Psychosomatics: acne on the face - description, causes and solution to the problem

Acne in teenagers Acne on different parts of the body - on the face - on the nose - on the chin - on the cheeks - on the lips - on the chest - on the arms - on the buttocks - on the legs - subcutaneous Opinion of psychologists Treatment

The skin is our largest organ. And very sensitive, especially since it protects our body. It is also a reflection of all the internal experiences that occur within us. According to psychology, skin is one of the channels of nonverbal (non-speech) communication through which others can understand us. Our unresolved conflicts are expressed in the form of various diseases and very often in the form of acne. This disorder is included in the list of psychosomatic disorders, and in Britain psychotherapy was officially included in the acne treatment protocol.

Having learned the psychosomatics of acne, it is much easier to cope with it by working through internal conflicts and combining this process with competent cosmetic skin care. You can even carry out the diagnosis yourself, since even depending on the location of acne, the causes vary.

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Ways to cure acne caused by nervousness

From the above reasons, we can conclude that no one is immune from isolated appearances of acne, since we all experience negative emotions from time to time.
The main thing in such situations is to recognize anger and other destructive emotions in time and, having understood the reason for their appearance, to free yourself from them.

But if acne “attacks” constantly, then internal work is needed. And the first thing you need to do is find the cause (which is already half the solution to the problem).

To find the cause of the problem, psychologist Liz Burbo offers adults suffering from acne a guiding question: What happened in your life before acne appeared? The answer to this question will tell you what negative emotions were suppressed in adolescence, but have come out now, while re-experiencing the same emotions at the moment.

Let us repeat that it is important to realize and free yourself. Liberation from them will happen easily if you realize, accept, understand the cause-emotion that has become a problem for you

If you have realized and understood the emotion-cause, then you can easily let it go, since you no longer need it. The feeling of relief will serve as a sign that you have let go of the problem, that negative emotions have been released.

As for healing acne in teenagers, O.G. Torsunov offers a very effective method: keeping the teenager busy and engaged in creative activities that interest him. Here the teenager just needs to remember his interests and engage in activities according to his inclinations. This will bring positive emotions to the teenager, return him to a positive outlook on the world and himself, and increase self-esteem, especially if his activities are successful.

Be yourself, value yourself, be healthy!


Teenage acne*: treatment with a psychotherapist46

While dermatologists are deciding how to treat teenage acne* using medications, psychotherapists are helping to restore the normal psycho-emotional state of children. The main types of psychosomatic disorders that are associated with acne, according to domestic research, are hypochondria, dysmorphophobia, and dysmorphomania.

In addition to personal factors, the severity of psycho-emotional problems in adolescents with acne is influenced by gender, age, severity of the disease, family relationships, and other psychological and social factors.

Do not neglect the consultation of a psychotherapist or psychologist. A specialist will be able to answer questions regarding psychosocial problems that arise with teenage acne*: how to get rid of depression, increase self-esteem, improve communication with peers, etc.

Why do acne appear on the temples?

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on the temples of women have not been a secret for a long time. This often occurs due to excessive secretion of skin secretion, which clogs the ducts and becomes an excellent environment for the formation of pathogenic microorganisms. The keratinized particles of the epidermis clog the ducts, inflammation begins, and as a result - acne on the temples.

Another reason for the appearance of acne on the temples is hair in women falling onto the face. Dirt and dust particles constantly accumulate on the strands. Often, inflammatory lesions spread to other areas of the face; this can also happen with proper care. In winter, when women are forced to wear hats (which also accumulate dust and dirt), there are even more outbreaks, because hats touch problem areas.

Acne can appear due to regular headphones or wearing glasses, or simply touching your face with your hands.

As a rule, acne appears in young girls during adolescence during hormonal changes. Their number may increase at this time due to the usual lack of personal hygiene, stress and lack of sleep, unbalanced nutrition, and long-term treatment with medications. As most women get older, acne on their temples stops bothering them. If they do not disappear, you should definitely visit a doctor and get examined, because banal acne may indicate the presence of serious internal diseases. Typically, in women, the causes of acne are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, problems in the functioning of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.

