Face mask with sea buckthorn: remove acne, wrinkles and treat chapped lips

All the benefits for the epidermis in one berry

Sea buckthorn is a unique product, combining Omega-3, as well as Omega-6 and Omega-9. This trio represents great wealth:

  • gives velvety skin;
  • prevents aging;
  • stimulates the healing of dermal damage;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • stimulates the body's protective functions;
  • leads to normalization of metabolism;
  • is the key to longevity;
  • fights cancer cells.

Sea buckthorn oil has a surprisingly multifaceted effect on the human body. And it can be used to improve the condition of various areas of the skin. For example, in winter, when lips lose their attractive appearance and begin to crack and bleed, ordinary hygienic lipstick does not always help. Apply sea buckthorn oil to your lips throughout the day. The healing effect will not take long to arrive, and your lips will remain sensual and beautiful.

The effect of sea buckthorn oil on the skin

Sea buckthorn oil is highly valued in the field of cosmetology; it is used for beauty procedures at home and in beauty salons, as an effective remedy for wrinkles. The product is also used to produce many interesting cosmetic products.

Within just a month of using this product, you can notice visible changes in the condition of the skin: the skin will become softer, more tender, wrinkles will be less noticeable, and the color will be better and more even. No wonder sea buckthorn oil has so many flattering reviews.

Important! The actual product should be bright orange in color and have a viscous consistency.

The amazing effect of sea buckthorn oil on the skin of the entire face, and, in particular, the effectiveness against wrinkles, occurs due to the unusual composition of the oil. It consists of:

1) Palmitoleic acid (Omega-7). This element is very rare and valuable; it is found in only a few oils. Omega-7 promotes the renewal of old cells with new ones, while increasing their elasticity.

2) Oleic acid (Omega-9). This substance creates a feeling of hydration and nourishment of the skin by helping the penetration of other nutrients into the dermis.

3) Linoleic acid. “Closes” the entrance to allergens and microbes that want to penetrate the skin.

4) Vitamins:

  • A. Has anti-aging and moisturizing properties.
  • group B. Normalize metabolic processes, are responsible for the regeneration of cellular epithelium and fight skin diseases.
  • K. Copes with facial swelling.
  • E. The strongest antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells.
  • RR. Well moisturizes the skin, while smoothing out wrinkles.
  • C. Increases turgor and elasticity of the skin by 2 times.

5) Amino acids (Alanine, Serine, Proline, etc.). Vital elements that contribute to normal skin condition.

6) Organic acids. Maintain normal acid-base balance.

7) Micro- and macroelements (Fe, Ca, Na, I, Mg). Nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Thanks to this unique composition, the following changes can be noted after using sea buckthorn oil:

  • smoothing facial wrinkles;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • increasing skin firmness and elasticity;
  • getting rid of acne and pimples.

Sea buckthorn oil, in addition to actively fighting wrinkles, can whiten the skin, eliminating age spots and freckles.

Vitamin table

Based on the chemical composition of sea buckthorn, you can study the periodic table: it contains iron, magnesium, manganese, boron, sulfur, aluminum, silicon, titanium, sodium, calcium, and that’s not all. In addition to minerals and various acids, berries are rich in vitamins. Data on the main ones are given in the table below.

Table - Vitamin composition of sea buckthorn

SubstanceDaily normQuantity per 100 g of berriesAction
Vitamin C90 mg220— Protects the body; - increases sustainable resistance to diseases; – maintains connective tissues in excellent condition
Vitamin A900 mg250— Is the key to healthy skin; - helps get rid of acne; - eliminates fine wrinkles
Vitamin E15 mg5 mg- Acts as an antioxidant; - stabilizes cell membranes; - slows down the natural aging process
Vitamin B62 mg0.11 mg— Gives hydration to the epidermis; - regulates the restoration of the skin surface; - Helps wounds heal quickly

Beta-carotene, contained in sea buckthorn, gives the skin a beautiful tone, has a rejuvenating effect, and protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Beneficial properties for the face

Sea buckthorn is a small orange berry that grows on bushes in the mountainous regions of Asia and Europe. Mentions of it can be found in ancient treatises. The oil obtained from the fruit has a viscous texture and yellow-orange color. Sea buckthorn contains more than 190 nutrients and phytonutrients.

  • Thanks to this composition, it can affect any organs and systems of the body:
  • Omega-3,6,9 fatty acids will ensure radiance, brightening and firmness of the skin;
  • antioxidants will reduce inflammation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and will also help cope with age-related aging of the skin;
  • carotene will moisturize and smooth out wrinkles;
  • Vitamin C will even out pigmentation or age spots;
  • Vitamin K will reduce swelling.

