A refreshing face mask that will help restore radiance to your skin in an hour

Refreshing and cleansing masks do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, however, they are very popular among women of all ages. Such skin applications can be prepared and applied at home.

Compositions for masks are prepared only from natural ingredients. A refreshing mask has a beneficial effect on the dermis, cleansing it and filling it with vitamins and minerals. Depending on the ingredients, such masks can be indicated for women with any skin type. People prone to allergic reactions should visit an allergist or dermatologist before using homemade cosmetics at home.

Properties of cleansing masks

Refreshing masks with natural products have beneficial properties and are effective on any skin type. This is determined by the combination of components included in the application. They can be used regardless of time of year and age. You can find out about the best cleansing masks in the article.

Usually the procedures are carried out in courses, but in emergency cases, using such a mask can quickly relieve fatigue and bring your face into good shape. Cleansing and refreshing masks have the following positive effects:

  • saturate the dermis with moisture, vitamins and microelements;
  • stimulate metabolic and regeneration processes in cells;
  • cleanse and tighten pores;
  • slow down age-related aging;
  • smooth out wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • activate collagen production;
  • increase skin elasticity and firmness.

In summer and autumn, masks must include fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, and in winter, dairy products, honey and essential oils are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.


Olga (32 years old): “I use salt scrub regularly. When you need to quickly get rid of blackheads and other means do not help, it always helps. Yes, in combination with soda the mixture turns out to be quite aggressive, but it acts instantly. I recommend it, especially to teenagers.”

Tatyana V (41 years old): “I consider express masks as a good base for makeup. The skin becomes smooth, there is no unnecessary shine, it is clean and well-groomed. The foundation after such a mask goes on smoothly and stays on perfectly. Of course, it takes longer than just applying the base for makeup, but it’s worth it when you need to look 100%.”

Maria K (35 years old): “I love express masks made from fruits and berries. Of course, they will not replace a trip to a cosmetologist in difficult, neglected situations, but it is easy to refresh the skin, return a beautiful color and blush.”

Indications for use

Refreshing masks can be used to relieve fatigue, cleanse the skin of toxins and give the face a fresh and invigorated look.

Such procedures will help with regular lack of sleep, decreased dermal tone and dry skin. Applications are a good preventive measure against the premature appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

What care does your skin need in the morning?

During the night, the skin loses a large amount of moisture. That is why wrinkles and other imperfections are more noticeable on it in the morning. To activate the lymphatic drainage system, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing or toning mask after sleep.

Photo: annabutkevich.com

The ideal time to use personal care products is from 5 to 8 am. It is during this period that the skin absorbs and assimilates beneficial microelements faster.

From 8 to 12 o'clock it is useful to make masks with an antibacterial effect, since at this time the activity of bacteria increases, which causes inflammatory processes. Mattifying masks are recommended from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you spend literally half an hour daily on your face, you can achieve the following results:

  • Traces of fatigue and lack of sleep disappear.
  • The skin is freed from impurities and acne.
  • Relieves inflammation and irritation.
  • Expression wrinkles and deeper folds on the face are smoothed out.
  • Bags and dark circles under the eyes are removed.
  • Pigment spots lighten, the skin acquires a healthy shade.

Photo: www.wday.ru
Morning masks are the best way to improve tone, activate the production of elastin and collagen, moisturize and saturate the skin with micronutrients. Thanks to simple procedures, you can prolong and restore youth.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

The undoubted advantage of refreshing and cleansing masks is that they can be prepared at home without going to beauty salons. To prepare applications, ordinary natural products are used, and the preparation technology is simple and accessible:

Refreshing and firming

Quickly relieves fatigue, tones the skin and gives the face a vigorous and fresh look. Contains antioxidant-rich green tea, one egg yolk and mayonnaise. Three green tea bags are brewed in 50 ml of water. After 5-7 minutes, 6 teaspoons of mayonnaise and an egg yolk are added to the brew. The composition is mixed and applied for 20 minutes. The application is washed off with warm water.

Refreshing and cleansing

It has a tightening effect, refreshes and rejuvenates the face, cleanses the epidermis, removing dead skin particles. It is recommended for those who have been ill for a long time, and the dermis has lost its natural and vigorous appearance. Mix four tablespoons of cream or natural yogurt thoroughly with one spoon of glycerin. Add 4-6 drops of lemon, cedarwood or chamomile essential oil and mix again. Distributed over the face in a thin layer. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. You can find out about other masks with glycerin here.

For dry skin

Well moisturizes and nourishes the dermis of the face, slows down the natural aging process and helps against wrinkles. Two spoons of liquid honey are mixed with one spoon of sour cream and a spoon of natural milk. After mixing, add a spoonful of cottage cheese and mix again. The application is applied to the face for 20 minutes. To obtain a positive effect, the procedure should be performed 2 times a week.

For fatty

Tightens the skin and eliminates oily shine. Disinfects the epidermis, preventing the appearance of acne, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. Grind 3-4 strawberries and 5-6 raspberries into a puree, add one spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoon of liquid honey. Mix everything thoroughly. The composition is applied to the face along massage lines. The presence of citric acid limits the procedure time to 10 minutes. You can learn about other strawberry masks in this material.

