Hanging warts under the arm: a harmless tumor or a dangerous pathology?

Papillomas are benign formations that appear in different places of the human body. Basically they are small growths.

Some formations appear on open areas of the skin, others are not so noticeable at first glance. Papillomas located in the armpits may not be detected immediately.

Why do papillomas appear under the armpit?

The main reasons for the appearance of papillomas is that the growths are formed due to the activity of the human papillomavirus, which manifests its activity when the functions of the immune system decrease. Papillomavirus affects a significant portion of the population, but many people have no clinical manifestations of the disease.

The incubation period for the development of infection inside the body can last a month, or can last for many years. When the immune system is strong enough, the activity of viruses is suppressed by its work, so they do not manifest themselves externally and a person may not be aware of the existing infection for a long time.

The disease develops equally often in both men and women. The reasons can be very different: the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, household transmission, during sexual contact, and can pass from mother to baby during childbirth. Predisposition to the disease may be hereditary.

Activation of a viral infection occurs:

  1. When hormonal levels change after colds or acute respiratory infections, after taking hormonal medications;
  2. If the immune system is weakened during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  3. With exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  4. In cases of intoxication when taking medications, alcohol abuse and smoking;
  5. Like the consequences of being in a long-term stressful situation.

You can become infected with a viral infection by using someone else's hygiene items (towel, toothbrush) or other people's personal belongings.

Any new growth is always unpleasant. Papillomas that appear under the arms often come into contact with clothing and, due to friction of the material or shaving, become damaged, begin to bleed and become inflamed.

As a result of injury, damaged papillomas increase in size or spread to other parts of the body. The armpit area is a place of high humidity. The sebaceous and sweat glands are located here, that is, the environment is favorable for the development of potential infections, which is why damaged papillomas in this area so often become inflamed.

Important! Damaged papillomas have a tendency to degenerate into malignant neoplasms! If they have been damaged, you must immediately consult a doctor!


Papillomas do not make themselves felt with characteristic symptoms. Most often, a neoplasm is discovered during damage, when a bleeding wound forms on the injured area. Papillomas under the armpits grow rapidly due to increased blood supply to this area and constant friction with clothing.

Papillomas themselves do not pose a threat to health, but they cause inconvenience:

  • interfere with quality shaving of the armpits;
  • create problems when using deodorants and other personal hygiene products.

The main danger of papilloma is that when infected, it can become inflamed and significantly increase in size. This condition is dangerous due to its consequences:

  • long-term carriage of the virus;
  • soreness of the damaged area;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • transformation of benign cells into cancer cells.

Electrocoagulation of papillomas

Papilloma is the result of a patient being infected with HPV.

The dermatologist prescribes drug therapy or advises surgical removal of the growth. Excision of the formation is carried out for several reasons:

  • due to aesthetic reasons;
  • due to the possibility of degeneration of papilloma tissue;
  • to reduce the risk of infection of the damaged area.

The only case in which it is recommended to preserve the papilloma is during pregnancy. Numerous formations that appear on a woman’s body usually disappear on their own after her hormonal levels normalize.

Doctors' opinions on the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

The chief physician of Moscow City Hospital No. 62 describes his vision on this matter. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating people’s papillomas and warts for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can really lead to serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

The human papillomavirus is present in everyone on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the planet's population has it. By themselves they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The only drug that I want to recommend, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors (that is, it removes papillomas), but also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has managed not only to create a highly effective product, but also to make it accessible to everyone. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive it for 149 rubles.”

To find out more, read this article.

The appearance of papillomas on the neck and under the arms

The location of papillomas depends on the type of virus that infects the body. Certain HPVs cause growths on the arms, legs, groin, anus, and genitals. Other papillomaviruses cause skin growths on the neck and under the arms.

Such growths at the initial stage of development of the disease are benign. They are flat formations, invisible at first glance due to the fact that their color blends with the skin tone. As the condition worsens, the tumors may begin to grow, their shape changes, they increase in volume and take the form of papillae or pedunculated warts. Often formations from the armpit area move to other areas of the skin, bringing not only aesthetic discomfort, but also causing physical ailments.

Important! If the tumors begin to grow, their number increases, or they change color, you should immediately contact a dermatologist to determine the cause of such changes. A change in the color of papillomas may indicate the beginning of the process of malignancy.

Degeneration of papilloma occurs in 35% of cases. Moreover, 80% of malignant tumors appear due to the activity of HPV types 5, 8, 16 and 18. Cell degeneration is caused by damage and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

How is papillomas that appear under the arms treated?

If papillomas appear in the armpits, you need to think about ways to treat them. In this case, for consultation it is worth visiting a specialist such as a dermatologist. After the initial examination, the doctor will determine what should be done in a particular case. If the papilloma not only spoils the appearance, but also hurts, causes itching in the armpits and a burning sensation, it will most likely need to be eliminated. How can papillomas be removed?

Growing tumors that cause pain often become inflamed and bleed, causing a desire to get rid of them by all possible means.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you get rid of papillomas using independent methods at home! You cannot tear off or cut off papillomas, or remove them using aggressive liquids or celandine juice without medical advice! Self-medication can cause cancer!