What you need to know before use

When making cosmetic masks at home, find out in advance all the nuances of using individual components. It’s the same with sea buckthorn oil: there are rules that are best known before you open the bottle.

More is not better

You cannot apply this oil to yourself in its pure form. Only in rare cases are there exceptions. But then the product is used pointwise. You can’t overdo it with sea buckthorn procedures. Why?

  • Orange color. Due to the huge amount of carotene, thoughtless use of this product will turn you into a pumpkin.
  • Skin reactions. The protective processes of aging and tight skin are weakened. And unregulated use of sea buckthorn cosmetics can provoke the development of painful processes and adverse reactions.
  • Thinning. Excess of nutrients leads to thinning of the dermis, which increases its vulnerability.

6 tips before the procedure

If you follow the recommendations, the “orange queen” will become your friend for life and preserve youth and rich skin color.

  1. Time. The procedure with orange oil lasts no more than 10-20 minutes.
  2. Periodicity. It is not recommended to make masks with sea buckthorn often; once a week is enough.
  3. Test. Test your tolerance to the product by doing a standard hand test. If the skin does not react, confidently apply the prepared mixture to your face.
  4. Restrictions. Pregnant and lactating women should temporarily avoid masks with sea buckthorn.
  5. Preparation. You need to steam your face before starting. This way, the substances will quickly absorb into the deep layers of the epidermis and begin to actively influence it.
  6. Temperature. Also use the sea buckthorn face mask itself warm.

Storage conditions for berries

You can choose both fresh fruits and sea buckthorn oil for cosmetic purposes. Here's what you need to know about picking and storing berries.

  • Harvesting. Sea buckthorn is harvested with the first frosts. The main thing is to catch it before it softens.
  • Fruit processing. To provide yourself with sea buckthorn masks all year round, wash the berries, dry them and place them in vacuum bags in one even layer.
  • Freezing. Store them in the freezer. To use sea buckthorn in cosmetic procedures, you just need to pour boiling water over it.

Principles for choosing oil

Cosmetic sea buckthorn oil can be purchased at a pharmacy. The quality of the product is indicated by two points.

  1. Capacity. It should not let in sunlight.
  2. Label. The carotenoid content must be indicated - at least 180 mg.

Store oil in the dark and cool. The refrigerator is not suitable for this because the temperature inside is too low. You can use for this, for example, a metal box on the windowsill during the cold season.

Features of the use of sea buckthorn masks

It is necessary to remove makeup and cleanse pores of dirt.

It is useful to make a light scrub or steam bath for your face. This will help to better open the pores and improve the access of nutrients to the cells.

Prepare the natural product immediately before use to preserve all vitamins and minerals. You can use both fresh and frozen sea buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn stains the skin, so there is no need to overexpose the masks.

Apply the composition for fifteen to twenty minutes, rinse with running water.

Important : Before applying the product, you must do an allergic reaction test. Apply a little mixture to the elbow or wrist and wait fifteen minutes. If irritation or redness does not occur, masks can be used.

Sea buckthorn “bomb” against aging

How do we determine that the skin is aging? Wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines appear on the face. Orange masks save aging skin: all berry elements are easily digestible, which contributes to their rapid absorption and effect on cells.

There are several effective recipes for face masks with sea buckthorn oil to reverse the aging process.

Tandem with honey

Honey is an excellent helper for dry epidermis. After it merges with the skin, the feeling of tightness disappears and a healthy glow appears.

  1. Mash two tablespoons of berries into a puree or take one spoon of oil.
  2. Mix with a small spoon of honey.
  3. Keep the mask on your face for no more than ten minutes.


Ice rubs are suitable for any skin type.

  1. For this recipe you will need berries. They need to be crushed and the juice squeezed out.
  2. Dilute with the same volume of mineral water.
  3. Pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer.
  4. Wipe your face every morning to invigorate and start the active work of epidermal cells.

Video on the topic Nourishing face mask with sea buckthorn oil

Orange sour cream

This recipe is best suited for a face that is flaky and needs moisturizing. For oily skin, feel free to replace sour cream with cottage cheese.

  1. You will need a large spoon of sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Add a small spoon of heavy sour cream and yolk.
  3. Be sure to mix by hand so you don’t have to worry about red spots on the mixer later.
  4. Ten minutes is enough and all components will immediately begin to work on smoothing your face.
  5. Do not forget that the neck also requires vitamin supplementation.

Youth from Hercules

This mask is suitable for women with different skin types.

  1. Take one spoon of berry puree.
  2. Add flaxseed oil in proportion. If you have flax seeds, then use their decoction.
  3. Using the same spoon, add the rolled oats flakes, ground in a blender.
  4. The procedure time is always ten minutes.
  5. In addition to the face, both the décolleté and neck will be grateful for such rejuvenation.

Using sea buckthorn oil on your face, you will not get rid of wrinkles until you turn this ritual into a regular one. Only constant use will saturate tired and aging skin with components that will give a “second wind” to the cells.

Here's what Marina wrote in her review:

“My aunt always freezes sea buckthorn in the fall and in the winter she takes it out little by little and adds it to tea, and also makes masks. I must say that at over 50 years old, she looks at most 40.”


Sea buckthorn face masks - the best beauty recipes

Sea buckthorn and olive oil face mask

The recipe helps rejuvenate aging skin. Apply twice a week. K 80 gr. add one tbsp of sea buckthorn berries mashed to a puree. l. olive oil, one tsp. chopped wheat sprouts, stir everything thoroughly until smooth. Distribute the mask evenly on the problematic surface, lie down and rest. Wash off the composition after twenty minutes. running water.

Face mask made from sea buckthorn berries and eggs

The useful composition will enrich the skin with vitamins and minerals, increase firmness and elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. To one art. l. fresh sea buckthorn juice, add egg yolk whipped until foamy, mix. Distribute the composition on the problem surface and hold for fifteen minutes. Rinse with boiled water or chamomile decoction and apply nourishing cream.

Face mask made from fresh sea buckthorn and cottage cheese

Dairy products are very good for the skin. It is better to use homemade rather than store-bought cottage cheese. To one art. l. sea ​​buckthorn puree, add the same amount of cottage cheese, one egg yolk. Stir everything until smooth. Spread the composition in a thick layer on the problem surface, wait fifteen to twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm and then cool water.

Sea buckthorn and sour cream face mask

The composition is especially useful for those with dry, aging skin. Grind a quarter cup of sea buckthorn berries until smooth, add one egg yolk and one tbsp. l. fat sour cream. Mix all components thoroughly. Distribute the mask on the problem surface. Wash off after twenty minutes using boiled water or herbal decoction.

Face mask made from sea buckthorn fruits and yogurt

The recipe nourishes, tones, enriches with vitamins and microelements, and resists the appearance of wrinkles. To one art. l. sea ​​buckthorn puree add two tbsp. l. homemade yogurt, two or three drops of liquid vitamin E. Mix all ingredients well. Distribute the composition onto the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. In twenty minutes. wash with running water, then with mineral water.

Face mask made from sea buckthorn fruits and honey

The composition will give the skin firmness, elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. To one art. l. sea ​​buckthorn puree add one tsp. high-quality honey, mix everything. Distribute the mask in an even layer on the skin of the face, leave to absorb for ten to fifteen minutes, after that time, wash with water at room temperature. The product should not be used by women who are allergic to honey.

Oily skin: recipes for oily shine

Sea buckthorn oil is the leader among its “colleagues” in the content of palmitoleic acid, which restores the body’s fat balance. It penetrates deep into the skin, activating regeneration processes. How to prepare the required composition?

  • Curd attack. This product does not require many ingredients; just add cottage cheese in a 1:1 ratio. Remember the maximum procedure time with products made from these berries is 20 minutes.
  • Egg mask. An egg helps to remove excess gloss. It is better to use frozen berries in this recipe. To defrost, pour boiling water over them and grind. Add beaten egg white. The proportions of ingredients should be 1:1.

Precautionary measures

Sea buckthorn oil is often used in combination with other products. Their ratio may vary, but should approximately be the following proportion: 1 fraction of sea buckthorn oil and 3 fractions of other components. The following features should be taken into account:

  • The duration of action of sea buckthorn oil does not exceed 15 minutes.
  • It is better to purchase oil at a pharmacy.
  • It is recommended to warm the oil a little before use.
  • When preparing the mixture for the mask, it is prohibited to use metal objects.
  • Before use, do an allergy test (apply a small amount to the inside of the elbow, look at the skin reaction).
  • The thickness of the mask should be such that it is convenient to apply.
  • After the procedure, apply nourishing cream.
  • The interval between procedures with sea buckthorn oil is at least a week so that the skin does not accumulate natural orange dye).

Homemade sea buckthorn masks are an excellent alternative to expensive creams from the pharmacy, and the results will delight and pleasantly surprise you.

Variants of sea buckthorn masks for wrinkles and dryness

Those with dry and wrinkled faces should remember these recipes. They are called literally life-saving for the depleted epidermis.

Two oils and honey

  1. Prepare a large spoonful of sea buckthorn puree. If the berries were frozen, pour boiling water over them and mash.
  2. Rub the yolk with olive oil.
  3. Pour in a large spoonful of liquid honey.
  4. The mixture should be warm; to do this, heat it a little in a water bath.
  5. Quickly apply the first layer of mask, then the second and third.
  6. Wait five minutes after you have finished spreading the mask over the entire surface of the skin.
  7. Wash your face with warm water.

