Detox creams and masks: how necessary are they and do they work in principle?

Ideal people with flawless skin look out from TV screens and magazine covers, and you really want to be like them. A healthy complexion is the key to success; of course, a lot depends on nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle. Skin care is not the last thing on this list; sometimes you need to help the body get rid of the negative influence of external factors, reboot and get rid of toxins.

Detox cosmetics come to the rescue; they work in the deep layers of the skin, literally pushes out harmful substances and dirt, and helps renewal. You need a reboot of this kind if you want to help give your face an even surface, the perfect shade and a healthy color.

In this article:

What is detoxHow do detox masks and creams work5 reasons to start using detox creams and masksIs detox necessary only for mature skin

What is detox

Photo by Polina Kovaleva: Pexels
Facial skin is a kind of protective barrier between the environment and the body; it is the first to take the blow of negative factors and accumulates toxins and dirt. Mountain air, spring water, lack of dust, ecological products are ideal conditions for the skin, but life in the modern world forces you to plunge into a more aggressive environment.

The skin must cleanse itself, remove the trapped “garbage”, due to the large number of negative factors that the body is not designed for, it is not always possible to cope, detox cosmetics come to the rescue.

Restoration of the epidermis occurs due to improved blood circulation and lymph flow, fluid does not stagnate in the layers of the skin and toxins come out.

Cells are better saturated with oxygen, the division process accelerates. The face becomes smooth, fine wrinkles disappear, dark circles under the eyes and signs of fatigue disappear, the skin acquires a natural color and glows with health.

Metabolism in cells needs stimulation if your lifestyle is stressful. Lack of sleep, poor or unhealthy diet, dirty air, and regular stress deplete not only the skin, but also the body as a whole. The face requires additional care in the form of detox masks and creams; this is a kind of resuscitation and restoration of the beauty and health of the skin. The products in this series act comprehensively and solve several problems at once.

Face masks that really change your skin! And money down the drain

The following problems indicate the need for detox:

  • Unnatural skin color;
  • Acne and allergic rashes;
  • Dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles at a very young age;
  • Capillary mesh and pigment spots;
  • Reduced skin elasticity.

What cleansing procedures can you undergo at the NaturaMed center?

There are many detox programs, which can be done at home or in a salon. These are massages, wraps, peelings, special detox cosmetics. Priority should be given to the complex version and natural ingredients. After a detox course of skin cleansing:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • pores are cleared and narrowed;
  • acne disappears;
  • metabolic and regenerating processes are restored.

To achieve these goals, a comprehensive detox for facial skin is carried out; what this is, you can find out in detail from the specialists of the wellness center. An individual complex is selected for each client based on diagnostic data and personal wishes.

The advantages are comfortable conditions, highly professional staff, the use of traditional and latest techniques without the use of medications.

All ingredients of detox masks for the scalp, face, and body are completely natural, which ensures their high biocompatibility, the absence of side effects and a long list of contraindications. This allows you to get sustainable positive results.

How detox masks and creams work

The body gives you a signal in the form of skin problems that it needs help coping with the aggressive effects of negative factors. It is better to solve this problem comprehensively; cosmetic products must be supplemented with proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Toxins accumulate in skin cells, the more there are, the more difficult it is to remove them, and all the problems appear one after another, masks and creams will come to the rescue.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch: Pexels

Cosmetics labeled “detox” appeared relatively recently, but have gained enormous popularity among brands. It is a mistake to believe that creams and masks are needed only for aging skin; young girls can solve a number of problems with the help of cosmetics.

Detox ingredients penetrate deep into the pores, literally pull out the “dirt” out and free the cells from accumulated toxins. Oxygen penetrates better into the epidermis, promotes the delivery of beneficial vitamins and elements, which is why masks are often covered with bubbles.

Skin drainage improves, lymph flow ensures cells are filled with fluid. The face is smoothed out, wrinkles disappear. The epidermis divides more actively, the rejuvenation process is further accelerated and premature aging is prevented.

Detox masks and creams restore the skin's protective barrier, pores produce the right amount of sebaceous fat, and rashes go away. The result depends on the cause of the problems; if the unhealthy appearance of the face appeared due to a difficult work week, then it will be easy to restore the pores, just rest enough and apply a couple of cosmetics.

Dull skin, as a result of general fatigue and regular lack of sleep, is “treated” comprehensively, masks and creams are supplemented with proper nutrition and general health improvement of the body. Advanced cases can only be corrected by a doctor, but skincare products with a detox effect will definitely be on the treatment list.


List of popular detox ingredients included in masks and creams:

  • Volcanic ash;
  • Coffee bean oil;
  • Nasturtium extract;
  • Plant stem cells;
  • Substances extracted from the Dead Sea;
  • Oxygen peroxide.

