Beautiful toned face
Lipolitics for the face will help remove fat deposits
Lipolitics for the face are products that burn subcutaneous fat, turning it into acids.
Jowls on the face - what are they: how to remove, get rid of and tighten the oval
Elena Karkukli, author of a book about facial gymnastics “FaceDay”. She has been doing gymnastics for 6 years
Main types of dermatitis: typical manifestations and danger to others
August 16, 2020 Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that can occur due to a variety of irritants:
Chickenpox in a child
How to treat chickenpox in children? (diagnosis, symptoms and treatment)
Chickenpox in children is the most common disease after ARVI that parents have to deal with.
Common types of lichen in humans and their treatment
Diseases that begin with the letter “L”: Lactostasis, Laryngitis, Laryngotracheitis, Pulmonary heart, Pulmonary fibrosis, Leukemia,
Thiogamma for the face in cosmetology - how to use a pharmaceutical solution!
Thiogamma for the face in cosmetology - how to use a pharmaceutical solution!
Action of Thiogamma Thiogamma is not initially intended for facial skin. This is a pharmaceutical solution for intravenous
What is laser skin resurfacing: a detailed description of the procedure
Sanding can quickly correct imperfections. The procedure improves tissue blood circulation and stimulates collagen production.
Mesoscooter for the face: rules of use, tips
From this article you will learn: how to use a mesoscooter, how to choose a gel or serum, which
What you need to know about psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment and complications
Types of psoriasis vary in severity, distribution and shape of the spots. The most common vulgar
alginate mask result
Alginate mask at home - instructions for use
What are alginates? To understand what an alginate mask is, you need to understand it yourself
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