pleasure from the procedure.

So, these are the beneficial elements a yogurt mask has:

  • vitamin A – contains anti-inflammatory properties, removes acne, moisturizes the skin
  • B vitamins – make the skin moisturized, nourished, firm, elastic, radiant, eliminate oily shine from the face, protect it from wind, frost, sun
  • ascorbic acid – stimulates collagen production, increases blood circulation in cells, rejuvenates
  • nicotinic acid – protects cells from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind, bleach, temperature changes, sea salt
  • macro- and microelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, copper, selenium, manganese, zinc, chromium, fluorine) - have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, relieve inflammation, neutralize excessive sebum secretion, prevent the appearance of acne, restore metabolism
  • lactic acid – cleanses pores, exfoliates dead cells, moisturizes the skin, makes it tight and elastic

When should you use a yogurt mask?

The maximum benefit from the mask can be obtained if the recommendations for its use are followed exactly.

In most cases, a yogurt face mask is used for the following cosmetic problems:

  1. Insufficient skin care, causing it to become gray and dark circles to appear under the eyes.
  2. Aging skin that needs restoration and rejuvenation.
  3. Lack of sufficient skin hydration, which leads to dryness and cracks of the skin.
  4. Excessive sebum production that needs to be normalized.
  5. Regular care for normal skin type.

Since a face mask made from yogurt is a natural remedy, there are no restrictions on its use.

However, you should pay attention to the ingredients contained in the mask, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

Benefits for the face

The beneficial substances contained in yogurt actively penetrate the skin cells. They activate the metabolism, enhance the production of collagen, after which the skin condition improves for the better, namely a mask with yogurt for the face:

  • improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • perfectly moisturizes and tones
  • cleanses pores of dirt
  • tightens enlarged pores
  • restores metabolism
  • nourishes with vitamins and minerals
  • evens out complexion
  • relieves redness, inflammation, and irritation on the face
  • softens the skin
  • prevents aging
  • stimulates collagen production
  • has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties
  • gives a healthy complexion
  • eliminates shine

Yogurt mask recipes

Yogurt face masks can be used for all skin types. Recipes for such masks will differ in composition. Here are the best recipes for any skin.

For normal skin type, a mask with yogurt and protein is suitable


  • 25 ml yogurt without additives;
  • one egg white;
  • one apricot.

Peel one apricot fruit, then grind the pulp and mix with yogurt and whipped egg white. Next, the prepared mixture must be applied to the surface of the facial skin, after 20-25 minutes the mask is removed with a cotton swab. Then you need to wash your face with slightly cold water.

Moisturizing mask with yogurt and beets


  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • one yolk;
  • 10 g grated beets.

Mix the listed ingredients. The mask is applied evenly to the skin. After 30 minutes, the mask is carefully removed with warm water without soap. A moisturizing mask refreshes your facial skin and makes it healthier.

Yogurt mask for oily skin types


  • 25 g chopped cucumber;
  • 25 ml yogurt;
  • white of one egg.

Prepare a mask by mixing all ingredients. After this, apply it evenly to the neck and face, and cover the skin with a little damp gauze on top. After 15-25 minutes, wash with cold water. The protein and cucumber in the mask tighten pores and smooth and brighten the skin.

Cleansing mask with flour and plum pulp


  • one soft plum;
  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • 10 g wheat flour.

First of all, you need to peel the plum, remove the pit, and mash the pulp. Then add the rest of the mask ingredients and mix. After this, spread over the skin and wait half an hour. The mask is removed with water without using soap. This mask removes excess sebum and nourishes the skin.

Nourishing mask with yogurt and apple for dry skin type


  • a small piece of apple;
  • 10 ml yogurt;
  • one yolk.

Make a paste from the apple pulp, add yogurt and yolk, stir. The prepared mask is distributed in a layer over the skin of the face and neck. Then after 15 minutes the cosmetic mass is washed off with water. This type of mask softens the skin, saturates it with vitamins and moisturizes it.

Mask with yogurt and salad to soften the skin


  • 1 lettuce leaf;
  • some yogurt.

Cut the lettuce leaf, add yogurt. Apply to skin and leave for 25 minutes. After this, wash your face with warm water. When the skin is cleansed, wash again, but with cold water. Salad and yogurt have a softening effect, make the skin smooth and nourish it.