It is important to understand the cause of their appearance, make a correct diagnosis and cure the disease. Otherwise, you will have to hide the pimples under a layer of foundation and put up with the painful sensations

Gastrointestinal diseases

One of the most common causes of a rash on the temples in women is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Malfunctions in this system lead to insufficient supply of minerals and vitamins, which has a detrimental effect on the production of sebaceous gland secretions and the condition of the skin.

Diseases of internal organs

Malfunctions in the genitourinary system cause problems with the removal of toxic substances and decay products from the body. The result is excessive secretion of sebum, clogged pores, and the appearance of acne on the temples of women. Kidney disease is not without pain in the lower back and swelling, which is associated with the inability to remove water from the body.

Hormonal disbalance

Changes in hormonal levels in women are expressed in disruptions of the menstrual cycle, excessive growth of body hair, and problems with reproductive function. These diseases can only be cured by a qualified doctor; in this case, women are strictly not recommended to self-medicate.


Infectious lesions of the skin are also often responsible for the formation of white pimples on the temples. Subcutaneous mites most often settle on the cheeks and cheekbones. But it is easy to move these insects to temples. If a woman has been fully examined, but doctors have not found any diseases, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis for the presence of parasites in the body. The main symptom of their presence is redness, turning into purulent pimples that hurt when pressed. Lumps and lumps often appear. This rash is quite difficult to treat in women.


Dermatologists who have studied the causes of acne on the temples for a long time have concluded that prolonged stress and overwork have a bad effect on the appearance of the skin. For some women, even minor disorders can cause stubborn acne to appear.

Overactive sebaceous glands

The skin is completely covered with glands that produce sebum in order to provide a protective function. If it is secreted in insufficient quantities, then the epidermis is poorly protected. Sometimes too much secretion is formed, which is what causes inflammation. Excess sebum is an excellent environment for the life of pathogenic bacteria, which is why acne appears.

It is important for a woman to regularly cleanse her facial skin with high-quality cosmetics, sometimes this is enough to fight acne

Use of drugs

Taking synthetic anabolic steroids for rapid muscle growth causes an increase in testosterone levels in the body in women. And an imbalance in the hormonal system most often causes increased sebum production and the appearance of acne on the temples.

Improper care

With insufficient facial care, women often develop a rash on their face, especially if they wash their face with soap instead of using special cleansers or an antibacterial acne toner.

The influence of psychosomatics on skin condition

The skin of the face reflects not only a person’s lifestyle, but also current experiences. Remember how the skin and eyes of people in love or those doing what they love shine. And how gray, saggy, flabby the skin becomes of those who hate their job or cannot get out of dependent, painful relationships. Let's look at the psychosomatics of the face in the theories of famous psychologists.

The face and problems of Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay's theory, skin is a symbol of individuality and a sensory organ. Defects arise due to fear, anxiety, a sense of danger, old grievances. The face is a symbol of self-attitude; it shows how a person wants to appear to the world. Healing Affirmations: “I lovingly protect myself with peaceful, joyful thoughts. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I have complete freedom,” “It’s safe for me to be myself. I express what I am."

Face of V. Zhikarentsev

According to Zhikarentsev, the face shows what a person wants to show to the world. And skin problems indicate fear of being yourself. Affirmations for healing: “It is safe to be yourself. I express myself freely and openly,” “I lovingly protect myself with thoughts full of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. Now I'm free."

Change on the face by Liz Burbo

A face is a person’s passport, a means of identification. Problems indicate that a person is afraid of losing face in front of others, is ashamed and blames himself. He does not accept his uniqueness, he forces himself to be the way other people supposedly want him to be.

What to do: work on self-perception and self-concept, accept yourself and allow yourself to be yourself. It's time to eliminate dependence on other people's opinions.

Facial skin problems Guru Ar Santem

The reasons are people's disrespect. What is characteristic of such a person:

  • arrogance;
  • neglect;
  • god complex;
  • humiliating others for certain qualities.

For healing, it is important to understand that every person deserves respect, everyone is unique and valuable. And the one who does not know how to accept others does not accept himself. This is interesting! Massage helps relieve muscle tension on the face

For example, the author’s method of psychosomatic massage by Vlad Melnik (neo-psychosomatics of the face). Neo-psychosomatics is a new direction at the intersection of psychology and medicine, which studies and analyzes muscle blocks, and during the session a specialist analyzes a particular case and offers recommendations for relaxation.

This is interesting! Massage helps relieve muscle tension on the face. For example, the author’s method of psychosomatic massage by Vlad Melnik (neo-psychosomatics of the face). Neo-psychosomatics is a new direction at the intersection of psychology and medicine, which studies and analyzes muscle blocks, and during the session a specialist analyzes a particular case and offers recommendations for relaxation.

Diagnostic problems

A person experiencing an allergy usually does not think. That it could be caused by stress. Or other psychological reasons. Psychomatics, which doctors have been talking about for a long time. One of the areas that studies the influence of psycho-emotional factors. Emergence, development and progression of pathology.

  • For rashes and sores, the skin can be helped by infusion of oregano. Take 100 g of herb and pour 300 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for two hours and strain through cheesecloth. Pour into water when taking a bath.
  • Chicory decoction also helps relieve skin irritation. Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped roots and leaves into a glass of boiling water. Boil for half an hour. When the broth has cooled, you can make lotions or add it to bathing water.
  • Many pediatricians recommend an infusion of succession: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water. It is also added when bathing. In pharmacies you can buy salt and soap with a string.

These remedies can help relieve symptoms, relieve inflammation and irritation. But do not forget that the psychosomatics of skin diseases is also important for complete healing. Let your skin be clean and healthy!

Depending on the gender and age of a person, rashes have different causes:

  • In teenagers. The appearance of acne during this period is often explained by adolescence and hormonal changes in the body. But the emotional state is not always taken into account. Although it is during this period that complexes appear, dissatisfaction with appearance, isolation, and difficulties in communicating with others. Sweating increases, itching and inflammation appear on the skin. This can only worsen the psycho-emotional state of the teenager.
  • In adults, the causes of psychosomatic skin rashes can be: conflicts at work or in the family, problematic relationships with children, financial problems.

Men in stressful situations often try not to show concern outwardly and experience all the difficulties inside, holding them back. They are characterized by the appearance of acne on the back.

What is the psychosomatics of acne on the face and body?

To begin with, we will explain what it is, a psychosomatic disease. This is necessary because some people mean one thing by it, but in reality the term means something completely different.

Psychosomatics is a whole direction in medicine that studies the influence of psychological problems on the actual state of human health.

Experts in this field pay special attention to the psychological characteristics of specific people. This is necessary to study ailments that arise for psychosomatic reasons.

But diseases of this type are diseases whose cause does not lie in infections, bacteria or dysfunction of organs. And in the mental state of a person.

This does not mean that in fact there is no disease - it is simply caused by our brain, and not by external influences.

Psychosomatic causes of acne: by zone

Sometimes women complain that acne appears in specific places and want to understand: is this related to psychological problems? Of course, this also happens.

Experts do not deny that, due to internal reasons, acne can affect the same, very specific areas of the face and body.

Let's look at the places most vulnerable to pimples and try to determine what psychological factors may influence the occurrence of acne specifically in these areas.

Namely: on the chin, neck, nose, forehead, chest and back. These are the parts of the body that are considered the most common sites of injury.

Acne on the chin in women: causes and psychosomatics

In fact, this area of ​​the face rarely suffers from acne due to psychological reasons. But the problem is that it is fatty in itself - many glands are concentrated in this area, which continuously secrete fat. Because of this, acne occurs here.

The psychosomatics of acne on the chin is expressed in the fact that almost every woman tries to squeeze them out immediately after they appear. Moreover, without worrying too much about the hygiene of the procedure. Because of this, acne only gets bigger.

But do not forget that in addition to psychological factors, other factors can also influence the condition of the skin. For example, most often acne in the chin area occurs due to diseases of the body that we do not notice in the early stages.

Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the map of acne on the face, which shows which area indicates problems with the functioning of internal organs.

Acne on the back of women: causes and psychosomatics

They say that all the problems that arise with this part of the body appear due to the fact that our psyche is affected by things that we do not want to think about.

For example, if you have a certain problem that you simply do not want to acknowledge and are simply trying to “hide”, both from others and from yourself. Of course, this mainly manifests itself in the form of constant pain, but yes - sometimes, due to psychosomatics, acne appears on the back, especially in women. Especially if the problems you want to hide are somehow related to appearance.

However, acne on the back could appear for other reasons. Therefore, we recommend that you read our article about the causes of acne in this area.

Pimples on the neck: psychosomatics

In general, acne in this area is extremely rare. The thing is, there aren't that many pores, and you actually have to work really hard to get breakouts.

Therefore, the causes of acne on the neck are sought in psychosomatics or illness. And psychological problems here are more of an indirect cause than the main one.

The fact is that a person tends to rub his neck when he feels insecure and lack of support. It is because of these constant touches that acne can occur.

Acne on the chest from psychosomatics

Acne in this area is also considered rare, although the skin here is quite vulnerable. However, psychologists exclude the possibility of acne on the chest from psychosomatics. Perhaps you are used to rubbing or scratching the skin in this area when you are nervous or anxious.

But acne on the chest can also appear for other reasons. For example, a simply uncomfortable bra or poor-quality clothing. Therefore, immediately attributing everything to psychosomatics and forgetting is a bad tactic. We recommend that you read our article about why acne may occur in the chest area.

Pimples on the forehead: psychosomatics

If a person is used to hiding his problems from others, then he experiences constant stress.

In particular, if you are overly demanding of yourself and believe that any troubles simply shouldn’t arise (you’re used to thinking that difficulties are normal for anyone, but not for you), then due to psychosomatics, acne appears on your face. forehead.

There is some logic to this. What you are trying in every possible way to hide creeps into the most visible place. This suggests that sometimes it is worth showing your weaknesses and asking others for help.

Pimples on the cheek: psychosomatics

Acne in this area is rarely associated with psychosomatics. Most often, the reason is stress, as there are a huge number of pores and glands that can cause acne on the cheeks. This intensifies when the body weakens due to nervousness.

Features of skin problems in children

Children react with diathesis and rashes to problematic relationships between parents, to whether they had a desire to give birth to this baby. The child experiences separation conflicts that lead to psychosomatic skin rashes, when he is scolded, ignored, at the birth of a younger child (lack of attention), when he lost or did not receive a toy that is so needed. Lost my beloved pet. And it was so great to cuddle with him and play together! (loss of tactile contact).

Perhaps your child also reacted with dry and red skin when he first went to kindergarten? Children whose mothers work hard and hard at work, being with them little, often suffer from the psychosomatics of eczema on the skin. The child then protects himself so as not to feel abandoned. In the active phase of the separation conflict, epithelial cells degrade and sensitivity decreases. The skin in this area becomes dry, cold, rough, with insufficient blood circulation, or with a feeling of numbness. The psychosomatics of dry skin is designed to help a person survive the conflict of losing necessary contact and forget about it for a while. And also to avoid unwanted contact.

For example, the need to shake hands with an unpleasant person provokes eczema on the palm. (A case from the practice of specialists of New German Medicine). Skin rashes appear already in the recovery stage after the resolution of the separation conflict!

  • Rash,
  • eczema,
  • psoriasis,
  • herpes,
  • chickenpox,
  • measles,
  • rubella,
  • urticaria -

Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to the theory of Liz Burbo

The author of many books, Liz Burdo, claims that acne in a person can occur for several psychological reasons. This mainly happens due to blocking.

