Stop demodex lotion for face and eyelids, 150ml.

Pharmacological properties

The effect of Stop Demodex gel is due to the properties of the substances included in its composition:

Peppermint extract - has a mild antiseptic, analgesic, refreshing and calming effect. Strengthens capillary blood circulation, acts on dermal and mucous neuroreceptors.

Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and antibacterial substance.

Glycerin – retains moisture on the skin, protecting it from drying out, gives the skin elasticity and softness.

Supercritical CO2 chamomile extract is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, emollient, antihistamine, and sedative.

Hyaluronic acid is a water-retaining, elastic biopolymer. It has a regenerating, healing, bactericidal, antiviral effect. The drug enhances the activity of other components.

When applied, the gel is well absorbed, without clogging skin pores, and does not disrupt the vital processes of skin cells.

Materials and research methods

At the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Crimean State Medical University. S.I. Georgievsky. We used a series of drugs “Stop Demodex”, produced in Ukraine, as an additional external therapy, which consists of a mild cleansing soap for the facial skin, shampoo, therapeutic and prophylactic balm and eyelid gel. The active components of the drugs are metronidazole and birch tar, which have pronounced acaricidal properties against Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis mites, as well as bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Extracts of white willow bark and witch hazel, which are included in the preparations, help reduce sebum secretion by blocking the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Super critical - CO2 - chamomile extract contains a high concentration of matrixin and azulene - powerful antihistamine components that almost instantly relieve redness. Vitamin A stimulates tissue regeneration and promotes rapid regression of rashes without scarring. In addition, according to a number of researchers [12], with demodicosis, immunological changes and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract are observed, which makes it advisable to prescribe Stop Demodex drops based on plant extracts. Thus, Echinacea purpurea extract is used as a powerful immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory agent. It is used as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of various skin diseases (demodex and acne). Calendula officinalis has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Calendula preparations accelerate tissue regeneration processes and promote faster epitheliation. Common yarrow has a general strengthening, antispasmodic effect. They help with gastrointestinal diseases, especially peptic ulcers, and improve metabolism.

45 patients with demodicosis were examined . The diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory (microscopic examination). The largest number of our clinical observations were women (67%), men – 33% of patients. The distribution of the studied patients with demodicosis by age and gender is presented in Table 1 .

The distribution of all examined patients into subgroups depending on the form of the disease and the prevailing nature of the eruptive elements in the lesions of the skin was carried out according to the classification:

  1. The erythematous form of the disease was observed in 13 patients.
  2. The papular form of the disease was observed in 17 patients.
  3. The pustular form of the disease was observed in 8 patients.
  4. The combined form of the disease was observed in 7 patients.

Against the background of persistent red or bluish-red congestive erythema with an abundance of thin and wide telangiectasia, characteristic papular and pustular elements were located. More often, a grouping of papular elements into bluish-red or bluish-colored plaques was observed, on the surface of which small (1–2 mm in diameter) and large (up to 5–6 mm in diameter) pustular elements, as well as purulent and bloody-purulent crusts were detected .

We also examined all patients for the presence of specific eye damage, we took into account the data of the disease history, clinical picture and laboratory tests, the secretion of the sebaceous gland of the hair follicle of the cilia was taken from all patients, and if a mite was detected, the patients were sent for a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Depending on the form of eye damage in patients with demodicosis, asymptomatic carriage, erased form, blepharoconjunctivitis and episcleritis were distinguished (Table 2).

Asymptomatic carriage was observed in 8 (17%) patients, in which the diagnosis was verified by the detection of acne glands on the roots of the eyelashes and in the secretions of the sebaceous glands. Such patients did not complain, however, from the anamnesis it was possible to find out that previously they periodically noted redness of the edges of the eyelids, itching and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

An erased form of demodicosis of the eyes was observed in 4 (9%) patients, in this case there was: severe itching of the eyelids, especially in the morning after sleep, pain in the eyes, loss of eyelashes. Biomicroscopy revealed enlarged and dark bulbs of individual eyelashes, translucent and cylindrical muffs at their roots, and sometimes small multiple papillomas, which is typical for chronic blepharitis. Demodectic blepharitis was diagnosed in 3 (7%) patients and manifested itself with more pronounced changes than erased forms of the disease. First, focal lesions appeared, localized around the eyelashes, then they spread and captured the entire edge of the eyelid. Conjunctival hyperemia was accompanied by moderate mucous discharge, accumulating on the edges of the eyelids in the form of yellowish crusts.

