TOP 13 face creams with Botox effect - a replacement for injections or a marketing ploy

Home / Botox / Cream “Bark” - lifting with Botox effect: reviews

Benefits of Botox cream-lifting:

  • Painless.
  • Long lasting and sustainable results.
  • Reduction in the size of previously formed furrows.
  • The smallest facial wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • A “mask” does not form on the face.
  • Natural collagen production is stimulated.
  • Improves facial contour.
  • Increases epidermal protection and cellular turnover rate.
  • Whitens age spots and reduces freckles.
  • Has a rejuvenating effect.

Differences between Botox and anti-aging creams

An increase in tone and contraction of muscle fibers occurs under the influence of nerve impulses, the transmission of which is regulated by a special protein. Botulinum toxin is an active element of beauty injections for the correction of wrinkles mainly on the upper part of the face. When it is administered, the specific protein is destroyed, the impulse is interrupted, and muscle paralysis occurs. Wrinkle smoothing occurs within a few days, the result lasts from 2 to 6 months. Many patients who repeatedly use Botox injections notice a decrease in the effect with repeated use.

The active elements of creams are peptides, the molecular structure is similar to a specific protein. They replace protein and partially block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. They have a relaxing effect, but do not affect facial expressions, which makes it possible to avoid the effect of a frozen mask. Peptide molecules penetrate the skin very slowly, the action is directed only at the muscle fibers woven into the skin.

Attention! The components of creams have a cumulative effect. Unlike injections, weak results can be observed only after a month of daily use.

Reviews of the products used

I recently purchased Mizon cream with snake venom (s-venom wrinkle tox cream). I apply it locally on the forehead and nasolabial folds. It really freezes the muscles - at first I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t bring my eyebrows together. I’ve been using it for a month now: it seems that the wrinkles on my forehead have become less noticeable, and there are no changes around the lips yet.

[email protected]@

To get a visible effect from a product with a muscle relaxant, for example, argireline, it is necessary to use it correctly over a course of at least four weeks. Another thing is that not everyone will benefit from both Botox (injections) and its non-injection analogue (argireline). Here you need a consultation with a dermatologist with a qualification as a cosmetologist. Argireline works in reducing FINE expression wrinkles, like a muscle relaxant.

Evgenia, Moscow

I recently started using Bonatox serum. Of course, the skin did not become smooth the very next day. But over time (after a week and a half) there is a result, and a rather big result.


There is a cream with this effect in the line of Czech cosmetics Dermacol, there is also one for 35+, 40+, 50+. These lines are praised and are said to reduce wrinkles by 20%.


I agree with the reviews about Bonatox, a noticeable effect. It’s just that all the creams and serums that I used before were suitable for me, but still, over time, the pores began to clog or the product simply stopped working. Bonatox has a cumulative effect without consequences. On the contrary, the skin looks more well-groomed every day. The Botox effect is noticeable not in the usual sense, but in the sense of rejuvenation and lifting. You just need to use it correctly for the effect to be as expected - you need to be in an upright position for about ten minutes after application and move less, because the peptides should be distributed into the relaxed facial muscles.


A friend of mine used Cora cream with a Botox effect. She liked it. Smoothes out wrinkles.


I bought a cream with a boto-effect, Kosmoteros. Zero effect.


Buy cream with boto-effect R-studio or Cream-gel with boto-effect Vita-Shuttle. You will not regret. There is nothing to compare it to, only they work as they should. Paralyze the movement of facial wrinkles. I apply it to the wrinkle area and walk around all day, feeling confident and comfortable.


Needles No More by Dr. Brandt. The cream relieves muscle tension and thus eliminates wrinkles. Use the entire bottle and repeat in six months! Well, just like with injections, only without those terrible needles!


I think that it is impossible to get rid of wrinkles using such dubious means. It is enough to understand the mechanism of action of Botox and how the cream works. As they say, these are two big differences. And why bother so much? If you trust Botox, then why try to smear it on your face, instead of making an intramuscular injection, as you should? I’ve been injecting myself with Botox for two years now, and I don’t need any creams!


