Facial rejuvenation after 40 years at home: the fight for youth

Every woman dreams of young, ageless skin, but the aging process cannot be stopped and tissues lose moisture, becoming less elastic. The body produces collagen and elastin worse, so pigmentation, wrinkles and other cosmetic subtleties appear on the face. Therefore, it is necessary to perform facial rejuvenation after 40 years. Women use many methods to achieve youthful skin. These include cosmetics, eating the right foods, and massage.

Age-related changes in the face after forty years

During this period, a person’s reproductive function deteriorates and ages. Time does not spare the face and the “seal of time” changes it. The skin produces worse estrogen, which promotes cell restoration. By the age of 40, the first signs of menopause begin to form. The face becomes dry due to changes in the structure of hyaluronic acid. Tissue cells receive less moisture and nutrients. Over time, the skin under the eyelids thins, causing bruising to become more pronounced.

In humans, facial wrinkles become more pronounced due to slow cell renewal and a decrease in the amount of elastin produced. Due to disruptions in the functioning of melanocytes, pigmentation begins and blood supply to tissues deteriorates. This leads to a dull complexion. The skin becomes dry, loose, porous. Couperosis appears on the face. Crow's feet and swelling appear in the corners of the eyes. Tissue turgor worsens, the oval of the face seems to blur. Your skin can be made young and fresh again if you follow the rules and take care of your face.

Symptoms of skin aging

Age-related changes in facial skin depend on many factors: genetics, nutrition, environmental influences, aging of the body. The exposed areas of the skin are the most vulnerable: on the face, neck, and hands, the elasticity of the tissues gradually decreases and wrinkles appear.

After 40 years, the symptoms of skin aging become more obvious:

  • the skin is loose, its elasticity noticeably decreases;
  • pores expand and become pronounced;
  • wrinkles in the eye area are more noticeable;
  • the skin in the chin area sags, the oval of the face “floats”;
  • nasolabial folds become deeper;
  • the face looks swollen and puffy.

These skin changes develop gradually, but can become noticeable literally in an instant. Proper facial care for a woman over 40 will help slow down the aging process of the skin and keep it looking fresh longer.

Rejuvenation thanks to giving up bad habits

After forty, it is important to monitor your posture so that the oval of the face does not lose its shape, the neck does not wrinkle, and the cheeks do not sag. It is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun or go to the solarium for a chocolate tan. You can rejuvenate your face by quitting smoking, because the poisons contained in a cigarette prevent beneficial substances from reaching the tissues. Drinking alcoholic beverages also dries out the skin and prevents it from absorbing vitamins C and E. The face of coffee drinkers who use a diuretic to remove water from the skin becomes sagging and the skin becomes less elastic.

Stress negatively affects the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Women who sleep on their stomachs develop wrinkles on their faces faster. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room so that the room is humid and the air is fresh. To maintain skin tone, you should place humidifiers in the room or spray your face with thermal water from a spray bottle. It is important to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. With little sleep, your skin ages quickly. You should not wash your face with regular toilet soap. It is necessary to use foams and gels with neutral acidity.

Massage, nutrition, lifestyle

To achieve maximum effect from cosmetics, use them in combination with a simple massage. Apply a special massage product (for example, sculpting oil concentrate) and perform the procedure with massage movements. Start from the nose and gradually move along the face to the temporal area. Next, you can work on the skin from the chin to the earlobes, from the lips to the ears, from the forehead to the temples, from the eyebrows to the hairline. It is better not to massage the area around the eyes so as not to injure the thin skin. Also, don’t forget about your neck and décolleté - massage this area with light movements, moving from bottom to top.

Remember the need for good sleep. The time from 23:00 to 2:00 is the most important for beautiful skin. The regeneration process is as active as possible during this period - use it to preserve the beauty of your skin and try to fall asleep before midnight.

