List of inexpensive available analogues of Contractubex

pharmachologic effect

(Germany) Release form: gel for external use

Active ingredients: onion bulb extract, heparin, allantoin

Analogues: Dermatix, Imoferase, Fermenkol

Contratubeks is a combined drug with anti-inflammatory, regenerative, fibrinolytic and antithrombotic properties. The medication stimulates cell regeneration without enlargement and inhibits the growth of keloid cell structures.


Contractubex is a German medicine that is available in the form of a long-acting patch and matte gel with a specific odor.

allantoin and cepalin as active ingredients .

The therapeutic effect of the gel is explained by heparin, allantoin, and onion extract. In addition to them, the product includes the following additional components:

  • E200.
  • E218.
  • E415.
  • E1521.
  • Water.
  • Flavored oil.

The color of the gel is from pale yellow to pale brown. After its application, it suppresses the growth of scar tissue, stimulates the process of cell regeneration, but does not cause hyperplasia. The active components of the gel have the following effects:

  1. Allantoin helps exfoliate dead epidermal cells .
  2. Heparin reduces the formation of blood clots ; it penetrates into the connective tissue of the dermis within 4 hours, which is facilitated by allantoin and onion extract.
  3. Onion extract has a fibrinolytic effect and relieves inflammation.

When applied externally, the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

The patch is a thin soft plate that can be used over the entire surface of the body. It prevents the formation of scars and smoothes them out when they have already appeared, protecting the delicate skin in the scar area from aggressive environmental factors.

Contractubex is used for the following health problems:

  • Hypertrophic and keloid scars that appeared after surgical treatment, trauma, burns and amputation.
  • Palmar fibromatosis.
  • Ankylosis of the joints.
  • Tendon contractures caused by trauma.
  • Striae after pregnancy.
  • Atrophic scars that remain after acne and boils.
  • Prevention of the appearance of pathological scars after surgery and accidents.

Indications for use of Contratubeks

The medication is indicated for the following conditions:

  • contractures of joints and tendons due to injuries;
  • scars that occur after injuries, surgical interventions, burns, amputations;
  • Dupuytren's contracture (scars and shortening of tendons in the hand area);
  • cicatricial changes of an atrophic nature after furunculosis or acne;
  • stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth.

The gel can be used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of scars.

Comparison of addiction between Mederma and Contractubex

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Mederma is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Contractubex. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Mederma has a fairly low “syndrome” value, just like Contractubex.

Contratubeks - instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Contratubes, the drug is applied to the scar area by lightly rubbing 2-3 times a day. The gel consumption is 0.5 cm per lesion area of ​​20–25 square meters. see. The course of treatment for fresh scars lasts for 1 month.

If there are old and dense scar changes, the gel is applied under an occlusive (sealed) bandage at night and treatment measures continue for up to six months. In the presence of Dupuytren's contracture, therapy for scar changes on the hand can last 1 year.

The best ointment for scars and scars

In most cases, ointments for scars have a resolving effect. Their main task is to reduce the size of scars and eliminate redness. A distinctive feature is a longer effect (as opposed to a gel or cream) on the damaged area of ​​the body or face.

5 Methyluracil ointment

Recommended for external and local use to activate the process of restoration of damaged epidermis. The main advantages of the ointment include stabilization of nucleic acid metabolism, high regenerative ability, and acceleration of the growth of new tissue cells. It is actively used during the recovery period after burns of various etiologies, ulcers, fractures, and deep cuts. It is recommended by doctors in the presence of bedsores in bedridden patients, when recovering from irradiation of genital tumors. Used for vaginal fusion in girls.

An effective way to apply the ointment is 5-10 g daily to the affected area for 2-4 weeks. For the treatment of late radiation burns of the vaginal mucosa, the use of ointment in tampons is allowed. The course lasts until the wound surface is completely healed. Therapy is allowed for up to 4 months. Systematic use of the ointment guarantees the elimination of inflammation and increased immune protection of damaged tissue. The most effective is considered to be applying the product under a bandage, which is changed 2 times a day. If there is pus in the wound, this is done more often. The dressing is accompanied by treating the injured area with an antiseptic.

4 Rubtsevitis

The ointment is used to increase the rate of tissue regeneration and its nutrition. Effectively fights post-operative scars, scars, relieves stretch marks, acne marks, and chickenpox. Improves the condition of contracture, when flexion and extension of the limb is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The use of ointment smoothes the skin, nourishes it and makes it more elastic. After a few weeks of use, the formations that rise above the surface level out, stop itching, and the pain syndrome weakens.

It is allowed to restore skin on any part of the human body. Apply the product every day 2-3 times for 30-90 days. The drug is well tolerated by patients and has no age restrictions. Convenient to spread, does not spread, concentrates on the problem area. To get rid of deep, old defects, Rubtsevit must be combined with stronger agents.

3 Solcoseryl

The ointment is in great demand among the Russian population. Sold only in pharmacy chains, available without a prescription. Suitable for treating wet and dry injuries. Has an excellent effect on restoring the skin. Resolves scars well. Produced from the blood of healthy calves. This is how it differs from its analogues.

Users noticed that after using Solcoseryl, small scars smoothed out. The skin brightened, acquired a more even color, and became elastic. Before purchasing, consumers are strongly advised to consult a doctor. The ointment is strong and may cause an allergic reaction. The price is quite affordable, which definitely gives it an advantage.

2 Dexpanthenol

A specialized product that copes well with scars left, for example, by a disease such as chickenpox. The structure of the ointment includes natural ingredients: sea buckthorn oil, petroleum jelly, B vitamins, lanolin, citric acid and other beneficial substances. Thanks to their complex action, rapid restoration of the skin occurs.

