Beautiful and healthy skin: what you need to know about body scrub

Scrub is a very necessary and popular procedure in cosmetology. Thanks to it, rough particles of the epidermis are exfoliated, as a result the skin becomes smooth, healthy, well-groomed and its breathing improves. The scrub is mainly used for the face, but it is equally important to scrub the entire body.

Why is it necessary?

Periodically, the skin undergoes renewal. This leads to the fact that the keratinized layers come off on their own and are easily washed off with water during the washing process. However, not all areas of the body can exfoliate without outside help. For more thorough cleansing, a scrub is required. Due to the content of abrasive particles, such manipulation has the following effects:

  1. ​Smoothes out unevenness of the epidermis.
  2. ​Cleanses pores from fat and various impurities.
  3. Helps improve the penetration of medicinal and cosmetic products into the skin.
  4. ​Helps eliminate rashes.

Body scrubbing is easy and simple to do at home. With regular use, results will be noticeable after 3-4 applications.

Advantages and disadvantages of scrubs

Body scrubs have a number of beneficial properties, which include:

  • removal of dead cells from the surface of the skin;
  • smoothing and softening rough and dry skin;
  • renewal of skin cells and acceleration of blood circulation;
  • drawing out harmful substances and clearing their accumulations in the body;
  • smoothing areas of the body after shaving, softening ingrown hairs.

If we talk specifically about body scrub, then it does not have many disadvantages. The most important one, which can be called a mistake, is increased friction. Harsh substances and pressing movements can cause skin irritation, redness and inflammation. If your body does not tolerate certain substances, always carefully check the composition of the product.

Please understand that frequent scrubbing can cause open pores, which are exposed to UV rays and become dirty easily. After cleansing, dirt and dust easily settle on the pores, leading to acne and dry skin. Therefore, scrubs should be used in moderation and additionally moisturize the skin after the procedure.

How to choose the right one

Face and body scrub are two completely different products that cannot be interchanged. Because in the first case, the product contains small abrasive particles intended for a delicate effect on the skin of the face. The body needs coarser and harder substances to ensure high-quality exfoliation of dead skin areas.

As for hard particles, they come in several types: natural and artificial. Among them are distinguished:

  1. ​Silicate - great for caring for sensitive, delicate skin and certain areas of the body. They have a gentle effect on the epidermis, almost without damaging it.
  2. Sugar or sea salt have an excellent cleansing effect. But scrubbing based on them is limited in time, since they quickly dissolve.
  3. ​Coffee or crushed apricot kernels are the most suitable ingredients for body scrub. They allow you to deeply exfoliate the skin, smooth out your knees, elbows, feet and fight cellulite.

In addition to solids and liquid consistency, the scrub also includes some additional components. They help better care and smooth the skin, nourish and moisturize it:

  1. ​Essential oils - eliminate dryness, soften the epidermis.
  2. ​Panthenol - relieves symptoms of irritation.
  3. ​Vitamin complexes.
  4. ​Antioxidants.
  5. ​Useful extracts.

The composition of a scrub should be approached with particular seriousness. It is important to consider your own wishes and skin type.

Types of body scrubs

There are only two main types of scrubs - oil-based and water-based scrubs.

The main components of oil-based scrubs are oil and small solid particles. The second component is usually crystals of sugar, salt, ground olive seeds, grapes or coffee beans. The consistency of this scrub varies from lotion-like to paste-like. Such products are well suited for additional nutrition and restoration of the epidermis, as well as for spa massage procedures.

Water-based scrubs, unlike the first option, consist mainly of essential oils. The consistency of such a product can be liquid, creamy, or in the form of an emulsion or lotion. The scrubbing particles in such mixtures are often not of plant origin: they can be cellulose or silicone. Such products are especially suitable for cleansing dry or sensitive skin.

How to apply the scrub

It is not permissible to exfoliate the epidermis for persons with dry skin. This is fraught with the appearance of various injuries and damage in any area of ​​the body.

For better removal of dead skin particles, it is recommended to pre-steam to open the pores. Also during the procedure you must follow certain rules:

  1. Each area of ​​the skin, depending on its location, requires an individual approach.
  2. ​Before applying the scrub, you should take a shower or bath to enhance the effect of the abrasive particles.
  3. It is advisable to perform the manipulation before bedtime so that the epidermis has time to renew itself.
  4. ​Do not apply the product with bare hands. It is recommended to use mittens.
  5. ​After scrubbing, it is important to rinse off any remaining product and dry the body with a soft towel.

Cosmetologists also recommend using moisturizing creams or lotions in the final stage after scrubbing. They will help relieve hyperemia and irritation.

When should it not be used?

Of course, a scrub, like any cosmetic product, has its contraindications. First of all, it should not be used if you are individually intolerant to the components. In addition, scrubbing is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of dermatological diseases;
  • in the presence of infectious rashes, all kinds of inflammations, ulcers, wounds and scratches;
  • you use self-tanning or lightening cosmetics (may cause pigmentation);
  • your skin is sunburned (in this case, it cannot be torn off, you need to use special healing and soothing agents);
  • you had surgery (the scrub will interfere with the normal healing of scars);
  • you are going to do a chemical peel (pre-scrubbing can irritate the skin so much that after peeling a burn or inflammation forms);
  • in the presence of insect bites (the scrub can spread the affected area throughout the body).

We recommend: What is a scrub for and how to make a facial product at home?

The scrub perfectly helps to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, but you need to use it wisely: do not overuse procedures, treat different areas of the body with care, and do not forget about possible contraindications.

On the thigh area

Scrubbing this area is very important. This cosmetic procedure not only removes dead skin cells, but also fights the signs of cellulite.

