Chinese ointments and remedies for psoriasis: types, reviews, list of the best

Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin disease of an autoimmune nature, characterized by a chronic course, and is the source of the appearance of psoriatic plaques on the body, which significantly reduce a person’s quality of life. Chinese ointments are especially popular in the treatment of psoriasis, due to their high efficiency and accessibility. The effectiveness of the products is not inferior to pharmaceutical products, but most of them are made on the basis of natural ingredients and do not cause adverse reactions. Before starting treatment, it is important to familiarize yourself with the pharmacological action, restrictions and price category of each in more detail.

King of leather

Among Chinese ointments for psoriasis, this remedy is one of the most popular. It contains tulsi, kapur kachari, sandalwood, melia and turmeric. The colorless ointment is placed in small tubes. The product has no specific odors. Skin King is used to treat all forms of psoriasis, thrush, eczema and fungal infections of the skin.

The approximate cost of the Chinese ointment for psoriasis Skin King is 900-1000 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • moisturizing the skin;
  • prevention of associated skin infections;
  • softening and antipruritic effect;
  • inhibition of the inflammatory process;
  • tonic and cooling effect.

Mode of application:

  • The ointment should be applied to the affected areas of the skin twice a day;
  • The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed three weeks.

Prices for drugs and where to buy them

You can purchase Chinese remedies to combat scaly lichen in some pharmacies in the city or in an online store.
The second option is more financially profitable. Here you can always find the necessary product. Approximate cost of Chinese medicines:

  • Cusuan Fuqingsong Bingpian Rugao - from 150-210 rubles;
  • Huang Pifu cream – 250 rubles;
  • King of Skin ointment – ​​1250 rubles;
  • White Tiger balm – 150-250 rubles;
  • ointment Day and night - from 480 to 620 rubles.

Day and night

The product is available in the form of a set of cream for night and day use. The drug can be used not only for psoriasis, but also for other skin diseases. The cream contains yellowish sophora, white ash, smilax, rhubarb and borneol.

The approximate price of the set is 480-500 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • preventing relapse of the disease;
  • elimination of deep skin contaminations;
  • reducing the intensity of peeling of the epidermis;
  • sedative and antipruritic effect.

Mode of application:

  • the cream is applied to the skin twice a day (day cream - in the morning, night cream - before bedtime);
  • The duration of therapy is on average two weeks.


  • children under three years of age;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction.


Doctors recommend using Chinese spray during remission. This allows you to relieve possible irritation, itching or burning. The liquid does not contain hormones, it contains only plant components. It is necessary to shake the can and apply the product to the problem area of ​​the skin. Leave until completely absorbed.


Chinese traditional medicine is deservedly popular. Created on the basis of ancient recipes using environmentally friendly plant ingredients, they are guaranteed to provide a lasting positive effect in the treatment of psoriasis.

“I once discovered that strange spots began to appear on my leg. They gradually increased in size and caused discomfort due to itching. I consulted a dermatologist, he diagnosed psoriasis. I'm shocked! How come, no one in my family has ever had anything like this. But there is nothing to do, you need to fight. The doctor recommended the “Skin King” ointment. I decided to buy it, there are a lot of these products in every pharmacy, it’s not difficult to purchase. Daily procedures got rid of the problem in two weeks. Now I apply it once a month for preventive purposes. Everything has returned to normal. Thank you to the Celestial Empire for a unique remedy!” Olga

“At three years old, my child began to develop strange spots on his stomach, which a little later became covered with some kind of scales. I suspected that it might be psoriasis, but I didn’t want to believe it. The pediatrician confirmed my fears. The diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. But the doctor reassured me and said that the process can be stopped by using Chinese non-hormonal soap “SHANGHAI Sulfur Soap” every day. You can buy it at any pharmacy, prices are affordable. I washed my child with this soap twice daily. I was afraid of an allergic reaction, but nothing like that happened. The problem was resolved in 10 days. The attending physician also recommended the spray, but I haven’t tried it yet.” Tatyana

Fufan - Compound Fluocinonide Tincture Lotion

Chinese lotion for psoriasis Fufang is an orange liquid. For ease of use, the product comes with a special applicator. The drug is used for the treatment of scaly lichen, urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.

