The use of laser radiation to remove benign skin lesions

What is papilloma, what are the reasons for its appearance and what are the treatment options?

8 clinics in Moscow since 1994 ☎ what you need to know about papilloma removal before choosing a clinic and other questions

Why is it better to remove papillomas at Rednor cosmetology centers?

have been working on the Russian market since 1994, during which time they have gained enormous experience and provided assistance to tens of thousands of patients. Our doctors are among the most experienced. By trusting us, you choose quality and safety.

At Rednor cosmetology centers you can use the following services:

  • Laser removal of moles and warts
  • Laser removal of papillomas
  • Laser removal of spider veins
  • Laser removal of scars and scars
  • Laser removal of stretch marks and stretch marks
  • Laser removal of keratosis

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm, expressed in the form of small skin growths on the skin. These growths may have a wide or thin base (pedunculated).

These growths can be single, or they can cover the surface of the skin quite densely.

Papillomas are localized on any areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Most often, papillomas are located on the face, but they can appear on any other area of ​​the skin, but the most favorite location for papillomas is the mucous membrane and genitals (in some cases, papillomas can appear inside the bladder).

What does papilloma look like?

We do not recommend making a diagnosis yourself, but to understand what papillomas look like, we show photos of papillomas. If what you see in the photo looks like what you observe in yourself, consult a doctor immediately. Below we will talk about the types of papillomas and their danger to the human body and methods of treating them.

Causes of papillomas

1. The appearance of papillomas on the human body is caused by infection with human papillomavirus. It is believed that most people are already infected with this virus, but it does not manifest itself in any way. When the immune system is weakened, the papillomavirus becomes more active and external manifestations appear in the form of “growths” that can cause discomfort, both aesthetic and domestic (they can rub).

2. Contact household method. Through small cuts and the virus entering the blood. Infection is also possible through visiting any public places; simply touching a contaminated surface is enough to become infected. To reduce the risk of contracting papillovirus at home, it is recommended to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and ensure that abrasions and scratches are treated and, if possible, covered.

3. As we have already said, most people already have the virus, but it does not manifest itself in any way. Infection could pass from mother to child during pregnancy and birth.

4. Self-infection (for example through shaving)

5. Sexual transmission of the virus. Promiscuous sex life, as well as unprotected sex, are the causes of human papillovirus infection.

Despite the fact that the virus is believed to be present in every 8 out of 10 people, its presence and the possibility of infection cannot be ignored, even if the virus does not manifest itself in any way. It should be remembered that most often the human papillomavirus affects people with weakened immune systems. This means that if you take care of your health and strengthen your immune system, then even if you have a virus, it will not manifest itself in any way.

Impact of laser radiation on the human body

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications to its implementation:

  • Oncological diseases (except melanoma and basal cell carcinoma);
  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Problems with blood clotting;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Side effects of laser tumor removal may occur after surgery:

  • Moderate pain and swelling in the injured area is normal, but severe pain and extensive inflammation are alarming symptoms;
  • Capillary bleeding or a consequence in the form of hyperpigmentation may occur;
  • If the rules of postoperative rehabilitation are violated, there is a possibility of wound infection.

How to get rid of papillomas?

We quite often hear questions on the topic “how to treat papillomas” or “how to remove papillomas” and in this article we will talk about all the methods of treating papillomas.

As we said above, you should be very careful about papilloma, if one is present. Be sure to visit a doctor and let him make an accurate diagnosis. Usually, examination of the formation is sufficient to make a diagnosis. In some cases, special diagnostics are performed to identify the presence of cancer markers.

Today, the only effective way to treat human papillomavirus is the radical removal of tumors. There are several options for removing papillomas:

Surgical removal of papilloma

(or excision of the tumor along with nearby healthy tissue)

The use of surgical removal of papilloma is used only if there are signs of malignant changes in the tumor. The procedure is quite simple. As a rule, after the procedure for removing papilloma surgically, no complications are observed, but at the same time, the procedure itself is quite painful and scars remain after it.

