The best non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

09/15/2021 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs or NSAIDs) are widely used against inflammatory processes in the body. Medicines are sold in tablet form, capsules, and dosage forms for external use. They not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduce temperature and also relieve pain.

The drugs have contraindications and side effects, so the doctor must select them, taking into account the individual characteristics and condition of the patient.

Types of antibacterial ointments

Ointments for external use are used in many areas of medicine. The spectrum of action includes:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, ears;
  • in dental practice in the treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis;
  • in gynecology using antibacterial tampons;
  • therapy for cuts, abrasions, purulent inflammations;
  • therapy for cosmetic elimination of acne, boils.


Aminoglycosides are antibacterial substances that are used in the fight against pathogenic microflora. The origin of substances can be natural or semi-synthetic. Natural antibiotics of this group include 10 varieties. Semi-synthetic - several dozen.

Anaerobic microorganisms are insensitive to the effects of aminoglycosides. Aerobic conditions are most favorable for killing bacteria.

The construction of irreversible covalent bonds with the 30 S ribosomal subunit of bacteria leads to the destruction of the pathogenic microorganism. The biosynthesis of proteins and the reproduction of the circular DNA molecule are disrupted.

It is worth noting that the most common type of pneumonia, community-acquired, cannot be treated with aminoglycosides.

Aminoglycoside substances are presented in the following ointments for external use:

  • neomycin. The medication is used for skin damage due to burns and frostbite of I and II degrees. Liniment is also effective for furunculosis and contagious impetigo;
  • gentamicin. Used in the treatment of burn injuries and wounds. The medication is also used for various dermatological skin diseases, such as pyoderma, furunculosis, folliculitis.


Levomycetin-based ointment is often used for dermatological skin diseases. Liniment contains an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. It is aimed at destroying harmful bacteria.

The medication is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin, wounds and burns. It has also been clinically proven effective in combating bedsores and trophic ulcers.

The antibiotic chloramphenicol is presented in the following medications for external use:

  • levomekol;
  • levosin;
  • iruksol;
  • levomekol;
  • fulevil;
  • corticomycetin.


The natural antibiotic lincomycin and a drug of similar action, clindamycin, belong to the group of lincosamides. Clindamycin is a semisynthetic antibiotic. These drugs can stop the reproduction of pathogenic flora or destroy it, depending on the dosage used. They are used as 2nd line medications as part of complex therapy.

Antibiotics of the lincosamide group are included in the following liniments:

  • lincomycin-AKOS;
  • clindacin Prolong;
  • clindacin;
  • clindes.


The macrolytic lactone ring forms the basis of antibacterial drugs of the macrolide group. Their origin can be natural or semi-synthetic. The classification of drugs depends on how many carbon atoms are contained in the chemical structure:

  • 14-membered are medicines based on antibiotics of natural origin: erythromycin and oleandomycin, based on semi-synthetic ones - roxithromycin and clarithromycin;
  • 15-membered - antibacterial drugs of semi-synthetic origin, based on azithromycin;
  • 16-membered - in the semi-synthetic version they are represented by midecamycin acetate, in the natural version - spiramycin, josamycin, midecamycin.

With the help of these medications, the reproduction of pathogenic flora is stopped.

Macrolide antibiotics are contained in erythromycin ointment. It has an anti-acne effect and is used in the treatment of wound injuries, burn injuries of the 1st and 2nd degrees, and bedsores.


Hormonal liniments are used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. The effectiveness of ointments is higher than that of non-hormonal analogues.

Medicines that contain hormones help in the fight against allergic reactions and inflammatory processes on the skin. The main component of the drug is a glucocorticoid, but there are also combination drugs. To choose a remedy, you need to know the cause of the disease.

Emollients for the treatment of allergic dermatitis

The appearance of unpleasant symptoms accompanying skin diseases is associated with a decrease in the content of essential lipids and a defect in the synthesis of a number of important proteins. To solve such problems, dermatologists recommend using special products - emollients. These are moisturizers with a high content of physiological lipids, which have a comprehensive effect on the skin and help restore the protective barrier. Emollients replenish the deficiency of urea, lipids, sodium lactate, prevent moisture loss and protect the skin from adverse environmental influences.

