Black eye: how long does it last, choice of drugs, treatment rules

Bruises under the eyes can be of pathological origin, a cosmetic defect, or result from injury and blows. In the latter case, to eliminate bruises, it is enough to use healing ointments and preparations , but their choice depends on the severity of the damage.

If the cause of the appearance of formations is an incorrect lifestyle, no symptomatic treatment is required at all.

What to do?

Naturally, the method of getting rid of bruises completely depends on the cause of origin. If the cause of the appearance is pathological processes, then you will have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. It is the effect of toxins on the body that causes blueness and swelling under the eyes. The cause may also be incorrectly selected cosmetics.

But most often this phenomenon occurs due to an impact. How long will it take for a black eye to go away? The rate of disappearance of the defect depends not only on the use of special means, but also on the area of ​​the lesion, and whether the vessels were affected by the bruise. As a rule, a small bruise goes away 5-7 days after its appearance, and if we are talking about a major injury, then even with intensive treatment the bruise will begin to disappear only after 9 days.

Color change

The size and color of the bruise depend on several factors:

  • location relative to the vessels (pulsating hematoma occurs as a result of disruption of a large artery, non-pulsating hematoma occurs due to damage to small capillaries);
  • the amount of accumulated blood;
  • duration of injury;
  • force of mechanical action (the higher it is, the deeper the hemorrhage occurred in the tissue).

The appearance and resorption of a hematoma occurs in several stages, which are accompanied by a change in the shade of the bruise:

  1. Red-purple. The red color is a consequence of damage in the first hours after the injury. This shade is due to the penetration of red blood cells into the skin tissue, which contain oxyhemoglobin of the corresponding color. During these hours, a person feels the greatest pain, and edema forms in the form of swelling.
  2. Blue or purple. The next day, the bruise acquires this color because the process of oxidation of oxyhemoglobin in the tissues occurs. Resorption has not yet begun, but the swelling is gradually subsiding.
  3. Green. The hematoma acquires this shade 5-6 days after injury. This occurs due to the biochemical transformation of hemoglobin, which enters the tissue from red blood cells. Biliverdin is formed, which has a greenish tint. Pain and swelling will disappear by this time.
  4. Yellow. In the final stage, the bruise turns yellow because biliverdin is converted to bilirubin. Over time, the hematoma will disappear under the influence of macrophages, which absorb dead cells. The yellow spot dissolves and leaves no trace.

Similar phases are observed when a significant volume of blood is released. If ice was applied immediately after the blow, the bruise will not look as noticeable.


Any hematoma, no matter where it is located, changes color as it disappears and, in principle, it is always possible to determine when a person was injured. Conventionally, the development of bruising can be divided into several stages:

  1. The red tint is characteristic of the first stage, when local bleeding begins. The intensity of the redness depends on the severity of the injury, and redness appears immediately after the injury.
  2. A purple or dark blue tint indicates that oxidative processes have begun. Such changes are characteristic of the first days after injury.
  3. A greenish tint indicates that 5–6 days have already passed since the injury. During this period, leukocytes accumulate, which destroy red blood cells in hemoglobin, which gives a greenish tint.
  4. The yellow color appears due to the production of bilirubin, which helps heal bruises.

How many days will it take for a black eye to go away? In fact, recovery occurs on the ninth day, depending on the severity of the blow. From the seventh day, the bruise becomes less and less noticeable, and after a couple of days it completely disappears.

What are we talking about?

Subcutaneous hemorrhage is a hemorrhagic process in injured tissue structures that are saturated with blood.

Such hemorrhage immediately appears on the skin. How long does it take for a bruise to form?

A subcutaneous hematoma can form in a matter of hours, while causing pain to a person. Often, hemorrhages under the skin form if a person hits himself or is exposed to prolonged compression, as well as other traumatic factors. If a person has fragile vascular tissues and blood clotting is impaired, then hematomas will form even when the person is easily hurt or bruises spontaneously form.

How quickly can subcutaneous hemorrhage resolve? There is a direct dependence on timely measures taken, which may even prevent the formation of a bruise. Applying a hot or cold compress depends on the stage of the bruise.