The duration of the disease with demodicosis ranged from 4 to 15 years. Previously, all patients were treated using general and local therapy. Stop Demodex drugs were prescribed as additional therapy.

The treatment was prescribed according to the following scheme

It was recommended to wash with Stop Demodex mild cleansing soap twice a day. A small amount of soap was applied to the skin of the face, foamed, left for 20–30 s and washed off with water.

Treatment and prophylactic balm “Stop Demodex”: applied to cleansed skin of problem areas 2 times a day for 45 days.

Before applying the eyelid gel, it was recommended to treat their edges with tincture of calendula or eucalyptus using a cotton pad that was soaked in the solution. The procedure was repeated after 15 minutes. In case of simultaneous damage to the ear canal, ears, eyebrows, it is also recommended to treat these areas before applying the gel.

Stop Demodex eyelid gel was applied to the eyelids as close as possible to the eyelash growth area for 30 minutes. Must be applied twice daily for 45 days. Excess gel is removed using a cotton swab.

In case of damage to the scalp, it was recommended to wash the hair with Stop Demodex shampoo 2 times a week for at least 6 weeks. Apply to damp hair for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water.

As a general tonic, after completing the course of treatment, it was recommended to take “Stop Demodex” drops based on plant extracts as a dietary supplement to the diet for 30 days, 30 drops 2 times a day with meals.

Results and discussions

Thus, complex therapy using the “Stop Demodex” series of drugs has significantly improved the results of treatment of patients with demodicosis, especially with the papulopustular clinical form. From the start of treatment on days 6-7, there was a decrease in the inflammatory reaction of fresh elements. On day 15, the itching of the skin disappeared and the number of rashes decreased. Complete regression of the rash was observed after 4 weeks of treatment. After the end of treatment on the 10th day, the absence of mites on the skin and in the area where the ducts of the sebaceous glands are excreted, in the area of ​​eyebrows and eyelashes was laboratory confirmed.

Directions for use and doses

The effect of the gel is enhanced by pre-treatment of the application sites with alcohol tinctures of medicinal plants (calendula, eucalyptus, aralia).

Processing method:

  • A small cotton swab is moistened in the tincture, squeezed out and wiped over the edges of closed eyelids.
  • The procedure is repeated 15 minutes after the solution has dried.
  • The gel is applied along the eyelash line closer to the edge, avoiding getting the product into the eyes. After 30 minutes of exposure, the residues are removed with a napkin.

The gel is used morning and evening after washing with soap for 1.5 months. Treatment of the ear canal with gel is mandatory. If itching is present, the eyebrows, forehead, chin and wings of the nose are also treated.

Questions & Answers

Questions from site visitors to people who have already been treated with drugs from the site

  1. 0 votes
    Question: Do “Demodex Complex” soap for demodicosis and Demodex Complex milk have the same purpose for use? (washing face) reply now

    Answer from Administrator Elena, Demodex Complex soap for demodicosis and Demodex Complex milk have the same purpose - cleansing the skin of the face. Milk cleanses more delicately and is suitable for dry skin. Administrator responded 09/13/2019

  2. 0 votes

    Question: Please tell me this cleansing milk - how should I use it? reply now

    Answer from Administrator Anna, it all depends on your skin type. If you have oily or combination skin, then soap is more suitable. If your skin is closer to the dry type, then it is better to use milk for washing. Administrator responded 08/30/2019

    ∨ Show more answers (7) Anna, it all depends on your skin type. If you have oily or combination skin, then soap is more suitable. If your skin is closer to the dry type, then it is better to use milk for washing.

    Answered by Administrator 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  3. What is stronger, soap or this product? Or should I use both in turn?