Sensaderm is one of these products. This is a line of emollient cosmetics with physiological lipids Omega 3-6-9, panthenol and allantoin. Suitable for skin care for adults and children from the first days of life.[11]

For manifestations of allergic dermatitis, complex therapy using external agents, for example, such as Akriderm GK, is most effective. Treatment should be selected individually by the doctor. To prevent relapses, it is recommended to avoid contact with the allergen, follow a diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and use hypoallergenic skin care products.

Indications for antibacterial ointments

Liniments with antibacterial action are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin, such as:

  • bacterial skin inflammation;
  • various damage to the skin, in which harmful microorganisms multiply;
  • ear diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the eyes;
  • acne, blackheads;
  • eczema;
  • diseases in the intimate area.

For wounds

Minor household skin injuries are common. Cuts and abrasions must be promptly treated with disinfecting ointments to avoid the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the pharmacy will offer you something from the following list:

  1. Levomekol. This is an antibacterial ointment that destroys pathogenic bacteria and prevents the formation of pus in areas of skin damage. At the same time, the inflammatory process stops.
  2. Baneocin. Liniment contains 2 antibiotics: neomycin and bacitracin. They destroy pathogenic bacteria and suppress their reproduction.
  3. Bactroban. This is a broad-spectrum antibacterial ointment. In moderate concentrations, it stops the reproduction of pathogenic flora. At elevated levels, it has a bactericidal effect.

For purulent wounds

Most often, purulent wounds appear due to a decrease in the level of skin protection and infection. Suppuration of wounds occurs in the form of boils and carbuncles.

Ointments used in the treatment of purulent inflammation:

  1. Fulevil. This is a combined antiseptic that accelerates the restoration of the skin and increases the barrier properties of the skin. Liniment has a drying effect. The medication belongs to the group of chloramphenicol.
  2. Lincomycin. It belongs to the lincosamide group. The medication has an antimicrobial effect on damaged areas, reduces inflammation and dries the skin.
  3. Ichthyol. Has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. Relieves inflammation not only from the affected area, but also from the surrounding area. The medication actively eliminates purulent inflammation.
  4. Vishnevsky. Restores the protective functions of the skin, relieves inflammation. Prevents the spread of microbes and has a therapeutic effect faster than many modern analogues.
  5. Streptocide. Liniment prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which is the causative agent of purulent infections. The medication also cleanses the skin of toxic substances and inflammatory products.

For wounds with diabetes mellitus

Hyperglycemia often provokes the appearance of cracks and ulcers on the skin. Itching, tightness and redness can also be consequences of diabetes.

List of antibacterial skin ointments used for diabetes:

  1. Fusicutane. This is an ointment based on a natural antibiotic. Fusidic acid forms the basis of the drug. Its active properties are a disruption of protein synthesis in cells of pathogenic mechanisms. It has the ability to destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria depending on the concentration.
  2. Levosin. This is a combination drug. Prevents the proliferation of microbes, relieves inflammation from the damaged area and relieves pain. Methyluracil in the ointment increases local immunity and stimulates skin cell renewal.
  3. Levomekol. Liniment stimulates the appearance of new cells and contains chloramphenicol, which has a local antibacterial effect. The medication removes excess moisture from the damaged area and destroys pathogenic flora. Levomekol strengthens the barrier properties of the skin due to methyluracil in the composition.

For cracks

If treated incorrectly or too late, cracks in the skin can lead to more serious consequences.

List of medications for the treatment of cracks:

  1. Relief. Liniment promotes cell restoration and stimulates the healing process. The medicine actively fights pathogenic flora. The ointment is used in complex therapy in the treatment of fissures complicated by hemorrhoids.
  2. Levomekol. Broad-spectrum liniment, which I use in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The medication contains components that promote tissue regeneration. The antibacterial effect is to destroy purulent bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. The ointment is used in the treatment of deep cracks.
  3. Syntomycin. Chloramphenicol, which is part of liniment, actively fights bacteria. This helps to avoid re-development of infection in the damaged area and prevent more serious consequences such as paraproctitis.

For pimples and acne

Antibacterial cream is used as a stand-alone product or as part of a set of measures to combat acne and acne on the face.

