Calendula for the face and its properties – TOP 10 homemade recipes beneficial for the skin

Oh, these sunny marigolds are a sight to behold! In the last century they could be found in every yard. The flower got its name - calendula - precisely for its ability to show time following the sun. Look, this is a real dial, on which the petals bloom with the sunrise and gradually close, indicating that the day has come to an end. But calendula also has many other beneficial qualities that humanity has used a long time ago, healing the skin and the entire body as a whole.

In this article:

CompositionPropertiesIndications and contraindicationsTOP 10


Photo by Alina Vilchenko: Pexels
Today, the beneficial properties of the flower have been proven by science. Calendula contains several unique components that are especially valuable for skin care:

  • oleic acid – improves blood supply to dermal cells;
  • lupeol – has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • quercetin – antioxidant;
  • carotenoids – activate the synthesis of vitamin A;
  • flavonoids, minerals, vitamins, phytosterols, acids, esters - help solve many skin problems.

How does calendula act on our facial skin and what problems does it combat?

The appearance of pimples on the face.

As we described above, there are many reasons for the appearance of acne, and each of us at this moment is thinking about how to get rid of them quickly (especially if you have an important event or are about to go on vacation). How does calendula help? According to research by specialists in the field of cosmetology, calendula perfectly helps fight rashes and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. Calendula essential oils kill unwanted microorganisms on the surface of problem skin. Triterpenoids and flavonoids, which are part of calendula, promote the resorption of purulent areas and heal the pimple. And as a nice bonus, calendula smoothes and whitens damaged skin.

Scars and scars after acne.

Suppose you still removed a pimple using your own methods, but felt the consequences of this, then calendula will help you in this case too. It can not only painlessly get rid of the pimple itself, but also remove scars and scars that could remain from squeezing it out. In this way, calendula demonstrates its regenerative effect.

Avoiding the recurrence of acne.

It should be remembered that initially you need to solve the initial problem of acne, and calendula already performs an auxiliary function in solving problems with acne on the skin. It will make sure that pimples do not reappear, because it can tighten pores, remove excess oil and cleanse the face, and with constant use it helps prevent the reappearance of pimples and blackheads. Thus, calendula has a beneficial effect on the treatment of the pimple itself and can significantly reduce the number of pimples.

Calendula has long established itself as a medicinal product, which continues to be actively used in facial care cosmetics. The beneficial effects on the skin, the rapid extraction of pus from acne and the regenerating effect of calendula can be easily felt by people with oily and combination skin. If you have dry skin, then it is important to choose products that, in addition to calendula, will also contain nutrients so as not to dry out your skin.

There are a number of recipes for calendula tinctures that will help get rid of acne, although we need to be careful in preparing such products, because the wrong recipe can only cause harm. In order to save effort and time, you can turn your attention to a brand of natural cosmetics that not only uses calendula in its cosmetics, but also makes a product that has a detox effect and is saturated only with natural ingredients.

Remember that it is best to prevent acne, so always watch your diet and the cosmetics you choose (they should be made from natural ingredients and suit your skin type), try to relieve yourself of stress/anxiety and pay attention to the signals that your organism. Pimples don’t appear just like that - this is a call to pay attention to the factors that can provoke them.

Indications and contraindications

Oily skin loves calendula most. Caléndula officinalis mattifies it, relieves inflammation, tightens pores, has an antibacterial effect, and corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the flower helps cope with acne and heals wounds on the face. In skin care products, calendula is often combined with alcohol, but it dries out the dermis, so it is much wiser to combine calendula with water-based products.

Dry skin favors calendula, since oil products based on Caléndula officinális provide dry dermis with simultaneous nutrition and hydration, while extremely rarely causing allergic reactions. For normal skin, calendula serves for preventive purposes, normalizing metabolic processes in cells, restoring the natural mantle of the skin, toning it.

In addition, calendula is recommended for:

  • healing of microtraumas on the skin;
  • depigmentation of the dermis;
  • eliminating sagging skin and wrinkles.

Contraindications include, in addition to individual intolerance to the flower, violation of the integrity of the skin and the tendency of sensitive skin to allergies. Improper use of Caléndula officinális leads to dryness and flaking of the dermis, so at home you should strictly follow the recipe for preparing care products.

