Gravitational ptosis of the face - what is it: photo of tissue ptosis

Gravitational facial ptosis – what is it?

The term translates as “fall”, it has Greek roots, but the problem is typical for people all over the world at a certain period of life. For some, the prolapse of soft tissues begins at 25, others do not know about it until 40. The process is simple - as soon as the amount of elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis decreases, the general framework immediately weakens and an initially imperceptible, but increasing deformation begins every year oval There are a lot of ways to maintain muscle activity and dermal tone; the main thing is to choose an effective set of methods and be sure to analyze the quality of skincare cosmetics, giving preference to effective lines with natural ingredients focused on anti-aging care.


Before the operation, the patient will need to undergo examination to exclude contraindications. Typically it includes:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Fluorography.
  • Measuring the width of the palpebral fissure (the distance between the edges of the upper and lower eyelids).
  • Consultation with a therapist; if there are concomitant diseases, consultation with specialists.

Additionally, other diagnostic procedures may be prescribed.

You should also read the following recommendations:

  • If surgery is planned under general anesthesia, the patient must abstain from food for at least 7-8 hours before the upcoming operation.
  • If you are taking medications that affect blood clotting, be sure to tell your doctor.
  • If you experience fear or anxiety before surgery, talk to your doctor about taking sedatives.

The first signs of facial ptosis

You can find out that it’s time to take drastic measures to maintain an attractive appearance by the characteristic symptoms:

  • decreased tissue elasticity;
  • shifting accents to the lower third of the oval;
  • reducing the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture.

Changes are divided into 3 degrees, in which the severity of the disorders worsens.

Stage I

It can begin after 25 years, the speed of development depends on the individual characteristics of the body, skin type, and the presence or absence of regular care using cosmetic products. First of all, the folds of the nasolabial triangle deepen, the outer corners of the eyebrows and the line of the lips are lowered, and the upper eyelids become heavier.

Stage II

During this period, bags appear under the eyes, deformation in the chin area, and jowls become noticeable due to the fact that the face has drooped. Drastic methods in the form of Botox injections are not yet required, but you should pay increased attention to your appearance, especially if menopausal changes have begun, accompanied by large-scale hormonal disruptions.

Stage III

This is the so-called senile image, in which thinning of the skin and the formation of deep creases and folds occur. Expression wrinkles turn into a raised mesh, a double chin stands out, and asymmetry may appear. The tone of the tissues of the neck and décolleté area also decreases.

The degrees of facial ptosis differ in detail among all people, but the general symptoms are the same.

How and why?

Of course, not only age-related changes lead to the body becoming flabby and its contours blurring. Common causes of ptosis are:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • minimal physical activity;
  • hormonal imbalances.

In all cases, the mechanism of development of ptosis is approximately the same. Elastin and collagen fibers, which are located under the top layer of skin, stretch, become thinner and can no longer play the role of reinforcing material. And if the muscles also weaken, this aggravates the situation. Under the influence of gravity, the skin sags, forming unsightly folds and furrows.

Causes of sagging skin

Until the age of 25-30, the body actively produces elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. These are the 3 main components of the frame, which maintains the tone of all layers of the epidermis. With age, their natural concentration becomes lower, which causes oval deformation and other changes. Speeds up the process:

  • insufficient hydration;
  • violation of the drinking regime;
  • too frequent consumption of foods with a diuretic effect;
  • lack of protection from sunlight and other external factors;
  • binge eating;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • bad habits.

All these factors accelerate the loss of clear lines and provoke sagging skin. The type of gravitational aging of the face is also influenced by hereditary predisposition. Competent care using anti-aging cosmetics will help keep your skin toned and stop the development of age-related changes. In this regard, the most effective are Japanese and Korean lines, where the power of natural ingredients is combined with modern production methods.


Diagnosis of ptosis is based on identifying the causes that caused this condition. It is important to distinguish congenital pathology of the eyelid from acquired one, since the approach to its treatment depends on this. Congenital ptosis is often accompanied by paresis of the superior rectus oculomotor muscle, and less commonly by the epicanthus (a fold covering the inner corner of the eye). When collecting anamnesis, it is necessary to find out about any cases of ptosis or other congenital pathologies of the organ of vision in relatives.

