Clean face or use Differin as a peel to treat young skin

From this article you will learn:

  • cream and gel Differin - instructions for use,
  • reviews from a practicing dermatologist,
  • price of the drug Differin for 2022.

The article was written by a specialist with higher medical education.

Differin is a drug for external use intended for the treatment of acne and papulopustular acne (pimples). The active component of the drug is the topical retinoid adapalene in a concentration of 0.1%, which effectively affects the most important links in the pathogenesis of acne and pimples - it effectively suppresses the hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, and also normalizes the keratinization processes in the hair follicles.

Reviews from dermatologists around the world about Differin cream and gel are quite clear - this is the first choice drug for the treatment of acne and pimples. And this applies not only to the drug Differin itself, but in general to all drugs related to topical retinoids based on adapalene (Klenzit, Adaklin and others). However, it must be clarified that Differin as a single drug can only be prescribed for the treatment of acne, and for the treatment of acne, we will have to combine it with drugs containing benzoyl peroxide and/or an antibiotic.

Differin cream and gel: photos of packaging

It should be noted that these drugs can be used in patients over 12 years of age; they are dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The Differin® trademark belongs to a pharmaceutical company (Switzerland), but the production itself is carried out in France. The Galderma company is known to dermatologists all over the world because... It specializes in the production of drugs for the treatment of skin diseases. For example, it also produces the drugs Baziron and Effezel.

How much does Differin cost in pharmacies, analogues:

For Differin, the price in pharmacies will be a little over 900 rubles (for a 30 g tube), and the cream and gel forms cost almost the same. The price is for 2022. The drug Differin does not have any very cheap analogues, and we can only tell you - Clenzit gel (it costs about 800 rubles per 30 g tube), as well as Adaklin cream, the cost of which starts from 570 rubles per 30 g tube.

Composition of Differin

Differin gel for external use contains the following components:

  • adapalene – 1 mg per 1 g of pharmaceutical preparation;
  • propylene glycol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • carbomer 940 R;
  • disodium edetate;
  • polyxamer 182;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

Composition of 1 g cream:

  • adapalene – 1 mg;
  • carbomer 974 R (934 R);
  • macrogol methyldextrose sesquistearate;
  • glycerol;
  • natural squalene;
  • methyldextrose sesquistearate;
  • disodium edetate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Differin cream and gel, as a variation of the same drug, belong to the group of anti-inflammatory and comedolytic agents that are used externally. The therapeutic effect develops thanks to the main active component called adapalene , which is a metabolite of a retinoid . The biologically active substance normalizes the processes of keratinization and epidermal differentiation at the cellular level.

Anti-blackhead cream Differin has a selective mechanism for the development of beneficial effects, which consists in the interaction of the active component with specific receptors of epidermal skin cells, resulting in a weakening of cellular connections in the mouths of the pilosebaceous follicles and the elimination of etiological factors for microcomedones .

Along with the above mechanism of action, we should not forget that Adapalene has strong anti-inflammatory properties , because the constituent component of the pharmaceutical drug inhibits the migration of white blood cells to the site of inflammation and the metabolism of arachidonic acid, which “switches off” the leukocyte link from the pathological process.

Differin: instructions for use

The pharmacological effect of Differin gel and cream is due to the presence of the active component in the composition - adapalene 0.1%. The latter is a 3rd generation topical retinoid, which means better tolerability and less risk of skin irritation - compared to previous generations of topical retinoids. The drug Differin has the following effects:

