TOP 9 drugs for the Botox procedure for the face

Category: Injection cosmetology Published 01/05/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 8 min · Views: 58,297

Botox facial procedure is a procedure to eliminate wrinkles and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The drug contains botulinum toxin, which leads to blocking of muscles and sebaceous glands. When administering this drug, there are indications and contraindications, and particularities of administration.

What is Botox, the main stages of the procedure

Botox for the face is the general name for medications that are used in cosmetology to eliminate fine wrinkles. These are Botox, Dysport, Relatox, Xeomin, Botulax. The preparations contain botulinum toxin type A. This is a neurotoxin that is synthesized by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. When introduced into muscle tissue, it prevents the transmission of nerve impulses - the muscles do not contract, wrinkles disappear.

Stages of botulinum toxin administration:

  1. Identifying problem areas.
  2. Preparation, cleansing the skin of cosmetics and dust particles. Even small particles that get into wounds after injections can cause severe inflammatory processes.
  3. Marking, application of anesthetic gel. Cosmetologists mark the points for insertion. Treats areas with local anesthetic.
  4. The anesthetic begins to act in 25-30 minutes. During this time, the doctor has time to prepare the instruments and dilute the drug with a 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
  5. Injection of the drug with an insulin syringe into muscle tissue. The patient needs to tense the appropriate facial muscles.
  6. Post-treatment of the dermis - treatment with an antiseptic, application of a cold compress.

Botox for the face has a low molecular weight. It affects only the muscle into which the injection is made and does not paralyze neighboring muscles. After administration of the drug, wrinkles disappear, facial expressions are not disturbed.

Description of the drug

Botulinum toxin is an organic protein toxin produced by bacteria. Botulinum toxin type A is injected into the muscle during the botulinum therapy procedure; as a result, impulses are not transmitted through the muscle and it stops contracting.

Unlike other drugs used in cosmetology, botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in muscle tissue, as a result of which the muscle relaxes and facial wrinkles disappear.

In cosmetology, a large number of drugs containing botulinum toxin type A are used, the main difference between them is only in the number of doses administered to correct cosmetic imperfections.

Drugs used for botulinum therapy:



Botox is a muscle relaxant containing botulinum toxin type A, one of the most popular drugs for botulinum therapy. It has been on the market since 1994, has established itself as a reliable, effective drug, the disadvantage is the high price, because “Botox” is a brand. When administering the drug, there are a minimum of complications due to the unique formula of the drug. The maximum effect occurs on the 14th day after the procedure, the visible effect is visible for 8 months. Botox is diluted according to the instructions. The drug is stored in the freezer; the diluted drug is kept in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, Botox is discarded. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle/100 units.

Manufacturer : Allergan, USA.



Dysport is a drug the same as Botox; Botox facial procedures are performed using a different dosage. Unlike Botox, Dysport contains 500 units of active substance, while Botox contains 100 units. Therefore, the cost of the procedure varies. In addition, the drug uses lactose as a stabilizing medium, which subsequently causes unwanted allergic reactions. Dysport is a very popular drug, as is Botox. It is used not only in cosmetology practice, but also in general medicine.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle/500 units.

Manufacturer : Allergan company, France.



Botulax is an analogue of Botox, which is not inferior in effectiveness to Botox and Dysport. The Botox procedure for the face is carried out with Botulax according to the scheme. This drug is very popular, it is highly effective at a low cost of the drug. Elimination of facial wrinkles and hyperhidrosis occurs for up to 6 months; after this period, the procedure should be repeated.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle / 100 units and 200 units.

Manufacturer : Hugel Inc., South Korea.



Neuronox is an analogue of Botox, which is not inferior in effectiveness to Botox and Dysport. Neuronox-100 is a popular product in many countries around the world. Manufactured by the famous South Korean company Medytox Inc. The drug is based on botulinum toxin type A, stabilized by proteins and hemagglutinin. This muscle relaxant blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, providing local paralysis of the facial muscles. The effect of the drug lasts for 3-4 months.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle/100 units.

Manufacturer : Medytox Inc., South Korea.



