Patchouli essential oil. Properties and uses for hair, face, magic to attract money, how to use in cosmetology
Patchouli essential oil. Properties and uses for hair, face, magic to attract money, how to use in cosmetology
Oriental aromas envelop with a light haze, spicy sweetness captivates, and characteristic musky notes add tartness.
Anti-aging face masks at home after 35 - the best recipes
Anti-aging face masks at home after 35 - the best recipes
Good afternoon, dear readers. In the modern world, the cult of youth reigns. Cosmetics manufacturers spend a lot
Anti-stretch mark oil will save your skin from unpleasant stretch marks
The best oils for stretch marks for pregnant women, according to reviews
Last update: 03/03/2021 Stretch marks... a terrible word, upon hearing which half of the female population sighs hopelessly
What is Botox and how does it work. NEOMED Clinic
What is better - Botox or other methods of correcting expression lines?
Modern cosmetology offers many ways to get rid of skin imperfections. The most popular are injections with
Face masks that really change your skin! And money down the drain
Detox creams and masks: how necessary are they and do they work in principle?
Ideal people with flawless skin look from TV screens and magazine covers, I just want them
Jasmine plant
Jasmine oil: properties and uses for facial beauty
Jasmine essential oil, the properties and uses of which, despite the fact that few people do not
which peeling around the eyes is more effective?
Peeling around the eyes at home: what and how to do
One of the current popular rejuvenation procedures is peeling around the eyes. A certain part of the girls
A raw egg floats against the background of a beautiful girl
Cosmetics from the refrigerator: protein masks against blackheads
Acne or acne is a cosmetic defect that brings a person a lot of unpleasant sensations and spoils
Clear facial skin
10 ways to get rid of dark circles under your eyes forever!
Clean and shiny, open and radiant – it’s all about the eyes! In such a pathetic
Bio-Oil stretch mark oil: panacea or advertising gimmick?
Where do stretch marks come from? To determine how effective a particular remedy for stretch marks is, you should
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