After removal, the place where the wart was removed hurts, what to do about it?
The site of destruction hurts after wart removal - this is the most common complaint among dermatologist patients,
How to eat for a nursing mother if a child has a food allergy while breastfeeding
Atopic dermatitis is a genetically determined skin disease based on allergic inflammation.
Believe your eyes. What does xanthelasma warn about?
Darkening of the eye area is often a consequence of lack of sleep. But what is the reason if
Rice. 1. Recurrence of PG after the mid-peeling procedure
Rehabilitation after skin rejuvenation using the Fraxel method
After peeling: skin restoration and care Peels and resurfacing are popular. However, many from
What does a Mongolian spot look like on a newborn's tailbone?
When there is a lack of oxygen in the tissues, the skin turns blue. While applying a tight bandage to
Red dry spots on the legs of a child
Red dry spots on the legs of a child
Clinical picture Symptoms of many dermatological diseases depend on the degree of exposure to the provoking cause and on
Cosmetology procedures
10 Best Facial Treatments You Can Do Today
Features of the skin in this age group With more than 60 years of age “behind the shoulders” of women
Wart removal methods: comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure - picture
Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction
A wart is a benign neoplasm on the skin, which most often causes psychological discomfort and
Lymphatic map of the face
Secrets of youthful skin and beauty: Asahi facial massage at the age of 50+
The effectiveness of Japanese facial massage Asahi massage is a special technique of rejuvenating facial massage,
Acne mash - effective recipes for skin
Problems associated with acne are familiar to most people. Such rashes can take a long time to heal, become inflamed,
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