Be sure to read:

Naftaderm ointment, accelerating tissue regeneration: instructions for use

The average cost of lotion is 500-800 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • elimination of the main symptoms of psoriasis;
  • cooling and softening effect;
  • acceleration of epidermal regeneration processes;
  • prevention of the addition of skin infections to the disease;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Mode of application:

  • Using an applicator, the lotion is applied to the affected areas of the skin twice a day;
  • The duration of use depends on the form and stage of psoriasis.

Features of the rash

Psoriatic papules tend to grow from the center to the periphery, often merging into plaques with uneven outlines, and can be isolated or become large, occupying a large surface of the skin.

The exudative form of the disease is characterized by the presence of yellowish-gray scales, which tend to stick together and form dense crusts. The location of the rashes on the palms and soles often leads to the formation of very painful skin cracks. Often, skin damage is combined with changes in nail grafting: pinpoint impressions appear, nails become brittle, deformed, and sometimes thicken.

In many patients, X-rays can reveal changes in the osteoarticular system (osteoporosis, changes in the joint space). As for the corresponding complaints, they can vary from minor pain in the joints to arthrosis with complete immobility.

Pustular psoriasis

is accompanied by rashes located mainly in the area of ​​​​the palms and soles, and the pustules have limited contours, and there is content inside the blisters.

Guttate psoriasis

More often observed in children, the rashes are located literally over the entire surface of the body, small, multiple.

Psoriasis cream

Chinese cream for psoriasis is white in color with a thick consistency. Available in small round jars. The cream has a characteristic camphor smell. The product contains oak bark extract, camphor, petroleum jelly and retinol.

The average cost of a Chinese drug is 280-300 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • normalization of blood circulation in the affected skin;
  • bactericidal and antiseptic properties;
  • elimination of itching and pain;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration.

Mode of application:

  • the cream is applied to the skin two or three times a day;
  • the course of therapy is a maximum of three weeks.


  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

Side effects:

  • skin pigmentation and swelling;
  • allergic reaction;
  • increased itching and burning.


A distinctive feature of Nano-gel is that it can be used not only on the skin, but also on the scalp. The product is non-addictive and suitable for long-term use. The gel contains blackthorn, vitamins of various groups, peppermint and earthen mushroom extracts, and silver ions.

The average cost of Nano-gel is 800-1000 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • accelerating the healing process of wounds after psoriatic plaques;
  • inhibition of the inflammatory process;
  • skin cooling effect;
  • normalization of the blood supply to the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • antipruritic and disinfectant effect;
  • softening of affected skin areas.

Mode of application:

  • the product can be applied to any area of ​​the skin, including the scalp;
  • the gel can be used a maximum of twice a day;
  • Duration of use is on average three weeks.

How does psoriasis manifest?

In most cases, psoriasis is characterized by flat spots (papules) that are clearly demarcated from healthy skin. The spots have a pink tint, sometimes a little more saturated (to red), and are covered with silver-white scales on top. A very characteristic sign of psoriasis is the so-called “psoriatic triad”: after scraping the papules, you can observe an increase in the exfoliation process in this place (the skin becomes like a drop of stearin, therefore the phenomenon is called a “stearin spot”), then after removing the scales, their surface becomes moist and shiny (“terminal film”), if you scratch the surface further, pinpoint droplets of blood that do not merge with each other (“blood dew”) are visible.

Favorite places for localization of psoriatic rashes are the skin of the knee and elbow joints - psoriasis on the elbows, psoriasis on the legs

scalp and face - psoriasis of the scalp, seborrheic psoriasis
palms and soles - palmoplantar psoriasis


Chinese ointment for psoriasis Yiganerjing is intended not only for the treatment of psoriasis, but also chronic or acute dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, candidiasis, fungal infections, miliaria and burns in children. The product contains broom kochia, Monnier root, sophora, lotus extract, Amur velvet and holly extract.