What to do immediately after an injury

To begin with, it is recommended to apply something cold to the bruise, such as ice or snow, frozen food from the freezer, or a metal object. The injured area under the eye should be cooled for the first 20 minutes after the injury.

Starting from the second day, you need to make warming compresses, which will facilitate the rapid resorption of the hematoma and the decay products of damaged blood vessels.

It is better to visit the emergency room if the conjunctiva begins to redden and headaches appear. If the bruise does not go away for a long time, we recommend reading this article:

Why does a black eye appear after a while after a blow?

The capillaries and blood vessels under the eye are absolutely not protected. The skin around them is thin and delicate. During an impact, damage occurs to the blood vessels - they rupture, and then blood under pressure enters the subcutaneous tissue without compromising the integrity of the skin.

Sometimes it happens that blood gets into the eye itself. In such cases, severe redness of the sclera can be observed.

According to the mechanism of appearance, a bruise is a hematoma - the formation of a cavity in the tissues containing liquid or coagulated blood. When a powerful blow to the eye occurs, the skin around it swells, becomes slightly swollen and painful. A couple of hours after the injury, a bruise forms. Swelling appears due to an inflammatory reaction, and pain from damage to nerve endings.

  • The site of the impact is very painful.
  • Swelling appears.
  • Damaged skin is bright red.

Sometimes the temperature rises.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Slight dizziness.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Blurred or sharp deterioration of vision.

Ointment "Lyoton"

This ointment perfectly relieves swelling and helps speed up the process of restoration of damaged tissue. How long does it take for a black eye to go away if Lyoton ointment is used? For moderate to severe injuries, bruises disappear within seven days.

However, the product should be applied to the damaged area at least 2-3 times throughout the day. The ointment should be used until the hematoma disappears completely. It should be noted that with prolonged use, dry skin, itching and flaking may occur.

If there is an open wound, the product is contraindicated for use. The use of Lyoton is prohibited if the patient has problems with blood clotting or pathologies that cause bleeding. For women who are pregnant and at risk of miscarriage, the ointment is not recommended for use. But during lactation it is not prohibited to use the product.

Possible consequences

The most common negative consequence of suffering a severe bruise in the eye area is hemosiderin pigment spots. A cosmetologist will treat the problem, but if the problem is long-standing, perhaps a surgeon.

There is also a risk of damage to the visual apparatus. Let's consider the frequent consequences of facial bruises in order of harm to health (from mild to severe consequences):

  1. Hyphema is an accumulation of blood clots in the anterior part of the eye organ, which resolves a few days after damage in the absence of other harmful factors;
  2. Orbital contusion is a temporary or lifelong condition in which visual acuity is lost and there is a risk of strabismus;
  3. Retinal detachment - occurs due to excessive hemorrhage upon impact. Treatment of the disease takes years and is quite expensive;
  4. Hemophthalmos - blood enters the vitreous body, which is fraught with serious disruptions to the functioning of the organ and can lead to complete blindness.

Gel "Bruise-off"

This gel with medicinal leech extract is widely used among athletes who prefer traumatic sports. It helps improve blood and lymph circulation, relieves inflammation and activates the regeneration process of the skin. The product tones the skin and relieves puffiness.

Bruise-off gel is recommended for use immediately after injury. As a rule, on the fourth day of use the bruise becomes almost invisible. It is allowed to apply the gel up to 5 times during the day.

Not recommended for use by persons with blood clotting problems. The gel should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. The product may cause an allergic reaction.

Dry mushroom poisoning

The question of whether it is possible to be poisoned by dried mushrooms worries many. In fact, you can be poisoned by pickled, salted, boiled, fried, and even dried mushrooms. The method of preparing them does not matter. Experienced mushroom pickers know that mushrooms can undergo mutation over time, so even a person who understands them will not be able to distinguish a real mushroom from a false one. So what difference does it make how they were prepared? Poisonous ones will remain poisonous even after drying.

The only protection against poisoning is knowledge of the mycological characteristics of individual species and the differences between them.

The place of collection is of no small importance. If it occurred in ecologically clean areas, then the risk of poisoning from the product is much lower than that collected along roads and highways

When buying mushrooms at the market, you need to ask where they were collected.

The third reason why you can be poisoned by dry mushrooms is if a person has contraindications. It is not recommended to use this product for persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases.