Cleansing mask with yogurt and peach


  • ripe peach;
  • 10 ml yogurt.

Chop the peach, add yogurt. Mix into a homogeneous mass and apply to the skin. Leave for half an hour. Yogurt and peach soften and cleanse dry skin from rough particles.

Tips for use

A yogurt mask does not require much effort to prepare. It is quite light and easy to prepare. But there are some recommendations that must be followed in order for the mask to be more effective on our skin:

  1. For oily skin, take a product with a low or non-greasy percentage, and for dry skin, choose a product with a higher percentage.
  2. Before applying the mask, cleanse your face with a scrub or steam bath.
  3. Apply the mask along the massage lines.
  4. Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Do it 1-2 times a week.

How does fermented milk product affect the skin?

Natural yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria, which have various therapeutic properties:

  • moisturize;
  • stimulate the skin barrier function;
  • removes toxins and free radicals;
  • improve respiration in epidermal cells;
  • smooth out shallow wrinkles;
  • increase skin elasticity.

Photo: Replyua.net
Fermented milk product is rich in calcium, monosaccharides, organic acids, micro- and macroelements. The probiotics it contains are involved in the synthesis of fibrillar protein and the formation of collagen fibers.

Banana product for nutrition and improvement of skin tone

A homemade mask using a tropical fruit allows you to cope with several unpleasant defects of the dermis. Regular application of the composition replenishes the lack of moisture, especially in the autumn-winter period, and prevents peeling. Effective color evening, getting rid of pigmentation and red spots is another advantage of a “delicious” homemade mask.

Preparation, use:

  1. Using a fork, turn the peeled banana (half is enough) into a smooth puree.
  2. Add honey (10 g), fermented milk product (20 ml).
  3. Grind the yolk until white and pour into the main mixture.
  4. Mix the mixture and apply to problem areas (cheeks, forehead, chin, neck).
  5. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

After removing the product, it is recommended to pamper your face with a contrast wash. Alternating water at different temperatures has a beneficial effect on the dermis - tone improves, metabolic processes are activated, and resistance to external negative influences increases.

Cleanser – home peeling

It is recommended to use yogurt-based peeling against keratinized particles of the dermis, oily film, dirt and even blackheads. The advantage of a simple mixture prepared at home is that at the same time as cleansing, the active ingredients nourish the skin tissue.

Preparation, use:

  1. Mix coffee grounds (15 gr.), yogurt (20 gr.).
  2. Gently take the mixture with your fingertips and apply to the face.
  3. Using gentle movements, trying not to cause pain, massage the skin.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. After removing the mixture with warm water, it is recommended to relieve irritation with chamomile infusion (brew 15 grams of dried flowers with 60 ml of boiling water).

Expert opinion


Peeling according to the folk recipe is recommended to be carried out no more than once a week. Abuse of the procedure will lead to thinning of the skin, changes in color, and the appearance of unsightly spots.

A simple effective remedy for acne, rashes, blackheads

The benefits of yogurt for facial skin are not limited to rejuvenating and smoothing the dermis - the product contains unique components that can relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate acne and even purulent acne!

The results are noticeable after the first manipulations - the number of rashes is significantly reduced, even subcutaneous formations disappear.

Preparation, use:

  1. Grind almonds (20 g), add olive oil (3-6 drops), honey (10 g).
  2. Add yogurt, the mass should be thick, reminiscent of homemade sour cream.
  3. Distribute with your fingertips over the problematic dermis, while simultaneously performing a light massage.
  4. Cover the mask with gauze and leave for half an hour.

Use only warm water to rinse. There is no need for detergents - the composition effectively cleanses and even removes the contents of pores.

Expert opinion


The mask has one contraindication – an individual reaction to bee products. If honey provokes irritation (spots of redness, rashes, burning), it is better to use a different recipe.

Mixing yogurt with other ingredients:

You have the option of using natural, plain yogurt on its own or in combination with other skin-friendly ingredients. Some of the ingredients you can use to enhance the effects of your yogurt face mask are:

Grated carrots:

If you have dry skin and want it to look healthy, soft and hydrated, add some grated carrot to yogurt and apply it on your face. It will rejuvenate the skin and give it a natural, attractive shine.