The product is applied as follows:

  1. ​It is necessary to steam the skin well in advance to open the pores and easily remove the roughened elements. A sea salt bath or a warm shower is suitable for this.
  2. The scrub is rubbed into the thighs and legs in circular, even movements from bottom to top. Such manipulations accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  3. ​At the end of the procedure, the feet are rinsed with warm water to cleanse any residual product. Afterwards, take a short contrast shower.

How it will be in a spa salon

Home care is a necessary thing, but why not sometimes treat yourself to a visit to the spa? All procedures will be performed by a professional, and care will be tailored specifically to your skin type. In addition, a visit to the spa is also a great way to relax after a busy week. You will have a good rest, and your skin will gain a healthy glow.

The salon can offer you:

  • Drybrushing (massage with a dry brush);
  • Scrubbing;
  • Massage;
  • Wrap.

After professional care, your skin may be vulnerable. A specialist will give you personal recommendations, but most likely you will have to give up visiting the sauna and heavy physical activity for a while, you will also need to protect your skin from the sun, etc.

Contraindications for scrubbing

A scrub is the most aggressive of all homemade cosmetics in terms of its effect on the skin. Abrasive particles can damage the epidermis or have a negative effect on wounds, cracks, and inflammation.


  • sensitive, thin skin (if you try to use a scrub, then only a mild one, for example, one made from oatmeal);
  • allergy to one of the scrub components;
  • capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin;
  • open injuries (wounds, unhealed scars, microcracks);
  • inflammation (first you need to cure the inflammation, and then scrub, or scrub without affecting the inflamed area).

Leaders among essential oils in scrubs

  1. Lemon oil whitens, improves tone, tightens pores, softens, and has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Treats warts, lichens, weeping eczema.
  2. Almond oil slows down the aging process, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates flaking and irritation, and promotes the formation of new cells.
  3. Shea butter (karite) contains a complex of vitamins A, F and E, which have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the skin and protect the skin from the negative effects of external factors.

About the scrub with love

If theater begins with a hanger, then caring for our body begins with the gym and the right scrub. Yes Yes! Our legs, tummy, back and arms need the same careful and caring attention as our face. The scrubbing procedure in this regard is an extremely simple and effective method. Without leaving home, you can give your skin a radiant, well-groomed look, remove accumulated dead particles and prepare it for further care. We understand the intricacies of choosing and using a product.

Terms of use

Cosmetologists recommend applying a thin layer of scrub exclusively to damp skin. Massage movements should be light and measured. After such a short massage, the product must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

However, these recommendations can be considered general. They may vary depending on the area being treated.

Today, only the lazy do not do such procedures at home, and we hope that you are not one of this number. After all, with the help of such cosmetics you can achieve:

  • exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis;
  • removing residual subcutaneous fat and other contaminants;
  • launching the process of elastin and collagen production;
  • enhancing blood microcirculation.

These home peeling products usually contain many beneficial natural and synthetic substances. Solid particles are ground fruit or berry seeds, nut shells, salt or sand. They are responsible for cleansing and exfoliating, massage. The soft part nourishes, moisturizes and softens injured skin.


In the hip area

Treating this part of the body with scrubs is important in the process of fighting cellulite. Some manufacturers even produce special creams containing abrasive particles with an anti-cellulite effect. Procedures using them help improve blood microcirculation, speed up metabolism and break down fats. Typically, cleansing compositions are applied to well-steamed skin. To do this, you can take a bath, go to the sauna or bathhouse.

Movements while scrubbing the thighs should be light and massage. It is best to direct them from the bottom up. Finally, you need to rinse off the remaining product with cool water, which will help create a contrast effect.

Recently, more and more women prefer using scrubs in tandem with a brush for dry massage. The effect, according to their reviews, is amazing.

On the legs and arms

Using a scrub on the skin of these parts of the body is also important. With its help you can solve the problem of ingrown hairs and speed up regeneration processes. It is useful to massage the outer side of the elbows and knees with special creams containing solid particles several times a week. This way you can soften and even out the color of problem areas.

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Applying scrubs to your hands and feet will help reduce the aggressive effects of various external factors on them. This way you can prepare your fingers for the next manicure or pedicure session.

On the delicate skin of the abdomen, the inner surface of the legs

These parts of the body must be treated as carefully and carefully as possible, just like the face. For them, scrubs with finer crumbs are usually used. This will help minimize the risk of injury and irritation. Finally, it is recommended to apply moisturizing creams. Movements when scrubbing more delicate areas of the body should be smooth and soft, sliding. You should not press or knead them too much, otherwise you will get bruises and abrasions.

On the feet

Here's where you can go wild without limiting the force of pressure during movements, so it's on the inside of the feet. The roughest skin is there. Before scrubbing, your feet need to be thoroughly steamed. When choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to the recommendations for its use. Thus, some products are intended for application to damp skin, others - to thoroughly dried skin. In addition, the size of the solid fragments included in the product can be quite large. They are usually represented by large particles of salt and natural coffee beans.

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Precautionary measures

Read and follow all instructions before exfoliating. Pay special attention to the instructions for use of the facial scrub, expiration dates, possible allergens or adverse interactions with other cosmetics. Some products are designed solely to remove the stratum corneum, but do not cleanse the skin, which means that you need to wash your face first to achieve the desired result.

Before scrubbing, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules in advance:

  • Check with your cosmetologist or dermatologist in advance which scrubs can be used on the face in each specific case.
  • It is better to give preference to products developed on a gel basis.
  • You need to use a sample in advance to make sure there is no individual intolerance.
  • The abrasive particles included in the composition must be smooth.
  • The base should be formulated with nutrients and moisturizers.

Most experts recommend using products made from natural substances that have a positive effect on the skin, restoring its structure at the cellular level.

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