How to get rid of nasolacrimal grooves under the eyes?

The nasolacrimal, or tear groove, is a deep wrinkle about 1.5-2 centimeters long, which runs from the inner corner of the eye obliquely towards the zygomatic area. In youth it is practically invisible. But as soon as the skin begins to lose firmness, elasticity and moisture, this fold becomes as pronounced as possible and greatly distorts facial features.

The presence of a tear trough significantly ages the appearance, immediately adding at least 5-10 extra years. Even a young, healthy face begins to look painful, tired, and haggard. Therefore, after a deep nasolacrimal groove appears under the eyes, many people wonder how to remove it. Fortunately, modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offer effective methods to combat aesthetic imperfections.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason why a nasolacrimal trough develops is age-related changes. Skin and muscle structures that have lost their tone sag, and the subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner. As a result, a deep crease appears, which over time even thick foundations and concealers cannot hide.

However, age is not the only reason for the formation of wrinkles in this area. There is a wide list of factors that significantly accelerate furrow formation:

  • bad habits: frequent drinking of alcohol, smoking;
  • poor nutrition, predominance of fatty, salty, sweet foods in the diet;
  • chronic stress, emotional swings;
  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • lack of weight control: obesity, sudden weight loss;
  • lack of moisture in the body and skin, dehydration;
  • improper skin care, abuse of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • genetic predisposition to a special type of skin aging.

For some, the furrow can remain as a pale line for years, while for others it can go from slightly noticeable to a deep and pronounced fold in a few months. Therefore, you need to think about how to remove a tear trough immediately after its appearance.

Complications of enophthalmos

Most often, complications of enophthalmos are characterized by trophic lesions of the extraocular muscles. As the pathology progresses, this provokes their atrophy. At the same time, a person’s eye mobility decreases, and the pupils constantly remain constricted. Depending on the location of the abnormal process during traumatic injury, there is a possibility of strabismus. In addition, enophthalmos is a cosmetic defect. When the eyes are deep, folds appear on the upper eyelids. This is due to retraction of the orbital-palpebral groove.

Ways to eliminate nasolacrimal groove

The choice of ways to combat the nasolacrimal groove is quite wide. Each of them has its own pros and cons, but it’s worth noting right away that massage, cosmetics and folk remedies are effective only at a young age and in the presence of minimal skin wrinkles. If the tear trough appears under the influence of age, genetics and other serious factors, only more radical methods offered by modern plastic surgery will help get rid of it.

With the help of massage and gymnastics

Special exercises will help reduce the superficial nasolacrimal groove. Experts recommend regularly performing the following complex:

  1. Massage the area of ​​the wings of the nose in a circular motion.
  2. Without stopping the circular movements, move along the nose to the eyes.
  3. Reach the inner corners of the eye and lower back to the wings.
  4. Repeat the first three steps at least three times at a slow pace.
  5. From each wing of the nose, carefully move your fingers to the inner corner of the eye, and then move diagonally from the wings of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes.
  6. Repeat the previous step at least three times.

These are basic exercises that need to be done daily 2-3 times during the day.

At home

Manufacturers of skincare cosmetics do not produce products that reduce or remove the nasolacrimal trench. To do this, you need to use high-quality moisturizers in the eye area, which help maintain youthful, elastic skin, moisturize and tone it.

To prevent and reduce superficial nasal tears, you can use creams, patches, and fabric masks. It is important that the products contain a good dose of hyaluronic acid, natural extracts, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Folk remedies

The most effective natural ways to care for the skin around the eyes are masks made from natural ingredients. You can use lemon essential oil, potatoes, yolk, honey, sour cream, grape juice.

It is important to remember that natural products, like cosmetic care creams, patches or masks, only affect the surface layer of the skin. They do not penetrate deep into the epidermis and do not strengthen the muscle frame. Therefore, you should not expect a quick and pronounced effect from them.