Lemon juice:

This is a great addition to yogurt if you have oily skin. This will help clear clogged pores and relax your skin. Lemon juice helps even out skin tone and make it brighter.


To make your skin supple, add some honey to a yogurt face mask and apply on your face. Honey is a natural humectant, according to the National Honey Board, and locks moisture into your skin and keeps it from drying out. This reduces the chances of wrinkles forming. Additionally, honey has antibacterial properties that help fight pimples and acne.

Mask for spots and scars

Yogurt and lemon contain lactic and citric acid, which help lighten the skin. By combining these powerful ingredients, you can not only fade blemishes, but also scar marks. For those with sensitive skin, it is advisable to test on a small area of ​​skin first.

What you will need:

  1. Plain yogurt – 80 grams.
  2. Freshly squeezed lemon juice from 1/2 lemon.

Oatmeal mask

To get rid of signs of age, wrinkles, deep folds and even crow's feet, it is recommended to carry out procedures using a universal mask. The product can eliminate all signs of aging and at the same time even out the skin tone.

Preparation, use:

  1. Using a blender, process the oats into a fine flour.
  2. Pour 25 gr. prepared yogurt powder (30 ml).
  3. Leave to swell at room temperature for half an hour.
  4. If you are not allergic to honey, add a small amount of bee product.
  5. Distribute over the skin, gently massage the surface of the face.

Things to remember:

While a yogurt face mask is great for your skin, there are a few precautions you need to take.

  • If you have sensitive skin, you may experience a slight tingling sensation when applying the mask. However, if your skin is ultra-sensitive, you may experience a stinging and stinging sensation. If such a reaction occurs, immediately rinse the mask with water. Get an allergy test. You may be allergic to lactic acid or the probiotics present in natural yogurt.
  • If you are allergic to dairy or alpha and/or beta hydroxyl acid, unfortunately you will not be able to use the yogurt mask and enjoy its benefits.
  • When purchasing yogurt for a face mask, make sure you choose one that is plain, organically produced, and full of saturated fat. You definitely want full-strength yogurt to ensure your skin gets all the hydration and nutrition it deserves.

Products for normal skin

Yogurt and lemon juice make an ideal remedy for regular facial care for normal skin. Add a dessert spoon of juice to 2 tablespoons of fermented milk product. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture. The product, which makes the skin velvety, is left on the face for ¼ hour. At the end of the procedure, the mask is washed off with slightly warm water.

The scrub mask is made from 3 tablespoons of yogurt, a tablespoon of ground Hercules flakes and a teaspoon of honey. After mixing the ingredients, the scrub is applied to the face along massage lines. ¼ hour after application, the mask is washed off.

A mixture of 2 parts yogurt and one part chopped parsley and dill will help lighten normal skin and remove freckles from the face. It is applied to the face for ¼ hour.

To whiten normal skin and improve complexion, use a mask of 2 parts of a dairy product and one part of cucumber pulp mixed with chopped carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes, and zucchini. The procedure time is ¼ hour. Afterwards, rinse your face with slightly warm water.

Kefir for hair growth

It’s no wonder that kefir is so popular in hair and skin care. Kefir is especially useful for hair growth. After all, this is a very affordable and effective remedy, known for a very long time.

Kefir can be regularly used in its pure form, without any additives. But there are certain rules: Kefir needs to be heated, and not taken directly from the refrigerator and immediately applied to your hair. Apply kefir shortly before washing your hair, you can keep it for as long as you have time for this. Then rinse with shampoo and conditioner. Remember that you should not use kefir masks if you have recently dyed your hair and do not want to wash off your new hair color. If desired, you can add such improvised ingredients as honey, yolk, aloe juice, any oils to kefir - all this will only be beneficial.

Mustard dries out oily hair, so apply this mask to the scalp, avoiding the ends of the hair. Thanks to this mask, it will not only reduce the greasiness of your hair, but also accelerate its growth.

Moisturizing “cocktail”

It is recommended to use a fermented milk product for those with very dry dermis, replete with flaky areas. In combination with certain components, yogurt can saturate the epidermal tissue with moisture, prevent dehydration, and protect the face from the harmful effects of wind, frost, and ultraviolet radiation.