  • Suppressing hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands – overactivity of the sebaceous glands is one of the main causes of the formation of acne and pimples. The use of topical retinoids (adapalene) suppresses the production of fatty secretions by the sebaceous glands. Within 1-2 days from the start of use, you will immediately notice that your skin has become much less oily, throughout the day. This effect is much more pronounced in preparations with adapalene than in preparations with azelaic acid.
  • Reduction of follicular hyperkeratosis – hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of hair follicles is the second most important mechanism that leads to the formation of acne and pimples.
    Follicular hyperkeratosis consists of thickening of the layers of keratinocytes of the follicle epithelium and disruption of their desquamation. Together with increased secretion of sebum (secretion of the sebaceous glands), this leads to clogging of the follicles with fatty plugs, i.e. comedones/blackheads form. The use of adapalene helps to neutralize the phenomena of follicular hyperkeratosis, which occurs by enhancing the differentiation of keratinocytes of hair follicles, as well as facilitating their desquamation into the lumen of the follicle. Next, the exfoliated cells are brought to the surface of the skin along with sebum. Also, topical retinoids reduce the phenomenon of hyperkeratosis in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, facilitating the exfoliation of dead skin cells.
  • Comedolytic effect - this means that the drug causes a slow dissolution of the fatty substrate that makes up comedones (acne). This releases hair follicles clogged with comedones and normalizes the unhindered removal of sebum to the surface of the skin (
  • Anti-inflammatory effect – adapalene also has anti-inflammatory activity.
    Against the background of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands and the colonization of the sebaceous gland ducts with P. acnes bacteria, a large amount of free fatty acids (monoglycerides) can be found in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Normally, they should not be present, but with acne and pimples, their number often increases to 20% of all lipids secreted by the sebaceous glands onto the surface of the skin. This occurs because enzymes in the bacteria P.acnes break down triglycerides into free fatty acids. The latter not only have increased comedogenicity, stimulating the formation of comedones in the follicles, but also have chemotaxis (i.e., they stimulate the migration of neutrophils to the follicles). The migration of neutrophils, in turn, leads to the formation of papules and pustules, i.e. acne. So, adapalene inhibits chemotaxis and migration of neutrophils, which provides anti-inflammatory activity.

Important: thus, the drug Differin has a complex effect - on the most important mechanisms (links of pathogenesis) leading to the formation of acne and pimples. But we once again draw your attention to the fact that this drug as monotherapy will be effective only in the presence of non-inflammatory elements - comedones (acne). For acne, you will need to combine it with benzoyl peroxide-based products and/or an antibiotic.


  • hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the pharmaceutical drug;
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance to the drug and its constituent elements;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • childhood;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding ;
  • damage to the skin;
  • burn wound surface;
  • the use of systemic drugs from the group of retinoids .

Side effects

During conservative treatment with a pharmaceutical agent, the following may develop:

  • irritation of the skin at the treatment site;
  • redness and peeling of the skin ;
  • itching or burning sensation ;
  • dry skin;
  • local change in physiological pigmentation ;
  • contact dermatitis ;
  • eczema;
  • allergic conjunctivitis.

If these side effects are observed, it is strongly recommended that you immediately stop further treatment and consult a qualified dermatologist. It should also be noted that the drug increases the risk of developing sunburn at normal levels of solar radiation.

Storage conditions

It is better to store the cream out of the reach of children, preferably under lock and key and in a closed cabinet. Application of the product is external only. Apply only in a thin layer. If a child accidentally eats a little cream, you should definitely consult a doctor as soon as possible. Self-medication in this case is prohibited.

It is better to keep the gel in a dry place. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. A good place is a first aid kit in the closet. There are temperature restrictions - no higher than 25 degrees Celsius. Also, it should not be stored at temperatures less than 10 degrees to prevent it from freezing.

A prerequisite is not to use cream or gel that has expired. It can be stored for three years from the date engraved on the package. After this, be sure to throw Differin away. Otherwise, a severe allergic reaction may occur.

Instructions for Differin (Method and dosage)

Gel Differin, instructions for use

Before applying the acne gel, you need to cleanse your face , so the therapeutic capabilities of the pharmaceutical drug will be much higher. However, you should not use alcohol or soap solutions for this; it is recommended to use washing gel . The ointment is applied in an even thin layer over the entire face (if Differin for blackheads is used) or selectively only on inflammatory elements to eliminate them, without rubbing.