Cosmetology procedures

Moderate nasal tears can be removed using the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Contour plastic with fillers. An injection method in which the correction of the nasolacrimal groove is carried out using special fillers. Most often, the main component of fillers is hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that does not cause allergies. Special preparations fill the space in the crease and thus even out the fold. Filling with filler brings a pronounced rejuvenating effect, removes medium-depth creases, and eliminates asymmetry. The skin looks tightened and healthy.
  • Mesotherapy. A rejuvenation method in which special medicinal preparations are injected under the skin. The treatment is carried out in a course, helps to get rid of superficial wrinkles, dryness, and delays general aging of the skin. Provides a good lifting effect.
  • Plasma therapy. The method is similar to mesotherapy, but instead of drugs, plasma is injected into the skin - the liquid part of human blood, which accelerates tissue regeneration, stimulates rejuvenating processes, and improves blood circulation. After the injections, the skin begins to produce young collagen and elastin, and shallow folds are smoothed out.
  • RF lifting, or radio wave lifting. A hardware technique in which the problem area is exposed to radio frequency radiation. Electromagnetic pulses stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, sagging skin disappears, superficial wrinkles are leveled, and a general facelift occurs.

In the fight against the nasolacrimal groove, such popular procedures as Botox or taping are rarely used. This is due to the fact that these methods bring too little effect due to the physiological characteristics of the crease.

Firewood in the woodpile

Seeing firewood neatly stacked in a woodpile is a symbol of thoroughness and thriftiness. If they are crammed somehow, then this foreshadows losses, damages and waste, which will further affect the general financial situation.

If rotten ones are visible among the firewood, it means that a cunning and insidious enemy is hiding among friends, especially new ones.

The woodpile is half full - your work has not yet been completed, you will have to put in a lot of effort to complete it.

Rehabilitation: Micro-needle RF lifting.

Fractional thermolifting is used for a wide variety of areas of the face and body, including the most delicate ones, carefully adjusting the depth and intensity of the treatment.

  • Microneedles are used to deliver RF energy to the desired tissue level, but the procedure is bloodless.
  • Innovative technologies help launch regeneration processes, activate blood flow, and restore lymphatic drainage.
  • RF needle lifting goes well with various procedures.

The skin tightening effect is observed immediately after the end of the session.
Subsequently, with the launch of the production of new collagen and elastin, the lifting effect increases and becomes more pronounced. More about the procedure

Non-surgical methods are relatively painless and do not require general anesthesia; they also have no serious side effects. Their main disadvantages are the ability to eliminate only relatively shallow folds, as well as a short-term effect. For example, the result of contouring, mesotherapy and plasma therapy lasts about 4-8 months, RF lifting – up to 1.5 years.

Plastic surgery services

Only plastic surgery will help remove deep skin creases, pronounced defects and signs of aging. Modern aesthetic medicine offers several ways to solve this problem:

  • Surgical blepharoplasty. Plastic surgery, during which the surgeon removes excess skin and fatty tissue in the lower and upper eyelids, strengthens muscle tone. Allows you to get rid of not only the tear trough, but also swelling, bags, ptosis, asymmetry, and drooping eyelids. It is carried out under anesthesia. It is worth considering surgery after 35 years. It is well tolerated by patients, but at the same time quite difficult to implement. The effect lasts for approximately 8-10 years.
  • Lipofilling. It involves transplanting your own fat tissue into the problem area under the lower eyelid. The intervention helps to correct the tear trough, remove fine wrinkles and circles under the eyes. The procedure does not require general anesthesia. Fat cells are collected through thin cannulas, after which the tissue is injected into the desired area. This is a simpler intervention option that has a shorter lasting effect. On average, the result lasts up to 3 years.

Sometimes blepharoplasty is combined with filling the tear trough with fat cells - lipofilling. The final choice of correction method remains with the plastic surgeon.

The advantage of surgical operations is their pronounced long-lasting effect. They not only allow you to remove the deepest depressions, but also generally allow you to rejuvenate your face and get rid of accompanying imperfections in appearance. The face becomes younger, the gaze becomes more open, and the chronically tired appearance disappears.

Lipofilling: advantages and disadvantages

Lipofilling helps effectively and permanently get rid of nasolacrimal grooves. During lipofilling, adipose tissue is taken from the client (most often from the thighs or buttocks), which is then processed with the addition of specialized products. Then all this is transplanted into the cavity.

The disadvantage of the procedure is minor side effects in the form of slight swelling or swelling, bruises under the eyes. However, after a few days everything goes away. There is also a possibility that the procedure will have to be repeated after some time.