Be sure to read:
Radevit ointment: instructions for use, approximate price in rubles and reviews
The average price of the ointment is 900-1000 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • replenishing the supply of nutrients in the skin;
  • reducing the intensity of itching in skin diseases;
  • disinfection of affected areas of the skin;
  • acceleration of epidermal regeneration processes;
  • improvement of local immunity;
  • normalization of blood circulation.

Mode of application:

  • the ointment is applied to the skin twice a day;
  • The average course of therapy is 10-25 days.


  • children under five years of age;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to plant components.

Side effects:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • increased symptoms of an existing disease;
  • allergic reaction.

List of the best and most effective

Chinese ointments for psoriasis differ in composition, but most of them give visible results after 5-7 days of use.


Prescribed for diseases of the dermis, including fungus and miliaria in children.

Ingredients: Sophora japonica, Monnier root, broom kochia (summer cypress), lotus, Phellodendron Amur, Paraguayan holly.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • improving blood circulation in the affected area;
  • reduction of itching;
  • disinfects;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • helps increase local immunity.

Directions for use: the medicine is applied to clean skin in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.

Contraindications: children under 5 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, allergic reactions.

The average cost of the drug in online stores is 850-950 rubles.

Likan Shuangzhu

The medication has anti-inflammatory activity, cleanses the dermis of rashes, penetrates deeply, improves microcirculation, and reduces the manifestations of the disease.

Likan Shuanzhu is produced from: Amur velvet, Sophora extract, Roqueburgia japonica. Additional ingredients: menthol (obtained from mint essential oil), ethanoic acid.

Basic properties:

  • intensive hydration;
  • relieves inflammatory reactions;
  • eliminates itching;
  • causes exfoliation of dead cells.

Method of use: the affected area is first cleaned, then a thin layer of ointment is applied, which is rubbed in in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. Avoid contact with water for several hours. The drug is used 2 times a day.

With regular use, plaques become less noticeable and itching disappears. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Contraindications: individual sensitivity to ingredients, pregnancy, lactation, children under 5 years of age.

The average price is 220-240 rubles.

Tsykun Baksian

It copes well not only with psoriasis, but also with allergic dermatitis, urticaria, and lichen. Thanks to its unique ingredients, the medication has antiseptic and analgesic properties, accelerates recovery processes, relieves inflammation, and promotes the destruction of toxic substances.

Main components: sophora root, smilax, white ash, rhubarb root extract.

Action provided:

  • destroys microorganisms;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves swelling, inflammation;
  • discolors hyperemic areas of the skin;
  • improves the condition of epithelial tissue;
  • relieves itching;
  • tones.

Directions for use: Tsykun Baksian is available in two separate tubes, one ointment for daytime use, the other for nighttime use. Apply to clean skin with massaging movements - 3 times during the day, 1 time at night before bedtime.

Contraindications: not used in children under 2 years of age, pregnant women, during lactation, or with individual sensitivity to the components.

Price for two tubes is 480 – 580 rubles.


Refers to hormonal medications, available in the form of lotion.

Ingredients: oriental traditional plants, camphor, salicylic acid and additional substances.

The lotion works as follows:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves itching;
  • eliminates plaques;
  • increases blood circulation;
  • destroys infections;
  • restores damaged skin;
  • cools.

Directions for use: Apply to affected skin morning and evening with a special brush. Duration of therapy is up to 14 days.

Contraindications: allergic reactions, children under 14 years of age, impaired skin integrity, gestation, breastfeeding, kidney and liver failure.

The price of lotion varies between 550-750 rubles.

King of leather

The most popular Chinese ointment for psoriasis. Has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory activity.

Ingredients: turmeric, fine basil, melia, sandalwood.

Directions for use: Apply to exposed areas of affected skin in the morning and before bed. Therapy lasts for 3 weeks or until symptoms disappear plus 5 days after.

Main action:

  • nourishes;
  • cools;
  • relieves irritation of the dermis;
  • softens rough areas;
  • eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.