An ophthalmological examination when diagnosing ptosis is designed to assess the location of the upper eyelid relative to the pupil, the mobility of the eyelid, the presence of a skin fold and its size. At the same time, the symmetry of the eyes, the completeness of their movements, and the ability to move the eyebrows are assessed. This is followed by a standard ophthalmological examination, with determination of visual acuity, measurement of intraocular pressure, and examination of all areas of the eye. If the need arises, instrumental research methods are used: magnetic resonance imaging (if brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, hematomas, etc. are suspected). When the cause of ptosis is injury, an x-ray or computed tomography scan of the orbit of the eye is performed. In most cases, a consultation with a neurologist is prescribed.

What is most susceptible to ptosis?

Essentially, all areas will be affected, but to varying degrees and unevenly. This depends on many factors, including facial structure and facial activity.

Drooping eyelids

Often this is where visible changes in appearance begin. It is worth considering that the area around the eyes is the most vulnerable and requires special care from youth. It’s not for nothing that the first facial wrinkles in the form of so-called crow’s feet appear at the outer corner, gradually deepening and requiring more decisive measures to restore the smoothness of the skin.

But you can also get by with conservative methods, using effective cosmetics, combining them with massage and gymnastics for the facial muscles. The most common occurrence is ptosis of the upper eyelid, what this means and what causes of the disorder contribute to the changes can be found out at a consultation with a cosmetologist. In general terms, this is the name for sagging skin folds, which interferes with vision, partially obstructing the view and visually adding several years to the eye. A beauty salon specialist will help you choose an effective correction product by analyzing the prerequisites, type and structure of the face, as well as taking into account the age and general condition of the body.

Sagging skin on the forehead

A large number of muscles are located in this area. Over time, they lose elasticity, which leads to asymmetry, which is often observed in older people. This is the unequal position of the eyebrows, different size of the eyes. This situation is due to the fact that the outflow of fluid is impaired, and the tension is distributed unevenly and among the relaxed areas there are hyper-stressed ones. In this case, lymphatic drainage massage in combination with anti-aging care products gives an excellent effect.

Drooping of the cheeks

The most striking example of age-related facial deformation. In middle age, under certain conditions, so-called jowls appear, which not only show the number of years lived, but also significantly worsen the appearance. Heavy and flabby muscles are complemented by loose skin. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to begin systematic care from a young age, selecting cosmetic lines in accordance with the individual characteristics of the epidermis.

Flabby folds on the neck

It is this zone that immediately reveals your true age if you do not pay enough attention to it. The reason is not so much gravity as the lack of protection from harmful environmental factors and incorrect back position. Ideally, all sides should have equal tension. If a misalignment occurs, partial sagging results, accompanied by loss of turgor and muscle strain.

Deepening of nasolabial folds

Their appearance, depth and shape are associated with the bite and jaw position. Loss of elasticity of the surface layers accelerates the development of ptosis of the lower third of the face. With age, the lines become longer and deeper, changing location, as if moving towards the center. Lymphatic channels lying nearby also play a role, since any stagnation of fluid immediately affects the condition of the integument and overall symmetry.

Upper lip deformity

The thinning of the line and its kink do not directly depend on age-related changes. The shape and tone are influenced by the condition of the orbicularis oris muscle and individual articulation characteristics.

Loss of chin contour

This zone is in constant tone, and therefore the muscles here are shortened. Great harm is caused by the manner of pursing the lower lip, lowering the corners down. The situation is often aggravated by the appearance of a double chin. There is no need to rush and say that it is ptosis of the skin and tissues that is to blame. Only partly. The main reason lies in the incorrect position of the cervical spine, head tilt, flaccid back muscles and poor posture.

Upper eyelid ptosis

It all starts with the appearance of folds on the eyelids, which are visible only when the eyes are open. Later, these folds become more pronounced and descend lower to the eyelashes. As a result, the “excess” skin of the eyelids begins to hang over the eyes, visually narrowing them.