The frequency of use is once a day; it is better to use the drug in the evening, before bedtime, since at night the reparative mechanisms of the skin are higher due to the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. The maximum effect from using the gel is usually observed after a month, but the full course of conservative therapy for getting rid of blackheads or acne lasts 3 months. The possibility of repeated sanitation with a pharmaceutical drug should be further discussed with a dermatologist.

Instructions for the cream

Like the gel, the acne and acne cream should be applied to cleansed and dry skin with light touches. You can use the cream both in the morning and in the evening. Avoid contact of the pharmaceutical drug with the red border of the lips, nasal mucosa and eye area, otherwise the possibility of developing local and systemic side effects increases significantly. The cream is used not only for the face, but also for the back, shoulders and chest area, if necessary (acne or other blemishes are common).

Side effects of the drug Differin -

Skin irritation (dryness, itching, burning, redness) may occur. In this case, you first need to take a break from applying the drug for several days, and then resume treatment, but for the first 2 weeks do not use the drug every day, but only 3 times a week. This usually solves the problem. Such side effects more often occur in patients with dry and sensitive skin who have chosen the wrong form of the drug (gel instead of cream).

In addition, you should not use medications or face washes containing alcohol in parallel with Differin. It should also be noted that topical retinoids increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, so if you use the drug during periods of high solar activity, you must definitely use products with SPF 50. In addition, these products must be non-comedogenic, otherwise you will only worsen your acne and acne. We hope that our article on the topic: Differin price reviews was useful to you!

Product with SPF 50 for patients with acne (suspension) –


1. Higher medical education of the author of the article, 2. Textbook on dermatology “Fitzpatrick's Dermatology” (8th edition), 3. “Etiology, pathogenesis, classification and clinical picture of acne vulgaris” (Barinova A.N.), 4. “Acne from the position of evidence-based medicine" (Anisimova M.Yu.), 5. "Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acne vulgaris" (Barinova A.N.).


A state of intoxication with active or auxiliary components is unlikely, since Differin has a low absorption capacity (only 4% of the applied amount of ointment or gel is absorbed into the microcirculation). In case of accidental oral use or application of the drug to damaged skin, prolonged uncontrolled use, the following symptoms may develop:

  • dry skin;
  • muscle pain;
  • lacrimation;
  • symptoms of vitamin A in particularly severe cases.

Useful properties of Differin ointment for wrinkles

Proper use of Differin ointment can provide an additional anti-aging effect when primarily using anti-aging gels and creams. Thus, folk methods and advice from cosmetologists helped to reveal that the product has the following beneficial properties:

  • evens out skin texture;
  • promotes the disappearance of age spots;
  • provokes more intense collagen production;
  • provides elasticity, perfectly tones and nourishes the skin;
  • helps restore acid-base balance;
  • normalizes sebum production;
  • reduces the intensity of the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in acne.

In some reviews, women are skeptical about the cosmetic properties of Differin in relation to wrinkles. But it has been confirmed more than once that the cream can fight not only acne. It's all about the main component adapalene, which is able to normalize the condition of the skin at the cellular level.

special instructions

After being prescribed a pharmaceutical drug, most patients wonder what is better - Differin cream or gel. Both forms of the drug contain the active ingredient in equal quantities, and therefore their therapeutic properties do not differ. What about the auxiliary active substances - based on their combination, it can be argued that the cream, as a rule, is indicated for more sensitive and dry skin , since the biological components can improve trophism to some extent, however, their beneficial effects develop gradually due to the specificity of chemical interactions .

Rules for differential exfoliation

As a peeling, Differin is mainly used at home. Cosmetologists call this peeling a budget analogue of professional retinoic procedures. In the case of Differin, the cost of one peeling session will vary within 200 rubles (a tube of cream or gel in pharmacies costs about 900 rubles, one package is enough for 4-5 procedures). One session of retinoic peeling in a salon costs approximately 2000-3000 rubles (depending on the formulations used and the level of cosmetology). The effect of Differin peels will be similar to professional exfoliation, but more home sessions may be required. In any case, the drug will help you save money on beauty and not lose quality.

