16 best facial scrubs for velvety skin at home

Healthy, smooth and beautiful skin is impossible without a thorough comprehensive cleansing, which necessarily includes a scrub. These products are in great demand, so every major cosmetic brand produces them in lines. To prevent the variety of offers from causing you to buy extra bottles and jars, carefully study the rating of the best facial scrubs for 2022.

Expert's choice:

1. GARNIER Pure Leather 3-in-1 with clay.from 300 rubles
2. Librederm Seracin cleansing with eco-granulesfrom 500 rubles
3. Natura Siberica Natural & Organicfrom 200 rubles
4. The SaemNatural Condition Scrub Foamfrom 700 rubles
5. Biobeauty Elite Bio-cleaning silverfrom 1000 rubles

Mini scrub rating

Facial scrub: what is it and how does it work?

Facial scrubs
A facial scrub is a product that gives an exfoliating effect. Due to the abrasive particles contained in the composition, it provides soft peeling, and caring components make the skin smooth and radiant.

Important! Facial scrubs (reviews from cosmetologists fully confirm this) are necessary for both young and mature skin. But when choosing, be extremely careful, since a product that is not of the best quality instead of care injures the epidermis and disrupts the water balance.

If the product is chosen correctly, it has a complex effect, giving the face:

  • smoothness;
  • shine;
  • healthy glow.

At the same time, the microrelief is leveled and wrinkles are reduced. Scrubs give good results when paired with serums or fluids. With this approach, all beneficial substances penetrate as deeply as possible into the layers of the epidermis.


What is better for the face: a cleansing mask or a scrub?

Both products give good results when used correctly. If, after cleansing your face with a scrub, you apply a mask (for example, clay or acid) to exfoliated skin, you will get an excellent effect.

Some people, on the contrary, like to remove the remnants of a clay mask from their face with a light scrub. Most often this depends on the individual characteristics of both products. If your skin is dry and/or sensitive, we recommend using the scrub and mask on different days.

How is peeling different from scrub?

Peeling acts deeper and cleanses the skin without mechanical trauma. Compared to a scrub, peeling does not have abrasive particles and most often acts due to the acids in the composition (AHA, BHA, PHA). Peels are no more difficult to use than scrubs: after application, you need to wait the specified time and rinse off the product.

However, for those who are just starting to use peelings, it can be difficult to choose a product with the required concentration of acids. This may cause a slight burn. Scrubs seem more familiar in this regard. The products act in a similar way: they exfoliate, reduce inflammation, reduce the amount of sebum, and even out skin texture.

Ask your question

What composition should be in the scrub?

The right facial scrub – for men or women – should contain components from three groups:

  • cleansing;
  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing.

Most often, manufacturers use the following substances:

  1. Natural fibers . This is a fairly broad category. This includes sea salt, wheat grains and more. Their main task is to gently exfoliate and nourish the skin.
  2. Enzyme acids . They perform the same function as the components from the previous group. But they act more gently and are suitable for sensitive skin.
  3. Fruit acids . Penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin.
  4. Sahara . Provides necessary hydration and helps retain moisture.
  5. Organic oils . They are added to the formula for nutrition and hydration.

Important! The components described are the main groups. But each skin type requires its own composition. Therefore, when choosing a scrub, be sure to take this factor into account.

For dry and sensitive skin

Such skin is easily injured, so the product must contain emollient components:

  • zeolite;
  • kaolin clays;
  • natural diosmectite.

If you have sensitive skin, scrubs should not be used more than once a week.

For normal type

This type is suitable for products containing:

  • minerals;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • chopped fruits.

For normal skin, scrubs can be used 2 times a week.

For oily and problem skin

In the case of oily skin, it is important to choose formulations that contain:

  • natural clay;
  • salicylic acid.

This scrub removes oily shine and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

A few words about the structure of our skin

This may seem surprising and even a little strange, but the fact remains that the largest and heaviest organ of the human body is the skin. Its total weight can reach 10 kg!

The skin performs many important functions:

  • Protects against mechanical damage, dehydration, harmful ultraviolet radiation, and penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Ensures maintenance of normal body temperature.
  • With sweat, harmful substances are removed through the pores, which helps cleanse and heal the body.
  • The process of gas exchange occurs through the skin: carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is absorbed.
  • The skin contains a huge number of nerve endings.
  • Under the influence of sunlight, up to 80% of vitamin D is synthesized in the skin.

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis, or subcutaneous fat.