The basis of the drug is purified botulinum toxin type A. It blocks the synthesis of acetylcholine, which provides a temporary decrease in the activity of the facial muscles. The product is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine for the treatment of hyperhidrosis and uncontrolled contraction of facial muscles (blepharospasm, hemispasm). Botox injections to the face are carried out according to the scheme. The main feature of Reifanex compared to other drugs containing botulinum toxin type A is that its duration of action is much longer.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle / 100 units and 50 units.



Xeomin contains botulinum toxin type A. Botox and Dysport contain proteins that are a preservative, which in some cases cause a response in the body to the injection in the form of hyperemia and swelling at the injection site. Xeomin does not contain protein; the drug contains only an active neurotoxin, without impurities or preservatives, which significantly reduces the risk of possible allergic reactions.

The drug has a lower molecular weight compared to analogues, which makes it possible to administer it using mesotechnics. The effect is achieved quickly, within 2-3 days, but the duration is reduced - 4 months.

An additional disadvantage is the limited use of the drug; Xeomin is not used to treat hyperhidrosis.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle / 100 units and 50 units.

Manufacturer : ., Germany.



Relatox is botulinum toxin type A and is an analogue of foreign drugs Dysport, Botox and Xeomin. Relatox is produced by the Russian company NPO Microgen. Relatox has passed all clinical trials where its safety has been proven. The botulinum toxin type A molecule is formed by long and short chains interconnected by sulfur atoms. The long chain easily connects to neuron receptors, while the short chain blocks the release of protein from neurotransmitters.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle / 100 units and 50 units.

Manufacturer : NPO Microgen, Russia.



Nabota is a South Korean drug that contains botulinum toxin type A, an analogue of Botox and Dysport. It has a high level of safety, is effective, does not “freeze” facial expressions, and has a long-lasting effect. Nabota, like other Korean botulinum toxins, has been highly praised by cosmetologists and patients. Nabota should be administered strictly according to the instructions, following the administration technique. In case of incorrect administration, consequences may occur after the administered drug. After the procedure, you should follow the rules: maintain a vertical body position for the first 4 hours after botulinum toxin injection, do not massage or knead the injection sites during the first 24 hours, avoid drinking alcohol due to a possible decrease in the effect.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle / 100 units and 200 units.

Manufacturer : Neuronox company, South Korea.



Meditoxin , an analogue of Botox and Dysport. Medytox, the maker of Medytoxin, has signed a contract with Allergan to develop and produce an aqueous solution of botulinum toxin. Advanced technologies are used in the production of botulinum toxin. Medytox is the first company in the world to develop an aqueous solution of botulinum toxin that is stable at room temperature. Meditoxin causes blocking of the release of neurotransmitters, resulting in blocking the mobility of active muscle fibers at the injection site. As a result, wrinkles disappear. The drug is administered according to the instructions. If administered incorrectly, complications may occur.

Release form : lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 bottle / 100 units and 200 units.

Manufacturer : Medytox company, South Korea.

Brief characteristics of drugs for botulinum therapy

Products based on botulinum toxin differ in the number of molecules, additives in the composition, and price. The most popular drug, American Botox, appeared at the end of the 20th century. Auxiliary ingredients: sodium chloride, albumin.

Dysport is a French drug that is similar in effect to Botox. But the composition does not contain lactose and hemagglutinin, the toxin concentration is 50 units. The Russian analogue is Relatox. Additional ingredients include gelatin and maltose, which are necessary for additional stability of the main component. There is no albumin in the composition, so the antigenic load is minimal.

Xeomin is a German remedy. It works even with small muscles, since it has a low molecular weight. The composition contains virtually no aggressive proteins, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Botulax is a drug from Korea, identical in composition to Botox. But it acts softer and more painlessly, the effect appears a few hours after the injection.

Composition of drugs

Both drugs contain water-soluble protein Albumin (Albuminum humanum) and sodium chloride.

Difference between Botox and Botulax:

  • production technology;
  • cleaning level;
  • auxiliary components;
  • dosage;
  • price.

Let's look at each tool in more detail.


A classic anti-aging product with botulinum toxin, it has long been successfully used in cosmetology and medicine. Produced by the American company Allergan. World famous, well studied. The effect lasts up to 6-8 months.


  • purified class A botulinum toxin to suppress muscle impulses and relax muscles;
  • Albumin is a protein for tissue repair;
  • sodium chloride is a solvent for the ingredients of the drug.