The advantage of lipofilling is that it is less traumatic and the effect is visible immediately after the session.


Preventing the development of a nasolacrimal trough is quite simple, but it requires daily effort. Experts recommend:

  • limit the consumption of fatty, sweet, salty foods, saturate the diet with fruits and vegetables;
  • treat chronic pathologies in a timely manner;
  • regularly do facial massage and gymnastics;
  • take good and regular care of your skin, use decorative cosmetics in moderation, pay attention to the quality of the products;
  • Drink plenty of clean water throughout the day and avoid dehydration;
  • add at least minimal physical activity to your daily schedule - walking, light exercise, etc.

Even if there is already a nasolacrimal groove on your face, do not despair. This is just a cosmetic flaw that can be successfully removed with the help of a professional cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

Removing hollows under the eyes with exercises

If you are against surgical and injection interventions in your beauty, then you need to master face-building - exercises to strengthen your facial muscles.

The exercises must be done daily; they are quite simple and take no more than five minutes a day.

Each exercise must be performed carefully and very slowly to get maximum effect.

Exercises from a trainer at the International Facebuilding School

Exercises from Galina Dubinina

Another effective method is Guasha massage, which is performed with a special scraper.


Eyebrows are a part of the face that receives special attention during makeup for sunken eyes. Wide eyebrows would be the ideal option, but this does not mean that all women with sunken or deep-set eyes should have this shape.

It is advisable to consult a makeup artist in a beauty salon or cosmetology office about this. You can refresh your usual look with the help of new forms.

Cosmetics labeling

If the patient's condition is under treatment or the hollows under the eyes are formed as a result of heredity, cosmetics can be used to disguise the defect. In order not to worsen the patient’s condition, it is recommended to use only high-quality products.

Since sunken skin under the eyes forms dark areas, they need to be lightened. To do this, you can use foundation and powder. If this is not enough, apply light shadows without glitter on top. It is necessary to focus on the cheekbones by applying a copper or pinkish blush.

You can also darken the upper eyelid. It will turn out that the lower eyelid will lighten, and the upper eyelid will become darker. As a result, the patient's appearance acquired a healthy appearance.

Avoid using overly bright colors on your lips. A pink or nude shade is enough. The person's face will look natural.


To eliminate sunken skin under the eyes, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • eat properly food that contains most of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, microelements necessary to maintain the health of the whole body and normalize metabolism;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day to allow the body to fully restore its strength and eliminate the effect of brain hypoxia;
  • rest more, don’t worry about trifles, if this is not possible, the doctor can prescribe mild sedatives to give the person’s nervous system a break;
  • the use of adequate physical activity according to the patient’s state of health and well-being, which will strengthen his muscle tissue and make the vascular endothelium stronger;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid for an adult to maintain water-salt metabolism, thin the blood, and moisturize the skin;
  • if, after drinking the required amount of liquid, the blood remains invariably thickened, the doctor prescribes drugs that thin it, but their use must be in a strict dosage so that bleeding does not occur;
  • walk more in the fresh air, where there is no overstrain for the visual organs, and the body receives an abundant amount of oxygen necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and other organs and systems;
  • if the nutrients supplied with food are not enough, take multivitamin complexes consisting of vitamins with the addition of minerals and trace elements;
  • periodically contact doctors of narrow specialties, undergoing a general examination, instrumental examinations, laboratory tests in order to promptly identify and eliminate all abnormalities in the body;
  • carry out hardening methods that help reduce the number of viral and infectious diseases that affect the entire body;
  • use medications in the amount prescribed by the doctor, no more than the required course, for example, antibiotics can only be used for 7 days;
  • eliminate lack of body weight due to an increased amount of food consumed, which should be healthy;
  • treat systemic diseases in a timely manner, if it is impossible to carry out full therapy, it is necessary to take control of the condition, for example, diabetes mellitus cannot be completely eliminated, but the amount of glucose can be regulated with insulin injections;
  • For serious illnesses that affect the psyche, it is recommended to undergo treatment with the help of a psychiatrist, who will not only provide a consultation, but also prescribe serious medications.

It is necessary to follow a complex of therapy including the use of general recommendations and the use of medications. Using this action, you can achieve maximum effect and eliminate the defective condition in a short time.

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