From honey

Stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells, relieves local inflammation and soothes irritation. Honey has bactericidal properties, so the mask helps get rid of pimples and acne. The application contains, in addition to honey, pomegranate juice and olive oil.

Squeeze the juice out of half a pomegranate and mix it with one spoon of olive oil and three spoons of liquid honey. Mix the mixture and apply to the face for 20 minutes. The application can be used daily.

From cucumber

Provides deep hydration to all layers of the dermis, restores lipid balance, and helps slow down the process of aging and wilting. Steam a spoonful of oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice from half the tomato and mix with the cucumber mixture. Add one egg yolk and vegetable mixture to the oatmeal. Spread the cucumber mask on your face in a thin layer and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

From oatmeal

Recommended for young women who work in unfavorable conditions. The mask refreshes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with three tablespoons of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Grind a spoonful of washed black currants and a spoonful of raspberries into a puree. Mix with oatmeal and apply to facial skin for 25-30 minutes. You can wash off the application with warm water.

From the yolk

Moisturizes, nourishes and restores facial skin. An effective mask is recommended for women with oily and problematic skin. A tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of vegetable oil should be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 500C. A spoonful of natural ground coffee and one egg yolk are added to the hot mixture. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the face in a thin layer, avoiding the eye area. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Do not use instant or granulated coffee for application.

From banana

Saturates the skin with vitamins and microelements. A banana mask refreshes the face and prevents premature aging. 4-5 fresh strawberries and one ripe banana need to be ground into a paste. This can be done in a blender or by hand. Add one tablespoon of liquid honey and mix thoroughly. Apply to facial skin with light massaging movements and leave for 25-30 minutes. It is best to wash off the composition with a cool decoction of medicinal herbs.

From potatoes

It has a tightening effect, cleanses and tones the dermis of the face. The starch contained in potatoes has a pronounced lifting effect, and parsley juice refreshes and rejuvenates. A bunch of parsley needs to be chopped and the juice squeezed out of the greens. Grate one medium-sized potato on a fine grater. Grind half a peach into a puree and mix all the ingredients together. Add one tablespoon of milk and mix everything. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes.

From clay

Refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, gives it a matte tint. For application, you can use any of several types of cosmetic clay, but before doing this you should consult a cosmetologist. You need to squeeze the juice out of fresh cabbage to fill a tablespoon. Combine with a spoon of cosmetic clay and a spoon of kefir. Mix everything. The mass should have the consistency of sour cream and be homogeneous without lumps. The application is carefully applied to the face for 15 minutes. Find out which clay to choose by following the link.

From lemon

Allows you to get rid of age spots, fine wrinkles and unhealthy complexion. Fruit acids contained in lemon and other components have a strong brightening effect and refresh the dermis well. Squeeze one tablespoon of juice from strawberries, raspberries or cherries. Mix with a spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and one spoon of grape juice. Add two tablespoons of hard cheese, grated on a fine grater. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face, avoiding the eyes and lips for 10 minutes.

For winter

  1. With cereals - increases immunity, helps protect the face from sudden temperature changes and saturates the dermis with useful microelements. Mix a tablespoon each of buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. Instead, you can use buckwheat and ground oatmeal. Grind the yolk of one egg with a tablespoon of liquid honey, add flour and mix everything. Apply an oatmeal mask to your face and rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water, then apply a compress of chamomile.
  2. Herbal with cottage cheese - activates the protective properties of the dermis and nourishes it with minerals and vitamins. Recommended for severe frosts and wind. Rub 20 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve. Pour a glass of boiling water over dried pharmaceutical herbs: hawthorn flowers - 1 gram, shepherd's purse - 1 gram and dandelion root - 3 grams. Leave for 30 minutes, then strain through a sieve. Mix 30 ml of infusion with grated cottage cheese and apply to the face. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.

  3. With citrus zest – slightly brightens the dermis of the face and activates its protective properties. 20 grams of dried orange, tangerine, lemon or grapefruit zest should be ground into flour and mixed with one tablespoon of kefir or natural yogurt without additives. The application is applied to the face along massage lines and after 20 minutes is washed off with warm water.

For the spring period

  1. Coffee with oatmeal - restores a healthy complexion, removes peeling of the dermis after winter frosts and increases overall tone. Mix one teaspoon of natural ground coffee and 10 grams of oatmeal with 10 grams of liquid honey, add one teaspoon each of vegetable oil and milk. To stir thoroughly. The mass is applied to the face in a thick layer for 30 minutes. After completing the procedure, wash off with warm water. You can find out about their other coffee masks here.
  2. With banana and kiwi - it vitaminizes and refreshes the dermis well. Gives the face a matte finish. Grind in a blender or by hand, separately, one banana and one kiwi fruit. Beat the egg white until foamy and mix with a teaspoon of kiwi puree and a teaspoon of banana. Apply to face with light pressure. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

For summer

  1. Cherry with flour - refreshes the face and stimulates the protection of the epidermis from ultraviolet rays. 50-70 grams of ripe, thoroughly washed cherries, pitted and mashed to a smooth puree. Mix the berry mass with 15 grams of potato flour. Mix until there are no lumps and apply to the face, avoiding getting the mixture on the eye area. A mask with starch is applied to the face with soft strokes without pressure and after 15 minutes is washed off with warm water.
  2. With blueberries and yogurt – vitaminizes and brightens the dermis, stimulates metabolic processes. Wild berries are very healthy, as they contain many vitamins and are completely free of harmful toxins. Mash 15-20 grams of blueberries into a puree, add 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 25 grams of yogurt. Apply over face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The application is suitable for women with oily, combination and normal dermis. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening due to the coloring properties of blueberries.