Differin peeling is performed in several stages:

  • facial skin is thoroughly cleansed of remnants of cosmetics and care products;
  • apply a thick layer of differin composition to the skin, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes;
  • the peeling agent is left to act for 1.5-2 hours;
  • Differin residues are removed from the face with warm water.

The day after the Differin peel, your facial skin will become red and more sensitive. Approximately 2-3 days after peeling, slight peeling of the skin will appear, which can only be eliminated with the help of moisturizers or wound-healing agents. It is prohibited to remove detachments yourself; this can lead to the formation of dense scar tissue underneath them. Before each exit outside after differin peeling, it is recommended to apply sunscreen with SPF 35 to the face. During rehabilitation after adapalene peeling, it is not recommended to use foundations and alcohol-based care products.

Instead of peeling, Differin makes facial skin smooth. Along with comedones and inflammatory rashes, a network of fine wrinkles and light pigmentation disappears. You can repeat peeling with Differin no more than once a month.

Differin analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:





Retinoic ointment


Retin A

We see

Differin analogues are medicinal or cosmetic products that have similar therapeutic capabilities aimed at combating acne, blackheads or other skin defects. Among the entire group of similar pharmaceutical products, of which there are quite a few, it is worth noting domestic drugs, the purchase of which in the countries of the former CIS does not create difficulties. These include: Klenzit , Vidistem , Radevit Retasol solution , Diaknel cream.

The price of domestically produced Differin analogues is, of course, lower, which, as a rule, is a key factor in choosing a pharmaceutical drug. However, Differin is a premium-level medicine produced in France, the world center of cosmetology, and there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Which is better: Baziron or Differin?

Baziron is an antiseptic based on benzene peroxide in the form of a gel for external use. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of the pharmaceutical drug is a pronounced antimicrobial effect directed against colonies of cutaneous staphylococcus and propionobacteria , the main causative agents of acne. The drug also saturates the skin with oxygen , normalizing trophic processes, and inhibits the synthesis and secretion of sebaceous gland excretion, due to which the facial skin becomes softer, moisturized and pathological hyperemia disappears.

It is difficult to compare these pharmaceutical drugs, since their mechanism of action is extremely different, although the therapeutic focus of use is similar, therefore qualified dermatologists have developed a scheme for conservative treatment of acne , when Baziron and Differin are used together in combined sanitation. Thus, beneficial effects develop earlier, and stable remission lasts much longer.

Skinoren or Differin – which is better?

Like Baziron, Skinoren belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs. The main active component of the gel is Azelaic acid, which has an antimicrobial effect. In addition, the active component affects follicular hyperkeratosis , inhibiting the processes of proliferation of keratinization and normalizing the rate of terminal differentiation of epidermal elements. Separately, it is worth noting that the pharmaceutical drug reduces the amount of free fatty acid fractions in the lipid structures of the skin, which helps eliminate the problem of oily skin.

Although the drugs Skinoren, Differin, Diaknel, Klenzit, etc. are analogues , after all, they are different drugs with different compositions and pharmacological effects, so it is best to choose which drug is right for you with the help of a specialist.

Differin: indications for use

According to the official instructions, Differin gel and cream have the following indications for use:

  • acne (comedones),
  • in the presence of papules and pustules.

Let us draw your attention to the terminology. The term acne implies the presence of only non-inflammatory elements on the skin of the face - such as open and closed comedones (they are also called acne). As for acne, there are 2 types of acne: pustules with pus, and papules (without pus inside). The instructions for Differin also indicate that these indications apply to acne and pimples - only mild to moderate severity.

