Intimate antiviral products: we advise the buyer


is an external manifestation of the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the body. Papilloma is a small formation on the skin, flesh-colored, on a thin stalk, inside of which there is a small vessel. Papillomas usually appear on folds of skin, neck, face, genitals or under the mammary glands. This virus is very common, but papillomas on the genitals occur when the concentration of the virus in the blood increases and a person’s immune system is weakened. In a person with strong immunity, papillomas do not grow. There are more than a hundred different types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Infection occurs from an infected person through any surfaces (cutlery, toiletries, etc.). HPV is freely transmitted through water, so infection is possible when visiting a swimming pool.

Papillomas on the genitals are the most traumatic and dangerous for the body. HPV manifests itself differently in men and women.

Papillomas on the genital organs in women

In women, papillomas most often occur on the labia, vaginal walls and cervix. A rash and concentration of papillomas around the anus are also possible.

Papillomas on the labia and vaginal mucosa can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. Unprotected contact is likely to infect the partner. However, papillomas on the cervix can lead to the most negative consequences. If measures are not taken in time to treat papilloma and reduce the concentration of HPV in the body, then there is a high risk of cervical dysplasia, which can seriously affect reproductive functions. When the papilloma virus is of a highly carcinogenic type, there is a possibility that the papilloma will degenerate into cervical cancer. HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35 cause cervical dysplasia and require prompt treatment.

Therefore, the removal of papillomas on the genital organs of women must be accompanied by a histological analysis of the removed tissue. This ensures correct determination of the HPV type and early diagnosis of potential diseases.

Testing for the presence of HPV in the body is part of the preparation for pregnancy. During gestation, a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes, which often causes an exacerbation of viral diseases. During pregnancy, treating HPV with antiviral drugs is not recommended. If papillomas appear on a woman’s genitals during pregnancy, they should be taken extremely seriously and immediately contact a clinic. Usually they are removed in the most gentle way (laser removal of papillomas). This is done to ensure that the fetus is not infected with the HPV virus when passing through the birth canal and coming into contact with infected areas of tissue.

Concentrations of papillomas around the anus often occur. This area of ​​skin is injured, and papillomas quickly spread around the anus. Our doctors recommend immediately contacting a specialized clinic for the treatment of papillomas if you find even a single formation in this area. Laser removal does not damage large areas of the skin, so healing of the wound after surgery will be very fast.

How to treat HPV

How to treat the papilloma virus in women is a question often faced by patients who have received positive test results. As a rule, in the absence of cancer risk and clinical signs, HPV treatment is not required. For many people, the body clears the virus on its own.

When is HPV treatment needed:

  1. Detection of high-risk types (16, 18, etc.);
  2. Abnormal colposcopic picture;
  3. Unsatisfactory result of oncocytology.

☑ For information:

The doctor who treats HPV in women is a gynecologist. If questions or problems arose at a young age, under 16 years of age, then pediatric or adolescent gynecologists work with the patient.

Which doctor treats HPV in men? Typically, young people with this disease turn to a urologist or dermatovenerologist. This specialist will prescribe treatment for the infection and, if necessary, will be able to remove formations in the anogenital area.

HPV vaccine

At what age are girls vaccinated, can it be given to boys, as well as women after 30 years of age and older? Reviews from doctors about the effectiveness after infection, where to get vaccinated against papillomavirus in Moscow and is it given in clinics or antenatal clinics for free? We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail below.

As far as we know, cervical cancer is closely related to the human papillomavirus, which is present in almost 90% of the world's population. At the same time, articles have been periodically published on the Internet for several years now stating that the HPV vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine, leads to infertility. How correct is this information? Is it possible to get infertility due to the HPV vaccine?

The WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety regularly reviews the evidence on the safety of HPV vaccines. Clinical testing and monitoring of the drug has consistently demonstrated that it is safe and effective in preventing infections caused by human papillomavirus and also protects against the development of dysplastic phenomena and cervical cancer. There is no evidence that this vaccine causes infertility.

Many people are diagnosed with HPV at some point in their lives. Most infestations do not develop into cancer. But in a small number of women, HPV can become a chronic condition and lead to the development of invasive cervical cancer. There are certain negative factors in which HPV infection will lead to such consequences. These are, in particular, a certain type of HPV with a high cancer risk, the immune status of the woman herself, the presence of any concomitant sexually transmitted infection, the number of children born, as well as tobacco smoking.

The HPV vaccine is recommended for boys and girls aged 11-12 years. Women and men can be vaccinated with Gardasil up to age 26. People ages 27 to 45 who have not previously been vaccinated against HPV are now also eligible for Gardasil (Gardasil 9 in the US for women over 30).