Not prescribed for: young children (under 1 year), pregnancy, hypersensitivity.

The average price in online stores is 300-400 rubles.

Pihuan Sedu

The product is intended for the treatment of skin diseases. The main active ingredient is scorpion venom. It has a strong antifungal and antibacterial effect, and relieves inflammatory processes well.

The composition also contains: echinacea extract, reddish clover, extract from the fruits of Monnier root, angelica, larch, and other oriental plants.

According to the instructions, the ointment is rubbed into areas with rashes 2-3 times a day.

The medicine works as follows:

  • destroys bacteria, fungal infection;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • improves skin condition.

Restrictions on use: not for pregnant or lactating women, or if you are allergic to one of the components.

Pihuan Sedu is an affordable remedy, the price is in the range of 280-360 rubles.

Ointment 999

Hormonal cream with a pronounced therapeutic effect. Widely used for skin diseases, including allergic rashes.

The main active substance is dexamethasone.

The composition includes natural components that improve blood circulation and have a slight antiviral effect: glycerin, menthol, octadecanoic acid.

Action of the drug:

  • reduces irritation and swelling of soft tissues;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • promotes regeneration processes;
  • fights pathogens.

Treatment is carried out for 2-3 weeks. The product is applied several times a day. Particular attention is paid to the face area - the cream is applied pointwise.

Not for use in children under 5 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, in areas with damaged skin integrity, or fungal infections.

The cost of the cream in online stores is from 280 rubles.

Tablets "Xiao Yin Pian"

The tablets are made from natural ingredients, including medicinal plant extracts and insect components.

Ingredients: Japanese honeysuckle, sophora, the shell of real cicadas that has undergone specific processing, burdock, Maryin root peony and others.

Pharmacological properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • strengthens surface capillaries and small vessels;
  • fights germs;
  • accelerates healing processes;
  • relieves irritation and swelling of soft tissues.

Xiao Yin Pian tablets are used 3 times a day, at regular intervals. The maximum dosage is 5 tablets per day. Treatment lasts 4 weeks.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the composition, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

Most often prescribed in combination with a cream or ointment. The average cost per package is 900-1000 rubles.

“Tender skin” patch

The therapeutic patch can be worn under clothing, to work and for walks.

Ingredients: eucalyptus and camphor oil, borneol, salicylic acid methyl ester.

The main action of the patch:

  • narrows capillaries;
  • improves regeneration;
  • suppresses the process of cell reproduction, preventing the appearance of new foci of plaques;
  • removes inflammation, swelling;
  • relieves pain;
  • stimulates blood circulation.

Use according to the instructions: stick the product to the affected area, after cleaning it (with an antiseptic or soap and water) and drying it. The patch can be left on for several days and then replaced with a new one. If the product comes off on its own, replace it with a new one. The course of treatment is until the plaques decrease or completely disappear.

Not applicable for: allergies to substances, on open wound surfaces, the face and groin. Not used in summer, at hot air temperatures.

Price for 1 piece – 60-120 rubles.

Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao patch

A fast-acting patch that relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease and prolongs remission.

Made from: eucalyptus and camphor oil, fluocinoid, borneol.

Medicinal properties:

  • increased blood circulation;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • slows down proliferation.

Method of use: the patch is glued to the affected area after cleansing the skin. Change the product once every 2-3 days. Duration of treatment is up to 14 days.

Restrictions: pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies.

The cost for one blister is 60-100 rubles.

SHANGHAI Sulfur Soap

Chinese soap for psoriasis is used to treat and prevent skin diseases, including acne and fungus.

Ingredients: olive oil, aloe, minerals from the Dead Sea, sulfur.


  • eliminates allergic reactions;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • exfoliates dead dermal cells;
  • increases the protective qualities of the skin;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • neutralizes toxins.

According to the instructions, use soap as follows: wet the soap with water, thoroughly lather the areas with plaques, lather, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse under running water. The soap is suitable for daily use.

