Physiogel description, characteristics, application and reviews

Physiogel cream is a medicinal cosmetics product that has a beneficial effect on restoring the skin and eliminating various irritations on it. A detailed acquaintance with the main characteristics of the product will help you become familiar with the beneficial properties and effectiveness of the drug.

Physiogel is a skin care cosmetic product from the Irish company Stifel. It appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, it is not available for free sale, in most cases it is ordered via the Internet. There are representative offices in our country. In Europe, the products are in great demand because they were developed by pharmacists together with dermatologists and have a rich, safe composition.

Products Physiogel

The company produces several skin care cosmetics - Moisturizing, Intensive, Physiogel AI. Moisturizing cream, which will be discussed further, has become widespread. A few words about other species.

Physiogel Intensive

The composition includes special components that instantly moisturize the skin and improve its condition. Recommended for use during the cold season. Especially in cases of chapping and frostbite. When red spots, peeling, burning, microcracks appear on the face. Can be used on any part of the body. Suitable for hands, face, feet, sensitive lips. It acts in several directions at once - nourishes, moisturizes, restores. Can be used by children. The rich texture creates a protective film, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave marks on clothes or bedding. The price of the cream is about 600 rubles.

Physiogel AI

A special product for extremely sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, as well as allergies after unsuccessful cosmetic procedures. A similar situation can arise after cleansing, exposure to ultraviolet rays, or various types of peeling. It is recommended to use for various dermatological diseases - eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis. It contains a huge amount of lipids and nutritional components. The cream has antioxidant, regenerating, moisturizing properties. Suitable for sensitive skin of children. The cost of the cream is about 650 rubles.

Features of moisturizer

Physiogel is called a “smart cream” because it easily adapts to any skin type. Activates metabolism, stabilizes water balance without disturbing natural processes at the cellular level. Has many useful properties:

  • Released on the basis of DMS technology, which provides for deep penetration of active components and significant transformations. And all this without interfering with the natural functioning of epidermal cells.
  • The structure of the cosmetic product completely replicates the structure of the skin. It makes no difference what type of epidermis it is, the cream will quickly adapt.
  • The composition contains all the lipids of the human epidermis, and of natural origin. Returns natural hydration, prevents moisture loss, restores damaged skin.
  • Does not contain flavors, dyes, or dangerous preservatives. The products are hypoallergenic and can be used for the most sensitive skin.
  • The result can be seen after the first application, the effect lasts until the next application.
  • Packaged in 75 ml tubes. It is used economically, is quickly absorbed, and does not leave a greasy sheen.

Types of Physiogel creams

Physiogel hypoallergenic (Physiogel) is available in several forms. Each of them has its own characteristics, which lie in the volume, composition and spectrum of action of this cosmetic product.

Varieties of the drug are an advantage, due to which you can choose the desired effect when treating or correcting certain problems.


Moisturizing lotion can be used on any type of epidermis, but is especially indicated for use on dry and sagging skin due to its composition that promotes nutrition and hydration.

It should be applied to people suffering from dry skin, flaking and a feeling of skin tightness.

The components of the moisturizer help eliminate the problem carefully and effectively.


This cream differs from other products in this series by being more effective. Its composition is saturated with active components, the high concentration of which contributes to more intense and comprehensive nutrition of the dermal tissue.

A special feature of Intensive is that it contains more than 40 percent lipids, which guarantees an effective result. This product is available in a 100 gram tube and is recommended for use by people with very dry skin, as well as various skin diseases.

The product contains no dangerous or harmful substances, making it suitable for use even by children.


Physiogel AI is a new generation moisturizing cream that has a special structure. Thanks to it, the effect of the product is enhanced several times compared to the use of analogues. The described drug is available in a 50-gram package and includes innovative components.

The cream also contains plant components that are needed to deeply nourish the skin. The drug is aimed at restoring the water balance of the skin, thereby preventing and reducing the development of age-related changes, and also smoothes out fine expression wrinkles.

Properties and effects of the cream

The beneficial properties of Physiogel include the ability to retain moisture in skin cells, which maximally moisturizes it and promotes deep restoration of the epidermis. The cream is effective for dry, combination skin with peeling and irritation. The product is also used for age-related changes to smooth out wrinkles.

The action of Physiogel is based on a unique combination of therapeutic and cosmetic effects, in which this cream is actively used in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, psoriasis and other skin manifestations. At the same time, application of the drug will not cause harm to any skin type and will have a beneficial effect on the restoration processes of the epidermis at the cellular level.

The composition of Physiogel cream is based on the content of lipids identical in structure to the sebaceous glands of the skin, which has a positive effect on the rapid restoration and saturation of the skin with a complex of necessary substances.