And, finally, the quality of the raw materials used for drying. Mushrooms must be carefully processed. It is impossible to dry old, softened, overripe, or with signs of rotting.

Gel "Troxevasin"

This remedy is used for varicose veins, but, in addition, it copes well with swelling and bruising, as it has a resolving effect. The gel is usually used as an additional agent that helps the bruise resolve.

The gel is recommended to be used morning and evening. Throughout the week, you can even take Troxevasin capsules in the morning and evening. The product allows you to get rid of even old bruises, but its use is not allowed during breastfeeding and childbearing. The presence of open wounds is also an absolute contraindication for use.

Purpose of shut-off valve

This valve is a shut-off valve and is used to shut off the pipeline in the event of an emergency during its operation. The devices can be used not only in industry, but also in everyday life. Most often they are installed in reverse osmosis water purification systems. Here its role is to protect the receiving container from overflow.

Since an increase in pressure at the outlet of the filter worsens the quality of water, a 4-way valve checks (monitors) the operation of the system. If such a situation occurs, the liquid supply line to the filter is shut off until the pressure (level) in the tank decreases.

Float shut-off valves are used at gas stations to protect fuel tanks during the draining of fuel and lubricants from the gas station. In nuclear power plants, fast-acting shut-off valves are used in containment safety systems to protect personnel and the environment from radioactive releases during a containment accident. When the parameters characterizing normal operating conditions are exceeded, a signal from the sensors triggers the shut-off valve, sealing the reactor shell.

On main water pipelines, quick-closing ball valves with electric single-turn drives are installed. When a pipe ruptures, the speed of water movement increases, which generates a signal to close the cut-off valve. It will take a few seconds to shut off the flow and turn the shut-off valve 90°.

Heparin ointment

An old and time-tested remedy for bruises. How long does it take for a black eye to go away if I use this ointment? Naturally, everything depends on the complexity of the hematoma, but already on the fifth day of use, the main symptoms of the bruise disappear.

After an injury, it is recommended to apply the ointment every hour; on days 2–3, you can limit yourself to applying it every three hours.

The active substance - heparin - has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, promotes the resorption of blood clots. During use, slight redness sometimes occurs.

Facial hematomas

When a person falls and hits the frontal area of ​​the head, then, as a rule, subcutaneous hemorrhage forms under the lower eyelid of the eye. This occurs due to rupture of the vascular tissues of this area and the onset of hemorrhage.

Since the tissue structures of this zone are loose, the accumulation of blood occurs precisely under the lower eyelid.

You can solve the problem in one of the following ways:

  • If subcutaneous hemorrhage is in the eye area, then a cold compress is required. You should not wait for swelling changes. The compress is applied not to the eyeball, but to the cheek or under the lower eyelid area.
  • If there is damage to the upper part of the nose adjacent to the forehead (bridge of the nose), and a person has nosebleeds, then the person must not blow his nose, as air currents will get in and the hemorrhage will increase. A small bandage is inserted into each nostril. The use of cotton wool to prevent hemorrhage is prohibited. Moisten the tampons with hydrogen peroxide and swab each nostril.
  • If visual function deteriorates or there is pulsation in the bruised area, a person requires medical attention.

How long do such bruises last, how long can they last? With timely treatment measures, it takes from 5 days to a week for the bruises to go away. If there is no treatment, then subcutaneous hemorrhages will last longer, about 15-20 days.

To ensure that the bruise disappears as quickly as possible and the skin color becomes natural, heparin ointments will help. Their use depends on the speed of regenerative processes of the damaged area of ​​the body. Physiotherapy procedures are indicated.

Other means

How long does it take for a black eye to go away? It is clear that the hematoma will sooner or later go away on its own, but it is still not very pleasant to appear in society in this form, so it is better to purchase a pharmaceutical product and speed up the process of regeneration of the damage.

Along with the above-described remedies, you can use Rescuer ointment. It has a wide spectrum of action, helps not only against insect bites and burns, but also perfectly relieves irritation, swelling and promotes the resorption of bruises. In addition, the product helps reduce pain.

Traumeel S ointment is another remedy that will eliminate a bruise as quickly as possible. It is recommended to lubricate the damaged area twice a day every day until the bruise disappears. However, applying the product to open wounds and scratches is not allowed. The ointment can be used even in pediatrics.

