What is a Uno spoon for the face and how to use it at home

Regular stress, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances or negative external factors lead to deterioration in the appearance and health of the epidermis. The Uno spoon is used for high-quality cleansing of the skin both at home and in a beauty salon.

This device helps remove deep-seated impurities, get rid of blackheads and rashes. However, in order to get a positive result, you should first familiarize yourself with the rules for using a cosmetic spatula, contraindications to its use and possible replacements.

What it is

The Uno spoon for deep and high-quality cleansing of the skin of the face is made of medical steel, safe for health. In appearance it looks like a long thin stick with several attachments.

On one side there is a small spoon with a hole in the center, and on the other side there is a nozzle equipped with many holes. The set may also include additional tips:

  • a special cosmetic loop made of metal helps remove deeper impurities;
  • Vidal needle is intended for opening comedones;
  • spear - is a triangular pointed tip that helps get rid of deep sebaceous plugs.

A cosmetic spatula helps remove pimples, sebaceous plugs, comedones and blackheads - the device is used locally to cleanse problem areas.

In what cases is a Uno spoon needed?

It is recommended to use a cosmetology spoon for cleansing mixed or oily facial skin. It helps in treating:

  • rashes or acne resulting from excessive production of subcutaneous sebum;
  • acne - a spatula allows you to remove inflamed pimples without spreading infection.

Cleaning with a professional cosmetology spatula helps normalize the supply of oxygen to skin cells, evens out the tone and texture of the face, and activates the natural regeneration process.

Who is the device suitable for?

The procedure may be painful and cause subsequent inflammation associated with poor skin preparation, treatment of holes and instruments. To prevent injury, you must follow the instructions for using the device. In particular, it is not recommended for total cleaning of the entire surface, but is effective in individual problem areas.

The optimal option for removing comedones, blackheads and other skin defects using a Uno spoon is for girls with a combination and oily type of epidermis, prone to excessive production of sebaceous glands. Together with accompanying cosmetic preparations to narrow pores and combat excessive oiliness, the product will give an excellent result.

How to choose the right one

In order not to purchase counterfeit products, before purchasing a Uno spoon for self-cleaning your face at home, you need to read the quality certificate and check that all the necessary attachments are included in the kit.

It is equally important to examine the condition of the attachments - the original products must be smooth and free of defects that could injure the epidermis during exfoliation or cause the spread of the inflammatory process. The tool should have a ribbed coating in the center that prevents the spoon from slipping in the hand while cleaning.


A spoon of Uno in the wrong hands will do more harm than good. Frequent complications after using this tool are:

- skin irritation;

- inflammatory process;

— skin injuries (scratches and abrasions);

- spread of infection.

The Uno spoon is an indispensable tool for a cosmetologist, which helps the skin look healthy and beautiful, as evidenced by positive reviews of the results of the procedure.

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How to use a Uno spoon correctly

You can only use a pre-sterilized Uno spoon - to do this, you need to dip it in 3% hydrogen peroxide and then place it in boiling water for 15 minutes. You can also warm up the instrument for the same amount of time in the oven.

The cleaning device should be stored in a case, and immediately before use, the spatula should be wiped with alcohol or chlorhexidine.

Technology of use:

  1. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser to remove surface impurities. If the pores are severely clogged, it is necessary to exfoliate or use a scrub mixture.
  2. Steam the epidermis for 10–20 minutes using a herbal decoction of calendula, nettle or chamomile.
  3. Remove the remaining broth with dry wipes.
  4. Treat the dermis and facial cleansing spoon with an antiseptic.
  5. Using massage movements, remove excess fat, pressing a strainer with many holes onto problem areas.
  6. Use a nozzle with a hole in the center to squeeze out large pimples and blackheads - to do this, the tool is applied to the skin so that the defect is in the center and pressed down to release the rod.
  7. If there are a large number of blackheads, a loop is used - it is positioned so that the problem area is in the center. You should not press too hard on the dermis and pull the device to the side - this will remove impurities from the pores.
  8. To remove sebaceous plugs or purulent rashes, it is necessary to use a Vidal needle. During exfoliation, do not press the spoon too hard against your face - this can lead to bruising or damage to the capillaries located close to the surface of the dermis.

To reduce the risk of inflammation spreading, during the cleaning process you should periodically disinfect the spoon - to do this, you need to wipe it with a cosmetic napkin, previously soaked in any disinfecting solution.

Incorrect use of a spatula to clean the pores of the face and failure to maintain sterility can provoke the spread of the inflammatory process throughout the skin. Therefore, before using this cosmetic device for the first time, you should consult a specialist.

Indications for use

Cleaning the face with a spoon of Uno is recommended for teenagers of any gender: during puberty, hormones go wild, acne fills the face, causing them to suffer and have complexes about their appearance. In this case, the optimal frequency of use is 1-2 times a month: the device cleans everything mechanically, which cannot be called an absolutely safe method.