Depends on psychology

According to the psychosomatics of acne on the face, according to Liz Burbo, there are 3 reasons:

  • Physical. Basically, acne appears only on oily skin. Acne occurs during adolescence and disappears over time when a person turns 20 years old. But there are people who keep them. Acne vulgaris disappears after a few years. They leave no scars. But there are nodular acne that takes longer to develop and has unpleasant consequences. After all, they leave behind ugly scars.
  • Emotional. Acne on the face is a symptom of each person’s subconscious desire to alienate others, to prevent others from examining their appearance up close. This skin disease says that a person does not like himself, cannot love, respect himself.
  • Acne is a symptom of a rather sensitive, but at the same time, introverted person. Perhaps this is why we notice acne on the skin of young people who are too demanding of themselves and are ashamed of their appearance. They do not hide, but push others away from them due to their skin disease. Acne often appears in those individuals who, in order to please their family, try to be completely different from what they really are.
  • Mental. If you are a young person and have acne on your face, reconsider your attitude towards your appearance. Find out in your thoughts what prevents you from remaining the same person, showing individuality. Perhaps you want to become like your mom or dad. Or maybe, on the contrary, you don’t approve of your parents’ words and actions, you force yourself to be different from your mom and dad. In both cases you are not yourself. Ask your friends how they feel about you. Compare them and your own opinion. If you are an adult, but you still have acne on your skin, then mentally return to adolescence and analyze what happened to you then.

Reconsider your attitude

  • If your acne does not go away, then you are suffering from some kind of psychological trauma that you received when you were a teenager. Reconsider your attitude towards yourself. If acne occurs at an older age, it means that as a teenager, you suppressed some bad emotions within yourself. They may have been associated with an attack on individuality. Think about what happened to you when you were young.
  • Maybe your body is telling you that it's time to release emotions hidden somewhere deep in your soul that you are unable to suppress. To suppress any emotion, strength and energy are needed. Your body tells you to start respecting yourself and recognizing your own spiritual beauty.

Rash map

What do acne on the face mean, and what diseases are they a symptom of? Rashes are a sign of a disease of the internal systems of the body.

To understand which organ is not in order, you need to study the location of the papules:

  • the rash appeared only in the temporal region - problems with the gallbladder. It is worth noting that it does not matter which side the acne appears on: on the right or left temple - this does not affect the diagnosis;
  • comedones affect the eye area - insufficient kidney functionality;
  • acne spreads to the forehead - disruption of the large intestine;
  • irritation appeared in the cheek area - problems with the lungs;
  • inflammation of the skin on the chin - diseases of the endocrine system;

Associated symptoms for diseases of the body systems:

  • unnatural skin color, pallor or yellowness;
  • brittle nails;
  • hair loss;
  • pain in the area of ​​these organs;
  • nausea, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • malaise;

Why do acne develop?

The root cause of all acne is clogged skin pores. Pores are openings that surround each hair follicle, and the sebaceous glands secrete their secretions into the follicle. Fatty secretion - sebum - is removed through the opening of the pore.

When the pores are open, sebum comes to the surface freely and helps keep the skin soft, protecting it from external influences. But if the pores are clogged with dirt particles, dead skin cells, excess oil and possibly bacteria, acne develops.

Sometimes, preventing acne can be as simple as keeping your skin healthy by cleansing it regularly. However, once acne has already appeared, it can be difficult to deal with. The situation is complicated by the fact that acne in adults often occurs not only in the absence of proper skin care, but also due to the development of certain diseases

Gel Azelik® – help with acne

Azelik® is a 15% azelaic acid gel that can be used to treat mild to moderate acne. The drug has the following properties5:

  • has an antibacterial effect against propionibacteria, epidermal staphylococcus;
  • contributes to the normalization of keratinization processes occurring in the follicles of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduces the level of free fatty acids in skin lipids;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is explained by a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and a decrease in their production of free radical forms of oxygen.

The gel is applied to previously cleansed skin in a thin layer with light rubbing movements (without using an occlusive dressing). When treating acne, it is recommended to use Azelik® gel 2 times a day5.


How to get rid of it?

  1. You must want to be healed. Dig into yourself, find what is gnawing at you.
  2. Don't be afraid of yourself and your face and body. Show the world and people that you have no fear, you are not afraid of yourself and love.

When we hide negative emotions within ourselves, we only make things worse. One day the peak will come. Don't let it happen!

