6 best Revi Brilliance preparations for facial mesotherapy

Revi Brilliants is a line of Russian-made products for mesotherapy. This is a popular method of injection rejuvenation, recommended when pronounced signs of aging appear and the effectiveness of traditional skin care cosmetics is weak. It is an injection of hyaluronic acid that eliminates sagging, increased dryness and wrinkles. Contains additional components that help achieve long-lasting, complex action. Revy is available in various volumes and concentrations, which is convenient for solving different problems. The drug has received positive reviews from cosmetologists and is highly valued around the world.

Description and features of the use of the drug for mesotherapy Revy Brilliance

The Revi Brilliants series is a development of the domestic company NMTC International. The manufacturer specializes in products for skin rejuvenation procedures (meso-cocktails and fillers). Today it is a leader in sales of high-quality drugs.

The drug is intended for mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. Stimulates metabolism, slows down the aging process and solves cosmetic problems. Available in the form of a syringe with a volume of 1 or 2 ml, intended for intradermal (subcutaneous injection).

NMTC produces the famous anti-aging products Dermafill, Reneall and Amalain. It has its own laboratory, so all formulations are thoroughly checked and tested before mass production.

Composition and mechanism of action

The product has a powerful effect thanks to a well-thought-out composition. The injection gel contains the following components:

  1. Hyaluronic acid (15 mg/ml). A substance that affects the structural characteristics of the skin. Due to it, tone and elasticity are maintained and water balance is normalized.
  2. Trehalose (0.025%). The disaccharide, which has the ability to protect and enhance the vital activity of cells, increases their adaptation to external conditions. Protects walls from damage.
  3. Querticin. It belongs to flavanols and has decongestant, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Pterostilbene. A natural antioxidant, required to remove toxic substances from cells, enhances metabolism. Slows down the aging process.

The components of the composition enhance and complement each other’s action. Due to this, the result can be noticed after the first use; if you follow the recommendations, it lasts up to a year.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mesotherapy with Revi Brilliants has its pros and cons, which is important to consider when choosing this procedure. Advantages of the method:

  • reducing the severity of wrinkles and folds on the skin;
  • narrowing of pores and normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • restoration of water balance;
  • increased tone, stimulation of collagen and elastin production;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • relieving inflammation, swelling;
  • short course, just one injection is enough to get results;
  • long lasting result.

Among the disadvantages is the high cost of the procedure; it can only be completed in a specialized salon. There is a risk of complications and allergies; before the first session you should consult a cosmetologist.

Revi injections are suitable for working with aging skin. The procedure is effective when there are no visible results from the use of anti-aging cosmetics.

Indications for use

Revi hyaluronic gel is suitable for solving a wide range of problems. Mesotherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • age-related skin changes;
  • water imbalance, increased dryness;
  • symptoms of photoaging, pigmentation;
  • decreased elasticity and tone;
  • clinical manifestations of acne, acne;
  • preparation for plastic contouring;
  • rehabilitation after surgery, deep peeling.

The procedure is especially effective for fine-wrinkle types of aging. Even after one session, you can notice an improvement in the appearance of the skin, the epidermis becomes more toned and smooth.

Are there any contraindications

Revi injections have contraindications. It is recommended to refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • the presence of neoplasms of any nature;
  • infections, inflammatory diseases;
  • chronic dermatological diseases;
  • intolerance to the components of the composition, allergies;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • period of pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Mesotherapy should not be carried out during a course of taking medications, or in the presence of elevated temperature. Before visiting a cosmetologist, it is recommended to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions and consult with your doctor if you have serious chronic diseases.

Revi Brilliants

Composition: HA 1.5%, trehalose 0.025%. Protocol: 1 session every 8 months.

Indications for biorevitalization with Revi Brilliants:

  • Sagging, aging skin after 35 years;
  • Finely wrinkled morphotype of aging;
  • Expression wrinkles;
  • Dehydration;
  • Low elasticity, weak turgor;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Acne;
  • Planned deep peelings, plastic surgery.

Technique: papular, linear-retrograde. The master can choose micropapular injections. 30G needles are used to work on the face, chest, and neck area. The gel is used for hair restoration. Biorevitalization Revy Diamond is used on the buttocks, thighs, hands, and abdomen.