Limitations: hypersensitivity to ingredients.

The cost per bar of soap is 130-150 rubles.


An effective Chinese ointment that penetrates well into the deep layers of the skin, helps restore its protective function, and quickly eliminates the symptoms of psoriasis.

The healing formula contains the most useful plants: false larch, Amur Phellodendron, Oregano dictamnus, honey locust, Sophora angustifolia.

Pharmacological properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • antipruritic;
  • decongestant;
  • relieves hyperemia;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • exfoliates;
  • promotes healing.

Used on cleansed skin, applied with rubbing movements in a thin layer to areas with psoriatic plaques. After allowing it to soak in, wash your hands with soap. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 20 days.

Restrictions: intolerance to components, pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 5 years of age.

Cost from 180 rubles.


The cream is considered a popular remedy that relieves irritation and swelling, eliminating fungal infections.

The composition contains only natural substances: Phellodendron Amur, extract from holly leaves, bassia broom, lotus, honey locust, ash tree, chlorhexidine, menthol, petroleum jelly, sophora, zhgun root, mulberry root bark.

Action provided:

  • fights fungus;
  • cools;
  • accelerates cell recovery;
  • eliminates psoriatic rashes, exfoliates dead skin cells;
  • disinfects;
  • prevents infection;
  • evens out skin color;
  • enhances microcirculation.

Use daily, applied to clean skin morning and evening. The course of treatment lasts 14-21 days, repeated after a month.

Not applicable for: allergic reactions.

Price in different online stores from 180 to 260 rubles.

Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao patch

The Chinese patch for psoriasis Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao is distinguished not only by its ability to quickly relieve symptoms of the disease, but also to significantly prolong periods of remission. The product contains camphor oil, fluocinoid, borneol and eucalyptus oil. The patch is sold individually or in packages.

The price per unit is approximately 50 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • restoration of blood flow in damaged skin cells;
  • elimination of swelling and itching;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • slowing down the process of dermal cell division.

Mode of application:

  • the patch is glued to the skin for a day;
  • The average course of therapy is two weeks.

In the article at the link you can read how to use sulfur-tar ointment for psoriasis.


  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to plant components.

Side effects:

  • in rare cases, allergic reactions are possible.

Release form

Various forms of topical medications are available for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • creams - made on the basis of 3-4 or more components, have a wide spectrum of action: cope with fungal infections, eliminate miliaria in children, some drugs actively fight staphylococcal infections, acne;
  • ointments - copes well with fungus, intensively moisturizing flaky skin, and helps restore the epidermis. Domestic products have little effect on the processes occurring in psoriasis. But products from China are made from unique plants that quickly and effectively help relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
  • gels - this form of remedy is very popular for psoriasis, especially in women. This is due to the pleasant, delicate aroma of the gel and its composition, which contains no chemical elements. Gels soothe irritated skin, penetrating inside to improve blood circulation and eliminate unpleasant burning sensations. With long-term use, psoriatic rash is reduced or completely eliminated;
  • lotions - effectively eliminates signs of psoriasis and other dermal diseases. With daily use, after 3-5 procedures, irritation decreases and inflammation goes away. All Chinese lotions have disinfectant properties and promote healing of the epidermis;
  • tablets - patient reviews indicate the strong effect of the tablet form of Chinese remedies. The course of therapy is quite long, 1-1.5 months. The results become visible already on the 5-7th day of use: discomfort, itching and burning disappear. After 2-3 weeks, the rash begins to disappear, body temperature normalizes;
  • patches are an excellent addition to traditional methods of therapy. After attaching the patch to the affected area, after a few hours the discomfort and swelling decrease, and with regular use the rash disappears. Thanks to the composition of the patches, there is a pronounced calming, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
  • Quick view

    Sulfur soap Sulfur soap for skin problems Reviews 1 Shanghai sulfur soap Sulfur soap for skin problems is recommended for use for dermatitis, psoriasis, peeling skin, to eliminate juvenile acne, eczema, sweating. Soap disinfects wounds well. Makes skin healthy. Suitable for children from 3 years old.

