Elimination of swelling of the face and body: at home and through salon procedures

From this material you will learn:
  • What are the main causes of swelling
  • What to do if swelling of the face and eyes appears
  • How to eliminate swelling at home
  • How to eliminate puffiness using masks
  • How to eliminate swelling with medications
  • How to eliminate swelling with exercise and massage
  • What salon procedures are there to eliminate puffiness?
  • What are the preventive measures to eliminate swelling?

In modern conditions, eliminating puffiness is a fairly pressing problem, since people often become puffy. Swelling appears on the face, eyes, legs, and body. They look, to put it mildly, not very aesthetically pleasing. The main reason, as a rule, is either internal disorders in the body, or improper sleep and rest patterns, nutrition and bad habits. What measures need to be taken to eliminate or prevent the appearance of swelling? Let's take a closer look.

Main causes of swelling

Edema is fluid retained in the body. The reason for this phenomenon is a violation of the water-salt balance, which can be triggered by many factors. Let's look at the factors and ways to eliminate puffiness of the face and eyes in more detail.

Reasons that provoke the formation of edema:

Insufficient sleep

There is a disruption in the circulation of fluid in the human body, and it begins to accumulate in the tissues. The skin of the face suffers first because it is very elastic.

Excessive sleep (more than 10 hours)

is also a factor that provokes the occurrence of swelling. To prevent excessive stress on the kidneys and bladder, fluid that is not excreted from the body for a long time begins to accumulate in the tissues.

Drinking plenty of water at night

At night, all human systems go into slow operation mode and simply do not have time to process the incoming liquid in a timely manner.

Systematic overwork

It helps to reduce the activity of the body, and, consequently, the normal excretion of fluid is disrupted, and swelling appears.

Poor nutrition

With insufficient or excess food intake, as well as due to the presence of various harmful components in the diet, metabolic processes are disrupted, which entails the formation of edema.

Drinking alcohol and other bad habits

Toxins contained in alcoholic beverages interfere with the body's ability to properly distribute fluids. As a result, instead of being excreted, water is redistributed into the voids under the skin.

Insufficient air humidity in the room

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine


In this condition, the intensity of swelling depends on the amount of allergen and can cause suffocation, fever, shortness of breath, and itching.

Kidney and cardiovascular diseases



Hormonal levels become aggravated, and the body’s excretory system cannot cope with the load. During pregnancy, swelling most often appears on the legs and face after a night's sleep.


Complete, and most importantly, effective elimination of edema is possible only after establishing the exact cause of its occurrence.

Tips and tricks for preventing edema

To prevent swelling, you need to take care of your health every day.

  • Try to eat right and avoid foods that retain fluid.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Do a facial massage. The Guasha Heart massager is very helpful in preventing edema. It improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and speeds up the elimination of toxins. Beauty 365 has a good option. They also have an amber massager. He does his job just as well.

  • Play sports. An active lifestyle helps you stay healthy and full of energy.
  • Get enough sleep! Good sleep has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.
  • Use high-quality night cosmetics that are specially selected for your skin type.
  • Breathing exercises stimulate lymph flow through the work of the diaphragm.
  • Visit a sauna or bathhouse. This is simply the best thing we can do for our lymphatic system.

At the “Flourish” marathon there is a whole block that is dedicated to cleansing the body and lymph separately. The most effective but gentle methods that are suitable for everyone and are absolutely safe. And cleansing is necessary for those who suffer from edema (and not only). Also in the marathon: Comprehensive work on rejuvenation, healing and transformation of the entire body - from hair to fingertips. Within a week of the marathon you will notice great changes.

Eliminating puffiness at home

  • Massage with special steel balls will help eliminate swelling of the eyelids.
  • Compresses made from strongly brewed tea or decoctions of medicinal herbs help eliminate bags under the eyes.
  • A contrast shower is one of the most effective means for eliminating swelling of the face and body. It will help “bring to life” the vessels and restart the lymphatic system.
  • Massage with ice cubes prepared from a decoction of medicinal herbs and tea helps eliminate puffiness under the eyes, eyelids and face as a whole.
  • Sage tea in the evenings and flaxseed oil in the mornings. Both remedies are an excellent preventive measure and help restore the strength of blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and strengthen the nervous system.
  • Raw potatoes are excellent in combating puffiness around the eyes. Place slices of cold vegetables on your face and hold for at least 15 minutes. Then turn it over and repeat the procedure.
  • Chilled spoons are an old-fashioned way to eliminate swelling of the eyelids. Apply them to your eyes for 10 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  • Freshly squeezed juices have a diuretic effect on the body. Moreover, unlike tablets, they have no side effects. Carrot, beetroot and green juices (parsley, spinach, celery) are especially beneficial.
  • Heparin ointment. An excellent remedy in the fight against swelling caused by insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps). The ointment will help relieve itching and speed up healing. Apply it to the affected area in a thin layer and leave until completely absorbed. Update every two hours.
  • Parsley decoction. An effective remedy in the fight against “salt” or renal edema. Drink a glass of decoction after meals. Parsley is best at removing toxic elements and speeding up metabolism.