According to the instructions, the vaccine protects against types of PVI that are associated with malignant diseases of the anogenital zone, and also prevents certain types of HPV that cause condylomas and papillomas in intimate places in both women and men.

Those wishing to get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus for free should know that this is not possible. Clinics and antenatal clinics in Moscow do not provide vaccinations against HPV and cancer free of charge - it is not included in the list of services under compulsory medical insurance and is not covered by government guarantees and subsidies.


Vaccination against human papillomavirus, the price of which in commercial clinics starts from 11,000 and reaches 19,000 rubles per course injection. Having started the vaccination course, experts recommend completing it completely and completing it with the third injection 6 months after the first injection.

Girls and teenagers in Moscow can be vaccinated against papillomavirus in our clinic at the patient’s (or his legal representative’s) own request. However, doctors recommend undergoing a preliminary examination by a pediatric/adolescent gynecologist and passing HPV tests.

HPV treatment in Moscow

Doctors who treat HPV, including women and teenage girls, effectively and with good results, according to patient reviews, work at the Gynecology Clinic on Kutuzovsky! Effective regimens, courses and drugs that help get rid of papillomavirus types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 51, 52, 56 and other types of high and low oncogenic risk.

Reasonable prices, good results and 20 years of experience in gynecological treatment! HPV is not scary if precious time is not lost - make an appointment with a gynecologist right now! Phone number of the clinic in Moscow ☎

Papillomas on the genital organs in men

In men, papillomas most often occur on the frenulum of the penis or concentrated around the anus.

Papillomas on the penis can cause negative sensations during sexual intercourse and are unaesthetic neoplasms. They can range in size from a few millimeters to a centimeter. They are often located in groups, affecting adjacent areas of the skin. During unprotected sexual intercourse, the infection is transmitted to the partner.

The concentration of papillomas around the anus is also quite common in real life. The skin around the anus is injured, which contributes to the rapid spread of papillomas. If even a single neoplasm is detected, you should immediately seek help from a specialized clinic so that the disease does not have time to spread. The skin around the anus is very sensitive, so papilloma can only be removed using the laser method, which is the safest and most gentle.

Treatment of papillomatosis consists of two stages: removal of papillomas and subsequent treatment of the viral infection.

The recommended method for removing papillomas on the genitals is removal using a surgical laser. Laser removal of papillomas is one of the most gentle ways to remove tumors. Papilloma removal is carried out completely non-contactly, using a beam of light. The laser beam perfectly coagulates blood vessels, which eliminates the possibility of infection. Also, after laser removal of papilloma, there are practically no traces of the operation left on the skin. After removal of the papilloma, the wound heals within a week, and the redness goes away within two weeks. Surgical laser is practically the only way to remove papillomas on the genitals, which are located in very delicate and sensitive areas of our body.

Treatment of human papillomavirus

After the operation, the removed tissue is sent for analysis to determine the type of virus, and based on the results, antiviral therapy is prescribed. The doctor prescribes medications to reduce the concentration of the papilloma virus in the blood and boost immunity. There is now a large selection of antiviral drugs that can effectively combat HPV. Simple removal of skin papillomas, unfortunately, does not completely rid the patient of the virus. Without undergoing comprehensive treatment, papillomatosis cannot be eradicated.

Topical antiviral drugs for the treatment of HPV (papillomavirus)

Some topical antiviral drugs active against papillomaviruses, in contrast to a number of drugs that help against the herpes virus, have a strong evidence base and are used throughout the world to treat manifestations of HPV - in particular, condylomas.


An immune response modifier that does not have an antiviral effect. It exhibits activity due to the ability to induce the production of interferon-alpha and other cytokines. Indicated for the treatment of genital warts in the urogenital area [5].

Release: by prescription.


Solid evidence base. The drug definitely reduces the viral load. The use of imiquimod cream 5% 3 times a week at night for 16 weeks has been proven to be effective and safe for the treatment of condylomas. The relapse rate is estimated to be low [8]. Imiquimod is recommended for the treatment of genital warts by the authoritative American regulator FDA [8].


When applying imiquimod, itching and pain are observed in more than 10% of cases [5], which the buyer should be warned about.

Where to remove and treat papilloma in Moscow?

To remove papillomas on the genitals in Moscow, we suggest you use the services of our specialized center for the removal of papillomas at the K-MED laser medicine clinic for the following reasons:

  1. Latest equipment : At our laser surgery center at the K-MED clinic, we use only the latest surgical or cosmetic lasers. Operations are carried out in a modern operating room, which fully meets all approved standards.
  2. Experienced doctors : Our center has already existed for more than 15 years. During this time, we have already performed thousands of successful operations. Our dermatologist-surgeons have extensive practical experience in removing skin tumors.
  3. Removal of papillomas without pain : operations to remove papillomas are performed under local anesthesia, which is selected individually for each specific case.
  4. Comprehensive treatment : we will analyze the removed tissue to determine the type of virus. After this, our doctors will prescribe you a course of treatment to reduce the concentration of HPV in the body, which will eliminate the likelihood of relapses.
  5. Transparency of work : before removal, the attending physician will fully tell you how the operation will proceed and discuss the price with you.
  6. Saving time : we value your time very much, so we will coordinate your appointment time with you in advance so that you do not have to wait. On average, surgery to remove papilloma takes from 20 to 30 minutes.

Get a free detailed consultation by calling (495) 434-34-44 or from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Our addresses : Moscow, Metro Yugo-Zapadnaya or Belyaevo / Konkovo, st. 26 Baku Commissars, no. 6; Moscow, metro station "Proletarskaya" st. Talalikhina, 2/1, bldg. 5.


My wife was diagnosed with human papillomavirus and papillomas on the cervix. I had to check it myself and also found a similar problem. I recommend Lama. Everything was done with a laser quickly and without a queue. I really liked the administrators. Everything was explained professionally and efficiently.

Vasily (Moscow, March 2014)

I had several papillomas removed at the Lama clinic. Doctor Khoina S.G. I really liked it. He explained and told everything. The operation was done well, there were practically no traces left.

Vika (Moscow, 2013)

I removed papillomas from the labia in this clinic. Girls will understand me: the situation is disgusting when these growths are there... Removal occurs almost painlessly using a special laser beam. Surgeon Evgeniya Andreevna is a true professional. She did everything very carefully. And in general the clinic is not bad. My husband recommended that I come here; he had an ingrown toenail removed by the same doctor. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Nastya (Moscow, 2015)

A delicate question, but, as it turned out, critical. Papillomas began to grow in my anus. Small, like crumbs. I thought it was nonsense. Then some of them became large - about 5 mm. I decided to consult a surgeon just in case. I went to the Lama clinic. I was sent to Evgenia Andreevna Mishurinskaya. The doctor looked and said that it turns out that papillomas must be removed as soon as they appear, because in this place, due to the use of toilet paper, the skin is constantly injured and these papillomas grow even stronger. Moreover, they will not disappear on their own. Evgenia Andreevna removed all the papillomas with a laser. It’s completely inexpensive - I paid about 1000 rubles. for a few pieces. I recommend the doctor - very attentive. Now I need to undergo a course of antiviral therapy.

Alena (Zhukovsky, 2015)

I went to the clinic to remove papilloma on the vaginal wall. During the operation, the doctor found another small papilloma on the cervix. I’m very glad that I went to the clinic in time, before the virus had time to spread much. We removed both at once. I have passed all the tests and am waiting for the results and treatment prescription.

Alexandra (Moscow, 2014)

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1.General information

Papilloma is a benign superficial growth, usually flesh-colored or white-pink in color. The specification “benign” means that at the cellular level such neoplasia retains a certain structural similarity to the tissue that served as its soil; grows relatively slowly; does not grow into surrounding tissues and organs; does not have a pronounced tendency to metastasize, i.e. the spread of pathological cells with blood or lymph to other parts of the body, where similar tumors form. These are the main differences between benign neoplasms and malignant, cancerous ones. It must immediately be emphasized that in most cases, under unfavorable conditions, malignancy is possible, i.e. the appearance and rapid multiplication of immature mutant cells capable of only dividing and nothing more - in other words, the degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one. That is why warts, “hanging” moles, polyps, condylomas, papillomas are not absolutely safe neoplasias, even if they remain “in the same pore” for decades and do not cause much discomfort.

Papillomas can develop on any part of the body, but more often they affect the most intimate areas, which are constantly hidden under clothing and therefore rarely come into contact with open air and the sun. Such areas are characterized, at the same time, by increased secretory activity and, as a consequence, humidity, as well as participation in excretion (removal of waste, waste and harmful substances from the body) and sexual activity. Taken together, all this creates a very high probability (confirmed by medical statistics) of all kinds of infectious and inflammatory processes, irritations, diaper rash and many other problems that are not only extremely unpleasant hygienically and aesthetically, but also really dangerous.

If such problems arise during defecation or, in general, in the anus, one can, of course, consider them “shameful” and, embarrassed by one’s own anatomy, suffer for years in categorically rejecting the very idea of ​​​​going to a proctologist. However, for a modern civilized person, such a position is not just obscurantist and unreasonable; in many cases it poses a direct risk to life. And therefore, it is necessary, at a minimum, to understand what papillomas of the anal area are in order to consult a doctor in time and have time to prevent much more serious clinical situations.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!

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