KOLLOST micro - a new formula of a time-tested drug

  • What is collostotherapy
  • Indications for the collostotherapy procedure
  • Gel Collost instructions
  • Contraindications:
  • Treatment of stretch marks (striae)
  • How does Collost™ gel work in the treatment of stretch marks (striae)?
  • Scar treatment
  • How does Collost™ gel work in the treatment of atrophic scars?
  • Video about the collostotherapy procedure - reviews from doctors and patients
  • Collostotherapy: before and after photos
  • Cost of the procedure
  • Location of our clinic (facade of the building)
  • Clinic equipment

What is collostotherapy

Collostotherapy is a method based on intradermal injection of the Collost™ gel collagen complex. According to experts who have studied the drug in practice, Collost™ can be considered an alternative to plastic surgery.

The Collost procedure is used in dentistry, traumatology, surgery, and dermatology. In recent years, it has become actively used in cosmetology.

Gel "Collost" is a matrix for targeted tissue regeneration, which allows it to be used not only as an injectable micro-implant, but also to activate the synthesis of one's own collagen. In other words, what is important is that Collost™ gel not only restores collagen lost by the skin, but promotes the body’s active production of its own collagen, which distinguishes Collost™ from other collagen complexes.

After injection of Collost™ gel, mechanical filling occurs. At the site of injection of the gel, their own collagen fibers begin to form, resulting in the formation of full-fledged tissue.

Currently, various stimulating methods of influencing the skin are widely used in cosmetology. These methods are aimed at transforming the biological structure of the skin in one way or another.

There are methods of negative and positive stimulation.

Various aggressive procedures are used as negative stimulation: chemical peels of varying depths, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion. When these methods are used, the trigger for the desired changes in the skin is the processes of destruction (destruction) of the epidermis and dermis.

Positive stimulation, on the contrary, involves deep skin regenerative therapy. This tactic is especially necessary for damaged skin, which progressively loses its resistance to free radical influences and the ability to recover effectively after them with age. Positive stimulation can be achieved through intradermal injection of Collost™ gel.

"Collost" is an ideal product in the field of cosmetology, because... it is very effective in restoring natural collagen lost with age. Collagen provides firmness and elasticity to body tissues.

Gel Collost – composition, action

Dosage form: “Collost® – gel. Volume 1.5 ml. Allergy test included" - sterile pyrogen-free injectable gel in pre-filled syringes, ready for use.

Composition: The drug contains: 15% gel: no less than 15% native unreconstructed collagen in a 10% sterile glucose solution 7% gel: no less than 7% native unreconstructed collagen in a 10% sterile glucose solution

Description: viscous, colorless or slightly yellowish suspension. The product is intended for single use. Collost® is a sterile collagen bioplastic material with a completely preserved native structure. Collagen, being the main protein of connective tissue, provides its structural basis. At the same time, collagen molecules act as a physiological matrix that ensures normal repair processes.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Pharmacological action Collost® is a sterile bioplastic collagen material of a new generation with a completely preserved native structure, ensuring the regeneration of affected tissues. The drug contains type I collagen, obtained from the skin of cattle, which is closest in biological composition and structure to human collagen. This is processed bovine dermis whose fibers resemble a latticework that acts as a template for the formation of new tissue.

Action of Collost® in soft tissuesCollost® acts in three main directions:

  • Firstly, when introduced into the correction area, the effect of immediate mechanical filling of the space with the injected gel is observed.
  • Secondly, injection of the drug causes an aseptic wound process in the area of ​​intervention, leading to provoking a response from the body in the form of stimulation of fibrillogenesis in the affected area.
  • Thirdly, Collost® provides the correction area with the main biological resources that are required for wound healing - a natural, skin-tissue specific collagen resource. Collagen is the main protein involved in wound healing. When the implant binds to the wound, fibroblasts migrate to it from the surrounding tissue and invade the collagen implant. A transition matrix is ​​created that stimulates the body's immune system and the activation of granulocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts, improves the transfer of growth factors released from cells, enhances the migration of fibroblasts and the proliferation of epithelial cells.

Intradermal allergy test 14 days before the administration of Collost® gel, it is necessary to carry out an intradermal allergy test. 0.1 ml of gel (allergy test) is injected intradermally into the forearm area. If any abnormality is detected, the test sample is regarded as positive and, therefore, the patient cannot be injected with “Collost” gel.