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  • -17%
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    Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao patch for psoriasis Reviews 4 Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao patch for psoriasis is used in the treatment of psoriasis, scaly lichen, dermatitis, eczema, and skin fungus. Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao patch relieves itching and flaking, eliminates pain and discomfort, moisturizes the skin and improves blood flow in the affected areas.

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    Patch Delicate skin from eczema and psoriasis Reviews 1 Therapeutic patch Delicate skin from eczema and psoriasis has a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effect. Destroys damaged areas formed as a result of the disease, stimulates regeneration, heals and improves the appearance of the epidermis.

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Xiao Yin Pian

This drug is for systemic use. Xiao Yin Pian - tablets for the treatment of complex forms of psoriasis. The composition contains Japanese sophora, angelica, honeysuckle, burdock, tree peony bark and safflower.

The average cost of the drug is 900-1000 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalization of body temperature when it increases;
  • reducing the fragility of blood capillaries;
  • destruction of pathogenic microbes;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration processes;
  • eliminating irritation and swelling of the skin.

Mode of application:

  • tablets are taken three times a day (single dosage - five tablets);
  • The duration of the course of therapy is one month.


  • individual intolerance to substances contained in the tablets.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction.

For psoriasis, you can also use sulfur and zinc ointment.

Effective treatment of psoriasis in China.

The combination of traditional methods and the most modern knowledge provides a high level of Chinese medicine. Complexity of treatment and an individual approach are the fundamental principles of therapy for any condition. The appearance of the same disease in China is considered in conjunction with the situation, since each case is unique and contains a different problem syndrome. Psoriasis, in particular, can be caused by such mechanisms as “lack and dysfunction of the blood”, “internal growth of blood heat”, which disrupts the normal nutrition of the skin. But only careful diagnosis and determination of the cause of the disease will help to find out, which is a very important factor in prescribing a treatment plan. Diagnostics in foreign clinics is not carried out so thoroughly. Although it is with a detailed and high-quality diagnosis that any effective treatment begins. The problem of the disease may be deeper than just the diagnosis of psoriasis itself. Compromised immunity, hereditary nature, all this must be taken into account when prescribing a course of therapy and during the rehabilitation period. China is the country where they understand this and attach great importance to it.

SHANGHAI Sulfur Soap

Soap for the treatment of psoriasis SHANGHAI Sulfur Soap is intended for regular use. The product can be used for the treatment and prevention of eczema, seborrhea, acne and fungal infections of the dermis. The soap contains sulfur, olive oil, aloe extract and Dead Sea minerals.

The cost of the product is 120-160 rubles.

Pharmacological properties:

  • antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduction in the number of keratinized dermal cells;
  • increasing the permeability of cell membranes;
  • improving the protective properties of the epidermis;
  • restoration of the structure of the dermis;
  • neutralization of toxic compounds in skin cells.

Be sure to read:

Akriderm hormonal ointment: what it helps with, how to apply it to the skin correctly

Mode of application:

  • the soap foams and is applied to the skin;
  • after 3-5 minutes, the remaining soap should be washed off;
  • The product can be used daily for a long time.


  • individual intolerance to plant components.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction.


Chinese drugs are made on the basis of natural ingredients, are well tolerated by patients, and many are used to treat allergic rashes in children. The most pronounced therapeutic effect is observed in the early stages of the disease.


Hormonal agents contain steroid hormones (from the group of corticosteroids), due to which they have a rapid anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. The active substance helps reduce the synthesis of hormones by the endocrine system. Hormonal ointments reduce the manifestations of psoriasis after just a few procedures. But due to the presence of hormones, drugs in this group are used if non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis do not have the expected effect.

After several applications, a decrease in inflammation and itching is noted, and dead dermal cells are exfoliated. At the end of the course of therapy, the growth of epithelial tissue stops. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.


They contain exclusively natural substances that do not cause negative consequences and do not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems. Drugs in this group are prescribed in the early stages of the disease. Non-hormonal agents do not work immediately; to obtain a positive result, ointments are applied daily for 3-4 weeks. The visible effect occurs after 10-14 days.