Main components of the cosmetic product:

  1. oil obtained from palm tree and shea butter contains a combination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids that provide natural beauty and youthfulness of the skin;
  2. the presence of glycerin promotes moisture retention in skin cells;
  3. the ceramide complex significantly softens the skin and promotes elasticity and tenderness of the skin;
  4. the content of sakqualane allows you to balance the water balance in the process of metabolism in skin cells;
  5. triglycerides in the composition help eliminate oily sheen on the skin and prevent the development of tightness and dryness.

The combination of the above components confirms the naturalness and high effectiveness of the cream. At the same time, the therapeutic effect of the product on the skin does not cause serious contraindications!

Beneficial features

The peculiarity of this cream lies not only in its versatility, but also in the fact that it does not have any contraindications. Physiogel is produced in Ireland, although this product has already gained worldwide popularity. If we evaluate the beneficial properties of the cream as a whole, then we need to highlight its main advantages:

  • Moisturizes the skin;
  • Eliminates and evens out any unevenness on the skin;
  • Improves facial tone and makes skin healthier;
  • Effectively eliminates various skin problems (redness, rash, any irritation);
  • Strengthens skin immunity.

It is important to note that Physiogel restores the skin by replenishing its resources, as well as additionally enriching it with nutrients. This is the most natural and effective way to prevent skin aging, maintain its health and beauty. Such a wide range of beneficial effects and high efficiency in application have become the main reasons for the popularity of the cream. This product can be used at any age and is suitable for all skin types.


The cosmetic product provides complete care for any type of epidermis. The indications are:

  1. sensitive skin prone to allergies;
  2. dehydration, excessive dryness;
  3. feeling of tightness, peeling, burning, itching;
  4. aging, fading skin;
  5. dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
  6. children's epidermis;
  7. rashes – rosacea, acne;
  8. inflamed pimples.

The action of the cream is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, restoring normal conditions, and increasing protective functions. The drug acts in several directions at once, which provides quick results.

  • Restores damaged areas;
  • Affects cellular processes, regulates moisture;
  • Softens the upper stratum corneum and promotes its removal;
  • Stimulates renewal;
  • Participates in the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin;
  • Creates a protective shell, prevents the negative impact of environmental factors;
  • Strengthens local immunity;
  • Smoothes wrinkles, evens out tone.

The cream is intended for daily use, providing complete care, nutrition, softening, and moisturizing.


Physiogel was prescribed to me by a dermatologist. At one time, I seriously damaged my skin with various homemade recipes and peelings, because I wanted to get rid of blackheads. As a result, the skin is overdried - fortunately, there are such products as Physiogel, a very good product.

Maria, 31 years old

I have been using Physiogel for quite a long time - it is the only thing that really saves the skin in the autumn-winter period, protecting it from temperature changes. I recommend it to everyone - a great option.

Tatyana, 27 years old

According to the results of a survey of women, there are also negative responses that when using creams of this brand for combination and oily skin, they clog pores, which leads to inflammation. In addition, some women have shiny skin after applying them. You have to cover it with powder, which, in turn, can also cause irritation.

Thirdly, the manufacturer’s assurances that the cream can be used to care for sensitive skin prone to allergies are not confirmed. Dissatisfied customers say that the product itself can cause rashes and itching.


The secret of the effectiveness of modern cosmetics lies in the action of carefully selected active ingredients. Each of them performs its functions, and together the result is excellent. In the production of such delicate products, only high-quality raw materials are used.

  1. Vegetable shea butter. Softens, eliminates irritation, restores water balance, nourishes. Increases the protective properties of the skin.
  2. Coconut oil. Fights dryness, flaking, copes well with inflammation, cleanses pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Triglyceride. A highly active component with a moisturizing, softening, soothing effect. Accelerates regeneration, stimulates the restoration of the damaged layer of the epidermis.
  4. Squalane. Prevents dehydration, retains moisture in cells, stimulates rejuvenation processes. Thanks to this component, the skin becomes soft, silky with an even texture. Creates a breathable protective film on the surface of the epidermis. Prevents irritation from exposure to negative external factors, creates favorable conditions for the rapid restoration of pathological areas.
  5. Ceramide. Used as a softening component, helps smooth out wrinkles.
  6. Glycerol. The action of the component is aimed at instantly moisturizing the epidermis. Its properties to attract moisture from the environment allow you to quickly restore lipid balance. Protects from external irritants, retains moisture inside cells, preventing evaporation.
  7. Lecithin. Contains saturated and unsaturated acids. Repeats the structure of natural lipids, allows you to quickly restore water balance, stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid.
  8. Viscosity, consistency, transparent color is created due to the presence of gum, hydroxyethylcellulose, carbomer .


Before applying the drug, you should thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dirt. The cream must be distributed in a thin layer according to the rules of general technique. It is recommended to use twice a day.

For cosmetic purposes, the cream can be used for an unlimited amount of time. The condition of the skin will improve every day. Overdose is excluded, and cases of individual intolerance are rare.

Physiogel is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. It is recommended to use the product after the main course of therapy with hormonal drugs and topical antibiotics.

Physiogel quickly returns a healthy appearance to dehydrated, weakened skin, prevents irritation, and enhances its protective properties. Physiogel allows you to avoid withdrawal syndrome after a long course of hormonal therapy. Can be used at the initial stage of the disease or with minor signs of exacerbation.

The product is suitable as symptomatic therapy for frostbite, chapping with signs of peeling, burning, and tightness. Helps quickly restore the skin after a mild thermal sunburn.

To treat acne and acne, use the cream twice a day. Physiogel is not a drug. Solves the problem at the cosmetology level. If you have serious skin problems, you should seek help from a specialist. The drug helps the upper layer recover, renew itself, and become more resistant to external and internal factors.

It is recommended to conduct a test before starting active use. Contraindication for use is individual intolerance. It manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction on the skin - itching, burning, redness, inflammation, excessive peeling. Usually the situation does not require special treatment; all symptoms go away on their own after stopping use of the drug.

To avoid unpleasant situations, it is recommended to initially apply a small amount of the product to the elbow bend. Observe the condition of the skin for 30 minutes. Any unpleasant manifestations serve as grounds for refusing to use the cosmetic product.

How to use correctly

In order for any product to bring the desired result, you need to know how to apply it correctly. Directions for use are contained in the product instructions.

The composition should be applied once a day. It is best to carry out the procedure at night, before going to bed, since you should not use the product as a base for makeup.

Physiogel is applied in a thin layer to the skin of the face; in addition, it can be applied to the body - to any areas that require high-quality hydration and nutrition.

Prescriptions, contraindications, side effects

Physiogel cream is widely used in cosmetology for proper skin care when certain individual pathologies of the following nature occur:

  • excessive dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • the presence of wrinkles due to age-related changes in the skin;
  • dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, allergic manifestations).

The drug has a large number of advantages compared to conventional cosmetics:

  • hypoallergenic composition, allowing the cream to be used in the presence of severe forms of allergies;
  • relatively low cost compared to other drugs in this category;
  • parallel cosmetological facial skin care that promotes beauty and youthfulness of the face;
  • The light texture of the cream has a great absorption effect without leaving any greasy marks on the face.

Use of the drug

Physiogel cream has fairly simple instructions for use. The drug is primarily used for medicinal purposes as an effective skin care product. The use of the cream has a beneficial effect on the skin in the treatment of various dermatological diseases.

The drug is applied to clean areas of the body in a thin layer. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime, since during this period the active components of the composition act on the skin, which leads to its renewal and restoration. At the same time, the cosmetic product provides maximum hydration and just one application throughout the day is enough.

When using Physiogel in the form of a cream, you should also take into account the features of the cosmetic product. Depending on the desired effect, you can select the following types of drug for therapeutic purposes.

Physiogel Intensive

A cream with intense hydration, as it contains a complex of necessary components and the maximum amount of lipids that help saturate and nourish the skin. Packaging with a capacity of 100 grams is intended for long-term use. Moreover, all ingredients in the composition are of natural origin.

The drug is good to use for dry skin that requires hydration, especially during age-related changes in the dermis. The cream also has a therapeutic effect in the development of allergies, dermatitis and other skin pathologies. The cosmetic product is ideal for children's delicate skin. The average cost is 400–450 rubles.


Elina, Saransk

My whole family uses Physiogel Intensive cream. A very good and, most importantly, proven product. Good for young children and as an effective restorer for skin allergies or flaking. After application, you feel a feeling of freshness and comfort for several hours. And in the morning the skin simply glows with a healthy glow! I recommend it to anyone who has very dry skin prone to irritation! A good combination of therapeutic effect and cosmetic skin care!

Physiogel AI

Physiogel is an innovative development from manufacturers, designed for maximum hydration of dry, combination skin with allergic manifestations. The complex of natural components of natural origin in Physiogel has a beneficial effect on accelerating metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to the renewal of skin cells and long-term preservation of its youth.

Physiogel is packaged in 50 gram tubes and has a fairly wide range of applications. The cream is effective in eliminating deep and facial wrinkles. The drug Physiogel is also used to restore skin during dermatological diseases of various etiologies. Reviews of Physiogel cream indicate the high effectiveness of drugs from this brand and good consumer demand in places where the product is sold. The average cost is 600–650 rubles.


