Salicylic-zinc ointment - what helps?
Salicylic-zinc paste - an ally in the fight against acne
What does salicylic-zinc ointment help with, what is its effectiveness and what negative effects does it have?
Cream for stretch marks for pregnant women. Why is it necessary and how to choose?
ATTENTION! Consult your physician before use. Cream for stretch marks. Features of selection and application Which
How glycolic acid peeling treats skin imperfections
Glycolic peels are the most common and popular superficial peels that can be performed by both doctors,
Scrubbing process
Facial scrub at home - 11 best recipes
The most pleasant moments are those that you spend taking care of yourself. And if
Girl washes her hair
Tinea versicolor: possibilities of using shampoo containing ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione
Tinea versicolor can be transmitted through personal hygiene products, contacts and clothing. At the same time, the most
Genital herpes: manifestations, diagnosis, treatment
According to WHO data, among viral infections, viruses of the ARVI group are in first place, and
Light spots after tanning: causes and solutions
July 5, 2020 Dry patches on the skin are a common dermatological symptom that may indicate
“Goose bumps” on the shoulders and hips: what you need to know about follicular hyperkeratosis
Areas with small nodules are called follicular hyperkeratosis. According to various sources, this feature is found in
Myofascial facial massage - a modern method of rejuvenation without surgery
The skin of the face is much more exposed to negative effects than other tissues. Skin of a young body
Glycolic facial peeling: pros and cons of the procedure
From this article you will learn: What is glycolic peeling for the face How is glycolic peeling performed?
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