Gel "Indovazin" has absorbable and anti-edematous effects, reduces pain at the site of injury.

Folk remedies

How long does it take for a black eye to go away if there are no pharmaceuticals at hand? If you use folk remedies, the regeneration process can also be accelerated.

The easiest way is to use aloe juice. As a rule, this plant is on every window in any house. To prepare the product, you will need to chop one leaf of the plant and mix it with a small amount of Vaseline. Apply the resulting composition 2-3 times throughout the day. This remedy is even suitable for eliminating bruises that appeared due to an incorrect lifestyle.

How long does it take for a black eye to go away if you use fresh cabbage? This plant will allow you to get rid of a hematoma in just 3-4 days. You will need to mince one cabbage leaf and apply the resulting composition to the area around the eye, hold as a compress for about 20 minutes and rinse. This compress should be done approximately 2-3 times throughout the day.

Beetroot compress helps remove bruises. How long does it take for a black eye to heal when using this product? Literally three days. One medium-sized fruit needs to be grated, you can add a little aloe juice and leave to brew for two hours. After this, fragments of gauze are soaked in the resulting composition and applied for 20 minutes as a compress to the injured area near the eye. It is recommended to do the procedure every two hours.

As a rule, hematomas near the eye very rarely lead to serious consequences, but if other symptoms appear in the form of redness of the conjunctiva, decreased visual acuity, then it is better to seek qualified help from an ophthalmologist.

How to speed up recovery

You can get rid of bruises resulting from minor injuries at home. If you give yourself first aid correctly, the time it takes for dark spots to disappear will be halved.

It is important to immediately apply cold (food ice, a bottle of ice water, frozen dumplings) to the injured area immediately after a bruise forms. To avoid hypothermia, you need to put any cloth on the skin, and then apply cold objects. Exposure to cold should not last longer than 15 minutes

It is useful to take a short break between overdubs. If a cold compress is applied to an arm or leg, it is better to first lift the limb upward. Cold treatment is effective only in the first two days after the formation of a bruise or hematoma

Exposure to cold should not last longer than 15 minutes. It is useful to take a short break between overdubs. If a cold compress is applied to an arm or leg, it is better to first lift the limb upward. Cold treatment is effective only in the first two days after the formation of a bruise or hematoma.

Starting from the second day, you need to make an iodine mesh over the damaged area. After another two days, doctors recommend starting to apply dry heat (a bag of heated salt, a cloth previously steamed with an iron) to the sore spot.

Pharmacy medications for bruises

There are a number of pharmaceutical drugs that can help speed up the process of resorption of bruises and hematomas. These include:

1. Troxevasin ointment. It has a softening effect, restores capillary walls, and reduces the risks of unwanted complications. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to rub the product into the skin of the damaged area every three hours. The course is a week.

2. Heparin ointment. Prescribed if the cause of bruising is thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Its use helps eliminate blood clots and accelerates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

Traditional medicine recipes

When there are no pharmaceuticals at hand, you can speed up the healing process of bruises and hematomas by using some folk treatment recipes. There are a large number of plants in nature with which it is easy to prepare a good absorbent agent. What can you use?

  1. Cabbage leaf. It needs to be removed from the middle of the head of cabbage, first lightly tapped with a hammer to beat the cutlets, and then applied to the sore spot, secured with a bandage. It is better to do the compress at night.
  2. Aloe. Its juice has a pronounced regenerating effect. To make the bruise resolve faster, you need to peel one fresh leaf from the top layer, and then use it to wipe the bruised area three times a day.
  3. Potato starch. Its use helps reduce the healing time of blue spots by half. To achieve the desired result, you need to mix a small amount of powder with cool water. Make a thick paste and apply it in a thick layer to the sore spot. After two days, the bruise will noticeably lighten, and after five days it will completely disappear.

If taking pharmaceutical medications for bruises and traditional medicine does not help get rid of bruises and hematomas, you need to undergo a full examination. An experienced doctor, using laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, will be able to identify the causes of bruising and prescribe treatment that will eliminate the provoking factor, strengthen the vascular walls, and accelerate blood clotting.

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