The most effective procedures for rejuvenating hand skin

With age, the skin of the hands becomes less elastic and firm. Due to dryness, it takes on an senile appearance. This problem is due to several reasons. Firstly, it is subject to negative environmental influences. The condition of the skin is harmed by severe frosts, wind, hot air, ultraviolet radiation, etc. Because of this exposure, it becomes dry and chapped.

Secondly, the skin of the hands is susceptible to the negative effects of household chemicals, in particular dishwashing detergents. Only 10% of people use gloves to wash dishes. The remaining 90% are not protected in any way from the adverse effects of hard water and household chemicals. Because of this, their skin begins to age at a fairly young age.

Thirdly, many people suffer due to genetic characteristics. Too thin hand skin ages much faster. Therefore, it requires proper care at any age.

Regardless of the reasons for aging, it is necessary to regularly take care of the condition of your hands. To do this, you should visit a hand SPA. Special procedures allow you to restore the well-groomed appearance of your hands and restore their youth. Moreover, SPA procedures are not only effective. They also leave a lot of positive emotions, helping to combine business with pleasure.

Basic recommendations for hand skin care

To prevent premature aging of the skin of your hands, you must follow a number of recommendations from a cosmetologist. The first rule is that the skin should be moisturized at least twice a day. Moreover, cosmetologists recommend doing this after every hand washing. For this purpose, you can use a special hand cream. It is desirable that it be light, non-greasy and quickly absorbed.

It is also recommended to exfoliate regularly. It allows you to eliminate dead cells and at the same time polishes the skin of your hands. It is recommended to use peeling products 2-3 times a week. This frequency allows you to count on the skin becoming silky and smooth. The cream that is used to nourish the skin is also of great importance. It should be quite fatty. In addition, it is advisable to use this cream at night. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use plastic or fabric gloves when applying the skin nourishing product.

Cosmetologists also recommend actively using products to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Thanks to this, it is possible to exclude the appearance of age spots, freckles and malignant neoplasms.

Carry small packages of moisturizers with you when you leave the house.

One way to keep your hands soft and smooth is to always carry a small amount of moisturizer with you. So, if you need to use hand sanitizer, you can always follow it with a restorative cream that neutralizes the effects of alcohol.

If you can't find the small package of moisturizer, you can simply pour it from the large package into a small container that you can always carry with you.


Daily care

To keep the skin of your hands silky and smooth, you need to pay attention to it every day. Daily care involves protecting your hands from detergents and harsh chemicals. When doing laundry, washing dishes or cleaning the house, be sure to use gloves. After washing, hands must be dried. In addition, immediately after washing, it is advisable to moisturize them with a special cream. Cosmetologists also recommend using mild soap.

Another effective way to care for the skin of your hands is a special massage performed by specialists at SPA centers. This massage promotes complete relaxation, improves blood circulation, drainage of lymphatic fluid, and relieves spasms and tension. The result of this procedure is smooth and elastic skin. Thanks to this, your hands look healthy and well-groomed.

Nutrition or hydration: how to understand what your skin wants

As we age, we all encounter alarming signals that our skin sends us.
But are we deciphering them correctly? In particular, this concerns nutrition and hydration. Many people neglect to visit a specialist and try to determine their skin condition on their own. However, not everyone takes into account the possible consequences of incorrect assessment and incorrectly selected care.

Daria Yakushevich, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, surgeon, head of the department of facial and body aesthetics at the X-Clinic (x_clinic) adaptive medicine clinic, told Letidora readers how not to make a mistake in choosing a cream, how to use it and what ingredients to look for in the composition attention.

Our skin, as an integral part of the body, certainly needs water and “food”. It is important to understand that nutritional components and moisture are supplied to it on a residual basis. First, all the necessary substances are distributed between vital organs to ensure their functionality and performance, and only then comes the turn of the skin. Therefore, she needs help - to nourish and moisturize.

Nourishment and hydration are two important but different aspects of skin care. Nutrition

is a story about regeneration, metabolic processes in the skin, the fight against age-related changes, and
is about filling the skin with the necessary moisture.

“It is important to moisturize and nourish any skin”

To understand what your skin specifically wants, you need to evaluate it visually.

If the skin peels and feels tight after washing, it means it needs maximum hydration. At the same time, when the skin color is dull and unhealthy, these are signs of a lack of nutrients.

About skin hydration

When we say that the skin is hydrated, we mean that it is nourished with hyaluronic acid, which attracts water molecules.
Other substances are also responsible for this effect: glycerin, uric acid. Therefore, look for the listed components in the composition of skin moisturizers. In addition, cosmetics should be rich in ceramides, which create a protective mantle on the surface of the skin that prevents moisture evaporation.

It is important to understand that the skin perfectly performs its key function - protecting the body from external factors.

“Therefore, the task of molecules used in skin care products is to overcome the natural barriers of the skin.”

Pay attention to cosmetics that contain hyaluronic acid of various molecular weights: the largest of them settle on the surface and moisturize the epidermis, the medium ones reach the deeper layers of the skin, the smallest ones penetrate the skin as much as possible and retain water. This way, at the same time, we moisturize the skin from the inside and protect it from moisture evaporation.

About skin nutrition

Like our body as a whole, the skin also needs the proper amount of vitamins, amino acids and microelements. The most valuable vitamins for the skin are A, E, C and F, and the essential microelements are selenium, zinc, copper and others.

Amino acids are needed to speed up the process of collagen formation in the skin. After all, as you know, collagen is a protein consisting of amino acids.

In fact, every person is protein deficient to one degree or another, because it is impossible to satisfy all the body's needs with nutrition alone.

What to look for when choosing a cream

Many women believe that an expensive cream is just a brand and nothing more than just beautiful packaging. In reality, everything is not so simple.

Most often, behind a respected name and an attractive jar there is a colossal amount of work: a huge number of clinical trials, research and development that make it possible to understand, invent, and calculate exactly how to “carry” nutritional components through the numerous barriers of our skin.

First, the protein that comes from food goes to build vital organs and joints, and only then, according to the residual principle, goes to the skin.

Therefore, supplement your diet with collagen or ready-made amino acids and make sure that these ingredients are included in the nutritional creams.

Dermatology and cosmetics companies spend significant amounts of money on testing. Otherwise, it is impossible to create a high-quality product that works not at the level of the epidermis, but penetrates deeper.

“Cheap products are unable to work in the deep layers of the skin”

They act only on the surface of the epidermis and, as a result, deprive the skin of the necessary portion of nutrition and hydration.
Among other things, pay attention to antioxidants in cream compositions. They are unique helpers in the fight against skin aging. Free radicals are responsible for the formation of age-related and qualitative changes in the skin (these unstable atoms can damage skin cells). And antioxidants help protect cells and reduce damage to a minimum.

Take a closer look at creams with nanosomes, which are embedded in the basement membrane and “release” the nutritional components they contain deep into the skin.

The cosmetic market is crowded, and choosing the right product is quite difficult. Now there are products that contain both nutritional and moisturizing components.

“However, it is important to understand that such a “mix” reduces the effectiveness of both nutritional and moisturizing functions.”

Such a remedy will not be super effective. It is better to separate the processes of hydration and nutrition.

How to choose care depending on the time of day and season

In the spring and summer, when the skin is seriously damaged due to high solar activity, you should use moisturizing creams and serums in the morning, and nourishing ones in the evening.

“The skin needs to be moisturized during the day and provided with nourishing components in the evening.”

And all because in the afternoon the recovery processes slow down. With the help of these tools you can speed them up and make the anti-aging process more effective. During the autumn-winter period

we need to act differently. Since the skin is exposed to unfavorable environmental conditions during the day, nourishing products should be applied in the first half of the day (their texture is oilier, due to which the products are able to protect against moisture evaporation). Use moisturizers in the evening.

“If there is not enough moisture in the skin, then nourishing creams will not work as well.”

Remember that in winter

Any cream should be applied at least 30 minutes before going outside so that it has time to be absorbed. Otherwise, it will do more harm than good!

In addition, in winter it is recommended to apply tinted foundations and powder on top of moisturizing and nourishing products in order to “wrap” the skin in multiple layers.



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Why do hands age early?

The natural moisture content of the hands in relation to other parts of the body is several times less. This factor suggests that their skin needs more attention. Doctors identify 5 main factors for the appearance of defects:

  • contact with household chemicals;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • influence of cold;
  • lack of additional moisturizing with cosmetics;
  • chronic or genetic diseases.

Long-term use of medications, if there are pathologies inside the body, negatively affects the skin of the hands. Constant contact with chemicals - rubber, paint - can provoke the disease vitiligo - the appearance of white spots on the skin due to a decrease in melanin. The cosmetic defect disappears when changing jobs.

Hand skin types

There are three types of hand skin, each of which requires special care:

  • normal type - the dermis looks elastic and moisturized; for such hands it is important to maintain the hydrolipid balance through daily application of cream;
  • dry type – the skin is thinned, redness and peeling are observed; dry dermis is most susceptible to aggressive external influences, therefore it needs increased care, nutrition, hydration and restoration;
  • sensitive type – this type of skin is characterized by itching, dryness, tightness and redness; To care for sensitive dermis, it is necessary to use restorative and strengthening creams.

Only a dermatocosmetologist can accurately determine your skin type and choose the right cosmetic care products. During a visual examination, a specialist will assess the condition of the dermis and select the necessary procedures for restoration.

Available care creams

Many women want to know how to soften the skin of their hands in winter. The answer to this question can be found in store windows and pharmacies. First of all, you can use protective creams with natural composition. The most effective remedy in the fight against dry epidermis is a regular baby cream. You can buy it at absolutely any hygiene store. It is recommended to purchase the following drugs at the pharmacy: “Radevit”, “Pantoderm”, “Bepanten”. To use the pharmacy cream correctly, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions. It is important to remember that some components may cause an allergic reaction, so initial testing is necessary. An excellent lifesaver is a cream that contains natural calendula. After using any cosmetic product, you must wear cotton gloves.

Homemade lotions according to folk recipes

Our ancestors knew how to soften the skin of their hands quickly and safely. They knew how to make natural cosmetics themselves. One of the folk remedies for hands is lotion using wine, which saves the skin from dryness and tightness. To prepare a healing lotion, you will need half a glass of strong tea leaves, a glass of dry wine, sage, mint and rose petals. All components must be mixed in one container and placed in a cold place for two weeks. After this, strain and apply every day after waking up and before going to bed on the exhausted skin of your hands. After this, you need to use a nourishing cream to consolidate the result.

Home Recipes

For dry skin

Not the finest salt is poured into the container. Add a little vegetable oil. Massage your hands for 10 minutes. Blood circulation increases and the skin becomes soft. Wash off with warm water without soap, but the oil will leave grease, then simply wipe your hands with a napkin or towel.

Nourishing bath

Heat 2 tbsp. milk. Mix with warm water (same quantity). Add 2 b. l. vegetable oil and a little cinnamon. Immerse the brushes for 15 minutes.


Boil a handful of oatmeal, add tsp. vegetable oil. Lubricate your hands for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm, then cool water.


Dry skin experiences this discomfort because the hydrolipid film—that thin layer made up of lipids (sebum produced by the sebaceous glands) and water (sweat produced by the sweat glands)—no longer provides adequate protection. It is this film that slows down the evaporation of water contained in the skin, which ensures hydration and comfort of the skin. While it's true that skin tends to become drier as you age, many other factors also weaken the condition of your hydrolipid film. Therefore, you need to get to know them well if you want to return your skin to softness, smoothness and a comfortable state! These are the enemies that you urgently need to start fighting:

  • Lack of moisture.
  • Dry winter cold, biting your face and hands.
  • Dry indoor air due to heating.
  • Prolonged exposure to wind and sun.
  • Gels and soaps with alkaline pH.
  • Chlorinated pool water.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee.
  • Tobacco consumption.

Hand care at different ages

The skin of your hands always requires care, but it will be different at every age.

Specialists from the DOCTOR DENT clinic will tell you how to care for the skin of your hands. Cosmetology" after the initial consultation.

All procedures are aimed at:

  • improving skin tone and elasticity;
  • restoration of the optimal level of water balance in cells;
  • removal of pigmentation, lightening;
  • treatment of skin diseases and much more.

The clinic offers a wide range of hand care procedures. Four directions of manipulation can be distinguished:

  1. Peeling. It is based on fruit acid. During this procedure, collagen is synthesized, which is responsible for skin elasticity. It becomes smooth and elastic. The top, dead layer is gently and completely removed.
  2. Paraffin hand mask is a unique procedure in which you can relax and enjoy. Its use is recommended 1-2 times a week. After this procedure, your hands will be smooth and soft.
  3. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization. These procedures are based on the injection of a special mixture of drugs that improve the condition and quality of the skin. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Photo- and fractional rejuvenation of hand skin. Used to treat vascular diseases, lighten the epidermis and improve its condition, increase tone and elasticity.

At the clinic “DOCTOR DENT. Cosmetology" a popular procedure is the intradermal administration of drugs: Belotero Hydro, Belotero Volite, Vital or Profhilo into the hand area. The service is performed by a specialist after eliminating contraindications.

Clinic “DOCTOR DENT. Cosmetology" has the latest modern equipment for hardware procedures:

  1. Candela installations. They make it possible to carry out manipulation quickly and without pain. For example, this equipment is used to perform laser treatment to correct pigment spots on the hands. Advantages of the equipment: effect after the first procedure, 100% safety, no pain or discomfort.
  2. Laser equipment Candela CentleLase PRO-U. Hair removal without pain, thanks to the built-in cooling system.
  3. Fractional laser FRAX 1550. It gently polishes the skin to a velvety effect.
  4. Installation of Elipse Nordlys. Includes a set of 6 devices. Their action is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and improving its health. The device allows you to: accelerate cellular metabolism and stimulate the formation of collagen in the skin.
  5. IPL technologies based on Norldlys. Allows penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis without damaging the integrity of the skin. Skin problems such as acne, acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, scars, enlarged pores are solved.

Only with systematic and competent care will your hands remain beautiful and healthy for as long as possible.


As we explained earlier, one of the key factors to turning dry skin into baby soft skin is choosing the right cleansers. Regular soap has an aggressive effect on the skin and destroys the hydrolipid film, which is already very vulnerable. For dry skin, “soapless soap” is better. With its acidic pH close to that of the skin, it is less drying than classic soap, making it a first-class ally for dry skin. Dear owners of dry skin, now you are ready to resist unpleasant sensations and restore comfort to your skin.

How to take good care of dry skin on your hands and nails in spring

Spring care for your hands, as well as for the body as a whole, must be focused on increasing immunity and replenishing vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Regular evening hand massages using solid oils will help overcome winter stress and vitamin deficiency (here it is worth paying attention to products from the Masura and Irisk brands). Long self-massage and cotton gloves, coupled with aromatic oil, saturated with the most beneficial oils and vitamins, will give you velvet-tender and soft skin in the morning.

Don't give in to the deceptive spring warmth and get rid of your gloves too quickly. It’s too early to put aside manicure baths with healing salt soaks. Their balanced compositions will improve the saturation of all layers of the skin with vitamins, gently soften roughness and relieve discomfort from cold-heat changes. And even at work, mini bottles with incredibly fragrant, quickly absorbing and perfectly moisturizing and nourishing hand lotions will help you remember to take 5 minutes to take pleasant care of your hands! For home care for dry skin in the spring, it is worth choosing creams containing calendula, chamomile, aloe, lecithin, glycerin, and shea butter. In various combinations, these components are able to quickly and effectively relieve redness, peeling and irritation, and prevent the appearance of pimples, hangnails and microcracks, both on the skin of the hands and on the cuticle.

As you know, it is in the spring that even the strongest nails tend to break, show so-called crystal fragility, begin to flake and become covered with painful cracks. Even if you really want to shine with a spectacular manicure with durable coatings (acrylic, gel, gel polish), take a break and let your nails recover. It's time to introduce them to therapeutic, strengthening and restorative complexes for healing, improving flexibility, firmness and elasticity of nails. This, of course, is the famous IBX Duo Pack system from Famous Names and the duo of Vitagel Strength and Vitagel Recovery from Gelish Harmony. By using the services of a manicurist, or by purchasing everything you need to apply them at home, you will significantly revive and strengthen the nail plate. Course use of these complexes will help eliminate aesthetic defects caused by exposure to low temperatures, prevent delamination and actively stimulate the growth of natural nails.

You can learn more about the features of using these drugs in our educational materials:

  • Treatment, restoration and strengthening of nails with the IBX system;
  • Instructions for using the IBX system. Questions and answers;
  • Strengthening nails with the IBX system;
  • Vitagel Strength and Vitagel Recovery from Gelish Harmony: how to properly treat and grow nails.

Well, when your nails become stronger and your dry skin makes you more happy with its well-groomed and healthy appearance, you can think about an aesthetic manicure.
It is worth choosing for it strengthening biogels (both polymerized in UV or LED lamps) and in varnish version. And when prepping your nails, use glass, crystal or ceramic files. These tools are specially designed for damaged, soft, sensitive and weakened nails. As in other seasons of the year, you should not neglect the regular application of nourishing oils to the cuticle and surrounding skin. If you have very little oil left in the bottle and the brush is no longer enough, feel free to spend the remaining milliliters on your elbows. The skin there suffers from dryness and constant contact with clothing and hard surfaces. And she will only be glad to receive useful and fragrant care.

Fighting dry hands at home


Various oils can help you at home: vegetable, olive, flaxseed. All of them are able to moisturize the skin, soften it and restore elasticity.

Making a compress:

  1. Heat the oils slightly.
  2. Soak gauze bandages with the mixture.
  3. Place the soaked gauze on your hands and cover with parchment paper.
  4. Wear cotton gloves.

*If hand dryness is severe, the entire process may need to be repeated.


  1. Boil the potatoes.
  2. Make a puree using milk and butter.
  3. Apply warm puree to skin.
  4. Wait approximately 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse everything off with water and apply a rich moisturizing hand cream.

Hand masks

Having a little free time, you can spend it usefully and make hand masks at home. They will be a real find for people who are puzzled by the question of how to soften the skin of their hands at home:

  • One of the most fashionable and widespread masks is glycerin. By adding a little lemon juice to a jar of pharmaceutical glycerin, you can get a ready-made composition to save your hands from dryness and dehydration.
  • An oatmeal mask is a simple, straightforward recipe made from affordable products. To prepare it you will need five tablespoons of traditional oatmeal, milk and vegetable oil. Heat the mixture and apply to your hands, leaving for half an hour. Repeat the procedure three times, three times a week.
  • Egg mask. Apply the beaten egg mixture to your hands for 10-15 minutes.
  • Aloe mask. Keep the fleshy part of the plant in the cold for one week, then squeeze out a couple of tablespoons of juice, mix with nourishing cream and add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Before applying the mask, steam the skin of your hands in a salt bath. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Rating of hand creams based on online reviews

Let's name the best creams that will provide care for dry hands.

  • Korean cream Limoni Collagen Booster

The composition of this cream by the Korean company Limoni is unique. Under its influence, collagen and elastin are intensively produced in the skin. Collagen Booster cream, thanks to microelements and nutrients selected in a special way, accelerates recovery and slows down skin aging. The rejuvenating effect is its main advantage. After using this product several times, you can achieve greater firmness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, the cream has a very light texture.

Collagen Booster has its pros and cons. The advantages include the following:

  • pleasant fruity aroma;
  • stylish packaging;
  • prevents skin aging;
  • excellent composition, including plant extracts, oils, herbs and other components).

Among the disadvantages:

  • short-term (several hours) manifestation of the moisturizing effect;
  • very small volume.
  • Neutrogena hand cream.

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