Application of Collost gel in cosmetology

Indications for the Collost procedure

  • Age-related skin changes
  • Loss of skin elasticity and firmness
  • Scars, stretch marks (stretch marks)

Gel "Collost" 7%:

  • paraorbital wrinkles (“crow’s feet”),
  • deterioration of the oval shape of the face,
  • decrease in skin turgor due to involutional changes in the skin,
  • post-traumatic and post-operative depression of the skin,
  • atrophic scars after acne, chickenpox.

Gel "Collost" 15%:

  • horizontal forehead wrinkles,
  • wrinkles above the bridge of the nose,
  • perioral wrinkles,
  • depression of nasolabial folds,
  • change in the volume and shape of the lips (for asymmetry, age-related depression of the lips, for aesthetic reasons)

Advantages of Collost gel when used in cosmetology:

  • Effectively works with the first signs of aging, wrinkles, improves skin quality, eliminates post-acne - traces of acne on the face.
  • The gel helps smooth out scars, scars, regardless of the statute of limitations.
  • Universal, suitable for almost any skin type, used to treat age-related skin changes at any age - the ready-made “building material” restores the structure of the skin even with reduced regenerative potential.
  • Activates the formation of your own collagen.
  • Early effect - activation of endogenous collagen synthesis begins immediately after the introduction of the gel due to its high biocompatibility. The effect is visible after the first procedure and increases over time.
  • Lasting effect - long-term action of the biomaterial in tissues, aimed at activating the synthesis of endogenous collagen, is due to its slow biodegradation.
  • Restores skin after aggressive procedures.
  • Safety (the drug is non-toxic, does not migrate, does not cause the formation of a fibrous capsule). COLLOST® has undergone comprehensive clinical studies, the manufacturing technology is patented, the drug has a European quality certificate, and is approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It is used in maxillofacial surgery (in particular in burn medicine), periodontics, implantology, traumatology, surgery, ophthalmology and urology.

Advantages of the COLLOST micro form:

  • The highest concentration of collagen among analogues presented on the aesthetic medicine market.
  • The protein composition closest to humans in terms of amino acid composition.
  • Elimination of the risk of prions (due to processing under alkaline conditions).
  • Effective tissue hydration. Thanks to the innovative technological process of deamidation, the number of negatively charged functional groups increases, which leads to the attraction of water molecules to the collagen fibers.
  • The material is enriched with biomimetic fibrous particles.
  • Availability of fibers for recognition by fibroblasts. Achieved through a patented powder grinding process (microstructuring), which includes several types of grinding.
  • Reproduction of the structure of the extracellular matrix. When hydrated, the fibrous particles form an elastic, injectable scaffold.
  • Formation of a coherently dispersed system simulating a three-dimensional protein matrix.
  • Induction: the fibrous structure of the material serves as a natural signal to trigger the processes of bioreparation and remodeling - the fibers induce biosignaling.
  • Conduction: in addition to exhibiting inductive properties, fibrils (fibers) can promote the bioconduction of collagen, creating a favorable environment for cells.
  • Preservation of collagen fibers even after intense repeated shaking - proven using a vibration test followed by microscopic analysis.

Gel Collost contraindications:

  • Positive test sample;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Severe somatic diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;

To correct age-related changes, the procedure is indicated for people over 30 years of age. To resolve aesthetic issues - after 18-20 years.

Collostotherapy is a technique that allows you to restore the tone, elasticity and color inherent in young and healthy skin, and protect it from the effects of free radicals. Deep regenerative therapy provides the cellular microenvironment characteristic of young skin, slowing down aging. Thus, this method can rightfully be considered an alternative to plastic surgery.


COLLOST micro is a universal, safe drug suitable for correcting age-related changes and aesthetic problems of patients of different morphotypes, gender and age, easily combined with other injection techniques.

The indisputable advantage of COLLOST micro is the unique fibrous structure of the material, which acts as a natural inducer of biosignaling - the body’s launch of bioreparation and remodeling processes.

KOLLOST micro microfibers create a favorable environment for fibroblasts. The increased number of negatively charged groups promotes tissue hydration, but does not cause swelling, even in the periorbital area.

The undoubted advantages of using COLLOST micro include activation of lymph microcirculation, improvement of trophism, and a significant increase in skin turgor.

Treatment of stretch marks (striae).