Preparation, use:

  1. Place brewer's yeast (20 g) in a small container.
  2. Pour in yogurt (30-35 ml).
  3. Add olive oil (5 ml), wheat germ (3 ml).
  4. Add powdered oatmeal flakes (30 g) into the mixture.
  5. Stir the mixture, if it is too thick, add more yogurt, if the consistency is liquid, add oatmeal.
  6. Apply the prepared mixture to the dermis, if there is a little product left, distribute it on the décolleté and neck.

Expert opinion


Wash off no earlier than after a quarter of an hour. Repeat the manipulations every other day. After the peeling disappears, carry out procedures less frequently - 1-2 times a week.

Cooking process

Mix yogurt and flour thoroughly in a clean bowl and apply the mixture to tanned skin using a spatula. Leave it on for half an hour and then massage with your fingers and rinse with water. Use this mask daily for 3 weeks to completely get rid of uneven tan residue.

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Review from a cosmetologist

Yogurts sold in our stores are not suitable as a base for masks. Of course, nothing bad will happen to your skin, but you can’t count on any special healing effect. And it doesn't matter which recipe you choose. On the other hand, purchasing a yogurt maker will require some additional expenses from you, but this will allow you to get an environmentally friendly product without preservatives and dyes. You understand that if yogurt can be stored for several months, this is achieved by introducing certain components into its composition. Evaluate the effect of a mask with yogurt:

  • Excellent, I will use it regularly!
  • Okay, sometimes you can use a recipe.
  • I didn't like the result.
  • I'm afraid to even try!


Making healthy homemade yogurt

For cosmetic purposes, natural yogurt without flavorings or synthetic additives is used. If you wish, you can make it yourself, even without a yogurt maker:

  • Boil 1 liter of milk over low heat for 2-3 minutes;
  • cool to 40°C;
  • add 0.5 g of dry starter;
  • sterilize a 1 liter glass jar;
  • pour milk into it and close it with a nylon lid;
  • place the jar in a pan with warm water and cover with a lid;
  • wrap the pan with a thick blanket;
  • after 8-9 hours, remove the jar from the pan and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

To preserve maximum nutrients in yogurt, it is kept at a temperature of up to 8°C for no more than 4-5 days.

Contraindications to the use of yogurt for facial skin

Since natural yogurt contains many urgently needed components for the body and does not include artificial and toxic substances, there are no direct contraindications to its use.
The exception is cases of individual intolerance to certain components, ingestion or application to the skin of which can cause disruption in the body's functioning or allergic reactions. Often additional ingredients are added to yogurt for the face, for example, sea buckthorn, honey, cocoa, etc. This factor should also be taken into account when determining contraindications. Individual components may pose a certain danger if there is a possibility of an allergic reaction. It should be noted that not all yogurt is healthy and safe for both the body as a whole and skin cells. Let us describe in more detail the undesirable characteristics of this product:

  • Pasteurization, which can extend the shelf life of the product, but reduces the content of nutrients.
  • The presence of any third-party additives in the product, for example, flavors or dyes.
  • Long shelf life indicated on the packaging. The shelf life of live yogurt does not exceed 5 days.

Due to the dishonesty of some manufacturers of fermented milk products, it is advisable to make yogurt at home from fresh milk using a special starter.

Egg based mask

Enlarged pores are a defect that is difficult to disguise even with a thick layer of cosmetics. You should not try to hide the hated manifestation on the face - home procedures using fermented milk mixtures will quickly narrow the pores, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and rid the dermis of an untidy oily sheen.

Preparation, use:

  1. Grind the egg into a homogeneous fluffy mass.
  2. Add 20 gr. yogurt.
  3. Pour in ether (jojoba oil, sandalwood).
  4. Use the product immediately - spread over the dermis with gentle massaging movements.
  5. The mixture will take only a quarter of an hour to act.

Expert opinion


Remove with a cotton pad pre-soaked in warm water. There is no need to wash your face or use nourishing or moisturizing preparations - a mass based on a fermented milk product successfully saturates the epidermis with vitamins, moisture, and retains them inside.

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