For the autumn period

  1. From pumpkin – saturates the dermis with microelements and vitamins, preparing it for the onset of cold weather. Puree a small piece of pumpkin to make two tablespoons of the product. Mix beaten egg yolk with pumpkin puree and add 5 ml of vegetable oil. Apply to facial skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water or chamomile decoction. The mask is suitable for women with dry and normal skin.
  2. Vegetable – cleanses and vitaminizes the dermis of the face, strengthens the immune system. To prepare a vegetable applique, you can use almost any autumn vegetables. This could be potatoes, eggplant, white cabbage, carrots or zucchini. A small amount of the product needs to be crushed with a blender and the resulting mass applied to the face. For greater effect, you can add any fermented milk product to the vegetable puree. A vegetable mask is applied for 25-30 minutes.

Options for all types

For any skin, you can choose one of the recipes below, which do not require much time to implement. And it contains tomatoes and rolled oats.

Tomato express

  1. Make tomato puree by first removing the peel.
  2. Apply to face and wait ten minutes.

Video on the topic Facial mask with honey, oatmeal and green tea

Essential oatmeal

  1. Mix ground rolled oats and natural yogurt in equal proportions. Fermented milk product should not contain sugar or various chemical additives.
  2. Add a small spoon of honey.
  3. Apply the mixture using light massage movements without pressure.
  4. This mask only takes ten minutes and before a holiday or date your skin will be smoothed and filled with energy.

How to cook properly

A homemade face mask can only bring real benefits if prepared correctly. Much depends on the proper selection of ingredients. It is best to purchase berries, fruits and vegetables at the market from private farmers. Products must be fresh without rot or mold. You should also buy dairy products and honey there.

Most food products sold in supermarkets contain preservatives, flavor enhancers and other substances, which makes them unsuitable for cosmetic masks.

All components of the mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. Lumps are not allowed. To prepare homemade applications, you need to use glass or porcelain dishes.

Ready-made mixtures are not suitable for long-term storage, even in the refrigerator. Many components lose their beneficial qualities, so it is better to prepare the composition for a cosmetic mask only for one time.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

In order for the express procedure to be effective, certain rules must be followed during its manufacture and application.

The quick care mixture should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

  • Do not use allergenic products;
  • It is better to take those ingredients that have already been used many times, since there is usually no time to conduct an allergy test;
  • Fruits, berries, vegetables must be fresh and ripe;
  • The product must be prepared immediately before application;
  • To obtain a homogeneous mixture, it is advisable to mix the components using a blender;
  • The skin must be prepared - cleanse well before the procedure, washing your face with gel or foam;
  • For good distribution of the product, it is advisable to use a brush or spatula;
  • When applying the product, it is better to relax and lie down to achieve the greatest effect;
  • The exposure time of the mask should be no more than 20 minutes;
  • There is no need to apply a care cream after a procedure using fruit or berry ingredients;
  • If you need a super-fast effect, there is no need to waste time on steam baths, since they only affect the top layer of skin;
  • Do not use express care if there are lesions, cuts, pimples, fresh stitches or rosacea on the skin;
  • You need to wash off the mask after the procedure with warm water;

By following the advice of cosmetologists, you will achieve visible results and go to the celebration with a beautiful, radiant and fresh face. But experts recommend not using holiday face masks too often. A quick but superficial action of an instant face mask at home will not solve serious and deep-seated problems with the skin and appearance.

Rules for using masks

Refreshing and cleansing masks can be used regularly, but many people use them to remove negativity after a sleepless night or heavy load on the body. Such masks can help put your face in order before an important meeting, the arrival of guests or a festive event.

Masks should be applied along massage lines to avoid stretching the skin.

Refreshing masks help well in the summer heat, when the skin of the face is irritated by high temperatures and bright sun. Applications can be applied at any time of the day, but some are recommended to be used in the evening, before going to bed. Masks should not be applied more than 3 times a week. After a course of 12-15 masks, you should take a break.

Before applying the cosmetic composition, the face must be completely cleansed of makeup and impurities. For the application to be effective and not cause negative consequences, all ingredients must be suitable for a specific skin type.

Why do we need fresheners?

Natural compositions comprehensively improve the condition of tissues. In a metropolis, this is a necessary remedy that helps fight age-related changes in the skin, the negative impact of the environment and stress. The mask will help quickly refresh your face:

  • scrub, remove dirt;
  • provide food;
  • get rid of small wrinkles;
  • hide signs of fatigue.

After the procedure, cell renewal begins. Rejuvenating processes are launched, and the skin brightens and smoothes.

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