6 eye exercises that will relieve you of swelling and sagging skin

Expert opinion

Anastasia Dubinskaya, psychophysiologist, neuropsychologist, founder and director of the school of natural rejuvenation “Revitonika” “The main postulate that should be followed when dealing with swelling of the lower eyelids is that there are no problem eyes on a problem-free face. If there is swelling, it means that the muscles surrounding this area are in spasm and are compressing the lymph flow paths. Problems with the eyes are always secondary - the periorbital area is surrounded by large muscle structures that directly affect its condition.”

Cause of swelling of the lower eyelids No. 1: spasmodic muscles of mastication

You can buy the most expensive eye cream, but your eye area will still be puffy. Because the reason is not in the eyelids, but in the too “active life position” of your masticatory muscles.

We are used to stress, gritting our teeth from worries. The chewing muscles contract, hurt and become overstrained, the support on the distant teeth is lost, and the jaws sag. The parotid area becomes a “dam” that blocks the flow of fluids. This leads to the formation of nasolabial folds, jowls and, of course, swelling of the eyelids.

Cause of swelling of the lower eyelids No. 2: tense occipital region

The cervical spine is a small stop valve that slows down the entire train. Just think about it: about 60 muscles are attached to the base of the head. Due to their crooked posture, they are all subjected to stress to which they are not naturally adapted. The occipital region is shortened, the vertebrae literally fall deep into the neck, the base of the head is compressed, and the mobility of the skull is limited. But it is extremely important.⠀

What does swelling of the eyes have to do with it? Despite the fact that the sphenoid bone directly influences the formation of the eye sockets. As soon as posture is disrupted, an imbalance is formed between the occipital and sphenoid bones. And since the ophthalmic veins do not have valves, the outflow of excess fluid from the cranial cavity can go to the eyelid area.

Cause of swelling No. 3: tension of the wings of the nose

We have figured out the influence of the masticatory muscles on the swelling of the lower eyelids. But if only that were the only problem! The “dam” already known to us, blocking the outflow of fluid, also appears at the inner edge of the eye. Add to this our regular ENT diseases, which, drop by drop, worsen the condition of the lymph nodes. As a result, the tear fluid produced by the lacrimal gland cannot be drained normally into the nasolacrimal canal and is retained in the infraorbital region. ⠀ Do you think that's all? No! Another feature of our anatomy is that the orbital veins do not have valves. Valves in the venous system allow fluid to flow in one direction. When there are no valves, the fluid often swells in a random direction, so the size and relief of swelling of the lower eyelids is unpredictable.

There are situations when the edema is “hidden” in the capsule - that is, a sac that is a growth of connective tissue, a compaction around the source of inflammation (edema). For example, this type of swelling occurs between the cheekbone and the eye, called “zygomatic edema.” Professional massage therapists can deal with these capsules, but you shouldn’t fight this on your own. It turns out that each problem in the eye area is individual, and there are cases when you really need to seek the help of a surgeon. However, any intervention must be carried out on a previously prepared and worked-out face, otherwise the swelling may return literally three months after the operation.

To remove swelling under the eyes, you should work comprehensively and systematically. And also remember that without working on the neck, any eye exercises are pointless. There should be more than one exercise on the neck, but at least 6-7 to improve the mechanics of fluid outflow in the head area.

Shiva's gaze

Active eye movement is a kind of lymphatic drainage massage that removes excess moisture. Start doing this exercise in the morning, and you will notice how the swelling and bags under your eyes go away.

Move your gaze as far as possible to the right and down, then to the right and up, now begin to lower your eyes along a zigzag path: left-right-left-... and so on until you reach the lowest point on the left side. Raise your gaze up, lower down and again begin to draw a zigzag from side to side, gradually raising your gaze up.

via GIPHY Perform the exercise 10 to 20 times. At first, the eyes may get tired quickly, but over time the muscles will become stronger and the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

Getting rid of bags under the eyes with fillers

This is the best way to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has many advantages that make you choose it. This is a very quick procedure, it will take no more than 20 minutes. After the procedure, you will not have a long period of rehabilitation and there will be no traces of intervention. You will not have to use bandages or undergo long recovery after the procedure. Usually, there is no allergy to the drug; it is maximally biocompatible. In addition, the effect of the procedure can last up to a year, it has maximum effectiveness. Fillers are almost always based on hyaluronic acid; vitamin complexes and beneficial substances are added to it. This acid is present in the human body and is easily absorbed. It is excreted naturally after some time. The effect will be visible immediately after you undergo the procedure. The skin will become much denser and more elastic, thanks to this dark circles under the eyes will disappear and bags will go away. Overall, you will look much more youthful.