Antibacterial drugs:

  1. Syntomycin ointment. The main active ingredient is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Liniment has a therapeutic effect in the treatment of purulent acne. The antibiotic penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, and castor oil has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
  2. Clindamycin cream. The therapeutic effect is achieved through the antibiotic clindamycin. It is used in the fight against fungal diseases, as well as acne on the face.
  3. Erythromycin ointment. Erythromycin is the active ingredient of the drug. Used in the treatment of chronic acne, purulent pimples. Liniment has an anti-inflammatory effect. At the end of the course of treatment, inflammation in the form of pimples and acne on the skin does not reappear.
  4. Levomekol. This is a combined drug that has a powerful antimicrobial and restorative effect. Liniment is used in the treatment of purulent pimples and blackheads. The medication is used to restore skin damage after acne.

For papules

Papules arise as one of the reactions to inflammatory processes in the body. Externally they look like nodules on the skin with a diameter of 2 to 8 mm.

Antibacterial ointments for the treatment of subcutaneous acne:

  1. Tetracycline ointment. This is a drug with a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. The active ingredient is the antibiotic tetracycline. Purulent formations disappear after a course of treatment on days 21-28.
  2. Levomekol. The drug is often used in the treatment of subcutaneous acne. 2 main components of the ointment: the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which accelerates tissue renewal processes. The combination of substances has a bactericidal and regenerating effect.
  3. Zinc ointment. The active substance of liniment is zinc, which restores tissue and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug tightens the pores, which prevents the recurrence of subcutaneous acne.
  4. Sulfuric ointment. Antibacterial skin ointment actively fights pathogenic bacteria and disinfects the inflamed area. Sulfur penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, providing an antimicrobial effect. Liniment dries out the skin. The course should last no more than 21 days.
  5. Ichthyol ointment. The medicine has a specific smell due to its composition. Has an antiseptic effect and promotes pimple maturation.

For injuries in the mouth

Antibacterial ointments are used when ulcers appear in the mouth. For inflammation, the following liniments are used:

  1. Metrogil Denta. The drug treats wounds and ulcers in the mouth. The combined drug contains two active substances:
  • antibiotic metronidazole;
  • chlorhexidine.

In combination, the components have an analgesic and antibacterial effect. The ointment suppresses inflammatory processes. It is used not only during treatment, but also as a prevention of inflammation.

  1. Levomekol. This ointment is often prescribed for lesions in the mouth. It heals, restores, relieves inflammation and destroys harmful flora.
  2. Lincomycin. Antibacterial drug from the lincosamide group. The ointment tends to accumulate in the teeth and bones of the oral cavity. This helps prevent the infection from re-spreading.
  3. Tetracycline ointment. Antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. Destroys pathogenic microflora.
  4. Gentamicin. With prolonged use of the ointment, pathogens develop immunity to the components contained in it. Liniment is used as a bactericidal and bacteriostatic drug.

In case of damage to the mucous membrane

Wound and burn injuries, suppuration must be treated with drugs that will have an antimicrobial effect and relieve inflammation. What antibiotic ointments should be used to treat mucous membranes? The list is below.

  1. Oflomelid. A combination drug that contains 2 active substances:
  • ofloxacin;
  • methyluracil.

Liniment is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The ointment also helps remove pus and dries the treated area. The drug is an antiseptic and prevents the proliferation of pathogens.

  1. Betadine. The active ingredient is povidone iodine. The drug fights pathogens of viruses, fungal infections, and bacteria. Used on mucous membranes.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of some antibiotics during pregnancy is acceptable, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor. The periods of the 1st and 2nd trimester are considered the safest. Antibiotics from the macrolide group pose the least danger.

For example, you can use erythromycin ointment. It is used for infectious inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes.

When using antibacterial ointments during lactation, you most often need to avoid breastfeeding. The safest drugs for a child are the macrolide group.

For cracked nipples, you can use ointments that do not require stopping the lactation process:

  1. Levomycetin ointment. Destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Prevents further development of pathogenic flora.
  2. Syntomycin ointment. This is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, stopping the development of inflammation.

For children

If the integrity of the skin is damaged, it is recommended to use ointments with an antibacterial effect. They prevent the development of pathogens and are not absorbed into the blood, acting locally. Most drugs are prohibited for children under 12 years of age.

