Growth on the eyelid (upper or lower) - what to do: causes and treatment
Causes Symptoms Diagnostics Treatment Advantages of treatment at MGC Prices Xanthelasmas of the eyelids look like small
Why does a lump remain on the skin after the boil heals? What should I do to remove it?
Causes Various factors can trigger the appearance of a lump. Even if the treatment was carried out successfully,
Melanoma metastasis
Secondary (metastatic) liver tumors
Melanoma is one of the most dangerous malignant diseases. Detection of a tumor at an early stage makes it possible
Cream with Botox effect
Cyclim face cream for boto effect. Instructions for use, reviews from cosmetologists. How to use
Updated: 06/09/2021 14:48:10 For several decades, Botox has been the most effective method of rejuvenation. It's still
Snail therapy
Do I need a license to conduct snail therapy: massage with Achatina snails
Snails can rebuild their shells using their own mucus. Research into this phenomenon has revealed -
Nasolabial wrinkles: methods for correcting and getting rid of wrinkles
Causes of occurrence Despite the fact that the appearance of wrinkles is considered to be a sign of age-related changes and
The mole is hard and hurts: causes of hardening and possible consequences
Removing a mole is a serious procedure, after which the area of ​​skin requires special care. Usually
In what cases is Yam ointment prescribed?
Yam ointment for demodicosis for humans: how to use, price, instructions
In what cases is Yam ointment prescribed? Yam ointment is prescribed to people for the treatment of: acne,
Why does skin lose elasticity?
10 best body firming creams
You live in an ecological paradise far from civilization, wash your face with spring water, eat only healthy
can a wart be transmitted by kissing on the lips?
How is papilloma removed surgically?
Papillomas can spoil a person’s aesthetic appearance, as well as cause him painful and unpleasant
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