In my opinion, creams with the effect of Botox are, sorry, bullshit! It is unlikely that such products can really get rid of wrinkles. Look: Botox is injected into a strictly defined muscle that needs to be relaxed. How do you use creams? Apply all over your face every day! Here either botulinum toxin poisoning will occur quickly or, more likely, nothing will occur at all.


There is no need to exclude anything immediately, this is an auxiliary cream. No one says that Botox creams are the answer to getting rid of expression lines. Even if the creams contain strong hormones, everyone knows that they also give a temporary effect.


Creams with the Botox effect, of course, cannot be compared in effectiveness with the corresponding injections. They are not able to completely relax the facial muscles, since they act superficially. But they can be used as a means to maintain and prolong the results of anti-aging and wrinkle-smoothing injections. Most creams, in addition to the main active ingredients, are additionally enriched with natural plant extracts and other useful components that provide comprehensive skin care.

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What is the difference between a cream with Botox effect and a regular one?

Traditional creams, fluids, serums have a superficial effect, nourish, moisturize, but do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Peptides act on nerve impulses, partial blocking helps relax and smooth out wrinkles. Often the composition includes vitamin and mineral complexes, hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin for comprehensive skin rejuvenation and prevention of aging processes.

Differences between creams with Botox effect:

  • used in courses with repetitions several times a year;
  • not suitable for solving problems of porous, inflamed, pigmented skin;
  • will not get rid of the lumpy structure and swelling;
  • has a cumulative effect, the result is noticeable after completing the course;
  • lack of effect with pronounced age-related changes after 50 years;
  • cannot be used in tandem with other care products.

Instructions for use

Recommended for women over 35 years of age. Face cream with Botox effect should be used according to a certain scheme:

  1. Cleanse the skin and moisturize with a special toner or micellar water.
  2. Apply the product using light tapping (massage) movements.
  3. Tapping to “drive” the product into the skin.

To obtain a lasting result, the cream serum must be applied every day (morning and evening) for one and a half or two months. Is an excellent base for makeup.

Indications for use

Effective use for the first age-related changes in the range from 30 to 45 years. After 50 years, wrinkles form as a result of photoaging and dehydration; creams with peptides are powerless against these types of wrinkles.

To combat wrinkles in certain areas, you can use cosmetics starting from the age of 25, treating only the problem area with the product.

Indications for use:

  • wrinkles in the forehead, bridge of the nose, eyelids, nasolabial triangle;
  • dry, dehydrated skin prone to irritation;
  • unhealthy complexion, sagging skin.

Creams with the Botox effect nourish, moisturize the skin, simulate blood flow, and improve oxygen respiration. Universal anti-aging products are suitable for all skin types, have regenerating properties, and prolong youth.

Who will these funds help?

Creams with the Botox effect are usually enriched with other caring ingredients that provide the skin with nutrition, hydration, activate the process of cellular respiration, and improve blood microcirculation, so you can choose a product for any skin type.

It is recommended to start using creams to prevent wrinkles from the age of 25–30. Although everything here is individual, much depends on the activity of facial expressions and the structural features of the skin. If wrinkles appear very early, it is recommended to apply the product only to the problem area.

Creams with the Botox effect will not help get rid of deep wrinkles and cope with sagging skin

The main indications for the use of creams with Botox effect:

  • prevention of aging when the skin is prone to loss of elasticity;
  • general sagging skin covered with a continuous network of fine wrinkles;
  • first expression wrinkles (“crow’s feet” at the outer corners of the eyes, wrinkles in the lip area);
  • skin creases in the bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds, on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Creams and serums with the Botox effect are useful for the first negative age-related changes and for their prevention

Video: mechanism of action of peptides on skin and muscles

Rules of application

Cosmetic products differ not only in composition, but also in their effect from traditional anti-aging creams. To achieve the desired results, smooth out wrinkles, and restore the elasticity of the structure, you should take into account the rules of use.