Natural preparations without chemical and hormonal compounds do not cause adverse reactions. An exception is increased individual sensitivity to certain substances. After a course of procedures, swelling and itching disappear, the skin becomes moisturized.

The advantages of hormonal ointments are the possibility of use for a long period of time without adverse reactions and complications. In addition, non-hormonal drugs do not affect the functions of the endocrine system.

How to choose the most suitable medicine

When choosing a Chinese medicine for psoriasis, it is necessary to take into account not only the composition of the drugs, but also the characteristics of the course of the disease. At each stage of development, the disease requires certain treatment measures.

Most of the Chinese drugs belong to the category of non-hormonal drugs. In some cases, their use can only reduce the symptoms of the pathology, but after a short period of time it will recur.

Nuances to consider:

  • composition (high-quality Chinese products contain only natural ingredients);
  • instructions for use (before using any drug, contraindications must be excluded and side effects studied);
  • skin type (some Chinese ointments and creams contain aggressive components; if the skin is hypersensitive, they can provoke an allergic reaction);
  • spectrum of action (the more pharmacological properties a product has, the more effective it will be when used);
  • comparative characteristics (before purchasing a Chinese drug, it is recommended to compare the characteristics of several products from different lines).


It is recommended to follow the rules, thanks to which you can protect yourself from relapse and prolong the time of remission.

Eliminate the possibility of depression, worries and worries. According to studies, the risk of psoriasis recurrence increases with anxiety. The more positive a person is, the longer the remission time will last. It is also recommended to take sedatives to reduce exposure to anxiety.

Clothing must also be properly selected. You should not wear synthetic clothing, because it can cause irritation to the skin, especially underwear. It is better to give preference to cotton fabrics. The filling in the pillow and blanket should also be allergen-free.

It is recommended to follow a special diet that excludes allergens from the diet. You should not eat fried, fatty, sweet, smoked, red vegetables and fruits, baked goods, etc.

You should go outside more often and experience light physical activity. For the winter type of psoriasis, undergo physiotherapy, and for the summer type, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

It is necessary to prevent the development of various diseases, so as not to resort to the help of antibiotics and immunomodulators, because they can provoke a relapse of psoriasis.

It is recommended to take care of your skin, take a bath, and perform cosmetic procedures.

To eliminate psoriasis and improve the quality of life, you should use the right medications selected by your doctor and follow preventive measures. Chinese drugs will be a great help in this matter, because they do not contain substances that are hazardous to health and effectively eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis.

Results: advantages and disadvantages of Chinese remedies for psoriasis

Despite a number of advantages, Chinese medications for psoriasis have some serious disadvantages:

  • Firstly, this skin disease is one of the serious pathologies that require multi-stage treatment with different drugs. Chinese remedies cannot replace traditional therapy.
  • Secondly, ointments, creams, lotions and other products contain aggressive components that can provoke allergic reactions in the dermis. A sensitivity test should be performed before first use.

Benefits of Chinese remedies for psoriasis:

  • rapid therapeutic effect;
  • absence of addiction syndrome;
  • minimal list of contraindications;
  • wide range of products;
  • ensuring long-term remission of the disease;
  • minimal number of side effects.

Application results

Regular use of Chinese ointment restores the color and structure of the skin, completely removes or reduces the appearance of the rash. After treatment, the restoration of the dermis occurs at an accelerated rate and the skin soon takes on a clean, moisturized and healthy appearance.

Most patient reviews are positive; many note a significant reduction in discomfort and intense hydration after 2-3 procedures. During the procedures, natural protective reactions are activated, protecting the epidermis from the harmful effects of the external environment. By increasing local immunity, it is possible to achieve long-term remission of the disease.

Chinese ointments significantly improve the condition of the skin, slow down the progression of the disease and relieve discomfort. Correct use of the ointment makes it possible to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect and stimulates the restoration of affected epithelial cells.

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