Victoria, Arkhangelsk

I am 37 years old and I carefully monitor my appearance. Because my work is very public. As a good effective cream, I use maximum moisturizing in the form of Physiogel. Very good cosmetics and quite affordable in the price range. I apply the product before bed to a cleansed face, and in the morning I get excellent results! At the same time, my skin is sensitive and the presence of parabens or artificial ingredients immediately causes peeling! This cream eliminates such manifestations well! I've been using this product for over 3 years!

What is Physiogel

This drug is an effective and efficient cosmetic product for facial skin care. Possessing a unique composition and thanks to the developments of Irish scientists from the company Stiefel Laboratories, the cream is an incredible assistant for girls in maintaining the youth and beauty of their facial skin.


In order to understand the benefits of the product, you should take a closer look at its composition.

This drug contains various beneficial substances:

  • Shea Butter;
  • palm tree oil;
  • glycerol;
  • ceramide;
  • squalane;
  • triglyceride.

It is these components that provide an effective therapeutic effect of moisturizing and care.

Beneficial features

The main advantage of Physiogel is its natural herbal composition.

Each component has unique properties:

  1. Vegetable oils contain fatty (unsaturated and saturated) acids that help maintain tissue youth.
  2. Glycerin is a synthetic substance that can provide skin hydration due to its properties to absorb moisture from the air.
  3. Ceramide provides softness.
  4. Squalane is responsible for maintaining the water balance of the dermis.
  5. Triglyceride helps prevent the skin from feeling tight and oily.

The use of the drug has a beneficial effect on the internal balance within the dermis and external beauty.


The composition of the Physiogel cream is hypoallergenic. It can be used to care for even the most sensitive skin.

This drug can be used by people with various pathological changes in the dermis:

  • dry skin;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and other age-related changes.

The described product perfectly combats these problems, providing effective and gentle care for the skin.

Moreover, this cream can be used to treat dermatological diseases, which include:

  • dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis and others.

According to research carried out within the production laboratory, it was found that Physiogel (face cream) can be used for all skin types and is not only a cosmetic product. We can say that this drug is a medicine. It can be applied to any skin, regardless of the type of sensitivity, the functioning of the sebaceous glands and other factors.

Contraindications and side effects

The manufacturer assures that the drug has no contraindications, since the developed product is an innovative hypoallergenic product that does not cause harm or side effects. It also does not cause allergic reactions.

However, you should carefully check the composition for the presence of intolerable components; there may be exceptions - each organism is unique and reacts individually to various substances.

For example, when using a cream, various skin reactions may occur due to individual intolerance to one or another component in its composition. In addition, the use of this cream by children under six years of age is not recommended.

Price, where to buy

Physiogel products have received many positive reviews in Europe, and our women were able to get to know them closely. Those who want to purchase products face some difficulties. The product is difficult to find in beauty salons, supermarkets, and specialized departments. But you can easily order the drug on the official website via the Internet. There are representative offices in Russia, the goods will be delivered as soon as possible in any convenient way. The average price of Physiogel moisturizing cream (75 mg) is 550 rubles.

Side effects of Physiogel

Many studies have confirmed that Physiogel does not have any side effects when the cream is used according to the instructions. The cream is suitable not only for daily use at any age, but also for eliminating various skin diseases. It is often used for allergic dermatitis, along with other medications. This combination allows you to effectively fix the problem in the shortest possible time.

According to the manufacturer's assurances and real tests, the cream can be used even on the skin of newborns, so the only side effects can occur in case of excessive use. As a rule, this manifests itself in temporary skin irritation.


The cream is a cosmetic product with a wide range of beneficial properties, but if you have individual intolerance, you can use close analogues of Physiogel. In order to select a suitable substitute, you should consider its main characteristics in detail. List of main prototypes of the original.

  1. Oilatum. An inexpensive analogue of Physiogel, presented in the form of a cream in a tube weighing 50 grams. The complex of components in the composition provides a hypoallergenic effect on the skin and accelerates its recovery process. The cosmetic product is intended to eliminate allergic type dermatitis mainly in infants and adults with problematic skin. It has practically no contraindications and is not recommended for personal intolerance. Price 300–350 rubles.
  2. Lipikar. An effective substitute for the original in the form of cream, balm, shampoo, soap, and emulsion. The drug is effective in the development of atopic manifestations of various etiologies in newborns and adults. The effect of the cosmetic product is to maximize lipid metabolism, which has a positive effect on skin hydration and eliminates excessive dryness. If there is intolerance to the active substances, use is prohibited. Price 300–400 rubles.
  3. Protopic. A relative analogue of Physiogel of medicinal origin. Presented in the form of a special ointment containing the active substance Tacrolimus. The drug is prescribed for severe atopic dermatitis in the absence of prior effective treatment. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver dysfunction, age category up to 16 years, individual intolerance. Price 1300–1400 rubles. The list of Physiogel analogues is quite extensive, so before making a choice in favor of one or another drug, you should consult your doctor!
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