How to use:

  • applied to the skin in the morning and evening, after standard washing and toning, instead of day and night cream;
  • for better penetration of peptides, additional scrubbing or peeling can be performed;
  • steam baths help improve results; the presence of rosacea is a contraindication;
  • a small amount of cream is distributed along the massage lines; makeup should be applied no earlier than after 10–20 minutes;
  • Duration of use - no more than 4-6 weeks; to consolidate the results for 6-8 weeks, it is recommended to use the cream up to 3 times a week;
  • the period of active and maintenance use should not exceed 3 months;
  • effectiveness depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, the severity of wrinkles, some girls notice positive changes after the first applications, the color is refreshed, the tone increases;
  • a lasting, tangible result occurs after a full course: the active components slowly and in small concentrations penetrate the muscle tissue, some remain in the epidermis, some are absorbed by the lymphatic system;
  • subsequent use is possible no earlier than after 3 months;
  • To increase efficiency, it is recommended to carry out chemical or hardware peeling in the salon;
  • Do not use simultaneously with products containing AHA acids - the components neutralize the effect of the peptides.

How to choose

Cosmetic products do not contain botulinum toxin, which means they have no contraindications or restrictions for use. The active substances are peptides that partially block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

Before purchasing a cream, you need to find out the concentration; 10 to 15% is considered optimal. Peptides can be of plant or animal origin. They are synthesized from hibiscus seeds, as well as viper and cobra venoms.

How to choose a cream:

  1. The composition should contain argireline or matrixyl. The first group of peptides relaxes muscle fibers and blocks impulse transmission. There are other names for this component - Acetyl, hexapeptidehexapeptide.
  2. Matrixyl promotes collagen synthesis, filling wrinkles, and reducing the depth of creases. It is also listed as Palmitoyl pentapeptide.
  3. In addition to the peptide complex, creams may contain vitamins (tocopherols, retinols), antioxidants, collagen and hyaluronic acid.
  4. Unscrupulous manufacturers often present hyaluronic acid as the main component that has a Botox effect. The principle of operation is different. Peptides gradually immobilize and relax muscles, and hyaluronic acid only maintains hydrobalance.
  5. There are also dangerous ingredients that can cause irritation and accelerate the aging process. These include Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Butylparaben, Methylparaben, Propylparaben.

Advice! You can purchase high-quality cream at a pharmacy, cosmetic store or online. It is important to pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s brand, but also to the composition and expiration date.

Top 13 best creams

Regardless of the compositions and manufacturers, creams are used according to the standard scheme. The face should be cleansed with a scrub or thermal water, and a sufficient amount of product should be applied along the massage lines. Leave until completely absorbed. You can use it in the evening, replacing the night cream, or in the morning, using it as a base for makeup. The duration of the course should not exceed one and a half months.

Bark cream-lifting

A cream with a Botox effect is designed to correct the first age-related changes. The active ingredients include wheat proteins, verbena, ginger, and strawberry extracts. The product also contains avocado, shea, and soy oils. Recommended for use after 30–35 years to restore oval contour, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and improve elasticity. Cost 396 rub.

Cyclim BotoEffect

Contains a complex of argireline peptides, phytoestogens, vitamins A, E, F, as well as hyaluronic acid. Used to correct wrinkles in the eye area, nasolabial triangle, forehead, and bridge of the nose. Also used to prolong the effect of injectable drugs. Prescribed when the first age-related changes appear. You can buy it for 344 rubles.


Thai cream contains snake venom, hexapeptides, amino acids. As a result of application, facial muscles gradually relax and collagen synthesis is activated. After the course, the number of wrinkles is reduced by 30%. Duration is 6 weeks, re-application of the cream no more than 1-2 times a week. Price 3528 rub.

Mixit Botox active

Presented in a series of 3 products - a mask, a face cream and a cream for the area around the eyes. The formula allows you to cope with expression wrinkles, as well as deep age-related folds. As a result of use, muscle fibers relax and metabolic processes are activated. Included in the composition are amino acids, wheat proteins, and hyaluronic acid. The cost of mixit products is from 745 rubles. up to 1145 rub.