Are hanging warts dangerous?

Hanging warts may not pose a significant danger to the patient's body until the onset of certain factors and conditions that can lead to the growth of the tumor and its spread to surrounding healthy tissue. In this case, multiple warts are noted, which brings not only aesthetic discomfort, but is also fraught with the development of an oncological process.

Another hidden threat of warts under the arm is the high probability of trauma and mechanical damage to the growth during shaving. In this case, severe bleeding may occur, which is caused by a violation of the integrity of the dense capillary and vascular network that nourishes the body of the wart. In addition, there is a high risk of infection through an open wound surface. In rare cases, uncontrolled atypical division of epidermal cells can lead to the development of a malignant tumor.

be careful

The presence of papillomas and warts on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most drugs that “treat” warts and papillomas are a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted his own investigation and found a way out of this situation. In this article, the Doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles! Read the article in the official source via the link.

So, you cannot remove papillomas yourself. It is best to seek advice from a dermatologist. The specialist will determine the appropriate treatment method, taking into account the patient’s age, his health characteristics, the presence or absence of possible concomitant inflammatory processes and chronic diseases. If the benign nature of the growths raises suspicions, the dermatologist may prescribe additional studies. After carrying out the necessary tests, examining the papillomas tissue using biopsy, histology or cytology, determining the type of papillomavirus that has affected the body, the doctor will determine how to remove the infection and what method should be used to remove the papillomas. There are several ways to get rid of papillomas under the arms, such as:

  1. Removal of tumors using a laser. When using this method, a laser beam acts on papillomas cells, burning the lumen of blood vessels, causing its nutrition to be disrupted. The procedure is a non-contact method of exposure. It helps to remove warts in the armpit area with the highest precision. Removing growths using a laser is a painless procedure. Its cost is quite high and when removing multiple tumors it may require significant financial investments;
  2. Freezing (cryodestruction). The manipulation is performed by exposing the neoplasm to liquid nitrogen at a very low temperature. Freezing by cryodestruction leads to disruption of the blood supply to the tumor structure. Thanks to this effect, the papilloma is destroyed and disappears after a while. Cryodestruction allows you to remove tumors under the armpits and in other places without any consequences or complications. The disadvantages of the technique include the painfulness of the procedure, which some patients point out. Another disadvantage of cryodestruction is the likelihood of small scars forming as a result of it;
  3. Cauterization with aggressive liquids. You can remove growths using active chemical liquids (acids). However, this procedure is gradually becoming a thing of the past and is now almost never used. The skin in the armpit area is very thin, and removing papilloma can easily cause burns to other healthy areas. Basically, other, more gentle methods of removing tumors are used;
  4. Electrocoagulation (removal of growths using electric current). When using this method, blood vessels are cauterized using a current of a certain frequency. The disadvantages of the method include its pain. It all depends on the characteristics of the patient’s pain defect. In some cases, the use of local anesthesia is required to numb the process of removing growths. Sometimes, after using electrocoagulation, noticeable scars may remain on the patient’s body;
  5. Exposure of growths to radio wave radiation. Using a special device that emits radiation, the papilloma is cut out from the armpit area. This procedure does not cause complications; moreover, it is painless and quite effective. In addition, removal using radio wave radiation provides the opportunity for further study of the tissues of the removed tumors by biopsy or histology.

It is not customary to resort to a radical surgical method when getting rid of papillomas under the arms. It is used in rare and exceptional cases. Caution when choosing a method is due to the fact that large lymph nodes are located in the armpits and when removing them with a scalpel, there is a very high possibility of damaging them, which can cause harm to the body and cause serious complications.

Removal of papillomas under the arms

You cannot remove papillomas yourself at home. If such tumors appear, you should see a doctor in any case. Removal can only be done in a clinic setting. After the procedure, antiviral medications and medications are prescribed to improve the functioning of the immune system. At home, you can also drink strengthening folk remedies, such as decoctions of medicinal herbs (tea from clover, St. John's wort, dill seeds), and alcohol tinctures.

How else can you remove papillomas under the arms?

The appearance of papillomas on the body does not always mean that they should be removed immediately. If the formations are benign, as evidenced by the results of the biopsy, and the reason why they appear is found out, they can be treated with the help of external medications and elimination of the situation causing them. If the growths are not dangerous and do not require removal, they can be removed using special ointments and creams.

The doctor prescribes medications such as:

  1. Cryopharma. The product is applied to the wart using an applicator. After a while it disappears;
  2. Solcoderm. The medicine is applied to the growth and left to act. You cannot lubricate more than 3 papillomas at a time. The treatment is carried out only by a doctor;
  3. Stefalin. Used to remove moles and warts. The product is applied before bedtime. The medicine is prepared on a plant basis and does not contain harmful chemical components, and has a mild effect.