The topmost layer has water-repellent properties and gives the skin a certain shade, but its main task is to protect and generate new cells. Every day, about half a billion “newborn” cells emerge from the lower layers of the epidermis, which replace dying old ones. If the process slows down for one reason or another, then the horny scales do not peel off, but remain on the skin, making its surface uneven and its color gray and dull. Fortunately, we have the power to “spur” cell renewal and improve the appearance of our face. It is to speed up the replacement of old cells with new ones that the heroes of our today’s article - scrubs - were invented.


Which brand of facial scrub is better to choose?

Manufacturers of facial scrubs
Natural facial scrubs are considered the best. And many cosmetic companies produce such products. The following brands are recognized as leaders in the segment:

  1. Organic Kitchen . A well-known Russian brand that has been specializing in natural remedies for 7 years. Its products are presented in the budget segment.
  2. Organic Shop . Another brand from the Russian Federation that produces products without harmful additives. It has international certification, which guarantees its 100% safety. The company's product range includes products not only for the face, but also for the body.
  3. Librederm. This brand has managed to enter the international market due to the high quality of its products. At the same time, the cost of cosmetic items remains in the average price category.
  4. Natura Siberica. Another Russian brand that produces natural cosmetics. The products have already received a lot of international awards and annually release new products that compete for new awards.
  5. Etude House . The Korean brand has existed since the 80s of the last century. Its range is as wide as possible, and the quality pleases even the most picky customers.
  6. Clean line. The company has become a successful commercial project that combines the latest developments in cosmetology and traditional herbal recipes. The brand emerged at the end of the last century and still does not lose its position in the market.
  7. Black Pearl. This brand can be considered a benchmark for companies that emerged in the 20th century. She managed to win over her consumers with high quality and innovative formulas. Until now, no Russian cosmetic brand has devoted so much time to strengthening the skin’s natural defenses against aging.
  8. Kora. The scrubs of this brand are 100% natural. This company's line of products includes both conventional and medicinal products.
  9. Arabia Professiona l. The company produces cosmetics only based on its own developments. In the laboratory, each formula is carefully tested and only then sent to the brand’s factories to be put into mass production.
  10. La Roche-Posay . This brand is positioned as a subsidiary of L'Oreal. It produces mild products that, in extremely rare cases, cause allergic reactions.

Popular brands

Good inexpensive facial scrubs are produced by both Russian and foreign companies. The most popular in 2022 are:

  • the Korean company FarmStay, which was the first to market a soda scrub in a triangular package;
  • brand from Poland Eveline, whose line includes several types of cheap but effective scrubs;
  • Russian - produces inexpensive but high-quality care products, including peelings.

ECO Laboratori can rightfully be called the best manufacturer of cleaning products. Almost everyone likes cosmetics from this brand because of their pleasant texture and bright, “delicious” smells.

How to choose a facial scrub

There are a lot of recommendations here that the average buyer risks drowning in. Therefore, take the advice of cosmetologists - choose a scrub based on your skin type and composition:

  • For oily skin, products based on natural clay with tea tree and mint oils and abrasives in the form of sea salt or ground fruit seeds are suitable - they relieve inflammation, tighten pores, remove blackheads and neutralize excess shine;
  • For normal and combination skin, gel formulations with the addition of coffee, sugar or nut shells are good - they delicately exfoliate and effectively moisturize;
  • For sensitive and dry skin , choose creamy scrubs - they neutralize flaking and give the face a healthy color.

Tips for choosing

When choosing a suitable scrub, pay attention to some criteria:

  • Skin type. Each type is assigned specific care. Be sure to consult with dermatologists before purchasing.
  • Compound. Natural ingredients, no parabens and fragrances are welcome.
  • Consumption. Modern manufacturers offer scrubs in disposable pyramids. This will make it more convenient for you to take the product with you, and the portion of the pyramid is specially calculated based on the number of cleanses.

Contraindications, precautions

Even the most gentle facial scrub can be harmful if you do not follow the rules for using this product:

  • you cannot scrub your skin every day - this leads to irritation and loss of moisture;
  • The optimal interval for using the scrub is once every 3-4 days;
  • It is permissible to scrub the area around the eyes, but choose soft formulations and protect your eyes from contact with cosmetics;
  • Do not keep the product on your skin for longer than the time indicated on the package - this will cause irritation.

Important! Usually the product is kept on the face for no more than 5 minutes, massaging thoroughly. Wash it off with warm water with gentle movements without stretching the skin.

Terms of use

Cleansing the skin with a scrub will be most effective if a number of necessary procedures are first completed.