“Brilliants is a true elixir of youth. I saw the beauty immediately, in person and in the photo. “I got rid of a network of fine wrinkles, tightened my oval shape, and narrowed my pores.”


“The premium drug will leave everyone satisfied. My skin changed before my eyes and became hydrated. The crow’s feet and fine pigmentation are gone.”


“I suffered from oily, dehydrated skin. The cosmetologist recommended Diamonds. It's a complete delight. The oily shine disappeared, the face no longer looked like a pancake. The skin is elastic and nourished.”


The Revi Brilliants series includes several types of mesotherapy products. They are produced in volumes of 1 and 2 ml, differing in the concentration of active ingredients. The choice of a specific brand depends on age, skin characteristics, body area and features of the procedure. You can purchase Revy injections at a pharmacy or specialized salon. It is not recommended to order online, as counterfeits are often found on sale.

Revi 1%

The most gentle remedy, components - hyaluronic acid, trehalose, quarticine, pterostilbene. Suitable for working with facial skin up to 40 years of age. Revi 1% has the shortest result; the effect of the injection lasts up to 4 months. The model is recommended for mild wrinkles, acne prevention and normalization of water balance (for example, when working in unfavorable conditions).

Price – about 5500 rubles

Revi Meso

Gel with a concentration of hyaluronic acid of 1.5 and 2%. The drug helps reduce the severity of wrinkles on the body and various parts of the body. Restores elasticity and natural shade. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks (areas with atrophy), removal of pigmentation. Recommended for mesotherapy, the result can be enhanced when combined with a mesoscooter.

Revi Mesopeptides

The concentration of hyaluronic acid is 20 mg/ml, the product is optimal for mesotherapy. Slows down the aging process, normalizes skin tone and improves skin structure. Revi Mesopeptides is suitable for use in the postoperative period during plastic surgery, after injuries. Unlike other drugs in the series, 3 to 5 procedures are required to achieve a lasting result.

Revi Meso Gold 1.5% and 2%

A distinctive feature of the product is the presence of gold microparticles in the composition. This version of injections is recommended for improving the natural skin tone, whitening pigmentation, and cleansing. It has an additional immunomodulatory effect and a lifting effect. Due to the additional components in the composition, blood supply is increased and regeneration is accelerated. You can find out which is better: microcurrents or darsonval in this material.

Meso Gold is the optimal solution for rejuvenating skin with severe pigmentation of any nature. Recommended for use from the age of 30 years.

Revi Meso Platinum 1.5% and 2%

This drug uses microscopic platinum particles as an additional component. They have a mild antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Restore cell tone, restore natural color and provide hydration. Recommended for working with skin at the first signs of aging; the result is noticeable after the first injection.

Cost – about 7000 rubles

Revi ODS

Hyaluronic gel in the form of filler. Promotes the process of cell renewal, normalization of water balance in case of severe dehydration. Suitable for working with patients over 18 years of age. It is possible to administer it to the periarticular areas to prevent age-related arthritis and arthrosis. The composition includes sodium chloride, trehalose and a buffer solution of 0.4%. Revi ODS is intended for a single procedure with a regularity of up to 4 months.


All products of the Revi Brilliants series are produced in recognizable black cardboard packaging . Inside contains a syringe for single use, sealed packaging with a label. The specific cost of drugs varies depending on the region, the percentage markup of the store or salon. The table shows the average prices for Revy drugs.

Revi Diamonds8400
Revi 1%5700
Revi Meso2600
Revi Mesopeptides3200
Revi Meso Gold 1.5% and 2%4300
Revi Meso Platinum 1.5% and 2%4800
Revi ODS6500

Until recently, the Brilliants line included Revi Silver filler. Positioned for skin rejuvenation aged 35 to 45 years. Included in the kit along with preparations based on gold and platinum.

Preparation for the procedure, stages of implementation

Injections are performed as prescribed by a cosmetologist. The specialist selects the type of Revy biorevitalizant and the technique individually. It is necessary to inject the drug in a clinical setting. The venue is a cosmetology or treatment room in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Preparation and stages:

  1. Inspection, analysis of the correction zone (creases, ptosis, turgor, elasticity). Taking into account indications and contraindications.
  2. Selection of gel volume.
  3. Disinfection of the treatment area.
  4. Application of local anesthesia (application of cream with a bandage for 20-30 minutes).
  5. Repeated treatment with antiseptic.
  6. Introduction of the gel using the selected technique. The package is opened in front of the client. The session lasts 30-45 minutes. Hyaluron is delivered to the deep layers of the dermis.