Also, don't forget to watch your diet. The daily diet must have a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and must also contain vitamins and microelements. Maintain hydration and drink enough clean water at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

Vitamins for rejuvenation

You cannot rejuvenate your skin by caring for it only from the outside. It is important that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals. One of the main beauty vitamins is called retinol, which is an antioxidant that protects the body from harmful UV rays and cancer. Vitamin E stops the aging process. It relieves dry skin, eliminates redness and swelling. Vitamin C helps eliminate toxins and prevents the face from becoming sagging. It will make your skin more shiny and healthy. Water regime is no less important. This is necessary to remove toxins and waste.

The diet should contain few fried, fatty foods. It is recommended to remove sweets and pickles from the menu. It is preferable to bake food and steam it. Fruits and vegetables are eaten raw. The diet should contain many foods with fatty acids. It is not recommended to buy products containing GMOs and preservatives. Many fiber products are added to the menu, which stabilize the gastrointestinal tract. Negatively affects the skin and calorie intake.

To rejuvenate, you should eat celery, broccoli, carrots, and include turmeric in your menu. One of the healthiest drinks after forty is green tea. There are many vitamins and nutrients in bananas, oatmeal, grapefruit, and chicken. It is useful to add kelp, kefir, salmon fish and honey to your diet. Consuming olive oil also rejuvenates the skin. The optimal dosage is four teaspoons per day.

Salon treatments

In addition to daily home care, facial skin after 40 years can and should be cared for using effective salon procedures.

Carbon peeling and carboxytherapy are effective ways to reduce the severity of age-related changes.

During carboxytherapy, the skin is saturated with oxygen by introducing carbon dioxide into it. Oxygen, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic and regenerative processes, and also stimulates collagen production. It is the lack of oxygen in tissues that is the main factor in skin aging. The action occurs simultaneously in several directions, so the result is noticeable after the first session.

The carbon peeling procedure is aimed at deep cleansing the epidermis and makes the skin healthier and more radiant. Carbon peeling triggers active regeneration and restoration of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, increases density, turgor and tone of the skin, and refreshes the complexion.

Not so long ago, carboxytherapy necessarily involved injections, and carbon peeling could not be carried out without a laser. But today there is a safe alternative - non-invasive carboxytherapy and carbon peeling without laser from.

The ARAVIA Professional non-invasive carbon peeling procedure gives results after the first session

Non-invasive procedures help solve the same problems as laser or injection techniques:

  • deeply cleanse the skin;
  • reduce signs of aging;
  • cope with pigmentation and hyperkeratosis;
  • activate microcirculation;
  • restore an even tone and natural radiance to the skin.

At the same time, such procedures have minimal contraindications, no undesirable consequences and no long recovery period.

Another effective remedy for aging skin is chemical peeling. This procedure helps restore skin elasticity and healthy glow. has developed a professional multi-acid peeling REPAIR-Skin Control with glycolic, gluconic, and succinic acids. Peeling activates collagen production, moisturizes, and promotes cell renewal. The combination of acids allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the skin and have a rejuvenating effect: reduce the appearance of shallow wrinkles, even out the relief, and increase skin elasticity. The composition is atraumatic and can be used for any skin type, including for the care of dry facial skin after 40 years.

Important! The above products are intended for professional use. To avoid unwanted consequences, we do not recommend using them yourself at home. Sign up for treatments with these products from experienced cosmetologists.


These mixtures are prepared and used immediately. They are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. The mask quickly loses its effectiveness and deteriorates. Before using it, you need to clean your face of makeup and steam it with a steam bath. The composition is applied using a sponge or brush, spreading along the massage lines. Do not apply the active mixture to the area around the eyes and lips.

The procedure takes no more than 15–20 minutes. After its completion, you should lie down, relax and not talk. The mixture is removed with cool water. The face is not wiped, but simply blotted with a napkin or towel. Optimal frequency of application: once or twice a week. Once a month the composition of the mask is changed so that the skin does not get used to it.

You should not include in the mixture those products to which a woman has an allergic reaction. Before the procedure, it is better to do allergy tests by applying a homemade mask to the crook of your elbow or wrist. If the skin is not red or itchy, then the mask can be applied.

Sea kale mask recipe

To prepare, you need to take two teaspoons of kelp powder and 250 grams of warm water. The algae should be filled with water and left for a couple of hours to swell. After this, it is squeezed out and the mixture is applied to the face. This mask will help make the skin firmer and give it elasticity. Skin color also improves.

Mask based on honey and egg white

To prepare it, you need to separate the egg into white and yolk. Half a tablespoon of liquid honey and milk is added to the protein. If desired, milk can be replaced with cream. All components of the mask are mixed until smooth and whipped using a whisk. The composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off. It will make the skin fresh and tones it. A protein mask tightens pores.

Mask based on lemon juice and egg yolk

To prepare, a woman needs to take a yolk and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of aloe and liquid honey. All ingredients are mixed until smooth with a fork. After this, the composition is applied to the face. This mask will make the color even, lighter, and regenerate the tissue.

Mask with pink (white) clay

To prepare, take two teaspoons of white or pink clay powder and mineral water. It includes a teaspoon of peach or almond cosmetic oil and a capsule of vitamin E. The clay powder is mixed in mineral water until it becomes liquid sour cream. Cosmetic oil and vitamin E are poured into the mixture. After this, all ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin of the face. The clay mask has a cleansing and tightening effect.

Honey mask

The recipe includes two teaspoons of liquid honey and the same amount of olive oil. To apply, you will need a piece of gauze approximately equal to the volume of your face. All ingredients must be mixed. They are heated in a water bath until the honey dissolves. Then the composition is slightly cooled and the gauze is blotted. After this, gauze is applied to the face. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes. The mask is not washed off, but simply blotted with a napkin. It nourishes the skin of the face, rejuvenating it.

Oatmeal mask

To prepare, take four teaspoons of oatmeal. Additionally, take 100 grams of boiling water, half a spoon of liquid honey, and the same amount of chopped parsley. You need to take two drops of lavender oil. The flakes are poured with boiling water and allowed to swell. After this, the remaining water is drained. Liquid honey and parsley are mixed into the composition. To give homogeneity, all ingredients are additionally crushed in a blender. Then add lavender oil. After this, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed again and the mixture is smeared on the face. This product helps exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving the skin more even and smooth.

Rejuvenating mask with gelatin

For this recipe you will need six teaspoons of chamomile, two teaspoons of gelatin, and half a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. To swell, gelatin powder is poured with infused chamomile. Additionally, the powder is mixed and left to swell. After this, add linseed oil. Then the mixture is spread on the skin. It makes the face more fresh and hydrated. The skin becomes elastic.

Yeast mask

For this recipe you need to take 50 grams of pressed yeast, half a tablespoon of olive oil, 100 ml. water. The yeast is diluted to a mushy consistency and olive oil is poured into the mixture. The mask needs to be mixed and can be used. Duration of the procedure: 20 minutes. The composition with yeast tones and tightens the skin.

Recipe with chocolate

This mask tightens and softens the skin. Melt half a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath. The composition should be cooled slightly, and then used by spreading it on the face.

Contraindications and possible consequences of face lifting at home

The risk of performing home anti-aging procedures is small. The worst thing that can happen to a woman is that she will not see the result of her efforts. The reasons for this may be different:

  • Cosmetics that do not correspond to age, skin type or are not suitable in composition (it happens that the skin simply “does not accept” the cream or serum). Therefore, many go to a cosmetologist for recommendations on choosing suitable products.
  • Failure to comply with the technique of performing massage and (or) facial gymnastics. Both require some skill: you need to know where to press, with what force and how to work deep tissues. You should perform your first massage session in a salon and learn the technique.
  • Ungroomed and dehydrated epidermis. Age-related changes can be so serious that it is no longer possible to cure the skin using home methods alone; treatment with professional cosmetics and salon procedures are required.
  • inflated expectations - such as, for example, from treatment with folk remedies.