Types of drugs

The cause of intoxication is often cell hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen. This situation leads to a slowdown in the removal of waste. In this case, it is necessary to use creams or gels containing oxygen (encapsulated). Such products refresh the complexion, increase skin sensitivity, normalize hydrobalance and moisturize the skin. An example of such cosmetics is Take a Deep Breath Philosophy.

Universal facial skin cleansing is based on the use of products with vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, as well as masks based on seaweed containing alginic acid and healthy salts. The latter are capable of drawing out any kind of pollution, including salts of heavy metals.

Seaweed mask

An alternative to cleansing using cosmetic masks are peelings. They bring faster, more pronounced results and provide the deepest possible cleansing. Enzymes that have a natural and gentle effect (for example, papaya enzymes) are well suited for detoxification. They remove surface contaminants without affecting the epidermis or causing skin irritation.

The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of products for detox procedures. At the moment, you can purchase both budget and expensive drugs:

  • Capture Totale ONE Essential (Dior). This is a basic serum for regular use. Use before applying cream. Refreshes the skin, makes it clean, smooth, removes accumulations of toxins.
  • Fresh Face from Biobeauty. A domestic budget development, which is a peeling product based on clay and minerals. The principle of operation is based on pulling out impurities from the pores.
  • No.1 Purity Cleansing Balm (Rem ). A popular product in Europe that provides maximum cleansing without the drying effect. Contains a complex of natural ingredients, including: almond oil, chamomile, rose and violet leaf extracts.
  • Perfecting toning lotion from Ives Rocher. A budget option from a popular cosmetic brand. The action is based on white tea extracts, which saturate cells with oxygen and increase local immunity. Additional ingredients include mint, which is cooling, and chamomile, which is soothing.

Fresh Face peeling for dry skin Biobeauty

At the end of the detox cleansing, it is recommended to massage the skin. It accelerates blood flow and lymph movement, which also stimulates the elimination of toxins.

Is detox only necessary for mature skin?

They improve blood circulation and push out toxins, speed up metabolism in skin cells. The appearance improves, the face acquires a healthy tone without signs of fatigue. Cosmetics work better than before, wrinkles disappear. Don’t believe the myth that detox is invented only for those over 40. Such a program is also necessary for young skin if the appearance is far from ideal.

Detox masks and creams should be used at any age if there are skin problems caused by lack of sleep, poor diet and dirty air. These cosmetics will cope with a number of problems and improve the protective function of the epidermis. A professional cosmetologist will prescribe treatment for advanced cases, and minor problems can be solved on your own, just buy a mask and cream in the store.

Skin detoxification protocol

The first procedure in the protocol is the activation of lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. For lymphatic drainage techniques, the drug Hyalual 1.1% is used, since it contains the smallest amount of hyaluronic acid, namely 11 mg/ml, which is known to attract water, which does not contribute to lymphatic drainage. In this case, the concentration of sodium succinate is 1.6%, that is, 16 mg/ml, which is the proven required concentration to ensure physiological function.

The injection technique is micropapular, intradermal injection. This allows you to actively stimulate the lymphatic vessels of the face and neck.

The component composition of the drug normalizes skin hydration and affects fibroblast mitochondria, stimulating metabolism. The procedure is carried out twice every 14 days. This is an excellent preparation for further stimulating hardware procedures, surgical techniques, as well as botulinum therapy to prevent swelling.

There are two proprietary methods of lymphatic drainage technique that take into account the main pathways of lymphatic drainage - the method of S. A. Korytseva (Fig. 2)

and the technique of L.A. Balitskaya
(Fig. 3)

Rice. 2. Lymphatic drainage technique according to the method of S. A. Korytseva.

Rice. 3. Lymphatic drainage technique according to the method of L. A. Balitskaya.

The use of these techniques is the first step in the skin redermalization complex. After detoxing once with Hyalual 1.1%, depending on the morphotype of aging, the following protocols are used.

For tired and deformed types, 14 days after the first procedure, a second procedure is performed using Hyalual 1.1% in the lymphatic drainage or papular technique.

For muscular and finely wrinkled types, a procedure using the drug Hyalual 1.8% in the papular technique is indicated for the purpose of additional tissue hydration and providing an antioxidant effect. The third stage, for a tired and muscular morphotype, shows the use of the drug Hyalual 2.2% in a linear technique to strengthen the dermal matrix and provide a lifting effect.

For deformation and fine wrinkled types, according to individual indications, you can use the drug with a concentration of 1.8% or 2.2% in a linear technique. These protocols will ensure a complete skin detoxification effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

A clear advantage of detox cleansing is deep sanitation and healthier skin. Internal work is activated, appearance is improved, and well-being is stabilized. All detox effects are mild: they do not cause inconvenience and do not cause serious complications.

The downside of skin detoxification is its low effectiveness if the overall health of the body is ignored.

Attention! Problems quickly return if the influence of negative factors is not excluded.

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