Storage method: at temperatures from -3o to -17o.


Manufactured by the South Korean company Hugel Inc. The effect lasts up to 4-6 months.

A relaxing antipsychotic with a good effect on facial muscles. The basis of the composition is highly concentrated protein botulinum toxin A. For stabilization, auxiliary ingredients are present. Injections are carried out slowly - foaming may occur if injected quickly.


  • Category A protein neurotoxin;
  • simple water-soluble proteins in whey;
  • sodium chloride 0.9%.

The prepared solution is stored for no more than a day at temperatures up to +7o.

Which areas can be corrected with Botox?

Botox for face

Botulinum therapy is used to eliminate facial wrinkles in various areas of the face and neck. Most often this is the forehead, décolleté and lower eyelid area, and the area between the eyebrows. The injections help eliminate crow's feet and purse-string wrinkles around the mouth.

In addition to fighting wrinkles and creases, Botox helps get rid of other defects:

  • raise the corners of the mouth;
  • remove a gingival smile, in which the gums are exposed;
  • relax the masticatory muscles, after eliminating hypertonicity, the face becomes more harmonious;
  • get rid of the drooping eyelid, raise your eyebrows - your gaze becomes open and expressive;
  • eliminate minor facial asymmetry caused by blepharospasm and other spastic disorders;
  • narrow the tip of the nose, raise the tip;
  • visually lengthen your chin.

In cosmetology, botulinum toxin is used not only to eliminate age-related changes. Injections into the armpits, feet and palms are given for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).


Dysport not only eliminates wrinkles, but also helps treat neurological diseases.

The doctor prescribes the dosage depending on the depth of wrinkles and their number, location on the face, skin properties, and the patient’s age. Due to its fastest spreading rate, Dysport is best suited for use on the forehead and also for:

  • smoothing wrinkles between the eyebrows, nose, neck;
  • eliminating crow's feet;
  • reducing excessive sweating;
  • relaxation of muscle tissue tense after a stroke.

The procedure takes from 10 to 30 minutes. Due to the use of very thin cannulas, the skin is almost not injured, so no rehabilitation is required. The drug has a cumulative effect, so the result occurs only after two weeks. The duration of the effect lasts from 4 to 6 months.

How long does it take for Botox to work and how long does it last?

The first result is noticeable after 2-3 hours. After 3-7 days, the effect is noticeably visible visually. The final result is in 2 weeks.

Botulinum toxin lasts 4-6 months. As muscle and nerve fibers are restored, the effect of the injections is leveled out, and wrinkles gradually return. After six months, you can repeat the procedure.

After several courses of botulinum therapy, tolerance to the toxin develops. To achieve the desired result, a larger amount of the drug will be required, the action time will be reduced by 1.5-2 times. To restore the body's sensitivity, you must refrain from injections for 12 months.

How does the procedure work?

In preparation for the procedure, the drug is diluted with a special solution. Botulinum toxin is administered with a disposable syringe for insulin injections; only a sterile syringe is used. The drug is administered in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

It is important to follow all the rules for administering the drug. The doctor administers the amount of the drug according to indications, strictly dosing the dose. Incorrect administration can cause complications.

Incorrect administration can cause complications. The duration of botulinum therapy is 15-20 minutes.

After the procedure it is recommended

  • Maintain a vertical body position for the first 4 hours after botulinum toxin injection;
  • Do not massage or knead the injection sites during the first 24 hours;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol due to possible decreased effects;
  • Avoid exposure to high temperatures on the injection area during the first two weeks (hot compresses, bath, sauna, solarium) due to a possible decrease in the effect;
  • Make active movements with facial muscles during the first day after the injection;
  • Do not take aminoglycoside antibiotics or tetracycline antibiotics for 4 months.

When will the wrinkles disappear?

The effect of Botox for the face begins to appear on days 2-7 after botulinum therapy and reaches its maximum effect on day 14. If the effect does not occur on the 14th day, you should consult a doctor to repeat the procedure for correction. The effect after administration of the drug lasts 3-6 months. After this period of time, a repeat procedure is necessary to maintain the effect.