The main unpleasant side effect of home treatments is an allergic reaction. To find out about it in advance and not cause irritation to the skin of the face, always test for its possible occurrence.

Contraindications to mechanical procedures, massage and exercises are as follows:

  • skin injuries;
  • vascular diseases;
  • recently undergone facelift surgery.

Anti-aging creams after forty years

Cosmetics cannot stop aging, but they do a good job of maintaining the condition of the skin and masking imperfections. The cream moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles, but its lifting effect is short-term. As soon as the makeup is washed off, the face returns to its original state. Despite advertising and innovative technologies, the cream cannot serve as a panacea for aging. Regeneration of collagen fibers can only happen from the inside, not from the outside.


Cosmetic cream labeled Day is designed to eliminate wrinkles. The formula of the product relaxes muscles and smoothes the face, improves tone. The face begins to shine and becomes elastic. Average price of cream: 500 rubles.

Microlysis anti-aging

This 40+ labeled probiotic contains bifidocomplex and hyaluronic acid. The product makes the skin moisturized. The effectiveness of the cream is up to ten hours after application. The complexion becomes even. The price of the cream starts from 160 rubles.

Cream Dermika Neocollagen

The product contains phytoestrogens. These cosmetics can be used for day or night use. The oval of the face becomes clearer and the skin becomes smoother. The price of the cream starts from 1100 rubles.

Cream Floslek Re Vita C

This product has a moisturizing effect, thanks to the retinol included in the composition. It improves the production of collagen fibers. The cream contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Its price starts from 400 rubles.

Cream Lirene Folacin Duo Expert 40+ SPF6

This is a product for daily use to eliminate wrinkles. Contains hyaluronic acid and innovative developments of the manufacturer. Lirene Folacin Duo Expert 40+ SPF6 moisturizes the face and nourishes the skin. After using the product, the face becomes more well-groomed and youthful. Price from 700 rubles.

Home care

Doctors at the Epimed clinic work using their own method for correcting age-related changes and consider it important at all stages of rejuvenation to use additional products to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. Namely, professional cosmeceuticals: creams, masks, serums with powerful antioxidants, amino acids and retinol, which must be used at home after cosmetic procedures. We care about our patients and try to give them comprehensive treatment and rejuvenation outside the clinic to achieve maximum results.

Compresses for facial rejuvenation

To make the face look young longer, women are recommended to use hot and contrasting compresses. When used, the skin becomes more hydrated, toned and fresh. It is best to apply compresses in the evening before bed, after the makeup has been removed. For the base, use a flannel or terry towel.

For a contrast compress, cosmetologists recommend using a mixture prepared from one ampoule of vitamin E, two teaspoons of jojoba oil, the same amount of aloe juice, 100 grams of mineral water. Aloe juice should be poured into a glass container and mixed with water in equal proportions. After this, you need to heat the jojoba oil in a water bath.

Vitamin E is poured into the mixture heated to 40 degrees. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. After this, the napkin is moistened and applied to the face for five minutes. Then the compress is removed and repeated for another five minutes. It should be warm. The second napkin is moistened in aloe juice. This compress should be cold. It is applied for five minutes.

In winter, only hot compresses are used. When preparing, use two teaspoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of almonds and the same amount of shea butter. All ingredients are mixed together and heated in a water bath. After this, the mixture is applied to the face. A film and a towel are placed on top of it. The fabric is soaked in hot water. After the compress has cooled, the fabric is wetted again in hot water. Duration of the procedure: 20 minutes.

For oily skin, you need to use a compress with the addition of half a spoon of flaxseed, peach oil and glycerin. Add three drops of sandalwood. Glycerin soothes the skin, makes it moist, and eliminates mechanical damage.

It is recommended to heat all the ingredients in a water bath and add glycerin. After this, the mixture should be applied to the skin and covered with a film. Then the face is wrapped in a scarf. Duration of the procedure: 30 minutes. The remaining applied composition is blotted with a napkin.

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