The specifics of using exfoliating products consists of several steps:

  1. At the initial stage, cosmetics and accumulated impurities are removed from the surface of the skin using hydrophilic oil or micellar water, after which they are washed using foam.
  2. Next, take a steam bath for the face to open the pores as deeply as possible and remove any remaining dirt. This procedure promotes more intensive penetration of nutrients into the structure of the skin. To steam, you can take a regular hot bath or hold your face over the steam for 5-10 minutes, while covering your head with a towel.
  3. After warming up, you can start applying the scrub. A small amount of the product is applied to the palm, after which the peeling is rubbed into the skin of the face with gentle movements. The massage is performed according to the following scheme: from the tip of the nose to areas located slightly below the temples; from the chin to the cheekbones; from the center of the forehead to the temporal zone. The remaining scrub is washed off with warm water or the product is removed with a soft cloth.
  4. At the final stage, moisturize the skin with cream.

The scrub is applied to the facial skin with light massaging movements, after removing makeup.

It is best to carry out the scrub cleansing procedure in the evening. Before going to bed, the pores are exposed to a deeper effect of the active components, and during the night all redness disappears and the skin restores its basic protective functions.

Which facial scrub is better to buy: tips and reviews from cosmetologists

Tips and reviews from cosmetologists about the scrub
Cosmetologists always advise one thing - consider your skin type and the problem that needs to be solved. For example, the following products will be good for oily skin:

  • Librederm Seratsin – removes excess shine;
  • Natura Siberica – cleanses pores and prevents the appearance of blackheads;
  • Etude House Baking Powder Crunch Pore Scrub – tightens pores;
  • Aravia Professional Professional Revita Massage Powder – neutralizes blackheads.

For dry and irritated skin you can use:

  • Organic Shop Organic Kitchen Marshmallow Softening – removes flaking;
  • Shop Cleansing Ginger Sakura – relieves discomfort caused by dryness;
  • Clean line Cleansing Apricot kernels - soothes and relieves irritation.

Kora Phytocosmetics Express effect triple action is often recommended to obtain the effect of polished skin.

Among anti-aging products, Black Pearl Cleansing + Care performs well, and La Roche-Posay Ultrafine scrub is suitable for removing impurities.

How to make a facial scrub at home

How to make a scrub at home
It’s not always worth buying an expensive scrub in a store - try making this product at home.

Fruity with oat flakes

This scrub not only cleanses, but also nourishes the skin, supplying it with essential vitamins. For it you will need:

  • apple;
  • banana;
  • honey;
  • low-fat cream;
  • cereals.

The preparation process is simple and does not take much time:

  • grate ¼ of a medium apple without peel on a fine grater;
  • mash 1/3 banana;
  • add a teaspoon of any honey to the mixture;
  • add a tablespoon of cream and cereal.

After mixing, the scrub is ready.

Kefir with yogurt

This product perfectly cleanses oily skin. It eliminates shine, nourishes and provides necessary hydration. And the scrub recipe is one of the simplest:

  • take a tablespoon of kefir and any natural yogurt;
  • add the same amount of coffee.

The resulting mixture can be used in two ways:

  • as a mask - apply the composition to cleansed facial skin and leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • like a scrub - massage the product over your face and rinse with warm water.

Saline for blackheads and pimples

The best option for normal, combination and oily skin. The scrub removes all types of impurities, cleanses pores and dries. To prepare it you will need:

  • a teaspoon of ground sea salt;
  • white of one egg.

The listed components are mixed and applied to the face.

A scrub is the simplest way to keep your skin toned and maintain a healthy complexion, despite your age and lifestyle.

Preparing facial scrubs video

Top 3. Scrub Fito cosmetics Berry rejuvenating, 50 ml

Rating (2021): 4.60

65 reviews from resources taken into account: Otzovik, IRecommend, Wildberries

Safe composition Most of the ingredients in this product are natural. Raspberry seeds are used here as scrubbing particles.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 130 rub.
  • Active ingredients: sea buckthorn cake, raspberry seeds, apricot pulp, AHA acids
  • Cleansing: superficial
  • Skin type: normal

A cleansing salt-based facial scrub containing natural ingredients. This inexpensive and quite effective product is packaged in a small jar under vacuum. By the way, after opening it can be stored for only 30 days. The scrub has a light apricot-sea buckthorn aroma and is distributed over damp skin without additional pressure or stretching. But when applied dry it is quite difficult to apply due to its thick consistency. During the washing process there is a slight feeling of warmth, the pores are cleaned well. After rinsing, the skin visually looks smoother, more well-groomed, there are fewer blackheads, there is no tightness and dryness. However, users with sensitive epidermis may experience irritation: nevertheless, salt has a rather aggressive effect on inflammation and thin skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Doesn't tighten skin
  • Evens out complexion
  • Soft and smooth skin after use
  • Vacuum packaging
  • Short shelf life after opening
  • Not suitable for all skin types
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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