Marusya 888

Natural cosmetics are made by a famous beauty blogger. You can purchase funds in the Snow White Lotus group on VKontakte. Distinctive features are the use of natural, non-synthesized components. The composition improves lymph outflow, blood circulation, and reduces the occurrence of wrinkles.


Ultra-nourishing cream with bee venom and Botox effect. Also contains beeswax, manuka honey, almond extract, avocado, rosehip oil. Muscle relaxation is provided by a neurosoothing peptide; the cream is recommended for use after 40 years. Provides deep nutrition, smoothes wrinkles, improves skin tone. You can buy it for 518 rubles.

Duck set

Includes dermal-active serum, cream and cream mask with Botox effect. The active component of each product is acetyl hexapeptide-8, which has a relaxing effect on muscle fibers. As a result of using the cosmetic complex, it is possible to reduce muscle contractions, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and protect the skin from the action of free radicals. The cost of the set is 4520 rubles.

Neo Botox

Designed to solve the problems of aging skin. The active component is fly agaric extract, which relaxes muscle fibers. Ibotenic acid helps tighten the oval line and smooth out deep wrinkles. A complex of vitamins and minerals refreshes the skin, improves color and structure. You can buy it for 990 rubles. on the official site.


The cream contains a synthetic substance Syn-Ake, which is an analogue of snake venom. In addition to the peptide, the composition includes adenosine, shea butter, olives, tocopherol, and hyaluron. Recommended for smoothing wrinkles on the forehead, vertical folds on the bridge of the nose, crow's feet, and folds of the nasolabial triangle. Using the cream helps improve skin immunity and prevents the formation of new folds and creases . You can buy it for 812 rubles.


Contains snake venom extract that replaces Botox injections. Enriched with vitamins A, E, allantoin, grapefruit extract. Recommended for caring for mature skin and preventing the formation of wrinkles. You can purchase it on the official website for 990 rubles.


The spray helps smooth out all types of wrinkles and restores a beautiful, even tone. The active ingredients are Asian centella, petit grain oil, ginseng extract, sodium hyaluronate. As a result of use, hydrobalance is restored, collagen synthesis increases, and oxygen respiration improves. You can buy botomax for 990 rubles. on the official site.

Belita Botox like

Includes night, day, and eye cream. Designed to restore firmness and elasticity of the skin after 35 years. The unique formula helps moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. In addition to peptides, the composition contains beeswax, wheat germ oil, algae extract, and a vitamin complex. You can buy it for 297 rubles.


Thai cream with snake venom promotes a lasting rejuvenation effect. Also contains snake oil, which promotes deep hydration and protection from adverse environmental conditions. In Thailand it is used to combat wrinkles and age-related changes. Suitable for all skin types. The only thing is that it is not applied to the sensitive area of ​​the eyelids. You can buy it for 794 rubles.

Cream-serum Bark with Botox effect against expression lines and age wrinkles

Hello, dear readers!

I bought this serum a year ago. Then, due to its complete ineffectiveness, I pushed it away into the closet and forgot about it. But recently my supplies of cosmetics suddenly ran out and this serum caught my eye. I checked the expiration dates - you can use it for another year. Well, I’m giving the product one more chance and telling you about my impressions.

Bark Cream serum for smoothing facial and age wrinkles. The name is very loud. And the promises are even louder!

It has a multifaceted, profound effect on skin changes caused by constant tension in the facial muscles. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Effectively smoothes and tightens the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity. Restores the protective functions of the lipid barrier of the stratum corneum. The maximum effect is achieved with regular use for a month. Tense muscles responsible for the formation of facial wrinkles relax, and the skin becomes even. Regular use of the cream serum will provide a significant reduction in the depth of wrinkles, comparable in effectiveness to mesotherapy

Impressive? I really want to experience the effect comparable to mesotherapy for myself.

The cream-serum is placed in a sleek white bottle with a convenient dispenser. The dispenser works properly, one press dispenses exactly as much product as is needed for one use.