Cryodestruction of papillomas

(removal of papilloma with liquid nitrogen)

This is a fairly effective treatment method in which the papilloma is treated with liquid nitrogen. By using low temperatures, papilloma tissue is destroyed. Among the disadvantages of the method, one can highlight the possibility of damage to healthy tissues (due to the difficulty of controlling the depth of exposure), as well as a rather long rehabilitation period after the procedure. In some cases, several procedures are necessary to completely remove the papilloma.

Removal of papillomas using radio waves

Most often, this type of treatment for human papillomavirus is used to remove small tumors. Papillomas are removed by high-frequency waves that affect the affected areas.

The main disadvantage of removing papillomas using the radio wave method is the inability to use it for large papillomas and the rather high cost of the procedure.

Electrocoagulation. Removal of papilloma by electric current

When using this method of papilloma removal, it is removed by local high-temperature exposure to high-frequency current. The method is quite painful, and often when using it, a histological examination of the papilloma is not performed.

The disadvantages of this method include the possibility of damage to healthy tissue during the operation.

Laser removal of papillomas

This is the most effective and optimal way to remove papillomas or any other tumors. During the procedure, the laser beam not only physically eliminates papillomas without damaging nearby healthy tissue, but also has a toxic effect on the human papillomavirus (HPV)

The laser papillomas removal method is excellent for removing them from the face, neck, and body. This method has no limitations. The laser penetrates to the required depth without forming scars, burns or any other scars or complications. The procedure for removing papillomas with a laser is painless.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, much less remove papillomas on your own. Since this will not solve the existing problem, but will only aggravate it, moreover, if you remove papillomas yourself, there is a risk of infection.

Cold and chemical removal of warts, moles, condylomas: there are more disadvantages than advantages


- exposure to the formation of a refrigerant (usually liquid nitrogen), freezing at a temperature of - 190 degrees, sufficient to destroy the tissues of the formation. Unlike a scalpel and current, cryodestruction does not leave scarring, so it can be used on any area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes, even on the cervix. Liquid nitrogen is used in the treatment of erosion in nulliparous women.

The cold itself “freezes” the tissue, so anesthesia during cryodestruction is not necessary. This makes the technique convenient for treating patients who are allergic to anesthetics.

The main disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of accurately adjusting the depth and area of ​​penetration of the coolant into the tissue. With weak treatment, unremoved cells remain, leading to relapse, and too deep treatment leads to the destruction of melanin pigment and the appearance of hypopigmentation - white spots that are difficult to get rid of.

After unsuccessful cryodestruction, poorly healing blisters and ulcers appear on the skin, caused by frostbite of the tissue around the removed formation.

Cauterization with various chemical solutions works in approximately the same way - feresol, condiline, verrucacid and other drugs that act on the skin with acids, alkalis and aggressive organic components (phenol, tricresol).

The disadvantage of their use is low selectivity. Along with the altered tissues, healthy ones that are affected by the substance also suffer, and sometimes part of the formation remains, leading to a relapse. This situation is especially dangerous when removing moles. After a chemical burn, nevi that are not completely removed become inflamed and can develop into an aggressive cancerous tumor - melanoma. The chemical components included in the preparations are dangerous for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.

Currently, agents are used to remove tumors that have an antiviral effect. They are effective against papillomas and warts, but growths of non-viral origin, such as moles or hemangiomas, cannot be removed with their help.

When should papillomas be removed?

The presence of papillomas in itself does not threaten health. In most cases, papillomas cause more aesthetic discomfort.

In rare cases, papillomas degenerate into malignant formations, and that is why experts recommend removing papillomas immediately.

It is necessary to remove papillomas if:

1. The papilloma is in an awkward place and constantly rubs against clothes. Constant physical contact of papilloma and clothing can provoke the degeneration of papilloma into a malignant tumor.