People often ask why a seemingly healthy person who practices a healthy lifestyle has acne - this is a condition of an imposed lifestyle. People think that by dramatically changing their lifestyle they will get rid of acne, and they often switch between extreme diets, detoxifications, and medications. But all this is a huge stress for the body. Imagine yourself, you are breaking yourself, something that you did not love or recognize before, you suddenly want to become the meaning of your life. It doesn't happen like that! It even takes 9 months for a child to be born, let alone change.

If you want to change, do it slowly, in small increments.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of emotional acne:

1. Write down the pain. This is an excellent exercise that doctors recommend doing. It is amazing, it allows you to focus on the problem and avoid stress. If you are in a strong emotional state, take paper, a pen and write down how you feel, what you feel, what is eating you. Don't think too much, write down what you feel right away.

When you write, your pain goes away, you focus on what you are writing and the emotion is muffled, you calm down. It could be 1 sheet or 10... Paper will endure anything. It's surprising, but it works.

2. Let go. Often, people who have acne are lonely, anxious, depressed, and have no one to talk to or share their pain with. It seems to you that you are left alone with this problem; you spend your time consoling yourself, trying to get out of it. When you go outside, you put on a mask, which is good for you. You think it will never end and will last with you forever. This is fear. We need to get rid of him!

Think of it as a passing storm that was there but has passed. It actually ended, you just couldn’t let it go. The storm has passed and the sun has come out and you will feel a new sense of peace, compassion, love for the world.

3. Nurture yourself through the process.

It is very important that you take care of yourself and clear your thoughts. This means that you love yourself and your skin, no matter what it is, even with flaws.

You can do it enthusiastically, drink tea while working in coffee with a laptop, netbook... It’s warm and cozy there, there are a lot of people who came just to relax... Relax, drink hot coffee, eat something tasty and enjoy life. People who go to coffee are happy, maybe you will pick up their vibrations of happiness.

4. Trust your intuition. Although I wrote this article so that you understand that there is a problem and some solutions to it. Each person is individual, each has his own place, actions, events that help him overcome stress. Trust your gut feeling, because there is no general formula for everyone. You can get rid of acne by following my tips, but you can tweak these tips a little to find the formula that works for you. You are the only person who knows himself inside and out, take advantage of it.

Preventing acne: recommendations

To avoid the appearance of psychosomatic rashes, you should follow some simple recommendations:

  • Control your emotions. It's not about containing or suppressing them. And that many things are not worth the experiences and mental anguish to which many succumb.
  • In some difficult situations, you can resort to the use of herbal preparations. They will naturally help calm the nervous system and relax.
  • It is recommended to avoid sources of stress. Also reduce communication with aggressive, unpleasant people.
  • Even in the busiest schedule, find time to relax. Sometimes even a ten minute break can help.
  • Accept yourself as a unique, inimitable person.

These recommendations will help not only avoid psychosomatic manifestations, but also improve the quality of life in general.

How to deal with acne with psychosomatics

Treating only external manifestations will not bring the expected result. The situation may improve. But until the true cause is eliminated, acne will not disappear.

In such situations, solving the problem must be approached comprehensively. Psychological help is also needed.

The most common treatment methods:

Gestalt therapy. This is a set of special techniques that allow a person to realize what is happening to him at the present moment. The technique involves the use of various techniques

It is important that contact and dialogue be established between the patient and the Gestalt therapist. During therapy, the patient is helped to identify those parts of his own personality that he rejects

This is the first step towards accepting these traits in yourself and restoring the integrity of your personality. Hypnosis. The state into which the patient is plunged allows the body to relax. Breathing, heartbeat and the functioning of internal organs are normalized - something that was disturbed by stress. In the process of work, hidden or forgotten fears that caused the problem are revealed. Cognitive therapy The process is aimed at working with cognitive functions: language, attention, visual - spatial perception. Trainings allow you to better perceive yourself as a person and have a beneficial effect on self-esteem. In stressful or other unpleasant situations, cognitive functions may be impaired. Their restoration, as it were, triggers the reverse mechanism. Holotropic breathing. This is a special breathing technique in which the patient must breathe frequently and quickly. As a result of prolonged hyperventilation, the level of carbon dioxide decreases and blood vessels narrow. Oxygen starvation begins. This leads to inhibition of the cerebral cortex and more active work of the subcortex. In this way, all experiences that have been repressed from consciousness are released.

Psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a popular author of books on psychology and psychosomatics. Its publications have been able to help many people cope with psychosomatic illness. The author's books are a real discovery in this area. One book contains a special table of diseases and the causes due to which they occur. There is also information regarding the appearance of acne.

Skin disease

So, the psychosomatics of acne on the face according to Louise Hay says:

  • When acne or pimples appear on the skin, this indicates that a person often has small outbursts of anger.
  • If there are acne on the skin, a person does not want to agree with himself. He doesn't respect or love himself.
  • When whiteheads appear, a person tries to hide himself and is embarrassed by the reflection in the mirror.

In the table you can find not only what causes problems on the epidermis, but also recommendations with which you can cope with them. This method should not be taken with irony. Since it was recognized even by official world medicine. Louise Hay is also called by many “the queen of affirmations”, because her table works accurately.

People who were seriously interested in this theory tried it. They claim to have achieved the following results:

  • Louise's advice helped them heal not only the body, but also the soul.
  • If you use the technique correctly, you can get more strength.
  • By following the author’s recommendations, you can cure not only acne on the face, but also other diseases.

From what?
To learn how to use the technique, first learn “affirmations.” It is in the table from the author's book. Repeat the words every day 2 times. You will be able to believe what you say. You will quickly notice results on your skin.

You can also use the experience of traditional medicine:

  • oak bark decoction (take baths with the decoction, wipe problem areas with a cotton swab)
  • oatmeal mask (grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with warm milk, honey, butter and apply to problem areas, hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water)
  • glycerin mask (1 tsp glycerin, 1 tsp grape or apricot oil, 2-3 drops of ammonia, 1 tsp water. Mix the ingredients and apply to problem areas, preferably at night, without rinsing off. )

This is a help to cope with skin problems, eliminate the manifestation of psychosomatics, but not the cause. When you get on tracks, and these are situations that contain elements of the initial conflict (heat, cold, wind, food, contacts with people, certain experiences), the skin will certainly react in the usual way - with rashes. After all, the causes of the initial conflict have not been eliminated! The soul remembers, even if a person has forgotten or did not know about them.

Causes of psychosomatic acne in the works of famous authors

Louise Hay sees self-rejection and self-loathing as the causes of acne. Acne, in her opinion, means small outbursts of anger, and ulcers mean a violent manifestation of anger and anger.

Lise Bourbeau argues that skin symbolizes a person's ability to value himself in the face of the world around him.

The psychologist writes that if pimples appear and disappear, this indicates impatience and unwillingness to come to terms with the disruption of plans, which are accompanied by slight suppressed anger. She believes that the location of the part of the body where acne appears will serve as a clue in which area a person is experiencing negative emotions.

Liz Burbo writes that acne appears as a sign of a subconscious desire to push others away and not allow oneself to be examined, especially up close. In her opinion, a person suffering from acne does not love himself, does not know how to love himself, and does not respect himself enough.

The psychologist notes that acne is a sign of a very sensitive but withdrawn nature (as almost everyone becomes during adolescence).

If we talk about an adult, acne, according to Liz Burbo, indicates that a person is trying to be different from what he is because of the desire to please loved ones. The psychologist identifies another reason for the appearance of acne is that a person continues to suffer from psychological trauma received in adolescence.

V. Sinelnikov sees the main reason for the appearance of acne as dissatisfaction with oneself, with one’s appearance (typical of adolescence). The psychotherapist believes that with the help of this disease, teenagers learn a lesson in self-love and learn to accept themselves and their sexuality for who they are.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila explain this ailment from a Reiki perspective. They claim that acne is a sign that something in you wants to break through, to become visible, but the person suppresses it out of fear, uncertainty and shame. This conflict manifests itself on the skin as acne.