Liniments for streptoderma:

  1. Levomekol. The drug is used in complex therapy. Liniment increases the barrier functions of the damaged area, accelerates regeneration, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Zinc ointment with chloramphenicol. Zinc is harmful to streptococcus. Liniment has a moisturizing and softening effect. Levomycetin in the composition makes the drug more effective.

For inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes:

  1. Levomycetinic. Chloramphenicol is the main component of the drug. It has a detrimental effect on harmful microflora, destroying its structure and preventing reproduction. Methyluracil in the ointment helps the damaged area to recover.
  2. Erythromycin. The product does not pose a danger to children from the first months of life. It is used in the treatment of barley, conjunctivitis, etc. Substances contained in liniment enter the tear fluid and cornea, where they produce an antibacterial effect. The drug does not enter the blood.

Action of NSAIDs

The therapeutic properties of the drugs are achieved by reducing the production of prostaglandin and blocking COX-2 (cyclooxygenase enzyme). These remedies fight the symptoms of the disease, but do not affect its causes. Therefore, additional therapy is needed that eliminates the root cause of the pathology.

NSAIDs are often used for pain relief for:

  • inflammatory diseases,
  • rheumatism,
  • degenerative changes in organs and tissues.

They are also used for migraines and other non-rheumatic diseases and injuries.


Before using antibacterial ointment, you need to know what contraindications there may be. Each drug has a different list, but there are some common points:

  • allergic reaction to one or more components of the drug;
  • oncological diseases;
  • lupus;
  • early age of children up to 12-24 months;
  • tissue death in the area of ​​application;
  • during pregnancy and lactation. You should definitely consult your doctor.

Which topical NSAID is best?

Everything is individual. If the analgesic effect of oral and injectable forms of NSAIDs can be more or less ranked, then an objective comparative assessment of topical drugs is very difficult. The reason for this is that, along with the actual active substance, the intensity of rubbing, excipients (for example, dimethyl sulfoxide) and the placebo effect play a significant role. Most studies on the effectiveness of topical NSAIDs have focused on diclofenac and ketoprofen. The increased attention to them is due to the fact that diclofenac is the only NSAID whose topical forms are approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and ketoprofen, accordingly, is approved in most other countries of the world. Reliable data comparing these two drugs with each other have not yet been published. No one questions the effectiveness of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for external use (ibuprofen, phenylbutazone, piroxicam, nimesulide, etc.); each of them was the subject of several clinical trials at one time, but the geography of their use is much more modest and is often limited to a few developing countries [2, 8].

Mode of application

Methods of using antibacterial liniments depend on the specific drug and the inflammatory process. The process is described in the instructions.

Basically, ointments are applied as follows:

  • For burn and wound injuries, ointments are applied in a layer 1-2 mm thick. The procedure is repeated 1-3 times during the day. The course of treatment is 7 days;
  • for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye, liniment is placed under both eyelids no more than 3 times a day. The course ranges from 3 days to a week. In case of complications, it can be extended to 2 weeks;
  • for skin inflammations, liniments are used up to three times a day for no longer than one week;
  • for dermatological diseases, the drugs are used 2 times a day, for up to 7 days. Ointments are applied in a thin layer or pointwise.

When shown

Troxevasin is the drug of choice for varicose veins. The pathology is characterized by the appearance of stars and dilated veins in the legs. In severe cases, trophic ulcers are possible.

In addition to varicose veins, the medicine is indicated for:

  • Chronic venous insufficiency;
  • Thrombophlebitis, periphlebitis;
  • Dermatitis, varicose nature;
  • Injuries, bruises, sprains, dislocations, accompanied by hematomas and bruises.
  • Retinopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Postthrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • Recovery period after leg vein surgery;
  • Convulsive syndrome at night;
  • Hemorrhoids of the rectum, fissures in the anus.

For these conditions, the medicine is used under the supervision of a doctor.

What is seborrhea?

Seborrheic dermatitis, or seborrhea, is a chronic disorder of the skin epithelium and sebaceous glands, which causes inflammation, pain, itching and flaking of the skin. The disease can develop in different parts of the body, most often on the scalp and face.