Dexpanthenol perfectly performs the tasks stated by the manufacturer. Heals scars, smoothes the epidermis. It is a potent drug, so it must be used strictly according to the instructions. It is not recommended to increase the dosage without consulting a doctor. The ointment is easily excreted from the body and can rarely cause allergic reactions. No side effects were noticed.

1 Madecassol

The highly effective product Madecassol is recommended for the treatment of shallow injuries. It has a strong antibacterial effect and is used against scars caused by burns or surgeries. It is of plant origin, so it is safe for children. The advantage is the presence of Asian centella in the composition. Thanks to it, rapid cell regeneration occurs.

As users note, Madecassol is not just another advertised drug, but a truly effective ointment. Burn scars are completely eliminated. It is difficult to find in Russia; it is better to order it online. The product has a wide spectrum of action. In addition to removing scars, it actively fights varicose veins and dermatitis.

Analogs of Contratubeks

The pharmaceutical market is represented by a wide range of Contratubex substitutes for external use. Among them there are analogues of domestic production and foreign companies. These drugs are sold in the pharmacy chain in the form of:

  • generics;
  • synonyms;
  • combined means.

These medications are successfully used in practice, allowing doctors to select with maximum efficiency the appropriate analogue that gives a high therapeutic result.

Table of Contratubeks analogues with price and country of origin.

AnalogueCost in rublesManufacturer country

The price of Contratubeks analogs varies over a wide range. Among the large number of preparations for external use, you can purchase analogues of Contratubex gel cheaper. These medications are not inferior to foreign drugs in terms of treatment effectiveness.

What else can replace Contratubes ointment, what analogues? You can supplement the list of medications with the following medications:

  • Clearwin;
  • Curiosin;
  • Mepiform patch;
  • Cicatrix;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Dolobene;
  • Dermatix ultra;
  • Imoferase;
  • Venitan.

You can purchase analogues of Contractubex ointment for scars from this list, cheaper or more expensive, depending on the manufacturer. What else can replace Contratubes, which drug in comparison will be the best for the treatment of scars?

Reviews about Contractubex

Reviews about Contractubex are striking in their diversity. There is a category of patients who consider this medicine to be a scam by pharmaceutical companies in order to earn material benefits. And another group for whom Contractubex helped in a short time get rid of unpleasant skin defects. Therefore, reviews of medicinal ointments should be approached very critically.

The drug turns out to be effective in almost all cases of conservative sanitation of residual spots after chickenpox , since they are inflammatory hyperpigmented areas of the skin, and not scars, as many people think. The active components of Contractubex ointment can improve local blood circulation and eliminate signs of the inflammatory process, and accordingly remove the consequences of the transferred nosological unit.

You can verify the therapeutic effectiveness of a pharmaceutical drug by looking at the photos before and after undergoing a course of conservative treatment:

Reviews of Contractubex ointment from qualified dermatologists question the effectiveness and evidence of the use of this pharmaceutical drug. Of course, as a cream for acne in adolescence, the drug does its job well and experts can even recommend it for everyday use when treating adolescents. However, speaking about scar tissue and methods for its elimination, experts are unanimous in their opinion - not a single ointment can get rid of this problem.

Gel for acne scars or connective tissue formations of another origin has antiproliferative and other useful therapeutic effects, but already formed tissue can only be removed surgically using traditional methods or laser surgery.

There is no need to get rid of acne spots that are not scar tissue. They go away on their own within a week if the pustule was small in size and was not opened using “artisanal” methods. Otherwise, as in the process of getting rid of scars, the use of Contractubex is not very effective, although there are isolated reviews that the medicinal ointment really helped, but there is no reliable medical evidence after such statements.

Reviews of Contractubex for stretch marks during the postpartum period also cannot be taken seriously from the point of view of qualified specialists. On histological examination, stretch marks are dense connective tissue that is formed due to the rapid increase in size of the pregnant woman’s abdomen. Accordingly, conservative methods of treating the adverse consequences of bearing a child are ineffective.

The situation is similar with scars after cesarean section. Only a surgeon can give a cosmetic appearance to a woman’s abdomen during surgical manipulation using a special technique for matching the edges of the wound and applying an intradermal suture. But this technique requires considerable skill and professional skills, and is also associated with certain risks, which makes it possible to use this type of sutures only in certain cases.

Another female problem when Contractubex medicinal ointment is used is synechiae - this is a pathological condition that represents sticking together of the labia minora. The origin of this nosological unit is not fully understood. At the moment, there is an opinion among qualified specialists that this disease is a consequence of low levels of female sex hormones (estrogens).

With synechia of mild degree of development of the pathological process, treatment is not necessary, since this age-related feature of the female body tends to resolve independently with the onset of puberty, when biologically active substances increase their concentration several times. If the nosological unit is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine or infection of the labia minora, then the use of hormonal drugs based on estrogen is rational. Contractubex is not included in the group of these pharmaceutical drugs, and accordingly turns out to be practically useless for synechia.

Contratubeks or Dermatix - which is better and more effective?

Release form: silicone gel for external use

Active ingredient: mixture of polymeric organosilicon compounds (polysiloxanes)

Both drugs have equivalent indications, but a different mechanism of action. Dermatix gel will be best for scars that have formed recently, especially if they are present on the face. For formed keloid scars, Contratubeks will be more effective, and it is also more affordable.

According to patient reviews, the analogue is well tolerated and does not cause discomfort or side effects. