Peeling after mesotherapy or vice versa: how to get the best result


Combined methods are now considered more effective than monotherapy. In addition, they significantly save patients time and help achieve excellent results. In this regard, a pressing issue is the combination of injections with chemical peels. Is it possible to combine 2 powerful vectors of action on the skin in one step, and if so, how to do it correctly? This article is devoted to answering these questions.


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Combined methods are firmly established in the routine practice of cosmetologists: they are convenient, more cost-effective and significantly save time. Patients are not “lost” during a long course, which often happens in classical schemes, and the aesthetic result is enhanced by the synergy of various effects.

One of the most pressing topics today is the combination of injections with chemical peels. Who are these procedures indicated for? Is it possible to combine 2 powerful vectors of action on the skin in one step, and if so, how to do it correctly? Which patients will respond to this effect in the most favorable way, and which patients will be harmed by this combination?

In general, almost any popular aesthetic problem - acne with post-acne phenomena, hyperpigmentation, and manifestations of aging - can be treated with both peeling and mesotherapy in all their variety of types. This indicates a potentially huge range of patients - all that remains is to identify the client’s objective problems and select the necessary medications.

The ideal patient for a combined protocol is one who does not respond well to monotherapy or wants to get everything at once in the shortest possible time. However, immediately introducing a primary patient to the combined method is quite risky and sometimes unjustified. Due to the strong stimulation of the skin, the physiological response may be excessive and is unlikely to produce the desired results. Take a thorough history, start with gentle procedures and evaluate the skin’s reactivity - this will make it easier to create an optimal program.

A “bad” patient usually has sensitive, damaged skin and multiple symptoms of the most popular angiopathy - rosacea. Such patients, after combination injections and peelings, are left with an unpleasant purple tint to the face, in other words, persistent hyperemia. But if a combined method is used, aimed at eliminating the manifestations of rosacea and normalizing the tone of the vascular walls, even patients prone to hyperemia can be selected for the procedure and successfully get rid of the problem that bothers them.

Principles of mesotherapy and peeling

To understand which is better, mesotherapy or peeling, and whether these procedures can be used simultaneously, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of both manipulations.

Peeling is the cleaning of the skin on the face from dead cells. On the skin, dermal cells systematically die off and must be removed. Otherwise, the pores become clogged, which complicates the process of nourishing the skin with the necessary nutrients contained in moisturizing and nourishing creams. As a result, redermization develops.

It should be noted that the use of peeling is not recommended for girls and women under 40 years of age, since the procedure can harm young skin.

Mesotherapy, like peeling, is aesthetic medicine; it helps solve problems with facial skin. This procedure is not just an injection, but a complex effect on the integument and systems in the body through the administration of drugs through nerve receptors.

In mesotherapy, cosmetics or medicinal components in the form of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, herbal extracts, etc. can be used. The effects of administering the drug are:

  1. Healing. The depth, dosage and components of the solution depend on the effect you want to achieve from the treatment: break down fat deposits, rejuvenate the skin and normalize the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
  2. Stimulating. The needle stimulates blood circulation mechanically, and in addition improves microcirculation thanks to accompanying medications.
  3. Updating. The effect on the skin is similar to exfoliation: due to damage to the integument, their regeneration processes are launched.
  4. Euphoretic. The body responds to stimulation of nerve receptors by synthesizing opiates, which protect against stress.
  5. Reflexogenic. This procedure is characterized by the development of an effect similar to reflexology.

How to care for your skin after the procedure?

Manipulations with delicate facial skin are not in vain; do not forget to properly care for your face after a course of cosmetic procedures.