2. Papilloma causes pain when pressed or any other physical impact.

3. If papillomas are located on open areas of the skin (for example, on the face)

4. On doctor's recommendation

What happens after laser removal of papillomas and other tumors?

For the first two to four weeks, redness of the skin will be observed in the laser treatment area, which will subside over time. For this period of time, it is recommended to refrain from sunbathing, visiting swimming pools and baths, and also to carefully monitor that the wounds do not have any physical impact (for example, after a shower, do not rub the wounds with a towel but dry them with a hairdryer).

Treatment of the patient consists of strictly following all doctor’s recommendations and may include drug antiviral therapy.

Rehabilitation period

Recovery will be quick if you follow your doctor's recommendations. The next day after the session, remove the adhesive plaster and treat the wound with chlorhexidine or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

Repeat the procedure twice a day, and then apply any healing ointment to the skin.

Do not scratch or pick off the scab to avoid infection. It will go away on its own in 1-1.5 weeks. Try to wet your skin less often. Take a shower, not a bath. After bath procedures, gently pat your body dry with a towel. If the papilloma was on the face or eyelids, do not use cosmetics for 2 weeks.

During the rehabilitation period, avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. Do not shave the treated area, do not scrub with a washcloth, or use scrubs or other products with exfoliating particles. If the treatment was carried out in the summer, you should not sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.

Try not to expose your skin to direct sunlight and apply cream with SPF 30-50 before going outside. Postpone physical activity to avoid causing excessive sweating. Avoid drinking alcohol.

After removal of papilloma from the genitals, it is not recommended to have sex until complete healing. Wash with intimate hygiene gel or mild baby soap. After the procedure, be sure to visit a gynecologist or urologist.

Where can papillomas be removed?

If papillomas bother you and you want to remove them, this can be done in any of our cosmetology centers. We remove papillomas in men and women from any part of the body.

We suggest you choose any center convenient for you; our centers are located near the metro.

are experienced doctors and tens of thousands of satisfied patients since 1994. Over the years, we have constantly gained enormous experience and are constantly improving our skills and offering patients only the most effective solutions in the field of cosmetology.

Cosmetology addresses

You can consult a doctor and have a papilloma removed by first making an appointment by calling


Mon-Fri: 9:00-20:00, Sat: 9:00-18:00

Make an appointment for a consultation on papilloma removal

The initial consultation with a cosmetologist at the REDNOR cosmetology centers on the removal of papillomas during the procedure on the day of the consultation is FREE*.

* when performing the procedure on the day of consultation

Removal of papillomas prices

Procedure/zonePrice, in rubles
Initial doctor's appointment before treatment900,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (up to 10 pcs.) 390,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (from 11 to 20 pcs.) 330,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (from 21 to 30 pcs.) 270,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a leg on the body for 1 pc. (more than 30 pcs.) 210,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on a pedicle on the face for 1 pc.850,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) of the ciliary edge, for 1 piece.3 000,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) of the eyelid, for 1 piece1 200,00
Removal of papilloma (up to 3 mm) on the skin of the genital organs, for 1 piece1 200,00
Application anesthesia, 5 grams800,00
Histology2 990,00
**Methodological recommendations No. 99/28 dated February 22, 1999

all prices in the section Laser cosmetology prices

  • All Promotions
  • Consultation
  • 900 rub. 0 rub.1
  • Laser removal of papillomas on the body
  • 330 rub. 100 RUR/pcs 1 to 3mm diameter
  • 1 If the procedure is carried out on the day of consultation, see the conditions
  • Sign up

How does laser removal work?

A distinctive feature of this method is the targeted effect on the papilloma itself, while healthy areas of the skin are not affected. The formation is evaporated layer by layer. The laser is capable of treating tissue areas of any depth, while this method is bloodless, the laser seals the capillaries and the blood instantly stops. Most often, just one procedure is enough to completely get rid of the problem and get an excellent cosmetic effect.

