Is it possible to cure psoriasis on the scalp at home?

Treatment of scalp psoriasis

It is necessary to begin treatment at the first symptoms, otherwise the disease will spread to large areas and cover the entire body. To know exactly how to treat psoriasis on the head, you need to consult a specialist.

Trichological treatment of the scalp is carried out using modern diagnostic methods and hardware treatment. Experienced trichologists and dermatologists will help cure the disease quickly and without relapse.

As a rule, to cure scalp psoriasis, they resort to a multi-level program, which includes general and local therapy; in various cases, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed.

General therapy involves taking sedatives and vitamin complexes. For topical use, salicylic or tar ointment is recommended, which heals damaged areas.

In addition, when treating psoriasis of the scalp, doctors pay special attention to the use of immune drugs.

How does the skin change with psoriatic lesions?

Normally, epidermal cell renewal takes 3-4 weeks. With psoriasis, this period is reduced to 4-7 days. As a result, degradation occurs and the skin loses its protective properties. She becomes vulnerable to minor injuries and prone to inflammation. The scaly plaques that form can be painful and itchy.

General principles of skin care for psoriasis are aimed at:

  • minimizing microtraumas;
  • reduction of irritation from chemical and mechanical influences;
  • additional food;
  • moisture preservation.

Problem areas do not need to be combed, because unnecessary trauma will only aggravate the inflammation. Friction of clothing should be avoided: choose wardrobe items made from natural soft fabrics, avoid tight fit.

Doctors do not recommend removing keratinized scales yourself. The best solution is to exfoliate them naturally as the skin's integrity is restored.

Quitting alcohol and smoking

There is no reliable data on whether alcohol can provoke the disease. However, it is known for sure that in patients with already developed psoriasis, the course of the disease is greatly aggravated by drinking alcohol. It is also possible to generalize the usual, vulgar form of the disease into a more severe one, for example, psoriatic erythroderma. Regarding smoking, everything is somewhat simpler. It has been noted that it can provoke both the disease itself and aggravate the current form of the disease. People who consume 20 or more cigarettes per day are especially at risk. The main problem is a decrease in the activity of the immune system due to oxygen deficiency and weakening of muscle tone and vascular walls. It is also important that smoking worsens blood circulation through the capillaries, as well as suppression of antioxidant protection.

Cosmetics for skin care for psoriasis

  • Cosmetics containing salicylic acid have proven themselves well. They soften the skin and facilitate the separation of scales. The percentage of the asset is selected by the doctor. Not suitable for diabetic patients.
  • Lactic acid often acts as a keratolytic agent, so you should pay attention to the drugs that contain it.
  • Preparations containing resins have a beneficial effect on the skin. Their action is based on the suppression of cell division. Cosmetic products containing pine, birch, and coal tar resins are popular.
  • Creams and lotions containing vitamin D3 have a positive effect on the epidermis. It has a wound-healing effect and inhibits cell growth.

The specific choice of skincare products often depends on the location of the rash and the intensity of its manifestation, so it is better to consult with your doctor.

Manifestations of scalp psoriasis

Epithelial exfoliation

happens to every person.
If this process is overly active, then dandruff may form, but dandruff itself is not dangerous to humans and can be treated by using special shampoos
However, with psoriasis, larger elements in the form of whitish flakes peel off from the epithelium. In order to eliminate them, you need to comb your hair with smooth movements
, but this should not be done too often.
Otherwise, the inflammatory processes will become more obvious
, and the skin will heal much more slowly.

Psoriatic lesions of the earlobes

On the back of the lobe, the skin is very flexible and delicate; it is practically not affected by air and solar radiation. This contributes to increased humidity

, and as a result, the development of inflammation and bacteria.
Therefore, careful hygiene of this area of ​​the skin is necessary. Frequent scratching can cause
damage to the skin on the back of the head, in the hair partings and at the border and their growth.
When mechanical damage to the skin occurs, hair follicles may suffer, which can cause the latter to become inflamed.

Effective recipes

Psoriasis: how to treat it at home? Let's consider the most popular and useful compositions:

  1. Flaxseed (1 tbsp) must be poured with boiling water (500 ml), after which the composition should be infused overnight. Early in the morning you should drink the entire portion of the medicine on an empty stomach. This therapy will help remove toxins and waste from the body, and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Birch tar is well suited for external treatment of psoriasis. This remedy is applied directly to the rash, after an hour it is washed off and the epidermis is lubricated with celandine tincture. It is required to carry out 15 such procedures (once a day).
  3. A compress made from celery root will help cope with skin itching and reduce the intensity of other symptoms of the disease. So, the plant is crushed, the finished pulp is applied to the “affected” epidermis. The compress is kept for 2 hours, the procedure is carried out daily for 60 days. It is recommended to supplement local treatment with celery juice (2 tablespoons of the drink three times a day).
  4. 2-3 tbsp. l. clover flowers are wrapped in gauze and doused with boiling water. After a minute, such a compress is applied to the affected area for several hours.
  5. Another effective remedy for fighting psoriasis is cabbage pickle. The liquid is applied to psoriatic plaques before bedtime and washed off in the morning. At least 7 such procedures are carried out in a row.
  6. Boil 2-3 chicken eggs hard, take out the yolks, grind them to a paste. After this, this mass is placed in a clean frying pan and fried for 45 minutes - an oily liquid of a reddish hue should appear. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with it several times a day until the rash disappears.
  7. A simple, but at the same time, effective remedy against psoriasis is flax oil (it can be purchased at the pharmacy). You should treat the irritated areas of the epidermis with it twice a day for two weeks.
  8. One potato is cut, grated, and applied to painful areas as a compress for 2 hours daily.