Adults with oily skin prone to a greasy sheen, enlarged pores, and an abundance of blackheads can also clean their face with a spoon. The device is easy to use three times throughout the month. And for everyone who suffers from eternal tightness, flaking, and is forced to endlessly use cream, it is recommended to do “general” cleaning once every two months. If you use it more often, your skin may become even drier. Not everyone wants or can carry out the procedure on their own. Let us give you some advice: do not hesitate to clean your pores with a spatula from a cosmetologist, offering him your individual device.

After cleaning

After exfoliation with a spatula, you must:

  • treat the epidermis with a disinfectant;
  • apply a decoction of calendula - this will help relieve redness;
  • treat cleansed skin with a nourishing product to minimize peeling.

After cleansing, you should not wash your face for 12 hours, so as not to dry out the dermis and lead to the spread of infection.

Before going outside, you should apply a cream with a high level of sun protection to your face - this will help prevent the appearance of age spots. It is also necessary to stop using decorative cosmetics for several days - this can lead to rapid clogging of the pores.

Recipes that will help protect cleansed skin from pollution for a longer time:

  • mix 1 tsp. lemon juice with 3 tsp. water, wipe the dermis - this will help narrow the pores;
  • put a bandage pre-soaked in chlorhexidine on the treated areas, remove after 20 minutes and sprinkle with talcum powder;
  • chop peeled cucumber and raw potatoes, leave the resulting pulp on the skin for at least 15 minutes, rinse with warm water - helps eliminate redness.

Within 2–4 days after cleansing, you need to wash your face with antiseptic formulations to avoid the appearance of inflamed acne.

Types of cosmetic devices

The choice of cosmetic tools for cleansing facial skin depends on the condition of the skin.

Using special tools, you can solve the problem of flaking and dry skin by exfoliating and supplying nutrients, help improve the condition of acne skin, remove blackheads and tighten pores.

You can learn how to properly use a brush to cleanse your facial skin from our article.

Cleansing brush

Used to care for various skin types. With one tool you can get cleansing, peeling and massage. You just need to choose the right brush to get the desired effect. The fibers should be soft and not scratch the skin. Otherwise, you can damage the skin.

First you need to steam the skin. The pores will open up and will be easier to clean. Then apply cleanser. Massage the skin for 1-2 minutes. Then wash with cool water. Repeat daily.

You can use oils instead of cleansers. Grape seed oil, argan oil, and peach oil are suitable for moisturizing and nourishing. For the treatment of problem skin - almond, tea tree, rosemary.

Instead of a regular brush, you can buy an electric one. This option is more expensive, but at the same time more effective.

The set will include one or more attachments. The equipment depends on the manufacturer. Missing attachments can be purchased. However, you first need to find out whether the required copy is in stock and how profitable it is to buy separately.

Vidal loop

Used to combat acne and blackheads. Removes dense and raised blackheads. The effect is achieved by cleansing the pores of impurities. To get the result you need to follow the usage scheme:

  • cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities;
  • steam your face;
  • position the loop so that the pimple or blackhead is in the center of the hole;
  • gently press so that the contents of the pores come out;
  • treat the skin with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, alcohol or other disinfectant and disinfectant.

It is important to note that there should be no pain or discomfort when pressing. The absence of unpleasant sensations indicates that the procedure was performed correctly. If you were unable to deal with the acne the first time, re-steam if necessary and do the same manipulations again

Repeat the procedure no more often than once every 2-3 days

If you were unable to get rid of the acne the first time, re-steam it if necessary and do the same manipulations again. Repeat the procedure no more often than once every 2-3 days.

Vidal's needle

Used to combat blackheads, pimples, and closed comedones. Copes even with deep acne. Used in conjunction with the Vidal loop.

The needle makes it easier to extract the contents of the pores. It is necessary to use a Vidal needle, like a loop, according to a certain pattern:

  • completely cleanse the skin;
  • steam your face;
  • apply a disinfectant to the needle (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, alcohol or other);
  • make a puncture with a needle in the middle of the pimple;
  • position the Vidal loop so that the pimple is in the center of the hole;
  • press gently until the contents come out;
  • disinfect the skin.

Using a needle, it is possible to extract the contents of the pores the first time. However, if the pimple is large, the procedure may need to be repeated.

There is no need to pierce, just apply pressure with a loop to cleanse. Repeat the procedure no more often than once every 2-3 days.

Spoon Uno

Used to cleanse enlarged pores. Demanded among those with oily and combination skin. Clears pores of sebum.

After the procedure, it is necessary to use products that help narrow pores. Otherwise, dirt or infection may get in, leading to inflammation. As a result, acne will appear.

How to use it correctly? It is used according to a certain scheme:

  • completely cleanse the skin;
  • steam your face;
  • disinfect the spoon with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, alcohol or another product;
  • Gently press the spoon onto the skin;
  • clean it of sebum with a cotton swab moistened with a disinfectant;
  • continue cleansing the skin with a spoon;
  • Upon completion of the procedure, wipe the treated areas with a disinfectant.

Cleansing the skin with a spoon of Uno is considered aggressive. The procedure is carried out no more than once a month. Otherwise, you can only worsen the skin condition.


