Flabbiness of the skin. Causes, symptoms and treatment of sagging skin

Lightness in the body, a beautiful reflection in the mirror, a great mood - this is how we want to see ourselves after losing weight. But sometimes you have to face unforeseen difficulties: saggy, loose skin, stretch marks, prolapse of internal organs. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Often such imperfections occur after too rapid weight loss, when the skin simply does not have time to react to the changes.

Causes of loose skin:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • pregnancy;
  • unhealthy lifestyle: insufficient physical activity and unbalanced diet;
  • aging: loss of skin tone in people over 45 years of age.

A cosmetologist knows how to tighten the skin after losing weight and restore lightness and attractiveness to the body.

1.General information

According to explanatory dictionaries, the word “flabby” means “flaccid, lost or lacking elasticity, freshness, normal strength, strength, density; loose, weak”, etc. When applied to the skin, such definitions not only sound dull - in some cases it creates a noticeable aesthetic defect and becomes a source of serious medical and psychological problems. Humanity (mainly, of course, its fair half) makes enormous efforts to develop, produce and especially consume countless skin care products designed to preserve its freshness and prevent, in particular, age-related fading - although with age as such, sagging The skin is not always and not fully connected.

Natural uniform color, matte shine, turgor (elastic tone), smoothness of the skin, absence of visible pores, “stretch marks”, unnecessary folds - on an instinctive level is perceived as a sign of health, which is due to completely rational reasons, and not just the requirements of fashion or aesthetic tastes. Indeed, the skin performs many functions and is connected with almost all physiological systems; it is the largest and most visible human organ; For these reasons, the condition of the skin serves as a reliable and informative indicator of the overall health of the body.

Sagging skin, accordingly, is an anomaly. And the younger its bearer, the more pathological this seemingly purely cosmetic phenomenon is.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!

Why does skin sag after losing weight?

There are several reasons why the condition of the epidermis may worsen after weight loss:

  1. Wrong diet. This includes everything that is related to nutrition during a diet: hunger strikes, lack of necessary nutrients for balance, restrictions, too much reduction in calories consumed. This will lead not only to rapid weight loss, but also, as a result, to an accelerated gain of lost kilograms. This type of diet is very dangerous and entails serious consequences.
  2. Age. Over time, metabolism begins to slow down. Therefore, the speed of many processes in the human body begins to decrease. Collagen in cells is produced slowly, so after losing weight there is a high risk that the skin will sag after losing extra pounds.
  3. Intense training and excessive physical activity. The body is under stress during diets, since it is limited in the number of elements necessary for normal functioning. Because of this, he is not ready for such rapid weight loss. That is, it simply cannot accelerate the reduction of skin. This is what causes saggy skin to appear, which you then have to get rid of.

A diet prescribed by a non-professional can lead to these and even worse consequences. To avoid all this, you need to contact only proven and good doctors. You need to follow a diet in accordance with all instructions and, the main thing to remember is that rapid weight loss leads to an equally rapid gain.

2. Reasons

If we talk about age-related changes in the skin, they are caused by the natural process of weakening tissue structures, a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, as well as a gradually progressive deficiency of endogenous (own, produced by the body itself) hyaluronic acid, a multifunctional high-molecular substance that has received so much attention recently attention and which is responsible, in particular, for the hydrobalance of tissues. In addition, sagging skin accompanies many endocrine and metabolic (metabolic) disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc. It is known how overwork and lack of sleep, excesses in the diet (abuse of sweets, fatty drinks, alcoholic beverages) and chronic malnutrition, hypovitaminosis, situations of constant stress, and hormonal changes have a deplorable effect on the condition of the skin. Important risk factors include the fanatical use of cosmetic products, including “anti-wrinkle”, “for sagging skin”, etc. The skin almost always becomes sagging with a sharp loss of body weight, for example, due to extreme diets. In addition, sagging and atonic skin may be due to hereditary causes, childbirth (if the stretched skin of the abdomen does not return to its original volume and density), and a decrease in the tone of the subcutaneous muscle fibers.

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For a perfect oval face and smooth neck skin


Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky

Starting position: sit up straight, back straight, pull your head by the crown. Place one palm on your neck as shown in the photo. Don't push! Pull the skin down slightly for light resistance, literally 3mm.

Smile. Stick out your tongue and stretch it upward, as if trying to reach the tip of your nose. Use your other hand to secure the folds around your lips. To perform the exercise, sit on the edge of a chair. Lean back a little and rock back and forth (like on a rocking chair) - the movement is from the pelvis. Repeat 20 times. Watch your posture, keep your back straight! Don't throw your head back.

Result: the corners of the lips are raised, jowls and double chin are reduced, and the oval of the face is improved.

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The concept of skin laxity is associated with insufficient elasticity, the presence of sagging folds, porosity and “cellulite” looseness, and a dull yellowish color.

The simplest diagnostic method is the so-called. “Pinch test”: the skin of the face or hand, gathered into a fold with your fingers, should be smoothed out as quickly as possible without a trace.

However, it must be repeated: if the sight of your own skin in the mirror causes dissatisfaction or even stronger negative emotions, you should not start with a trip to a beauty salon or with a wholesale purchase of expensive products.

An experienced aesthetic medicine doctor will ask many questions regarding individual and family history, general well-being and lifestyle, past and chronic diseases, profession, etc. One or another examination will be prescribed, the results of which may first of all require treatment from specialists of a completely different profile.

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Eight effective solutions

Power training

If you have sagging skin on your arms during the process of losing weight, this problem can be solved with the help of strength exercises. You can perform them at home. Or better yet, go to the gym, where an experienced instructor will select the necessary set of exercises for you.

To perform the exercises you will need dumbbells and an exercise band. They will increase the load on the arm muscles.