Upon examination, areas of inflammation and peeling are observed on the skin. If seborrheic dermatitis is left untreated, the skin and hair follicles suffer, and foci of inflammation with clear boundaries form. The disease leads to excessive hair loss.


With varicose veins, the characteristics of the mucous membrane of the vessel wall are disrupted, which leads to platelet adhesion. Adherent blood cells provoke vasoconstriction, inflammation, and accumulation of blood in the veins located below. Where blood accumulates, the vessels begin to dilate. Symptoms of varicose veins appear (stars, dilated veins are visible through the skin). As the disease progresses, a disturbance in the trophism of the skin appears, which is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers.

The drug Troxevasin prevents platelets from sticking to the mucous membrane of the venous bed. The product strengthens the vein wall, making it less permeable to water. With the use of the product, swelling, pain in the legs, and inflammation go away.


Fungi on the skin provoke the production of histamine, which causes skin itching and pain. This in turn leads to scratching of the skin and a more severe course of the disease.

With seborrheic dermatitis, skin cells die en masse ahead of schedule, which leads to epithelial detachment and peeling of the skin. Unfavorable skin condition negatively affects the hair structure.

With seborrheic dermatitis, irregularly shaped foci of inflammation with flakes of keratinized cells are observed on the skin. Similar spots of fungus-affected skin can also be observed on the scalp. In severe cases of the disease, dense crusts form on the inflamed skin.

In the case of seborrheic dermatitis on the face, the skin between the eyebrows, in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, and nasolabial folds is affected. Small yellowish-pink papules merge and form inflammatory plaques covered with grayish-white or yellow greasy scales.

Seborrheic dermatitis has several clinical forms:

Marginal blepharitisDermatitis affects the eyelids, which become yellow-pinkish in color and covered with pityriasis-like whitish scales. Patients complain of a burning sensation in the eyes, moderate itching, slight swelling and redness of the conjunctiva. They are also concerned about photophobia and lacrimation.
Seborrheic dermatitis of the external auditory canalIts manifestations are similar to external otitis. Redness, peeling and itching appear in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. Swelling and cracks are also observed behind the ears.
Patchy seborrheic dermatitisIt usually has a chronic course. The skin in the middle third of the forehead, eyebrows and scalp is affected.
Lichen asbestosOn the skin of the scalp there is an abundance of white crusts and scales that glue the hair together. When attempting to remove the scales, normal or reddened and swollen skin is exposed.

Restrictions on use, interaction

Do not use the medicine if you are allergic to its components. The medication is not indicated for children under 15 years of age (gel), 18 years of age (capsules), since it has not been studied in patients under 15 years of age. The capsule form should not be prescribed to patients with lactase deficiency or malabsorption syndrome.

According to the instructions, with the simultaneous use of troxerutin and ascorbic acid, the effectiveness of treatment increases. No data on interactions with other drugs have been identified.


The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are similar to atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and allergies. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist. Consultations with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, and endocrinologist may be necessary.

To diagnose this disease, it is necessary to examine the biochemical composition of the blood and hormonal levels. If necessary, ultrasound examination of internal organs, spectral analysis of hair, and skin dermatoscopy are prescribed. A comprehensive diagnosis will help identify the causes of seborrheic dermatitis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Troxevasin for varicose veins

Troxevasin is an effective phlebotonic. It is prescribed for the treatment of varicose veins. The drug should be used in the form of capsules and gel at the same time. The course of treatment can last up to 3 months.

The medication relieves the symptoms of the disease well and does not cause serious complications when taken correctly (according to the instructions).

In order for the treatment to be highly effective, it is imperative to combine the medication with physical activity. Exercise therapy allows you to activate the muscles of the lower leg and thighs, which contribute to the upward movement of venous blood. Morning exercises are required.

Prolonged standing on your feet and sedentary work should be avoided. Twice a day it is recommended to lie down in a horizontal position for half an hour to relieve fatigue from the legs and relieve congestion.

Compression therapy is necessarily added to phlebotonics treatment. Products that correct blood flow include tights, stockings, and bandages of various sizes, colors, and elasticity. Compression devices do not pinch the leg and facilitate the movement of blood through the veins. Stockings and tights are practically no different from ordinary underwear. They are very easy to use and do not change their properties after washing.

Troxevasin NEO

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