Stretch marks (or stretch marks, as experts call them) are shallow scars in the form of wavy stripes that appear in places where the skin is chronically stretched. Most often they appear during pregnancy, puberty, with some endocrine diseases, as well as with a sharp change in body weight. Stretch marks can form on the abdomen, on the hips and buttocks, on the chest, and in case of endocrine problems, on the face. As a result of overextension or hormonal changes, the skin becomes thinner and loses elasticity, which leads to internal micro-tears, which are later replaced by connective tissue. Essentially, scar tissue forms at the site of healing of micro-tears in collagen and elastin fibers. There is no pigment in scar tissue, so stretch marks remain white when tanned and become more visible against tanned skin.

Until recently, the most common method for correcting stretch marks was resurfacing. When sanding, the surface layers of the skin are removed and the impression of smoothing is created. As a result, stretch marks become slightly less noticeable, but the problem cannot be completely solved, since the normal tissue structure in the areas of stretch marks is not restored.

In recent years, the use of the Collostotherapy method has allowed us to take a fresh look at the difficult task of correcting stretch marks and significantly improve treatment results.

The essence of the method

The structure of collagen macromolecules serves as the basis for directed cell migration. KOLLOST micro microfibers, created using PoliONICol® technology, allow fibroblasts to migrate directionally and over a greater distance than usual, acting as a natural inducer of biosignaling - the body’s launch of bioreparation and remodeling processes. Thanks to MICRONONIC® technology, an increased number of negatively charged groups are created on collagen molecules, which promotes tissue hydration. The implant, gradually dissolving, is replaced by autologous tissue, which in its histological structure is similar to the surrounding tissues.

COLLOST micro before hydration

How does Collost™ gel work in the treatment of stretch marks (striae)?

  • Collost™ is used to replenish collagen lost by the skin in the area of ​​stretch marks.
  • After injection of Collost™ gel, the stretch marks are mechanically filled and the skin surface is leveled.
  • At the site of injection of Collost™ gel, own collagen fibers begin to form, which fill the area of ​​the defect.
  • Collost™ is a matrix through which strictly directed growth of one’s own collagen fibers occurs, as a result of which full-fledged tissue is formed in place of stretch marks, and stretch marks become invisible, similar to the surrounding healthy skin.
  • The procedure has been successfully used to treat both new and old stretch marks.

The technique allows you to restore the tone, elasticity and color inherent in young and healthy skin.

Adverse reactions and complications

The expected side effects are similar to those of all injection procedures: swelling, redness, pain, ecchymosis in the injection area - all such phenomena disappear within a few days.

If the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, or the drug is administered incorrectly (all this is observed when procedures are carried out by illiterate, unqualified specialists), the risk of severe complications increases sharply: an infectious process, tissue ischemia and subsequent necrosis of skin areas, vascular embolism. In the best case, you should avoid such complications, contact certified medical centers and be honest in your communication with your doctor. If suspicious symptoms occur (whitening of the drug injection area, persistent redness, increasing pain), you must immediately contact a specialist!

Authors of the material: Doctor Chilikova D.V., cosmetologist Lachinova N.M. All rights reserved.

Scar treatment

Scars occur as a result of wound healing.

A scar is a product of regeneration (restoration) of damaged skin.

It is newly formed connective tissue at the site of damage to the skin and deeper tissues.


  • Normotrophic (physiological) scars
  • Atrophic
  • Hypertrophic
  • Keloid

Normotrophic (physiological) scars after 3-6 months become thin, whitish in color, and do not cause physical discomfort to a person. These scars usually do not need correction. The exception is cases of aesthetic improvement of the appearance of the scar, smoothing the surface or accelerating the rate of color normalization.

With atrophic scars, the skin over the scar is flabby, has transverse striations; often such scars are devoid of pigment, so they look white. The characteristic appearance of these scars is due to a defect in the connective tissue under the scar, a deficiency of collagen and elastin, the main proteins that form the framework of the skin.

Hypertrophic scars rise above the surface of the skin, they are mobile, painless, and have a soft consistency. Localization: cheeks, nasolabial folds, around the mouth, anterior, posterior and lateral surfaces of the neck, sternum.

Hypertrophic scars, like keloid scars, rise above the surrounding skin, but, unlike keloid scars, they occupy an area corresponding to the previous damage.