The severity of the disease is calculated individually, based on the amount of inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements on the facial skin. In severe forms of acne, topical retinoids such as Differin are no longer prescribed. In this case, the first choice drugs will be systemic retinoids based on isotretinoin, which are taken orally. The latter include drugs such as, for example, Roaccutane or Acnecutane.

Elements of acne (open and closed comedones) –

Reviews of Differin

The pharmaceutical drug belongs to imported cosmetics that have high therapeutic effectiveness, therefore, undoubtedly, reviews of Differin for acne are overwhelmingly positive. The active component allows not only to cleanse the skin of the face, back, shoulders and chest from unpleasant and sometimes disfiguring rashes, but also helps to normalize the trophic and plastic properties of the surrounding tissue, which in case of acne cannot but be considered one of the pros of the pharmaceutical drug.

Reviews of Differin cream from qualified dermatologists only confirm the good recommendations and opinions of people who have used the gel or cream. Adapalene, the main active component, carefully regulates the processes of keratinization and differentiation of epidermal cell structures at the biochemical level, which has been confirmed in repeated clinical studies.

Of course, reviews of Differin gel are often overshadowed by the high cost of the drug, since it is made from the best ingredients and is an imported cosmetic product. However, this price is completely justified, because after completing a full course of conservative sanitation for 3 months, biologically active components make it possible to achieve stable remission for many years.

Description of the drug

The popular anti-wrinkle cream Differin previously had a different purpose. This name hides a gel designed to get rid of acne, blackheads and deep rashes. The principle of its action is simple: an ointment with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect helps restore the balance of arachidonic acid, thereby relieving the skin of rashes and promoting the healing of affected areas.

Differin release form

Available in two forms - in the form of an ointment and in the form of a gel. The latter is absorbed faster into the skin and is considered lighter and better tolerated by the body. The cream is suitable for dry skin, and the gel for oily skin. Sold in small aluminum or plastic tubes of 30 grams each.

It has a white color and thick consistency. The product does not have any distinct odor. Freely sold in any pharmacy, even in small towns. It doesn't cost too much and is produced in Russia.

Before use, you should definitely consult with your doctor to avoid complications or exacerbations of any chronic diseases. Pay special attention to the list of contraindications.

Differin price, where to buy

The price of Differin gel practically does not depend on the country in which the cosmetic product is purchased, since the drug is produced in France, the global center of the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore has truly premium characteristics.

Thus, the price of Differin in Ukraine is on average 350 hryvnia for a cream and 450 hryvnia for a gel for external use.

The price of Differin cream in the Russian Federation is equivalent to that in Ukraine, however, in the pharmacy kiosks of the vast state there is no such significant difference between the cost of the cream and the gel. For example, in Novosibirsk, both forms of the pharmaceutical drug can be purchased for 600-650 rubles.

The cost of a cosmetic product in Belarus is a big question due to the difficulties of converting it into national currency and other economic adjustments, therefore, how much a pharmaceutical drug costs in a pharmacy should be found out by visiting a licensed point of sale.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Differin gel 0.1% 30gGalderma
    RUR 946 order
  • Differin cream 0.1% 30gGalderma

    966 RUR order

Does Differin help against wrinkles?

Differin is a complex medical product from a French pharmaceutical company. It is produced on the basis of one of the forms of retinoic acid. The drug has a lasting aesthetic effect and is intended for the treatment of recurrent acne. Several years ago, experts found Differina another purpose in cosmetology - an effective remedy for wrinkles. Numerous reviews of people who used the acne remedy showed that their skin not only became noticeably cleaner, but also acquired a uniform shade, elastic and firm structure.

The main function of smoothing the skin relief is performed by adapalene, an innovative synthetic compound, which, due to its chemical structure and properties, has an antiseptic and antioxidant effect. This component can effectively fight not only inflammatory processes, but also deep wrinkles. Therefore, using the cream for cosmetic purposes will significantly improve the condition of aging skin.

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