Goodbye drooping eyelid!

Using your index and middle fingers, applying slight pressure, fix the corners of your eyes. Make sure that your palms do not hang in the air, but are attached to your face.

While inhaling, close your eyes tightly (!), after 2 seconds, exhale and open them. Repeat 10-20 times. On the last circle, keep your eyelids closed for 5 seconds. After this, relax your eyes, blink and rest.

Please note that you should only feel the upper eyelids working; eyebrows, lips and all other parts of the face should remain motionless.


Exercise No. 1: articular plastic technique “ba”

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Publication from the School of Rejuvenation "REVITONIKA" (@revitonica_official) July 25, 2022 at 9:30 PDT

What gives:

relaxes the chewing muscles, relieves tension and spasms from the lower jaw; forms a clear oval of the face, reduces jowls and lengthens the side surface of the face; prevents tooth wear, helps overcome bruxism, and in general is highly recommended for dental purposes to improve the parameters of the dental system.

How much to do:

2 minutes 1 time per day.
Before performing the exercise, you must conduct a test:

  • Open your mouth with your lower jaw down and note how wide it is.
  • After completing the exercise, open your mouth again and compare - your jaw should open much wider.

The syllable “ba” allows you to open your mouth carefully, without injuring the lower jaw. The treatment itself may not be very pleasant - when kneading tense tissues, you feel pain, but it should be pleasant.


If during or after performing you feel clicking or crunching when opening your mouth, this indicates the presence of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, start moving down from the middle or earlobe, working the middle and lower portions of the masticatory muscles. If the crunching does not stop, stop doing the technique completely. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Rules for performing facial gymnastics and self-massage

Before performing facial exercises, you must follow safety precautions:

  1. Cleanse your face, neck, hands. To do this, use alcohol-free lotion, tonic, flower water or chlorhexidine.
  2. Practice only in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the correctness of the exercises at any time.
  3. Take a basic body position: sit on a chair, direct your body weight to the ischial bones. At the same time, the top of the head is pulled up, the chin is parallel to the floor, the shoulders are pulled down, breathing is free, without delay, the stomach is relaxed.

    While performing exercises to eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes, constantly maintain the basic body position: straight posture is the key to the success of the practice!

    In addition, remember the following important rules:

  4. Isolation of the working muscle: only the muscle or group of muscles that ensures the execution of the exercise is tensed. All other muscles are in a state of relaxation.
  5. During training, the following sequence must be observed:
    • Warm up your muscles.
    • Practice.

  6. Relax. Relaxation lasts longer than training.

You can read more about the rules for performing facial gymnastics and self-massage techniques in this article.

What are the benefits of homemade masks?

Many women prefer not to use creams, gels and serums for the skin around the eyes, preferring products prepared independently. They claim that folk recipes are much more effective than newfangled cosmetics. And this is not surprising, because homemade masks are prepared from natural products rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids necessary to maintain healthy facial skin.

Masks made from natural products are very easy to prepare. Most of the products for them can be found in the refrigerator of every housewife. In addition, such products do not contain preservatives and are applied to the face freshly prepared, giving the skin all the beneficial substances.

Another advantage of homemade cosmetics is its low cost. Most of the products used for masks are inexpensive and are no less effective than expensive branded creams.

Causes of wrinkles

Many girls wonder what causes creases and lines on the eyelids, even when the aging process has not yet begun? There are a number of reasons for this. For example, if you don't wear sunglasses in the summer, you squint a lot, so wrinkles appear earlier than expected. Or you abuse fatty foods, which retain water in the cells - the eyelids swell and the skin stretches. This also includes bad habits that trigger the process of premature aging.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of age-related changes, they can be successfully combated. Special exercises for wrinkles around the eyes will help you gain a fresh, youthful look and get rid of the most pronounced wrinkles.

Therefore, do not despair, choose your own method and do anti-aging exercises for puffiness at home.

Practices for eliminating bags and dark circles under the eyes

Before you start practicing, read the contraindications for facial gymnastics and self-massage.

This complex can be performed standing or sitting.

Warming up

Before performing exercises to eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes, be sure to warm up the corresponding area:

  1. The first warm-up technique can be called accentuated blinking. First, we close our eyes tightly for one second, and then (also for one second) open them wide. Repeat this cycle for 30 seconds to one minute.
  2. The second warm-up technique is aimed at toning the muscles in several areas of the face. It is performed as follows:

    Inhaling air through the nose, we draw our cheeks inward as much as possible. After this, we puff out our cheeks and blow air through our mouth. We repeat this movement for 30–40 seconds.

Facial gymnastics exercises to eliminate bags and bruises under the eyes

  1. Fold your index fingers into an arc and press firmly against the edge of the cheekbone right under the eyes. Gently press them into the skin. Do not move the skin under your fingers left or right or up and down.

    After this, close your eyes just a little and wait 5-10 seconds. Then close your eyes a little tighter and wait another 5-10 seconds. And finally, close your eyes as tightly as possible, but you don’t need to close them completely. You need to hold this position for 10–15 seconds.

    If the exercise is performed correctly, the third time you close your eyes, you should feel the lower eyelids and eyelashes tremble. This is precisely a sign that you have effectively used the orbicularis oculi muscles.

    This exercise is performed 3 times. After each time, you must carefully relax your muscles. To do this, blink your eyes often, often, without tension, for several seconds.

  2. The following technique is very simple, but no less effective.

    Using your index fingers, gently press the inner corners of your eyes, then blink your eyes 10 times without straining. Repeat 3 times with a pause of 10 seconds.

    When performing these two exercises, the work of the capillaries and lymphatic drainage system in the eye area is activated, which creates the necessary prerequisites for eliminating bags and bruises under the eyes. In addition, the muscles after such work will be ready for good and high-quality relaxation.

Self-massage auto-lifting for eyes

Self-massage auto-lifting is a technique for comprehensive healing, rejuvenation and tightening of the skin on the face. Here I will introduce you to the part of this practice that creates a lifting effect in the eye area, preventing the formation of bags and bruises under the eyes. The massage is performed on dry skin without using oil.

Sit on a chair. Place your feet on the floor. Breathing is free, the stomach is relaxed, the face is relaxed.

  1. Place your elbows on your knees, palms up, hands clasped. Tilt your head towards your raised palms and place your eyebrows in them. Do not press on your eyebrows with your palms. Just relax your head and lower your entire weight into your palms. Lock in this position for 10–30 seconds.
  2. Raise your head just a little, spread your palms to the sides a few millimeters, and then lower your eyebrows into them again. Hold this position again for 10–30 seconds.
  3. Repeat the steps described in point 2, each time spreading your palms wider and moving them towards your temples.
  4. After your palms touch your temples, raise your head, lift your elbows from your knees and carefully massage the protruding bones above the ears with the bases of your palms or fingertips.
  5. Place your eyes in your palms. Place your palms again in the center of the face, in this case in the center of the bridge of the nose. The eyes need to be relaxed. Move from the bridge of your nose to your temples in the same way as described in the previous paragraphs. Finish again by pressing the points above the ears.
  6. Place your cheek bones in your palms. We begin the movement, as described in the previous paragraphs, from the center of the face to the temples. We finish in the same way - by pressing the protruding bones above the ears.

Perform the self-massage technique 1 or 2 times.

In this massage, during movements with the head down, ideal pressure is created on various points of the eyes and eyebrows. This helps to increase lymph flow, which, in turn, enhances the release of toxins and smoothes out swelling.

How often do you perform a set of exercises and self-massage for the eyes?

A complex of gymnastics to smooth out wrinkles, bags and bruises under the eyes should be performed every two days.

Auto-lifting massage for the eyes can be performed daily. Preferably before bed.

Our lesson is completed for today. I wish you a pleasant and effective workout at home and high-quality results in the very near future. Know: your beauty, youth and health are in your hands.

If you want to try even more facial gymnastics practices and learn new self-massage techniques, follow the link and receive a FREE COURSE OF ANTI-AGING PRACTICES FOR THE FACE AND NECK in your email.

Benefits of manual massage

The advantage of self-massage is its simplicity and accessibility to everyone. Unlike expensive cosmetic procedures, manual massage does not require large financial expenditures. To achieve results, it is enough to use any serum against under-eye bags or any other cosmetic product intended for this area.

Massaging the lower eyelid area not only helps eliminate puffiness, but also reduces fine expression wrinkles, restores the elasticity of the skin, and improves blood circulation and lymph flow. Thus, manual massage will help to cope with both bags and other cosmetic problems: wrinkles, creases, aging.

List of folk remedies for massage and gymnastics

Olive oil is perfect for the epidermis. Just apply it before gymnastics. It will improve the skin, increase its elasticity, improve blood circulation and saturate it with important minerals. You can also use pure aloe juice, which is deadly for all facial wrinkles around the eyes. You can prepare a recipe using aloe juice and olive oil.

Ordinary ice also helps to cope with swelling and unpleasant folds around the eyes. You can freeze not only plain water, but also healthy herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula and others. Use ice after gymnastics, applying it around the eyes for 3 minutes.

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