On a note! Despite popular belief, Badyaga cream is strictly forbidden to be used to eliminate swelling. It can only make your situation worse.

Question answer

Despite the fact that alcohol is an excellent diuretic (provokes increased urine production), alcohol abuse disrupts normal metabolism and causes hypovolemia, i.e., a decrease in circulating blood volume. The breakdown products of alcoholic beverages thicken the blood. There is a lack of fluid in the vessels, its pathological redistribution occurs, and edema appears.

If the cause of swelling is: teeth, injury, surgery, then heat should not be applied to the face. This can lead to a deterioration in health, dilation of blood vessels and an influx of fluid.

Gentle methods do not always show the desired result. It is in such a situation that plastic will help. Blepharoplasty is performed to remove bags in the eye area.

Eliminating puffiness with masks

Cosmetic masks are one of the most popular methods aimed at eliminating facial swelling at home. The mask is easy to prepare from those products that you always have on hand.

Anti-swelling mask after sunbathing


  • Egg white – 1 pc.

Beat the egg whites into a foam and brush your face with it. Keep the mask until completely dry, and then rinse with cool water. Apply moisturizer to your skin.

Mask for bags under eyes


  • Parsley - one bunch.

Chop a bunch of fresh parsley until a little liquid comes out. Place the mixture on two small single-layer gauze pads and place under your eyes for twenty minutes.

Potato mask for swelling


  • Raw potatoes – 1 pc.

Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, apply the mixture to the face and lower eyelid area. After twenty minutes, rinse with cool water. You can simply squeeze the juice out of the potato mass, moisten the napkins and place it on the area of ​​swelling.

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Apple mask


  • Chopped apple mass without peel - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Leave until completely dry and then rinse with cool water.

Aloe and cucumber juice mask


  • Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Potato starch - one pinch.
  • Cucumber juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil – three drops.

Combine the components into a homogeneous composition, apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. After the procedure, treat your skin with moisturizer.

Clay mask with sauerkraut and potatoes


  • Chopped sauerkraut – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Grated potato mass (fresh) – 1 tbsp. l.
  • White clay.

Mix potatoes with cabbage, add clay in such an amount to form a viscous mass. Apply on your face for 5 minutes, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

If your face swells in the morning - what to do, folk remedies

Woke up, your face is swollen, but you urgently need to run errands? Simple but effective ways can help you.

Parsley and sour cream mask

Turn 3-4 sprigs of parsley into a paste and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream.

Wash your face with cold water, apply the mask to swollen areas of the face, and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

Potato mask

Grate half a peeled potato, mix with 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of buckwheat flour (you can use rice or wheat flour).

This mask can also be applied to swollen areas (even the area under the eyes). After 15-20 minutes, wash off.

Tea compress

Cool the tea bags in the refrigerator and apply to the swollen areas.

Homemade compress

Soak cotton pads with a natural homemade composition. For example, mint infusion. If you care about the environment, then buy reusable discs. They can be used several times, and when they become unusable, you can safely throw them away. They are biodegradable and will not harm our planet.

Eliminating swelling with medications

Drug elimination of swelling can only be carried out after consulting a specialist, and it will only be justified if you have problems with internal organs. If this phenomenon is caused by an incorrect lifestyle (diet, bad habits, non-compliance with sleep and rest schedules), then you can do without the use of medications by simply changing your daily routine.

Diuretics will help eliminate swelling, but not its cause.

One of the commonly used medications to combat edema is Furasemide. It helps eliminate even their strongest manifestations and promotes the removal of fluid from the body. Like any medicine, it should be used with caution, since Furasemide is a fairly powerful drug, the side effects of which can lead to dehydration and leaching of important trace elements.

For minor swelling of the eyes, it will be enough to take potassium-sparing diuretics. "Veroshpiron" will do. True, its effect appears only on the fifth day.


Edema develops as a consequence of excessive accumulation of fluid in the cavities and tissues of the body. Liquid accumulates pathologically in the intercellular space when the water balance in the cells is disturbed.

A positive water balance in the body is usually associated with excessive sodium retention by the kidneys. If the sodium concentration in the intercellular fluid increases, the total flow of water into it increases, and thirst develops. As a result, a person drinks more, against this background the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is activated, which provokes water retention by the kidneys.

In the body, a positive sodium balance is determined by its proportional distribution in the interstitial and intravascular spaces, as well as the concentration of sodium mainly in the interstitial space due to nephrotic syndrome, chronic circulatory failure, liver cirrhosis , etc.

The main cause of sodium accumulation during edema is hypersecretion of aldosterone, which is provoked by hypovolemia or decreased cardiac output.

Disturbances in the local water balance are provoked by various factors: a decrease in the oncotic pressure of the blood plasma; increase in hydrostatic pressure in capillaries; increase in oncotic pressure of interstitial fluid; violation of lymph ; reduction of mechanical pressure of tissues; increasing capillary permeability.