Ointment with solid oil. A rather specific, but effective option for home therapy for psoriasis is the use of medicinal ointment based on solid oil. It is prepared like this:

  • 0.5 kg of purified grease;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • Half a tube of baby cream.

This mixture can be enriched with additional components:

  • White of 1 fresh egg;
  • 1 tsp. sulfur powder;
  • 2 tsp. ash obtained from chestnut fruits.

If the rash lesions occupy a large area on the skin, it is recommended to apply this ointment to the affected areas once a day. For small plaques - twice a day.

Ointment with VaselineAnother effective ointment to combat skin manifestations of psoriasis: 100 g of Vaseline is combined with 1 tsp. gunpowder The prepared product is used to treat the affected areas daily (at least 10 times).

Ointment with propolis The following ointment is considered an effective folk remedy against psoriasis:

  • 10-15 g of propolis;
  • 3 capsules of vitamin A;
  • 100 g slightly warmed butter.

Soak gauze with the prepared mixture and apply it to painful areas as a compress.

Ointment with garlic Garlic is considered an effective remedy for fighting psoriasis. So, several cloves of this root vegetable are passed through a meat grinder (grinded to a homogeneous consistency), after which 200 ml of water is poured into the mass and left to infuse for several hours. The finished composition is applied to the “affected” skin for half an hour several times a day.

Let's look at a few more difficult-to-prepare, but very effective ointments for the treatment of psoriasis:

  1. 100 g of butter is combined with 1 tbsp. l. fish oil, 30 g propolis, 20 g beeswax, 10 Apilaka tablets and 1 tbsp. l. pollen. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath. How to use the product: the ointment is applied to psoriasis lesions three times a day, combining local therapy with taking propolis tincture orally (20-30 drops of the product are diluted in half a glass of water and drunk 30 minutes before meals).
  2. 50 g of string is poured with the same amount of purified alcohol. The finished mixture is infused for at least 10 days. After the specified period of time, the product is filtered, 30 g of lanolin and petroleum jelly are added to the tincture. This composition is used to treat the affected areas of the epidermis several times a day.
  3. 10 g Kalanchoe juice + 30 g eucalyptus oil + 10 g honey. The ingredients are mixed and left for 5 days. The prepared ointment is applied to the “affected” skin twice a day.
  4. 1 raw egg is combined with a glass of vinegar and the same amount of butter. The finished composition is placed in the refrigerator for 7 days, after which the ointment can be used to treat rash areas of the skin at least 6-7 times a day.

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Hair products

Caring for the scalp with psoriasis also requires care. Shampoos are chosen with a neutral PH, mild action, aimed at preventing dandruff. Products with tar, salicylic acid and urea reduce itching, additionally moisturize the skin, and reduce flaking.

Keratolytic shampoos and creams have been developed especially for patients with psoriasis. They help to gently remove scales from the skin. Coloring can be carried out only with gentle compositions and in the remission phase. Do not dry your hair with a hot stream of air.

General rules

Care for psoriasis requires maximum attention to the skin. It is necessary to avoid contact with aggressive detergents, not only household chemicals, but also soap and shampoo.

Special attention is paid to bed linen and clothing. Prefer work that does not involve wearing a rough uniform with additional fixing elements or interacting with chemicals. When cleaning at home, you must additionally protect your skin and wear gloves.

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that cannot be cured, but its course can be significantly alleviated.
The Psormak clinic in Moscow offers effective and safe methods for relieving exacerbations and transitioning into stable remission. You can contact us and order a consultation using the online form on the website or by phone. January 16, 2021
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich


Such a factor as high-quality and suitable clothing is one of the principles of preventing psoriasis or its relapse. It is recommended to use soft fabric clothing made from natural materials, preferably in a light color. This will avoid injury to the plaques and reduce pain on the skin. A light color will help make silver scales less noticeable. Linen, cotton and other soft fabrics are optimal for bed linen. You should avoid wearing woolen sweaters and similar irritating materials.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one of the fundamental factors that influence the well-being of the skin. It is important to have a good daily routine, including getting enough sleep. Doctors advise getting out into nature more often, getting fresh air, going to the sea, resorts, and sanatoriums. Physical activity allows you to restore a healthy state of the body, which is the main factor in preventing disease. Sports activities are excellent, especially fitness and swimming. This set of measures allows you to strengthen the immune system, as well as eliminate nervous tension.

Psoriatic lesions of the back of the neck

Plaques that form

behind the ears or on the back of the head,
can provoke a feeling
of itching, which can lead to scratching and its negative consequences.
Of course, scratching can temporarily relieve stress and bring relief,
but in the end, your well-being and skin condition will only worsen.
To combat itching, appropriate treatment is necessary, which can only be selected by a doctor.

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