Another psychosomatics specialist, J. Reno, considers the appearance of acne to be a consequence of growing up and moral experiences hidden from parents.

O.G. Torsunov claims that acne arises from the presence in the character of such qualities as aimlessness, sloppiness, laziness, pessimism, and greed. He explains that as a result of the activation of the lower centers in adolescence, character flaws hidden in a person awaken. And due to disturbances in hormonal functions that are still unstable at this age, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, which leads to the appearance of acne.

Differential diagnosis

Psychosomatic rashes can have different characteristics and causes of appearance. First of all, it depends on the age of the person:

  1. Teenagers – at this age, the most common cause of acne is hormonal changes in the body of a teenager. But often they are combined with the development of an inferiority complex regarding one’s own appearance, the first unrequited love, and a feeling of uselessness. Stress and anxiety lead to increased sweating, which activates the rash - a kind of “vicious” circle develops.
  2. Adults - the main causes of emotional instability and deterioration of skin condition are financial problems, difficulties at work, deterioration of relationships with colleagues, children or spouses.

Men most often suffer from acne in the back area. They are not inclined to show emotions; they try to experience any stressful situations within themselves and not show their feelings to others. The result is acne on the skin of the back.

Girls, in turn, are more emotional, often even excessively. They take any exciting situation to heart, throwing out all their feelings and emotions in response to the most insignificant events. The result of excessive emotionality is acne on the face.

We recommend that you read: The whole truth about somatic diseases: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Diagnosis and treatment of dermatillomania

A person who scratches his own skin is not always mentally ill. Dermatillomania can manifest itself as an independent problem or accompany a more serious disease. Contacting a specialist at an early stage of the disease allows you to identify the real reasons for this behavior and provide the correct treatment. For example, scratching the skin may be caused by a common food or drug allergy.

Two specialists should work with patients with dermatillomania - a dermatologist and a psychotherapist. Sometimes the help of a psychiatrist is required. An ordinary psychologist may not be able to cope with such a problem, since this requires serious support from a medical specialist.

What techniques are used to treat the disease? Cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used. Experts use habit retraining training. As a result of the work done, the patient learns to react differently to moments that lead to scratching of the skin. Such moments are called triggers. For example, it turns out that an outburst of skin tearing is preceded by a state of anger. A person with dermatillomania is taught to recognize this trigger and respond differently to it.

Let's give another example: being in front of a mirror can be a trigger. You look at yourself in it for a long time, see more and more flaws and begin to squeeze or comb them. How to deal with this? Stand further away from the mirror and dim the light so that you don’t see your skin very closely - this way you won’t be able to examine it.

Sports, yoga, and other meditation techniques will help you overcome the disease. In untreated cases, patients are advised to find an interesting hobby that will distract them from the problem and provide positive emotions. Medicines are prescribed only in isolated cases, most often when the cause of dermatillomania lies in prolonged depression.

Be healthy and finally stop picking your skin so as not to start a long rehabilitation process;)

Watch this video on YouTube

Treatment of acne caused by psychosomatics

Whatever the cause of acne, it is necessary to understand it and eliminate the influence of the provoking factor, otherwise further therapy will not be effective enough.

Even if the cause of the rash is psychological, this does not exclude the need to use anti-acne medications. One of them is Clindovit® gel. It must be applied to cleansed skin 2-3 times a day. 6

The first psychological assessment of the patient should be given by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Further, if necessary, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of psychotherapy, during which a specialist will find out what emotions led to acne and help work through them.

*elements of acne

Symptoms of dermatillomania

Among the main symptoms of the disease, the following should be noted:

  • at the moment of combing, squeezing, scraping the rash, the patient feels a short-term feeling of relief (and some even pleasure);
  • each time the feeling of relief is replaced by a new stressful peak: the patient re-combs his skin and feels relief again;
  • the urge to scratch appears spontaneously - at any time of the day and anywhere (the most common option is in the bathroom in front of the mirror);
  • the combing process is triggered by certain emotions: anxiety, boredom, fear, excitement.
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