Relieve swelling with exercise and massage

A good helper in eliminating swelling and removing excess fluid is massage:

  1. Lightly pinching and stroking the skin, move along the lines running from the nose to the outer parts of the face.
  2. Then from the middle of the neck to its sides.
  3. Along the forehead from the top to the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, down from the eyes, from the nose to the temples.

This massage will help increase blood supply to the skin, which will speed up the removal of fluid and reduce swelling.

A set of specially selected physical exercises, which are recommended to include:

  • stretching exercises;
  • exercises for extension and flexion of arms and legs;
  • rotational movements of the body, arms, legs, head;
  • extension;
  • sudden movements of arms and legs;
  • tilts and turns.


Depending on the characteristics of this pathology, edema is divided into local and general.

  • Local - manifest themselves as a result of dysfunction of a specific organ.
  • General – a consequence of common diseases that manifest themselves throughout the body.

Taking into account the causes of manifestation, the following varieties of this pathology are distinguished:

  • congestive heart disease;
  • congestion of non-cardiac origin;
  • hungry;
  • renal;
  • inflammatory;
  • toxic;
  • hormonal;
  • allergic;
  • neurotic.

Salon procedures aimed at eliminating puffiness

Whatever the cause of the swelling, there is only one desire: to eliminate it as soon as possible. For this purpose, in the age of constant development and the emergence of new technologies, various cosmetic procedures have been created in beauty salons. Just remember, before choosing any of them, consult a therapist or phlebologist.

  1. Mesotherapy is an injection into the skin of special homeopathic and fortified preparations that help remove fluid from the body and, as a result, eliminate facial swelling. To obtain a visible effect, it is necessary to perform the procedure once a week for several months.
  2. Cryolifting is a short-term exposure of the skin to extreme cold, which achieves an instant, long-lasting and stable effect.
  3. Mud masks and wraps have a positive effect on the skin, restoring its strength and flexibility. They help eliminate swelling and get rid of excess fluid due to exposure to certain irritants: temperature or chemical components.

Cosmetic procedures for the treatment of facial swelling

If it was not possible to establish tissue drainage in time, then cosmetic procedures with a lymphatic drainage effect are an effective additional measure to combat swelling, such as:

  • lymphatic drainage massage - can be hardware or manual, improves blood circulation, activates the movement of lymph, and also helps get rid of wrinkles and gives the skin elasticity;
  • biorevitalization, SMAS-lifting, RF-lifting - procedures aimed at restoring water balance, activating blood flow, stimulating collagen production and accelerating lymph movement;
  • microcurrent therapy - stimulates the dermis, activates capillary blood circulation, eliminates pastiness and pronounced wrinkles.

To achieve maximum effect, cosmetic procedures must be carried out in a course. The number of sessions and their frequency are determined by the cosmetologist at a preliminary consultation.


Diet for edema

  • Efficacy: healing effect
  • Dates: as prescribed by a doctor
  • Cost of products: 1400-1500 rubles per week

You can avoid the appearance of edema by adjusting your diet. The diet should be varied, but at the same time you need to exclude some foods from it and introduce foods that are useful for edema.

It is beneficial to consume the following foods:

  • Dairy products.
  • Lean meat, fish.
  • Products containing potassium: bananas, potatoes, parsley, dried apricots, apricots, pumpkin, melons.
  • Fruits.
  • Dried fruits.

It is recommended to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • Salty foods – it is advisable to reduce the amount of salt to 1-1.5 g per day.
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners should also be kept to a minimum.
  • Coffee, tea and other caffeinated .
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Soda, juices from concentrates.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Alcohol.

During pregnancy

Swelling on the face often appears in women during pregnancy. If this happens periodically, and swelling appears in the evening, most likely it is simply a consequence of hormonal imbalance and changes in the body. But if they do not disappear in the morning, and over time there is more pronounced swelling, the expectant mother should check her kidneys.

If the outflow of fluids from the tissues is impaired, the pressure in the tissues increases, which can lead to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

It is important to pay attention to swelling in the following situations:

  • Swelling appears not only on the face, but also on the body, while the pregnant woman’s blood pressure periodically increases and she feels unwell.
  • Swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath .


If facial puffiness is not treated, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • breakthrough of stagnant fluid inside leads to reactive inflammation and blood poisoning;
  • if the swelling puts pressure on the nerve endings, then spasms of the facial muscles, numbness of one or both sides of the face, twitching of the eyelids, tremor of the lower jaw are possible;
  • uneven redistribution of intercellular fluid leads to dry skin and its fragility;
  • subcutaneous inflammation can affect the oral cavity, lymphatic system;
  • Untreated allergic edema can be fatal due to suffocation.

Puffiness of the face can occur for a number of reasons, the most dangerous of which is allergies. First you need to contact a therapist who will give you a referral for the necessary examinations. Treatment is carried out with medications and folk remedies. Other methods act as adjuvant treatment.

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