A huge advantage is that it can be used on any part of the body and even on the mucous membranes. The doctor independently regulates the frequency of pulses and the dosage of laser radiation - this avoids overheating and eliminates the risk of burns during the procedure. After the procedure, a crust appears at the site of laser exposure, which cannot be removed independently. It will remove itself in about a week, and healthy skin will form in its place.

Questions and answers on removing papillomas

For all answers to questions , see the FAQ section.

  • Warts
  • Methodology
  • Equipment
  • Papillomas
  • Indications
  • Recommendations
  • Moles
  • Price
  • Grinding
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • A tan
  • Infection
  • Number of procedures
  • Collost
  • Cosmetic seam
  • Lactation
  • Anesthesia
  • Restrictions
  • Oncology
  • results
  • Eyelid
  • Wine stains
  • Ingrown nail
  • Histology
  • Zhiroviki
  • Molluscum contagiosum
  • Face
  • Calluses
  • Papillomas
  • Dark spots
  • Stretch marks
  • Scar
  • Striae
  • Tattoo
  • Acne
  • Scars

Collapse answers

  • — Is pain relief used when laser removal of moles, warts, papillomas, scars, stretch marks or other neoplasms?

    - In some cases, for example, when removing a papilloma on a leg, you can do without anesthesia. As a rule, anesthesia is used when removing tumors with a laser. This is due to the nature of the procedure, as a result of which the integrity of the skin is damaged and part of the tissue is removed. After applying anesthesia, the procedure becomes completely painless. However, after the procedure, the anesthesia wears off and pain is possible. In the case of removal of a mole, wart, or keratoma, when not only the superficial layer of the skin is affected, but also the deeper layers, infiltration anesthesia is used, i.e., an injection is given. This type of local anesthesia acts instantly; the skin in the immediate vicinity of the injection completely loses sensitivity for a short period of time. In the case of skin resurfacing, removal of stretch marks or scars, as a rule, topical anesthesia is used, when a drug is applied to the surface of the skin, which is absorbed into the skin within 20 minutes. After the specified time, the skin temporarily loses sensitivity, after which the procedure is carried out. In some cases, for example, when removing a tumor in children or in places that are particularly sensitive to injections, or with a low pain threshold, a combination of two types of anesthesia is used. First, topical anesthesia is applied to the skin, and after 20 minutes an injection is given for a stronger “freezing”

  • — I have multiple papillomas. Is it possible to remove 20 papillomas at a time? What is the likelihood of new papillomas appearing after removal in the future?

    Answered by Titov Alexey Ivanovich, cosmetologist-surgeon, Ph.D. for 20 years - In one session you can remove 20-25 papillomas and even more. Of course, if you wish, the procedure can be performed under anesthesia. If we are talking about human papillomavirus infection, then the appearance of new papillomas is possible; immunologists are involved in the treatment of this disease. We only remove papillomas, but do not eliminate the cause of their occurrence.

  • — Is it possible to remove a papilloma located on the eyelid?

    - Papillomas on the eyelid can be removed using a laser without consequences for vision. However, appropriate qualifications of a cosmetic surgeon are required. Doctors at Rednor centers have significant successful experience in removing papillomas on the face, including the eyelid.

Discount program for our clients.

A discount system is provided for our clients, allowing them to receive services from the Rednor Cosmetology Centers at discounts. Depending on the number of services received, you can receive a discount card for 5%, 10% and 15% .

How to get a discount card for Rednor Cosmetology Centers?

1. A 5% discount card can be obtained after the first visit and payment for the first service (except for consultation). Card discounts are provided on services from the next visit.

2. A 10% discount card can be obtained after a one-time payment for services costing from 10,000 rubles. A 10% discount on the card is available from your next visit.

3. A 15% discount card is provided to clients who invited their 3 or more friends to use the services of the Rednor Cosmetology Centers. This card, which gives the right to receive a 15% discount, is personalized, and upon presentation, an identification document may be required. The right to a 15% discount on a personalized card cannot be transferred to others . If you want to get a 15% discount card - read the details

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