Treatment of papilloma under the arm with folk remedies

At home, maintenance therapy can be carried out using folk remedies, which is used as an additional measure to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Places of papillomas removed under the arms can be lubricated with plantain and aloe juice, and you can take restorative baths with decoctions of herbs such as string, nettle, and chamomile. You can add essential oils (tea tree, lemon) to the water.

Herbal teas made from St. John's wort, lemon balm, and wormwood can be a good tonic.

Advantages of laser destruction over other methods of wart removal:

  • Simplicity of the procedure. The manipulation takes only a few minutes, without requiring a long preparatory and postoperative period;
  • Safety. The laser beam penetrates pathological tissues without damaging the healthy epidermis;
  • Painless. Laser removal of skin defects does not cause discomfort to patients, due to the permissibility of using local anesthetic gels and solutions;
  • Efficiency. During the process of removing a tumor, a specialist has the ability to regulate the depth of exposure, which determines the complete excision of atypical cells, without the formation of rough scars and cicatrices.

Contacting a medical professional will be the main step towards getting rid of warts. We guarantee affordable prices, high-quality medical service and the use of high-tech laser equipment.

Find out the cost of the procedure “Removal of tumors”

What to do if a child has a papilloma under the armpit?

What reasons can trigger HPV activation, what causes papillomas in children and what should be done in this case?

Neoplasms form in a child:

  1. As a result of infection from the mother of a virus carrier;
  2. The infection can occur through household contact when visiting a kindergarten or school;
  3. When the body weakens during illness;
  4. At the onset of adolescence (from 12 years).

Attention! You cannot remove growths in children on your own! The child should be immediately taken to a pediatrician to schedule an examination and determine treatment options.


Patients most often turn to a dermatologist with complaints of multiple papillomas. The disease in question has no other obvious symptoms.

A single papilloma that occurs in the axillary area is rarely the reason for a visit to the doctor. During a visual examination, the doctor must differentiate papilloma from other formations.

For this, patients are prescribed a number of laboratory tests:

  1. method . Allows you to identify the DNA of the causative agent of the disease and confirm the diagnosis.
  2. Biopsy. The most accurate method of differentiation of formations.
  3. Cytological analysis. Determines the degree of damage to epidermal tissue during the disease.
  4. Histology. Reveals the nature of papilloma and the degree of its malignancy.

Using the described diagnostic methods, the dermatologist not only differentiates papilloma from other rashes, but also prescribes a suitable treatment regimen. You cannot remove the growth yourself - shave it or cut it off with scissors. Such actions lead to infection of the papilloma and its growth in size.

What to do if the papilloma under the armpit is inflamed and hurts?

If the papilloma in the armpit begins to change its color, turns red and bleeds, new formations have emerged around it, the skin around it itches, it has grown or fallen off, you should immediately consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of oncology and provide the fallen wart for examination. But darkening of color may not always be a sign of cancer development. Sometimes a papilloma can turn black and come off after treatment with special ointments. In any case, the doctor must establish a possible cause and prescribe treatment, prescribe a remedy to make the wounds heal as quickly as possible and medications to strengthen the immune system and relieve pain syndromes.

Important! The decision on how to remove overgrown hanging papillomas is determined only by a doctor!

What to do if the inflammation spreads to neighboring areas? The only thing you can do before going to the doctor is to treat the inflamed area with an antiseptic.

What to do if armpit papillomas grow and increase in size?

Why do papillomas grow? Not only the degeneration of cells can provoke their growth. With colds and other diseases, many different neoplasms appear due to the weakening of the immune system, which cannot cope with the increased load on it. In a clinic setting, a specialist determines where they come from and what causes changes in the number of papillomas on the skin of the armpits. If a medical examination does not reveal cancer, various ointments are prescribed that can reduce the size of tumors due to the local effect of the substances they contain on the skin.

When to see a doctor

Papillomas in the armpit area often do not cause noticeable discomfort, but they disturb the appearance and therefore require removal. It is worth contacting a specialist if the patient’s psycho-emotional state is disturbed and complexes appear.

You should definitely visit a doctor in case of damage to the growth and bleeding, severe pain, or signs of inflammation of the skin around the tumors. The type of papilloma, size and shape does not matter.

A visit to a specialist is indicated if HPV is detected during a polymerase chain reaction or screening test. Dermatologists and dermatovenerologists deal with the problems of papillomatosis. Usually the patient is sent to a specialized department. If there are signs of malignancy, consultation with an oncologist is indicated.

Stories from our readers

Got rid of these terrible tumors at home. A month has already passed since I forgot about the bleeding and nasty growths in the most “prominent” places. Oh, I tried so many things - it helped, but only temporarily. How many times did I go to the clinic, but they prescribed useless medications over and over again, and when I returned, the doctors simply shrugged their shoulders. There were also folk remedies such as potatoes, which did not help. I also tried various celandines, which also turned out to be ineffective. I was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown and wanted to literally “cut” them, but then a miracle happened... Finally, there is not a single growth on my body and all thanks to this article. Anyone who has “unloved” growths should read this! You will forget about this problem forever, just as I forgot about it!

Read the full article >>>

We have also prepared a video for you on the removal of papilloma using electrocoagulation:

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