After the injections, the doctor gives a light massage to the affected area.

How to perform facial rejuvenation with Revy

The introduction is carried out only in salons; it is not recommended to carry out the procedure at home - there is a risk of side effects and violation of mesotherapy technology. To achieve a lasting result, preparation for the session is required, as well as a preliminary examination by a specialist. It is important to listen carefully to the cosmetologist’s recommendations, since after the injection there is a risk of complications and proper recovery is required. You can find out about fillers for lip augmentation by following this link.


Before the procedure, a full examination of the skin is carried out in order to identify problems, features and the required volume of injection. After this, the cosmetologist conducts a detailed consultation, during which he discusses contraindications and recommendations. Immediately before the procedure, a written contract is concluded, since mesotherapy is a traumatic method.

A day before starting work, you should avoid smoking, taking medications and drinking alcohol. No later than 4 days before the procedure, you should avoid visiting the solarium, energy drinks and coffee. Peeling and other cosmetic procedures are acceptable.

Progress of the procedure

Regardless of the area of ​​the body, mesotherapy is carried out according to a standard scheme. Step-by-step procedure algorithm:

  1. Cleansing the skin with water, treating with a disinfectant solution.
  2. Applying an anesthetic in the form of a spray to reduce discomfort and unpleasant sensations.
  3. Opening the package, the cosmetologist must demonstrate to the client the integrity of the container with the gel or filler.
  4. Administration of the drug using a thin 30G needle. For injection, it is permissible to use different techniques depending on the purpose of the procedure (papular, linear-retrograde or micropapular). The interval between injections in the face for rejuvenation is 1 cm, the depth of injection is 1.5 mm. The needle is held at an angle of 30-40o.
  5. Disinfection of the treated area. Applying a soothing cream, gel or mask.

After the procedure, it is not advisable to move; the patient is asked to stay in the clinic for up to 30 minutes. During this time, the skin is examined to quickly notice complications, adverse reactions and allergies.

If after the procedure there are leftovers of the product, they cannot be stored under any conditions. One package is intended for one session; depending on the area of ​​the treated area, an injection of 1 or 2 ml is selected.

Recovery and healing period after the session

After mesotherapy, you should follow the rules of care and the cosmetologist’s recommendations for a quick recovery. This avoids injury, swelling or bruising of the skin. Helpful tips for healing:

  • Peeling and other mechanical procedures should not be performed within a week after mesotherapy;
  • exclude any decorative cosmetics for 3-5 days;
  • regularly apply soothing or restorative topical products;
  • refuse to visit the sauna, solarium and bathhouse for 2 weeks;
  • limit physical activity for 3 days.

Any operations can be performed no earlier than a week after the procedure. It is important to carefully examine the skin for complications and allergies. In case of any adverse reactions, immediately contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Course duration

An active drug with which you can achieve lasting and long-lasting results even with a minimum number of procedures. The duration of the course is selected depending on the condition of the patient’s skin and the concentration of the components of the composition. On average, only one injection is required; for some brands, 2-5 treatments are recommended at 4-month intervals. The result lasts for 1-1.5 years.

Revi Platinum

Composition: HA 2.0%, trehalose 0.02%, peptides 0.0005 mg/ml, endotoxins 0.01 IU/mg. Protocol: 1 session every 6 months. Intensive – 1-2 sessions 1 time/month.


  • Signs of aging that are natural for the patient’s age;
  • Dryness;
  • Fine wrinkled type of aging;
  • Fading skin, facial wrinkles;
  • Chrono-, photoaging;
  • Low elasticity, turgor;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • Alopecia;
  • Planned plastic surgery, aggressive peelings.

Technique: using a cannula, micropapular, papular. The linear-retrograde method is used. The drug is used on the face, head, décolleté, neck, thighs, hands, and abdomen.

Biorevitalization Revy collected reviews from patients:


“The drug is not painful, it is administered comfortably even without anesthesia. After the injections, I followed all the cosmetologist’s instructions. The skin was transformed immediately, but I saw the final result in about a week. I'm shining! Fine wrinkles and hated bags are gone.”


“I shot the cocktail twice a year. The skin is radiant with health. Creases and wrinkles are immediately smoothed out. Platinum removed the nasolacrimal grooves and did a good job of pigmentation.”

How to remove the drug

If complications arise after the procedure, then urgent removal of the drug is required. Main methods:

  • injections of drugs based on hyaluronidase, which accelerates the process of breakdown of hyaluronic acid;
  • use of microcurrent therapy on the treated area;
  • visiting a sauna, steam bath or active physical activity that increases sweat production.

As an additional method, it is recommended to drink more hot drinks, wear warm clothes or do home wraps. With combined effects it comes out within a few days. You can find out about injection biorevitalization of the face here.

All actions to remove the components of the drug from the body must be agreed with a specialist. It is not recommended to choose procedures on your own, even if there are side effects.

Recommendations from cosmetologists for a speedy recovery

Patients experience almost no clinically significant side effects. Immediately after the injections, minor hematomas, redness or paleness, swelling, and soreness may be observed. Symptoms go away on their own within 24 hours.

Along the routes of introduction of the gel mass, papules and linear grooves appear. They can increase due to the attraction of water. Defects are leveled 2-4 days after the session.

For a quick recovery, the patient must avoid sudden temperature fluctuations. For 2 weeks, the client is prohibited from baths, solariums, and sports. They refuse physical therapy and peelings for a month. Sun protection measures are required. Decorative cosmetics are used for 4-5 days.

Precautions and possible consequences

After the procedure, adverse reactions may occur. Normally, they should go away within 1-3 days. If the effects persist for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Possible complications:

  • swelling of the skin, redness;
  • the appearance of a papule or bruise at the puncture site;
  • pallor of the epidermis;
  • itching, severe pain and discomfort.

If you ignore the signs of complications, there is a risk of developing severe swelling, inflammation and even tissue necrosis at the injection site. To reduce the severity of symptoms, it is recommended to use soothing cosmetics and NSAIDs. If you have an allergy, you must take an antihistamine. You can find out what is better, mesotherapy or biorevitalization, here.

How to sweeten the composition

Hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin was chosen as the main active ingredient of the line of biorevitalizants. Due to its hydrophilicity, it has a high ability to bind water. This ensures tissue hydration and normal functioning of physiological processes in cells. Molecules participate in the creation of intradermal pressure, which maintains turgor, ensures tissue elasticity, stimulates regeneration processes and repair of damaged tissue.

But the question arose, how to enhance its effect?

The choice was made in favor of trehalose. This disaccharide, which is widely used in the food industry, has a number of positive properties that have been confirmed by international research.

Thus, in 2009, Indian researchers showed that trehalose protects cell membranes from the effects of any aggressive factors - exo- and endofactors: chemokines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and protects cells from stress caused by dehydration1.

The molecule was also noted to be able to prevent neurodegeneration2. It acts as a powerful protein stabilizer and is able to maintain its structural integrity.

It is also a chaperone and reduces the aggregation of pathologically misfolded proteins and improves the clearance of mutant proteins that act as autophagy substrates when aberrant protein deposition occurs. It does not form crosslinks with proteins, thereby solving the issue of collagen glycation, which is one of the factors in the appearance of age-related changes in the skin4.

In animal models of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease, trehalose was shown to reduce levels of toxic protein aggregates, increase autophagy, and improve clinical symptoms and cell survival.

These studies also led to another important property of trehalose - autophagy - one of the key mechanisms of cellular cleansing. Although its properties have been debated, a 2018 study did prove that trehalose did have a neuroprotective effect through autophagy3.

Trehalose also acts as a natural cryoprotector – it protects cells from any temperature changes5. It is important that trehalose does not have toxic effects6,7.

Comparison with other drugs

There are several mesotherapy products on the market. They differ in the country of production, composition and duration of action. The choice of brand should be carried out by a specialist after a preliminary examination.


Vision 0.6% is designed for mesotherapy in the eye area. Reduces puffiness, the appearance of dark circles and age-related signs. Contains a reduced concentration of hyaluronic acid. The recommended course is 4 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks.


A distinctive feature of Meso-Wharton is the high molecular weight of hyaluronic acid. Additional components of the composition are polypeptides, antioxidants and vitamins. The drug is recommended after 40 years to rejuvenate the skin, increase its elasticity and tone. Eliminates atrophy, inflammation and pigmentation.

Price – about 6000 rubles


Skin is produced in several varieties with different effects. The product activates the recovery process and is recommended to slow down aging and protect the skin from external influences. It is one of the best face lifting products.

Skin has a low price, which directly affects the total cost of the procedure. The line includes products for working with epidermis of different ages and conditions.


Popular products in the series are Aquashine BR and Revofil. This is a soft filler for mesotherapy from the South Korean brand Caregen Co., LTD. Contains hyaluronic acid with a density of 1.5%, additional components - peptides, amino acids and 14 vitamins. Recommended for ages 35 to 50. Copes with signs of aging, refreshes and restores skin tone, and removes age spots. Also popular is the drug Dermaheal.

Contraindications for biorevitalization Revi

Contraindications to injections are autoimmune diseases and cancer. The session is not performed against the background of fever, inflammation, hemostatic disorders (blood clotting), herpes, or fever. Injections are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Revy cocktails contain hyaluronic acid. Therefore, injections are not given to patients who are allergic or hypersensitive to the product. Biorevitalization is not carried out until the age of 18. At this age, additional administration of hyaluronate is not advisable.

Comparison table

The table shows the characteristics of popular mesotherapy drugs.

A drugRegionNumber of proceduresAgeContent of hyaluronic acid, %Price of the procedure, ₽
Revi DiamondsFace, neck, arms, hips, legs, buttocks.1-5from 181-2from 9000
VisionOnly the area around the eyes.4from 180,6from 7000
Meso-WhartonFace, scalp.1-3from 35-401-2from 13000
SkinFace, buttocks, neck, décolleté.1-5from 301-2from 11000
AquashineFace, lips.2-3from 35 to 501-2from 14000

Hyaluronic acid for the first time in Russia

The history of the Russian one, which focuses on preparations with hyaluronic acid, begins in 2005.

The company's technologists were tasked with creating a domestic biorevitalizant that would successfully compete with imported analogues in price, without being inferior to them in quality.

At that time, hyaluronic acid was just gaining popularity among domestic cosmetologists, and the attitude towards it was still wary.

For the company's biochemists, the choice in its favor was obvious. This glycosaminoglycan already had many fans in the international scientific community.

In addition, hyaluronic acid, as a substance that is a related component of skin and connective tissue, was supposed to replace polyacrylamide compounds, which caused unpleasant side effects and delayed negative consequences.

This is how the REVI line of biorevitalizants for use in cosmetology appeared.

The company's portfolio has expanded, and injectable drugs have appeared for various fields of medicine: dentistry (Revident), traumatology (Revisk), urology (Uro-hyal).

Another important step for the company was the recognition of product quality. In 2012, production was certified for compliance with the international standard EN ISO 13485 . This meant that a notified body from Europe carried out an annual audit of the quality management system and issued an opinion. The enterprise is equipped with the most modern equipment for the production of high-tech medical products. Raw materials and components from Europe, the USA and South Korea are used in the production of products.

This is how the research and production holding “CLS International” reached the modern level of development.


  1. Revi Brilliants is a series of hyaluronic fillers for mesotherapy.
  2. Available in different concentrations of active ingredients, injection volumes are 1 and 2 ml. Suitable for rejuvenation procedures for the face, scalp, neck, arms and legs, and thighs.
  3. The drug eliminates signs of aging, normalizes water balance, and increases skin elasticity. Suitable for eliminating acne and pigmentation.
  4. The procedure is carried out only in a beauty salon. For a pronounced result, 1 to 5 sessions are required with a duration of 3-4 months.
  5. Alternative drugs for injectable rejuvenation are Vision, Meso-Wharton, Skin and Aquashine. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with Filorga mesotherapy in this material.

What experts say

Anna, cosmetologist:

“The Revy line opens up wide opportunities for individual work with clients. One session replaces a course of 3-5 procedures with other drugs. A unique mix of trehalose and hyaluron quickly removes signs of aging.”

Valentin, cosmetologist:

“Revi gels fight free radicals that accumulate in the skin after UV radiation and the action of negative factors. After injections, natural balance and healthy appearance are restored. The results for my clients last up to six months.”

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