Milky relaxation

  1. Mash a teaspoon of base and a large spoon of cottage cheese in a bowl.
  2. In another container, mix a teaspoon of honey with three large spoons of fresh milk.
  3. Wait until the honey has completely dissolved.
  4. Combine all components and place in a water bath. Just warm it up. The temperature should not exceed 80°C.
  5. After the mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, you will feel how the skin has softened, filled with vital energy and acquired a blooming appearance.

Here is a review from 45-year-old Maria about how suitable sea buckthorn oil is for the face and against wrinkles:

With the appearance of the first wrinkles, I began to seriously think about treatment with sea buckthorn oil. I make a special anti-aging mask with it... I feel that the skin is tightened and becomes lighter and more well-groomed.


Home remedies with sea buckthorn

Based on sea buckthorn extract, you can prepare not only masks and creams, but also other products.

Shower gel

High-quality care for oily skin can be ensured by constantly adding sea buckthorn to the gel or foam for washing. A few drops of extract are added to a single portion of the product and mixed in the palm of your hand. Foam is used in the usual way.


For dry skin and with obvious signs of aging, a special nourishing lotion is prepared. First, beat a very fresh chicken egg until foamy. Then add 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and 200 ml cream. 100 ml of vodka is added to the mixed mixture.

The prepared lotion is poured into a glass container with a tight lid. Store the product only in the refrigerator. Use before bed.


This skincare product is ideal for teenage skin. When used regularly, the compress will deeply cleanse the pores on the sebaceous dermis and prevent the appearance of comedones.

  • First, strong chamomile tea is prepared in the usual way;
  • When the tea has cooled a little, a gauze napkin is soaked in it and applied to the face;
  • Cover the top with a terry towel so that the heat does not escape;
  • You need to keep it for at least 15 minutes.

Afterwards, the face is lubricated with a thin layer of pure sea buckthorn oil and a light massage is performed. Excess oil is removed with a cotton pad, and cream is applied to the face.

For lips

You can prepare a special healing mask for chapped lip skin in winter.


  • 15 ml sea buckthorn oil;
  • 30 g honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chamomile tea.

The honey is steamed and then mixed with oil in a glass container. Then tea is added to the product.

Using your fingertips, press the mixture into the skin of your lips and leave for 15 minutes. The remaining product is removed with cotton wool. This mask deeply nourishes the lips, prevents the formation of cracks and peeling.

Orange acne fighter

Sea buckthorn oil is known as a wonderful wound healing agent and a healing tool for burns. But few people use it for acne, and in vain. The extraordinary antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of sea buckthorn quickly revive damaged skin. Orange oil activates the body's immune cells, which protect the epidermis from infections. Fruit acids in the composition help to cope with remaining traces. What rules do you need to know to defeat ugly “bumps”?

  • Apply spot-on at night. Only in this case can you use the oil in its pure, undiluted form to treat acne.
  • Don't overdry. Be careful not to dry out your skin. Therefore, determine the frequency of lubrication and the concentration of oil on the inflamed area of ​​the face yourself, depending on the sensitivity of the dermal cells.
  • Add to cream. To prevent the appearance of irritations on the face, pimples and acne, there is a simple and effective recipe. To avoid skin problems, just add one twist to your daily ritual. Take the daily amount of cream and pour no more than two drops of sea buckthorn oil into it.


Sea buckthorn is supposedly safe as a mask. In addition, cosmetics act locally on the skin, and not on the body as a whole. Therefore, in the absence of an allergic reaction, they can be used by everyone. An allergy in such a situation can manifest itself as redness of the skin and a burning sensation.

You may find information about the use of sea buckthorn oil for sinusitis useful.

Using masks helps restore skin health. And sea buckthorn may well help with this. But it is also important to take into account that the condition of the face reflects the complex condition of the body: lack of vitamins, illness. Therefore, it is imperative to consider skin problems in a comprehensive manner in order to effectively take action.

Masks for problem skin

Sea buckthorn masks are also effective for problem skin. Moreover, thanks to thorough cleaning of the pores, the skin can be saturated with oxygen, shine with a healthy shine, and be free from wrinkles.

Video on the topic Nourishing mask made of red clay and sea buckthorn oil

Clay mask

  1. Take two large spoons of clay (white or blue), which you dilute with warm water.
  2. Add miracle oil no more than one tablespoon. Use glassware.
  3. Apply the mask with the consistency of thick sour cream in an even layer on your face.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
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