You can find exercise options in the article “5 exercises for the whole body“.

Most often, after losing weight, the skin sags on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

This can be corrected with special exercises:

  • leg raising,
  • fold,
  • twisting,
  • scissors,
  • bike.

We also wrote a whole article about how to pump up your butt.

Find the time and desire to practice regularly. Devote thirty minutes a day to this at least three times a week.

Products you need

Review your diet .
Does it have enough protein-containing foods? You need it to build muscle mass. Animal protein :

  • lean poultry meat,
  • eggs,
  • dairy products.

Don't ignore foods containing plant protein :

  • beans,
  • chickpeas,
  • lentils,
  • peas,
  • spinach.

For skin to be tight and elastic, it needs collagen . Vitamin C is involved in its synthesis . Therefore, eat foods high in this vitamin:

  • bell pepper,
  • spinach,
  • all types of cabbage,
  • greenery,
  • citrus,
  • kiwi.

Omega 3 and vitamin E will also help keep your skin firm and looking fresh. Your diet must include:

  • sea ​​fish
  • nuts
  • olive and linseed oil

Drinking regime

Water is important for the body!
Drink at least 2 liters a day of pure natural water. Make this the norm for yourself and your skin will not lose moisture.


Massage is a great way to tone your skin.
This is its main purpose. With the help of massage, blood begins to circulate better. Skin cells are enriched with oxygen, which promotes active regeneration. Lymph flow improves. Any type of massage is suitable for the skin:

  • classical,
  • honey,
  • canned.

Massage with hot and cold stones stimulates and tones the skin very well. It's called stone therapy.


If it is not possible to visit a massage room, you can self-massage your arms, abdomen, and thighs. You can use various massagers.

Do not forget to apply any massage oil to your body before the procedure.

This will have a double effect:

  • Your hand or massager will glide easily and will not injure the skin.
  • At the same time, the skin will receive nutrition. After all, massage oil is made from natural essential oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs.


The wraps perfectly nourish the skin and give very good results.

You can make your own wrapping mixtures or buy them at a cosmetic store.

Oil wrap

For this simple procedure you will need a little olive oil - 50 ml, 3-5 drops of essential oil - lavender, orange or juniper. Cling film.

Apply the mixture to the problem area with massage movements, wrap it in film and lie down to rest for half an hour, covered with a blanket. Then take a warm shower and apply moisturizer.

Such procedures should not be done daily. Once twice a week is enough.


Peeling is an excellent cosmetic procedure not only for cleansing the skin, but also for its smoothing and regeneration.
You can apply the scrub to your skin before taking a shower. Maybe in the sauna. Which will give an even better effect.

Sea salt + honey + coffee grounds work well as a scrub.


Of course, therapeutic measures for skin correction and regeneration are prescribed exclusively on an individual basis and are determined by diagnostic results. In some cases, eliminating the pathology that causes skin laxity (and it can be asymptomatic or latent, hidden) naturally restores the desired characteristics. In other situations, physiotherapy, water-thermal procedures, normalization of sleep patterns, exercise, nutrition, and daily fluid intake are effective. Sometimes the only truly effective treatment is plastic surgery.

In cosmetology, many methods of instrumental correction have been developed, incl. various peelings, ultrasound and microcurrent stimulating techniques, ozone and mesotherapy, laser biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid therapy and many others.

An even larger number of “true”, “tested over thousands of years”, “secret” and other methods can be found on the Internet and commercial advertising. However, if possible, you should maintain common sense and caution: this kind of remedy, even if it really helped your friends, in a specific individual case may be categorically contraindicated and, when used, cause serious damage, and not only to the skin.

Therefore, the smartest step is to consult your doctor first.

Dynamic stretching of the masseter muscle

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Warm-up: carefully open and close your mouth 5 times. Make sure you don't have any clicking joints. ​

Starting position: place your fingers on the chewing muscles and three fingers on your earlobes. ​Slowly lower your lower jaw, while firmly (without fanaticism) press your fingers against the muscle and press on it, pushing it up, thus providing resistance and stretching the muscle. Hold for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Result: restoration of the oval of the face, the angle of the lower jaw, reduction of ​recession and loss of volume of the cheeks, reduction of the habit of clenching teeth, ​restoration of facial proportions.

Exercise with fists

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: fold your hands under your lower jaw, press your elbows to your chest. If you can't keep your back straight, lean against the back of a chair. Do not push your head forward, otherwise the exercise will be ineffective and there will be a risk of damaging the back of your neck. Press your tongue onto the upper palate, resisting with your hands, and hold for 1-2 seconds. Perform 25 times at a slow pace. Relieve tension with light pats under the chin.

Result: reduction of the double chin, tightened skin of the neck and lower face.

How often should you exercise?

A lot depends on the chosen strategy and your initial data. “For general tone, training with moderate or body weight 3-4 times a week is suitable,” says Diana Ibragimova. — When working with serious weights, this will be one or two workouts per week. It all depends on the speed of muscle recovery.”

When will the result be noticeable? “You need to train 2-3 times a week. With regular training, it is possible to significantly correct your posture in 2-3 weeks. But to tighten the muscles in this area, everyone will need their own time. If you are a beginner and haven’t trained at all, then 3-4 weeks. If you are already an experienced “fitnessist,” then it will take only 1-2 weeks before the first results,” notes Anastasia Yurkova.

We present several complexes and individual exercises that are effective for improving the tone of the arms and armpits.

To relax and stretch the masticatory muscles

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: open your mouth. Gently massage the chewing muscles from top to bottom with the pads of your fingers or bent knuckles. Perform this massage for 30 seconds.

Result: restoration of the oval face, beautiful lines.

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