How much drug should be administered

Botulinum toxin is measured in units of action (AU). This unit of measurement shows the biological activity of a substance. Determines the amount of drug required to block nerve endings.

When calculating, the age and condition of the patient’s skin, the depth of wrinkles, and the treatment area are taken into account. The doctor determines the activity of facial muscles and the condition of muscle tissue.

Average doses of botulinum toxin for different zones (in units):

  • between the eyebrows - 10-25;
  • wrinkles in the eye area - 5-15;
  • folds on the neck - 20-60;
  • wrinkles on the forehead - 10-15;
  • purse-string wrinkles - 2-5.

When using the toxin for the first time, minimal doses are administered to avoid a mask effect after the procedure.

Botox for face

Indications for use

The Botox procedure for the face is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. The procedure is also widely used in neurology.

  • The first signs of aging and the appearance of facial wrinkles.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Lip shape correction.
  • Hypotonia and atony of the skin.
  • Thinning and laxity of the skin.
  • Gravitational ptosis.
  • Post-acne.
  • Prevention and correction of cicatricial changes in the skin.
  • Finely wrinkled type of skin aging.
  • Preparation for plastic surgery.
  • Preparation with medium and deep peelings.

Restrictions on what not to do after the procedure

Botulinum therapy is an effective and popular procedure, but it is not suitable for everyone. Before visiting a cosmetologist, you must undergo an examination.


  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions to protein substances;
  • increased sensitivity to components;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious pathologies in the acute stage, respiratory infections, fever;
  • inflammation, violation of the integrity of the skin at the injection sites;
  • severe forms of myopia;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • taking antibiotics, drugs that increase the concentration of calcium inside cells;
  • significant hernias of the upper and lower eyelids.

To avoid the development of negative consequences, after botulinum toxin injections, you should not take a horizontal position for 3-4 hours. In the first days, you should not rub the injection sites, use care products or cosmetics. You can visit the bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool, or actively engage in sports a week after the procedure. Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, salty and spicy foods for 7-10 days.


This is the youngest drug to appear on the Russian market. Its feature is a high degree of purification of botulinum toxin, therefore it is considered the safest of all. Xeomin contains albumin, which makes it resistant to environmental influences, and most importantly, active facial expressions are maintained.

Xeomin consists of small molecules and works in the immediate vicinity of cellular tissue, so its duration of action is short - up to six months. The first results after Xeomin injections are visible already on days 2-3, and the final result will be obvious on days 12-14. If patients who do Botox become addicted to it, then Xeomin will be a good alternative for replacement.

Advantages and disadvantages

The results of injections with botulinum toxin are noticeable almost immediately. The procedures are safe because the toxin is administered in minimal doses. If all rules are followed, muscle mobility is not impaired. After the toxin has completed its effect, the oval of the face does not float and returns to a position that corresponds to age.

The injections are given intramuscularly and are therefore painless. But if the pain threshold is low, the cosmetologist applies a gel with an anesthetic to the skin. On average, the procedure lasts 10 minutes.

Botulinum toxin can be combined with hyaluronic acid fillers. When correcting different zones - simultaneously. If it is necessary to eliminate wrinkles in one area, Botox is first injected, after 3 weeks injections with hyaluronic acid are made.

Disadvantages of botulinum therapy:

  • short-term action;
  • presence of restrictions;
  • Some people are immune to Botox due to previous illnesses or genetic factors.

Botulinum toxin can be injected at any age to eliminate wrinkles and deep folds on the face and neck. But if the procedure is performed for the first time after 55-60 years, compensatory hypertonicity may develop. Therefore, the cosmetologist must take into account the individual characteristics of each patient and all restrictions.

Description of the procedure

Stages of botulinum therapy:

  1. Before injections, the face is thoroughly cleansed of dirt, sebum, and makeup.
  2. Application of anesthetic gel to relieve pain.
  3. The drug is prepared in accordance with the intended dosage regimen. The required number of units is calculated depending on the segment of the face in which the injection is given.
  4. Administration of injections according to the scheme.
  5. Compress for the prevention of edema and hematomas.
  6. Recommendations for skin care.

The procedure takes 20-45 minutes, upon completion the client quickly returns to normal life. After 3-5 hours, visible results are already visible. All that remains is to observe the changes and follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

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