TOP 10

In finished cosmetics you can find calendula extract and its micronized petals. At home, compositions are prepared based on calendula for any type of dermis, but if we are talking about dry skin, then oils or moisturizers are added:

Unique properties of calendula tincture for skin

  • To soften and cleanse the skin, prepare a decoction of calendula: take a couple of tablespoons of dried flowers per glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 7 minutes. Cool, filter, wipe your face with the resulting solution three times a day;
  • cosmetic ice is the simplest and most effective remedy from Caléndula officinális, which tightens pores, tones and cleanses the dermis, removes signs of inflammation and fatigue, and rejuvenates. The decoction obtained from calendula is poured into molds and frozen. A combination of several herbs helps to enhance the effect: chamomile, mint, parsley and citrus or tea tree esters;
  • alcohol tincture is an excellent disinfectant, regenerant, sebum synthesis corrector. Dried calendula flowers in the amount of two tablespoons are poured into a glass of vodka and in a glass container, infused in the dark for 10 days. Use the filtered mixture to wipe problem areas:
  • Calendula oil or its extract helps get rid of blackheads: to prepare the oil (extract), take a glass jar and fill it two-thirds with inflorescences, filling them with any base so that it covers the flowers. Cover the container with a napkin and place it in the sun for a couple of months, shaking the jar daily. Then the composition is filtered and used for mature skin in the form of compresses with an exposure of 30 minutes or adding a few drops to the finished treatment;
  • ointment from the flower fights acne, regenerates, rejuvenates the skin: 4 tablespoons of flower oil are mixed with beeswax melted in a water bath - a teaspoon. As the ointment cools, it thickens; store the product in opaque packaging. Since Caléndula officinális is a natural preservative, the beneficial properties of liniment are not lost for several months. Apply the composition to problem areas for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water;
  • In addition to ointment, a lotion helps against acne: a couple of tablespoons of calendula, 50 ml of alcohol, and the juice of a quarter of a lemon are mixed in a ceramic container. Insist under the lid for three days. Filter and store in a glass container under a lid for more than a month. Wipe your face with cotton pads soaked in the composition several times a day;
  • For dry skin with irritation, a mask with calendula and sour cream is suitable. Take a tablespoon of flower, sour cream, honey and oatmeal. All ingredients are mixed and poured with calendula infusion prepared in advance - 3 tablespoons. Stir the mixture until smooth and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water, wipe with the remaining infusion;
  • For oily skin or combination problem areas, a mask is effective that cleanses the sebaceous ducts, mattifies, correcting the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Take 2 tablespoons of flower infusion, a spoonful of oatmeal, mix until homogeneous, apply to the face for half an hour twice a week, wash off with mineral water;
  • mask from the anti-aging series: the regenerating properties of Caléndula officinális make the skin velvety, restore elasticity, and the moisturizing properties become the driver of the process of self-rejuvenation of the dermis, remove wrinkles, and give a pleasant shade to the skin. A couple of tablespoons of calendula infusion, a teaspoon of aloe juice and liquid honey are mixed and distributed in a thin layer on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water;
  • whitening mask: decoction of calendula flowers, currant leaves - cleanses, tones and brightens the dermis. A tablespoon of dried Calendula officinalis flowers and currants is needed to prepare a decoction, which is mixed in the amount of a quarter glass with a crushed tablet of white coal and half a tablespoon of corn flour. The mixture is applied to the face along the lymph flow lines for 10 minutes. Then cleanse the face with a cotton pad soaked in green tea and moisturize the skin with olive oil or an appropriate moisturizer cream.

As a bonus for your attention, keep the recipe for a vitamin mask with calendula: 20 g of ointment prepared from the flower, 3 ml of tocopherol (vitamin E), retinol (vitamin A). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until homogeneous and applied to the face along massage lines for a quarter of an hour. At the same time they massage. Remains are removed with a napkin. Skin is hydrated, calmed and glowing! With regular use, after a month a lovely blush appears on your face. Try it, you will like this calendula.

How to care for oily skin?

Before selecting care products, make sure you have correctly identified your skin type. If oily shine is noticeable only in the T-zone (on the forehead, nose and chin), then this is a combination type. In addition, only 10% of people still have oily, porous skin after age 35—the sebaceous glands can reduce sebum production by age 25 [2].

If you are sure that your skin type is correct, follow the appropriate care recommendations.

How to clean

It is recommended to cleanse oily facial skin 2 times a day. Apply foam or gel to damp skin using massaging movements (preferably with a sponge - it will better cleanse the pores). Do not use antibacterial or any alkaline soap for washing, otherwise you will dry out the epidermis and provoke increased sebum production. Rinse off with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water to tighten pores. After washing, wipe your face with toner or lotion with zinc oxide and salicylic acid.

Important! Do not wash your face with hot water - it increases the activity of the sebaceous glands.

For deep cleansing, use scrubs and peels with soft ingredients. One or two treatments per week are enough to remove dead cells and avoid clogged pores. If you use scrubs and peels more often, you can provoke increased oil secretion and thickening of the skin.

How and why to moisturize

The less moisture in the skin, the more active the sebaceous glands work. To moisturize, you can use a fluid cream or gel with a light texture (for example, “Instant Matte” aqua cream). These products usually contain hyaluronic acid, glycerin, collagen or aloe. Most creams for oily skin, in addition to moisturizing, also have a mattifying effect.

Important! In winter, apply moisturizer no later than an hour before going outside, otherwise your skin will become dehydrated. Use evening cream at any time of the year half an hour to an hour before bedtime.

For salon or home care, moisturizing masks for oily facial skin containing plant extracts, oils and antibacterial components are suitable.

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