You can solve this problem surgically - the most effective, reliable and safe way. The operation involves removing a section of the skin of the eyelid, due to which the folds appear to be smoothed out (upper eyelid surgery). Nowadays, eyelid lift is becoming an increasingly popular rejuvenation procedure.

How to avoid ptosis: prevention

Time cannot be stopped completely, but you can significantly slow down its pace by choosing an effective set of anti-aging procedures. They include many points that not only improve appearance, but also help maintain the overall tone of the body, and the famous saying says: “a woman is as old as she feels.”

Therefore, it is worth taking into account and using the entire arsenal of modern opportunities in order to feel great. The list includes:

  • balanced diet;
  • UV protection;
  • self-massage;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • hardware cosmetology;
  • good mood.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Operations to eliminate eyelid ptosis are truly a piece of jewelry that requires extreme precision, professionalism and, of course, appropriate equipment (magnifiers) and instruments. All internal sutures are made self-absorbing, and external sutures are removed after 12-15 days.

The result can be seen after about 2-3 weeks, when the hematomas and swelling disappear. The prognosis for surgery for ptosis is favorable. The aesthetic effect is achieved in almost 100% of cases, and the final restoration of the functional apparatus sometimes requires additional time and physical therapy.

How to deal with facial sagging at home

Everyone solves the problem in their own way. But you can always find time to care for your skin with anti-aging products, massage and special gymnastics.


Almost all large companies develop and regularly add new components to their age ranges. Their peculiarity is that the composition of creams, gels and serums stimulates the natural production of collagen fibers and saturates the skin with hyaluronic acid. As a rule, the texture is light, has increased permeability into the deep layers, and certainly replenishes moisture loss and ensures its retention in the skin.

At the RHANA online pharmacy you can purchase high-quality and effective formulations that help fight the problem at different stages:

  • Peptide cream with a lifting effect. Helps in the fight against dryness, age-related changes, hypersensitivity and skin tone. The result of use is noticeable after the first application.
  • Night gel mask for intense hydration. Allows you to moisturize, restore, nourish and retain moisture in the epidermis.


This is an effective technique for keeping the muscles of the face and neck toned. With its help, you can delay the appearance of age-related changes for a long time and improve blood circulation. Lymphatic drainage technique will normalize the circulation of fluids, remove swelling and bags under the eyes, reduce the depth of existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

The procedure takes only a few minutes a day. As a result, the color and texture of the skin improves, regeneration accelerates, there is a lifting effect, and the oval is tightened.


One of the most effective methods to prevent facial ptosis, especially when there is a hereditary predisposition for it. The complex allows you to improve your appearance and smooth out signs of age-related changes without injections or surgeries. A vast face fitness industry is rapidly developing in the West. It is not yet clear how justified such a large-scale approach is, but there is definitely an undoubted benefit of gymnastics for maintaining facial and neck muscles in tone. By the way, don’t forget about correct posture.

We recommend

GHC Placental Cosmetic - 3-D modeling mask with placenta hydrolyzate

Bb Laboratories – Regenerating placental-hyaluronic mask

Bb Laboratories – Peptide cream with lifting effect

Bb Laboratories — Night gel mask for intense hydration

How to maintain an ideal oval face?

To prolong the youth of the oval face, it is enough to follow a few rules:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking negatively affects the condition and color of the skin.
  2. Maintain correct posture. A stooped and twisted back leads to the appearance of jowls and facial asymmetry.
  3. Before going outside, you must use sunscreen with SPF filters. Regular use of sunscreen protects the dermis from photoaging.
  4. It is important to get enough sleep at night. Adequate sleep prevents the appearance of skin inflammation, dryness and dehydration of the epidermis.
  5. Take good care of your skin. Your daily cosmetic bag should contain cleansers and moisturizers selected according to your age and skin type.

The aging process is integral to our body. The main rule for maintaining a beautiful oval face is to monitor your health, and if necessary, do not put off visiting a cosmetologist.

To make an appointment with a cosmetologist in Moscow, you need to leave a request on the website or call Korchagina’s clinic by phone.

