For pool lovers and not only: how to protect your skin from chlorinated water
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Eczema on the elbows - treatment, initial stage, causes, symptoms
Eczema can manifest itself as redness on the skin, which subsequently becomes covered with papules. They burst out
Rosacea on the face: symptoms and treatment
Rosacea Rosacea is a persistent lesion of the blood vessels of the facial skin. Manifested by redness of the skin of the cheeks, nose, forehead
D-Panthenol: in what cases is it used, which is better, cream or ointment?
Instructions for use The product in the form of a cream is intended for external use. Can be used in
How to cure lichen in a child
Description of the disease Depending on the type of lichen, the rash may be dry or weeping, pale pink
Can your head itch due to dandruff and how to get rid of this problem
Itchy scalp - main causes and treatment Stress The head may itch in response
Ingrown hairs in the groin - how they form and how to treat them
Ingrown groin hairs occur when hairs removed with a razor, wax, or tweezers continue to grow.
Allergic urticaria: causes, symptoms and treatment
Urticaria - symptoms and treatment To diagnose urticaria, no specific laboratory diagnostics are required, but
Pallor or redness of the nasolabial triangle
This article uses excerpts from the chapter of the same name in the Face Anatomy atlas. She has a special
Has your pregnancy appeared on your face? Due to hormones, the skin becomes thinner and
Urticaria is a group of diseases (mainly of an allergic nature), the characteristic symptom of which is a rash
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