Do not neglect these rules to achieve the best results on your skin:

  • You can’t wash your face with water for 24 hours and avoid getting water on your face, i.e. you can’t shower completely or take a bath. Wipe your face with a soft toner that does not contain salicylic acid, alcohol and a number of other aggressive components.
  • It is forbidden to put on makeup, even when it seems that wounds and small hematomas can be hidden with foundation. Makeup products can get into open pores and wounds, causing inflammation and bruising. Forget about decorative cosmetics for at least 3 days after the procedure.
  • It is not advisable to touch your face with your hands.
  • Use a healing cream or ointment recommended by a cosmetologist. Such products as “Solcoseryl” are good; it helps bruises to resolve, eliminates swelling, and heals small wounds on the face faster. With the help of such a product, you will quickly bring your skin into decent shape so that you can quickly show the results of the procedure to your friends and family.

Combination of peeling and mesotherapy

It is interesting that in one and the other procedure vitamin solutions of similar composition are used. As a result, you can use these manipulations separately, and it is also possible to combine peeling and mesotherapy (mesopiling). Let's consider how these procedures can be combined.

Peeling before mesotherapy

Traditionally, peeling is carried out 9 days before mesotherapy.

Another technique can also be used - exfoliation is carried out before mesotherapy, and after that (over a 3-day period) a specialist administers 3 injections every day. After 7 days, peeling is carried out again, etc.

During the recovery process, it is necessary to use creams containing glycolic acid and sunscreen components.

Both procedures in one day

If mesotherapy is carried out simultaneously with peeling, it is called mesopiling. The basis of this manipulation is the use of a vitamin cocktail containing 1-2% hyaluronic acid.

This procedure is the latest chemical exfoliation, which is often accompanied by exfoliation of the skin, skin hyperemia, and also requires at least 7 days for recovery. With mesopeeling, there is no peeling or swelling, but the skin is also deeply cleansed.

If peeling is carried out in combination with mesotherapy, the procedure has the following advantages:

  • the effect of acids is mutually enhanced;
  • recovery time is reduced;
  • the skin is rejuvenated and whitened;
  • the skin is less injured;
  • the procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, even in active sunlight;
  • Possibility of carrying out at any age;
  • acids penetrate deeper into the skin.

However, painful manifestations when giving injections are still present; in some cases, hematomas, hyperemia and allergic rashes may occur for 7 days.

A mesopeeling course involves 3-7 sessions with a weekly interval. After just 1-2 manipulations, you can notice that the skin is slightly tightened and its color begins to even out.

Peeling after mesotherapy

It is also possible to carry out peeling after mesotherapy, this allows you to enhance the mutual effect. Carrying out exfoliation before revitalization in the same way as after it helps to enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid. This also leads to improved respiration in cells, doubling the result obtained.

The use of peeling as a preparation for biorevitalization makes it possible for hyaluronic acid (alone or in combination with another acid) to significantly increase the life cycle of cellular tissue.

For example, if retinoic (yellow) peeling is performed after revitalization, the following is noted:

  • increased rejuvenation;
  • long lasting effect;
  • transience and intensity.

General issues

What affects the effectiveness of chemical peeling?

The effectiveness of the procedure is related to a number of factors. The most significant of them are the depth of penetration of the active substance and the quality of the patient’s skin, which depends on his age, state of health, and individual characteristics of the body.

The peeling effect depends on many factors

What are the most common ingredients in chemical peels?

A number of compounds are used: organic and inorganic acids of varying concentrations, alkalis, phenol derivatives. The most popular agents are alpha hydroxy acids and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Peeling preparations are presented in the form of lotions, gels, and masks.

What is better to choose

When discussing which is better - peeling or mesotherapy, after analyzing all of the above, we can conclude: mesopeeling is a more gentle procedure in which the skin practically does not exfoliate. It can be used when you need to be gentle on the skin.

Carrying out mesotherapy after peeling helps speed up skin healing and get the desired result faster. To do this, the epidermis is saturated with a solution containing vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and “youth hormone” (DMAE). As a result, there is an increase in cell endurance, elimination of inflammatory processes, renewal of collagen and elastin fibers.

The parallel use of peeling with mesotherapy allows the use of delicate exfoliation in its composition. In such a situation, thanks to exfoliation, improvements in water-lipid metabolism are observed, sebaceous ducts are cleaned, and pigmentation is whitened. It is recommended to prefer this variation if you have teenage acne, clogged pores, post-acne, or decreased tone in the skin.