Salon procedures in the fight against sagging

Surgical intervention is considered the most radical method. But the beauty industry has many more gentle and quite effective methods in its arsenal.

Hardware procedures

The list of the most popular:

  • laser resurfacing;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • microcurrent therapy.

They improve the condition of the dermis and restore the collagen framework.

Peeling effectiveness

Chemical action on the surface and deeper layers triggers accelerated regeneration, while simultaneously eliminating dead cells that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. There are many types of such effects:

  • dairy;
  • almond;
  • glycolic;
  • pyruvic;
  • Hollywood;
  • retinoic.

The goal is to smooth and cleanse the surface of the epidermis, facilitating access to fresh, young, moisture-rich cells. As a result, the skin takes on a radiant appearance. Peeling is used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for the treatment of skin diseases, including acne, papillomas, and dyschromia.

How threads help

Their goal is to restore the swollen oval and create an artificial frame that will confidently resist gravitational ptosis of the face. They can also be used for preventive purposes.

How injections can be useful

These measures already belong to the “heavy artillery”, since they are used in case of pronounced changes and are accompanied by microtraumas from the injection. Most often, injection vector lifting is recommended, which is one of the types of contour plastic surgery. During the procedure, a collagen frame is formed from natural fibers, which keeps tissues from sagging, reduces the depth of wrinkles and more clearly outlines the oval.

Lipofilling allows using the patient’s own fat to replenish the volume in the temporal and orbital problem areas.

Botulinum toxin will relax facial expressions, but will not eliminate them completely. As a result, the face will remain natural and mobile with a significant reduction in folds and creases. With its help, marionette wrinkles are effectively corrected.

Laser therapy

For initial ptosis of the upper eyelids, this procedure allows you to reduce the area of ​​skin and reduce its overhang. It is worth considering that if the fold is too massive and this is a congenital anatomical feature, then conservative methods will not work; blepharoplasty must be performed. Laser is also effective as a rejuvenating agent. The action is aimed at destroying the upper dead layer of the epidermis with its further renewal. At the same time, the effectiveness is high, since after the first session, elastin and collagen, responsible for maintaining the frame, begin to be produced.

Cosmeceuticals against facial ptosis

Aging skin does not bring much pleasure, so it is necessary to look for ways to return a beautiful and tightened contour. It is better to prevent such changes by taking preventive measures. These include anti-aging care lines. You should only use products from well-known brands, which guarantee not only the effectiveness of use, but also the safety of the composition, the absence of allergic reactions and a sustainable effect. It is desirable that the list of ingredients include:

  • hyaluronic and fruit acids;
  • peptides;
  • antioxidants;
  • retinoids;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • biostimulants;
  • phytoestrogens.

Each company has its own secret of effectiveness, but you need to pay attention not only to advertising slogans, but to select skin care products in accordance with the type of skin.

Laser therapy

Unlike traditional surgery, laser therapy is non-traumatic. During the procedure, laser radiation is used, which has a beneficial effect on the dilation of blood vessels, blood circulation, and stabilization of regeneration and metabolic processes.

Experts consider electrical stimulation of the muscles of the upper eyelid one of the most effective methods of treating ptosis. The procedure helps restore the primary functions of the eyelid muscles and the functioning of nerve endings in the visual organs. Electrical stimulation is also aimed at innervation of the muscle layer, bringing it into tone. All this helps eliminate the problem of drooping eyelid (only mild ptosis) without the need for surgical intervention.

Correction of ptosis: results of operations (photo)

Before correction of ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelidAfter correction of ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid
Before correction of ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelidAfter correction of ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid
Before correction of ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelidAfter correction of ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid


Symptoms of the disease

An obvious symptom of the pathology is a drooping eyelid, and based on this symptom the disease can be visually diagnosed.

But such a disease provokes the appearance of additional indirect symptoms that are characteristic of ptosis in any form:

  • irritation and itching in the eyes;
  • rapid eye fatigue , which occurs due to the need to constantly make efforts to fully raise the upper eyelid;
  • split image.

In addition, patients may have difficulty closing their eyes, which requires considerable effort.

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