The price of the serum on the Skin Health Center website at the moment is 669 rubles. I bought it for 571 rubles. in May last year. Direct link.

The usual volume for serum is 30 ml.

The color of the cream is pure white.

There is no smell, which is a plus for me.

The consistency is light, creamy-gel. Absorbs very quickly and leaves absolutely no grease. The serum slightly moisturizes the skin. After use the feeling is pleasant.

I don't feel any burning or tingling after applying it to my skin.

The manufacturer writes that there are no age restrictions for using the serum; anyone who already has facial wrinkles can use it. And this can happen at 20 years old.

I used the serum as needed, twice a day, morning and evening, for two months. Locally on facial wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds. Including paired with the Cora lifting cream with Botox effect. In addition, I applied the cream to the eyelid area.

And what is the result? But there is no result. None. What was, is what remains.

The effect of Botox, as far as I understand, is associated with muscle relaxation, and as a result, a decrease in the depth of wrinkles. Let's look into the composition and see which component should achieve this effect.

Palmitol hydrolyzed wheat proteins;

Ginger and anise extracts;

Tripeptide (analogue of peptides isolated from the core of the temple viper).

The last component inspires confidence the most; it should imitate the effect of botulinum toxin.

However, I did not notice any positive effects of the serum.

I read in reviews written earlier that after using the serum, girls experienced slight numbness and muscle limitation, and a slight chill after use. For me, the manufacturer's promises turned out to be just promises. Unfortunately, they did not come to fruition. I don't see any results. If it exists, it is not noticeable to the human eye.

See for yourself. The photographs were taken two months apart.

I liked the serum most as an eye cream. It moisturizes well and smoothes the skin of the eyelids. Does not cause irritation, burning or redness. Suitable for sensitive eyes.

I give the Cora cream-serum 3 stars. I add one star for the absence of allergic reactions and the fact that the serum was useful as an eye cream.

Advantages and disadvantages

Creams, ointments, and serums are alternatives to injections, but have nothing to do with the use of botulinum toxin. The drug paralyzes muscles, blocks facial movements, and the components of cosmetics only slow down the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

Benefits of creams:

  • have virtually no side effects or contraindications for use;
  • the action does not distort facial expressions, the natural expression of the face is preserved without the effect of a mask;
  • used on the delicate skin of the eyelids and mouth area;
  • they trigger rejuvenation processes, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, while Botox only promotes relaxation of muscle fibers.


  • there is no immediate effect of smoothing wrinkles, the results of use after 45 years may not live up to expectations;
  • using the course and subsequent consolidation requires compliance with a number of rules;
  • high cost of production.

Precautionary measures

Cosmetics with the Botox effect have their own rules of use. To get positive results, you should follow the basic recommendations.


  • individual intolerance;
  • tendency to edema;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • use of cosmetics with AHA acids.

Before using the cream, it is recommended to test for a possible allergic reaction. Also, you should not use it for more than 2 months; disorders of the lymphatic system are possible.

Important point! You should not simultaneously master facial gymnastics and use products with Botox effects.

Consumer Reviews

There are different reviews on the forums, both positive and negative.

The user writes about the cumulative effect of the cream with peptides, used to maintain the results of injections. But it is necessary to select individually to prevent allergies.

The review states that the cream replaces Botox injections and provides good results from the use of cosmetic products.

Here they write about the need to properly prepare the skin to achieve the effect.

The user points out the discrepancy between the consistency declared by the manufacturer in the Meitan cream, but focuses on natural ingredients, the absence of parabens and an allergic reaction.

There are also negative reviews; a user expressed her opinion about Meitan cream. Comments relate to inconvenient packaging and lack of results.

You can read opinions about creams with the Botox effect on the forum.


The Russian holding "Kora" was founded in 1995, is a modern company, fully equipped with progressive high-tech equipment, that creates and produces professional and therapeutic cosmetics. It has personal production facilities and a research laboratory. Input raw materials and finished products are subject to careful control. One of the most unique products developed is the Cora cream with a Botox effect, which has earned numerous prestigious awards.

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