For prevention purposes, you should not use radical chemical drugs; it is better to use a supportive agent.

Video: combination of mesotherapy and peeling, features of such a combination

Facial serum with hyaluronic acid: top best products according to reviews

If you're using a serum or cream marketed to replenish and hydrate, chances are you're already using a product with hyaluronic acid. However, to get the most out of this ingredient, we recommend carefully reviewing your product's ingredient list. Some formulations claim to contain hyaluronic acid, although the amount is very small.

To be sure, look for the ingredient “sodium hyaluronate” at the beginning of the ingredient list. Hyaluronic acid is a large molecule, and if it's not formulated well, it can simply sit on the surface of the skin. I would also look for other ingredients along with hyaluronic acid. For example, look for other things like ceramides, peptides, niacinamide, or other antioxidants. I also prefer products that are free of parabens, fragrances and propylene glycol.

  • Developed by scientists and experts
  • Clinically tested
  • Contains collagen booster


This anti-aging night moisturizer targets seven signs of aging. It tightens the skin, firms it, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and fights age spots. It visibly improves the appearance of your skin and improves the radiance of your skin.

  • Non-comedogenic
  • Dermatologically tested
  • Visible results with regular use
  • Contains vitamins B3, E and provitamin B5
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Reduces skin pores


  • Contains PEG-100
  • Contains alcohol


This cream is enriched with pearl extracts that instantly brighten your skin. It also contains a collagen booster that tightens the skin and improves the contours of your face. It deeply nourishes and repairs your skin overnight so you wake up with a youthful glow.

  • Dermatologically tested
  • Non-comedogenic
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Recommended by salon specialists
  • Suitable for all skin types


  • May not be suitable for some skin types in summer
  • May cause irritation

Why we love it: Besides its high concentration of pure hyaluronic acid, this serum features 10 percent, a patented molecule that supports skin hyaluronic acid levels, as well as botanical extracts of licorice root and purple rice. These ingredients work synergistically to increase hyaluronic acid levels in the skin by 30 percent. And what is the result? Long-lasting hydration and improved skin texture.

Customer reviews: “Instantly absorbs into the skin, moisturizes and plumps. Hyaluronic acid is the secret weapon of every woman over 40. I apply to freshly cleansed skin, then follow with moisturizer. I also stroke after applying makeup. Friends think I had fillers or other work done.”

Customer Reviews: “An overnight difference in texture, tone and hydration. I swear my skin looks dewy and plump, like it's hydrated and healthy. It has done wonders for my hormonal acne. Seriously keeps my cystic acne from developing!”

Why we love it: This hydrator features 5 different forms of hyaluronic acid that work synergistically to provide up to 8 hours of continuous hydration. It also contains a very powerful antioxidant from vitis flower stem cell extract, which supports the skin's natural ability to replenish its own hyaluronic acid for increased hydration and long-term skin health.

Customer Reviews: “It swells and smoothes everything out and leaves a gorgeous, silky matte veil on the skin. Never leaving skin oily or shiny. The complexion was flawless! I was hooked.”

What are beauty injections?

Mesotherapy is a procedure involving the use of subcutaneous injections . Beauty injections contain bioactive compounds that have a regenerating (restorative) effect on the epidermis.

For injections, complex solutions containing several components are used. Cocktails integrated under the skin are safe and effective.

When selecting a drug, the cosmetologist is guided by the condition of the epidermis and its characteristics.

Mesotherapy is considered a safe procedure ; it is performed on women of all ages. It is enough to take one course per year to:

  • ensure skin health;
  • slow down age-related changes;
  • eliminate or make defects on the face less noticeable.

Beauty injections help solve the following problems:

  • get rid of pigment spots;
  • make wrinkles less pronounced;
  • eliminate stretch marks and cellulite.

Reviews about this procedure are mostly positive. It has a double effect - it saturates the skin with beneficial substances and at the same time cleanses it.

You will learn all the details about mesotherapy in this video:

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