    Answered by Anna 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  4. That's right, it foams, you wash it and rinse it off.

    Answered by Olga 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  5. Yeah, so it’s kind of like a cleansing foam, not like a mask?

    Answered by Anna 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  6. Yes, you definitely need to wash it off.

    Answered by Olga 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  7. And does it need to be washed off?

    Answered by Anna 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  8. Squeeze a small amount of milk into your palm, lather and wash with foam.

    Answered by Olga 08/30/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  • 0 votes

    Question: I’m taking soap from you, a full complex against demodicosis, I wanted to know the difference between liquid soap and hard soap. reply now

    Answer from Administrator Sergey, the effectiveness of the drugs is the same. The client independently makes a choice between milk and solid soap for washing. Depending on who is more suitable and what the treatment is aimed at. If you have demodicosis of the surface of the eyes and eyelids, then we recommend using milk for washing. If you use it directly to cleanse the surface of your face, you can use soap. Administrator responded 08/26/2019

    ∨ Show more answers (5)

      Sergey, the effectiveness of the drugs is the same. The client independently makes a choice between milk and solid soap for washing. Depending on who is more suitable and what the treatment is aimed at. If you have demodicosis of the surface of the eyes and eyelids, then we recommend using milk for washing. If you use it directly to cleanse the surface of your face, you can use soap.
      Answered by Administrator 08/26/2019

      Helpful answer? NO

  • Which product is more effective, soap or gel for washing?

    Answered by Sergey 08/26/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  • Sergey, the product you are interested in is called cleansing milk. It is intended for the surface of the face and is recommended if you are undergoing treatment for demodicosis of the eyes. It is more delicate and soft to use. It moisturizes the skin.

    Answered by Administrator 08/26/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  • No, I mean liquid facial soap. How is milk or liquid soap considered correctly?

    Answered by Sergey 08/26/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  • Sergey, good afternoon. Liquid soap is used for the body as a shower gel; it is not intended for the surface of the face.

    Answered by Administrator 08/26/2019

    Helpful answer? NO

  • special instructions

    Before using Stop Demodex gel, you should test for an allergic reaction. To do this, the drug is applied to the inner surface of the elbow closer to the bend and left for 20-30 minutes. If the application site becomes red, swollen and itchy, do NOT use the drug on the face!

    For the best effect in the fight against demodicosis, it is recommended to use the entire line of Stop Demodex medicinal cosmetics, plus Stop Demodex oral drops, which restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract affected by diseases associated with demodicosis.

    Store Stop Demodex gel at room temperature. Keep away from children.

    The expiration date is indicated on the packaging.

    From the manufacturer:

    Unique plant extracts of Demodex Complex face wash milk highly effectively destroy subcutaneous demodex mites, reduce and prevent the occurrence of various skin problems caused by subcutaneous mites parasitizing in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands: such as acne, subcutaneous rashes, blackheads, rough skin, enlarged pores and many other serious problems caused by demodicosis disease.
    Extracts from ocean minerals increase the ability of skin cells to protect themselves and have a remarkable effect of deep cleansing the skin. They very effectively eliminate sebum and impurities in the deep layers of the skin, cleanse pores and naturally narrow them, favor the absorption of nutrients applied after demodicosis creams “Demodex Complex”.

    Spring water from high mountain springs, naturally pure, leaves your skin hydrated, soft, glowing and very smooth.

    Features of the action of Demodex Complex milk:

    The milk actively destroys subcutaneous demodex mites, deeply cleanses the skin, softens and removes the stratum corneum of old cells, activates blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, slows down skin aging and gives it a clear, vibrant appearance. Gives a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for the whole day. Facilitates the process of treating demodicosis. Used to cleanse the skin before applying our medicated demodex creams, is compatible with them and enhances their effect

    Attention! Do not use any other cleanser other than Demodex Complex products, because... they are not compatible with the site’s creams, especially with Demodex Complex products with a specially selected composition. They may also contain substances that do not kill ticks, but support their vital activity, which will further slow down the work of creams.

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