Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial skin infections

Viral skin diseases

– a large group of diseases caused by the entry into the body of various viruses that affect the skin and mucous membranes, causing the appearance of foci of inflammation. Infections can be transmitted through contact or through common objects and personal belongings of the patient, as well as through sexual intercourse. Treatment of such diseases is a long and complex process that should take place directly under the supervision of a specialist!

Among the most frequently diagnosed pathologies:

  • Molluscum contagiosum
  • Herpes
  • Papillomas
  • Condylomas
  • Warts
  • Each of these diseases has its own symptoms and course characteristics, and also requires complex treatment.


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Skin structure:

  1. Epidermis . It is the topmost layer and contains melanin, which is responsible for skin color.
  2. Dermis . It contains collagen and elastin fibers.
  3. Subcutaneous fat includes fat deposits and connective tissue. Its physiological function is to store and accumulate nutrients.

Skin diseases can be caused by viral infections, skin damage, STDs, heredity and metabolic disorders.

Pigmentation changes

Pigmentation disorders include depigmentation (loss of skin color) and hyperpigmentation (accumulation of skin color). Depigmentation can be caused by chemicals such as hydroquinine, phenol (and its derivatives), arsenic and mercury compounds. It can also be caused by ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, as well as thermal or physical trauma.

Hyperpigmentation can be caused by mineral oils, halogenated hydrocarbons, arsenic and various pharmaceuticals.

Types of skin diseases

Warts are basically benign skin growths in the form of a nodule or papilla.

A furuncle or boil is a purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle. The cause is pollution and microtrauma of the skin.

Herpes is a viral disease with characteristic rashes of blisters on the skin.

Ringworm includes in its concept a group of skin diseases of various etiologies. With it, small itchy nodules appear on the skin. The following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Shingles is a viral disease with rashes and severe pain. The causative agent is the varicella zoster virus. It can hide in nerve cells and become activated long after entering them, causing inflammation. After 2-4 weeks, the body heals itself.
  • Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection of the epidermis. Symptoms: small spots on the body with clear boundaries, increased sweating, itching. May develop in the presence of predisposing factors: excessive sweating; poor personal hygiene and maceration (soaking in liquid and swelling of the skin) of wet areas of the body; individual predisposition; disruption of the processes of death of the stratum corneum of the epithelium; decreased general immunity; the presence of chronic pathology (tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.
  • Pityriasis rosea is an infectious skin disease that is not transmitted to other people and belongs to the infectious-allergic group. People with low immunity are at risk.
  • Ringworm is an infectious disease transmitted through direct contact with a sick person or animal. Symptoms of the disease include multiple red and pink spots throughout the body. After treatment, the room where the sick person lived must be cleaned with a special solution, often wash the body and head, change underwear and socks.
  • Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease. The disease causes the formation of large, red, dry patches raised above the surface of the skin. Accompanied by pain and severe skin itching. This type of skin disease often occurs in patients with HIV infection or AIDS. Making a diagnosis from a specialist is not difficult, since it is based on the appearance characteristic of the disease. In severe, progressive psoriasis, abnormalities in blood tests may be detected, which is due to the occurrence of an inflammatory autoimmune disease.
  • Microsporia is mainly a contagious disease of animals, but can also be transmitted to humans. Causes damage not only to the skin, but also to the hair.

Scabies is a contagious scabies disease caused by a microscopic parasite. Characteristic signs of scabies are itching, rash and the appearance of pustules as a result of scratching. As a rule, the disease is seasonal and peaks in autumn and winter. Scabies is transmitted through direct contact with a patient (skin-to-skin), mainly through sexual contact.

Hives are a skin condition characterized by intensely itchy, raised, pale pink blisters. It can manifest itself as a reaction to an irritant, or be a symptom of a more serious disease. It has acute and chronic forms.

Eczema is a chronic or acute inflammatory skin disease. It is not contagious, but has a neuro-allergic nature. It is characterized by a rash, itching and is prone to recurrence. The disease can occur under the influence of both external and internal (various diseases) factors.

Demodex - iron mite. It lives in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, and leads to hair loss, eyebrows, eyelashes, and the development of acne. It is considered an opportunistic microorganism due to the fact that it lives on the skin of the face and in healthy people. Under the influence of various diseases, activation and increase in quantity occurs. Signs of iron mite proliferation include itchy skin, heaviness in the eyes, and inflammation of the eyelids.

Skin and soft tissue infections

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Methods for studying skin diseases

When diagnosing skin diseases, in addition to external examination, various methods can be used to make an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Examination under Wood's lamp . The study uses ultraviolet rays passed through special glass. Hairs affected by different types of skin diseases will appear differently.
  2. Cytological examination is carried out in order to identify acantholytic cells that can cause the development of true pemphigus (pemphigus).
  3. Swabs are given to detect the pathogen.
  4. biopsy .

In addition to all this, a blood test is performed for tumor markers and identification of infections of various origins. The sooner the cause of a skin disease is identified, the sooner treatment will begin, and as a result, recovery will occur.

Skin cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and usually develops in exposed areas of the skin. The incidence is highest among workers, athletes and sunbathers and is inversely proportional to the amount of melanin pigmentation in the skin.

Skin cancer can be caused by ultraviolet rays (both solar and artificial), ionizing radiation, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, tar and resin products.

Skin cancer is often asymptomatic at first. The most common presentation is an irregular red or pigmented lesion that does not go away. Any lesion that appears to be enlarging should be biopsied—whether there is tenderness, mild inflammation, crusting, or intermittent bleeding. With early treatment, most skin cancers are curable.


Treatment of skin diseases is carried out in several stages:

  • Balanced therapeutic nutrition;
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins and antibiotics;
  • Strengthening the overall immunity of the body;
  • Powders, ointments, compresses;
  • Thermal procedures;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation of blood;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Phytotherapy.

When the first symptoms of skin diseases appear, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

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