Using a Uno spoon at home is contraindicated if you have:

  • open wounds;
  • herpes in active form;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • rosacea;
  • pronounced vascular network;
  • demodicosis;
  • boils.

During menstruation and pregnancy, it is not recommended to clean using a spatula due to an increase in the painful threshold and hormonal changes. When exfoliating, areas with large moles and birthmarks should be avoided.

You should not use a spoon of Uno if your skin is very dry - this will lead to severe peeling.

Expert opinion

Elena Apostolyuk


Before using it yourself, you should consult a specialist - he will determine the type of skin and eliminate the presence of contraindications for cleansing.

Contraindications to mechanical cleansing of facial skin

The manual cleansing procedure is quite harsh, and if you have overly sensitive skin, it is best to avoid it due to the high likelihood of painful sensations during the process. It is important that the spoon is in the hands of a person with experience in this matter, otherwise the effectiveness may be at risk.

The procedure has a number of direct contraindications, namely:

  • dry facial skin;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • the presence of damage to the integrity of the skin in the form of wounds or scratches in the area of ​​treatment with a spoon;
  • the presence of a large number of purulent inflammations on the face (in this case, it is better to consult a doctor, since pus is
  • a very dangerous product of tissue decomposition, capable of causing a number of very serious problems); rosacea

How to replace a spoon of Uno

Analogues that can replace a Uno spoon:

  1. Cosmetology brushes help remove dead cells and prevent the appearance of pimples or ulcers. The brush model should be selected taking into account the type of epidermis and existing problems.
  2. A special loop that is installed in place of one of the tips on the blade.
  3. A Vidal needle can be included in a set with a spoon or sold as a separate tool.

The selection of a device for home exfoliation should also be made after consultation with a doctor or cosmetologist.

Question answer

Can it be used at home?

You can clean your face from rashes using a Uno spoon yourself at home only if the instrument is sterile and the rules of use are observed.

Do I need to use gloves when cleaning?

To protect yourself as much as possible from the spread of inflammation, it is recommended to perform exfoliation with sterile gloves.

Can the spoon be used by those with dry skin?

You should not use a spatula to squeeze out pimples on dry dermis - this can lead to scarring and severe peeling.

Precautionary measures

Just a small disclaimer: if you use the Uno spoon correctly - for the problems shown, disinfecting the skin and instruments before the procedure - there will be no complications.

Redness goes away on its own or faster with soothing cosmetic products. The tool itself is hypoallergenic; reactions to medical steel are excluded, given the duration of the cleaning procedure. Such steel can hypothetically cause allergies only by oxidizing during very long contact with an open wound.

Contraindications for cleaning with a Uno spoon:

  • Herpes;
  • Skin hypersensitivity;
  • Respiratory disorders;
  • Inflammatory skin diseases - acute or during exacerbation;
  • Cuperosis (thinning of the walls of blood vessels, expressed by redness);
  • Open injuries - wounds, burns of any origin.

Contraindications include age: children and adolescents should not use Uno without adult supervision over compliance with the rules of the procedure. Otherwise, the child may injure the skin, resulting in deep scars.

Important: Consult a doctor before using a spoon to clean the skin of a child or teenager. Almost all teenagers experience rashes as a result of hormonal changes in the body. And a younger child may not need mechanical skin cleansing at all or may be harmed.


  • Marina, 20 years old: “For me, cleansing my face of rashes with a Uno spoon is a real godsend. I had my first procedures done by a cosmetologist, then continued exfoliation at home, taking into account all the specialist’s recommendations. This is an effective way to remove ulcers and deep impurities at home, because not everyone has the opportunity to regularly do salon procedures.”
  • Tatyana, 18 years old: “I have oily skin and rashes appear very often. Until recently, I went to a cosmetologist for manual cleaning, but recently I decided to buy myself a Uno spoon. A very easy-to-use tool that helps get rid of skin blemishes at any moment.”
  • Yana, 25 years old: “I have been using a cosmetic spatula for a long time, and I want to use my example to warn all newcomers about the importance of maintaining sterility. When I first cleaned it myself, I did not disinfect the spoon, and, as a result, it led to the appearance of new pimples and red spots. Also, do not forget about care during the rehabilitation period - its absence can significantly increase the duration of recovery or lead to side effects.”

Correct use of a Uno spoon will help get rid of skin defects and maintain a healthy appearance of the epidermis for many years. In addition to cosmetic procedures, to avoid problems with the dermis, it is necessary to balance your diet, give up bad habits and normalize your sleep.


Feedback on using the facial cleansing tool

Angelina: I attended such a procedure, if necessary, only in a beauty salon and the effect pleased me. I didn’t even think about periodically doing it at home to prevent the appearance of large areas with blackheads. I'll definitely try cleaning it myself.

Tonya: I bought this spoon a long time ago. My skin is quite oily, but I constantly take care of it, so blackheads occasionally appear here and there. I immediately carry out the procedure, get rid of them, and have excellent facial condition.

Katya: I’m somehow afraid of such procedures, especially after I saw a similar spoon with a terrible needle at the other end. It’s even scary to imagine how everyone uses this.

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