Keloid scars belong to the group of pseudotumor skin diseases. This is a dense, lumpy growth of connective tissue with a smooth shiny surface and a color from pink to bluish-purple.

There is often tingling, burning, itching, and pain.

Characterized by the ability to constantly grow and relapse after treatment.

Advantages of collagen biomaterial in the treatment of age-related changes

  • The interval between procedures acceptable for the patient is 2–3 weeks for a course of 3–5 procedures, which allows you to safely continue the procedures after vacation without interrupting the course.
  • A clear and easy level of work for a specialist. The drug requires intradermal administration.
  • Fast recovery period. The visualization time for “papules” as a “depot” of the drug is several hours when using COLLOST micro.
  • Ability to work with different groups of patients, including deformation-edematous morphotype. The drug is not hydrophilic, unlike HA.
  • Possibility to use BTA and Collost in one procedure.
  • Convenient release form – 150 mg of micronized collagen in a bottle.
  • Safety. Without being bound cross-linking agents (as in HA-based fillers), Collost is a blood-soluble drug that cannot lead to vessel embolism.
  • Versatility of use. It is used both for the correction of resting wrinkles and for diffuse therapy of the dermis, skin flap reduction, and smoothing of scars.

How Collost™ gel works in the treatment of atrophic scars.

  • Gel Collost™ is used to replenish collagen lost by damaged skin.
  • At the site of injection of the Collost™ gel, its own young collagen fibers begin to form, and COLLOST™ itself gradually undergoes biodegradation.
  • Gel Collost™ is a matrix through which the strictly directed growth of one’s own collagen fibers occurs, resulting in complete skin regeneration.

Collostotherapy is successfully combined with other techniques: peelings, hyaluronic acid, laser technologies, etc.

The recommended course is 3-8 procedures 1-2 times a month. The course depends on the degree of atrophy and the age of the scar.

At the Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine “Absolut Med”, Collostotherapy is carried out by the Chief Physician, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist Tatyana Nikolaevna Chvyrova, a certified expert in the use of Collost gel, who has been using the drug in active practice to correct age-related skin changes, treat scars and stretch marks for more than 10 years. Today, the Absolut Med Aesthetic Medicine Clinic is one of the leaders in the number of procedures performed using Collost gel in Moscow.


  • Scars on the skin of the face and body (atrophic, post-traumatic, post-surgical, post-acne, stretch marks).
  • Age-related skin changes (static wrinkles, elastosis).
  • Hypotony of the skin in various areas of the face, neck, décolleté and body (age-related, occurring after pregnancy, lactation, sudden changes in body weight, unbalanced diet).
  • Excess skin flap.
  • Restoration of facial and body skin after laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, insolation, plastic surgery, as well as preparation for them.

Collostotherapy before and after photos

Cost of the Collost gel injection procedure

NamePrice for 1 procedurePrice per course of procedures
Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist. Test sample Collost 0.1 ml RUB 2,200
Scar treatment (Collost 7% 0.1 ml). Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissues RUB 2,200
Collost 7% 1.5 ml. Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissues RUB 12,500
Collost 7% 1.5 ml, 2 syringes. Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissues 11,000 rub.RUB 22,000
Collost 15% 1.5 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 18,500

Features of the preparation of the injection form of the drug COLLOST micro

The drug is hydrated by adding 5 ml of saline solution, water for injection, plasma, silicon, liquid one-component mesotherapy drug, then shaken vigorously and left for 15-20 minutes.

During the process of hydration, collagen microfibers intertwine to form a unique coherently dispersed system - an elastic injectable scaffold that reproduces the structure of the extracellular matrix.

COLLOST micro injections are carried out using linear, short-line, papular, and point injection techniques.

Depending on the severity of the problem and the area of ​​correction, the amount of dilution solution can be varied:

  • to correct the face-neck-décolleté area, you can use all 5 ml of the finished form of the drug;
  • for working with problem areas of the skin with many wrinkles and reduced tone - a more concentrated form due to hydration with a smaller amount of solution;
  • for simultaneous work on moisturizing and compacting the skin flap - with the addition of low concentration native hyaluronic acid;
  • to smooth out superficial wrinkles and relieve tension in the neck-décolleté area - with 5-15 IU of BTA;
  • for the treatment of problem skin, post-acne, treatment of alopecia - with patient plasma.

Clinic equipment

Don't put it off until tomorrow. Call us and sign up for the procedure today!

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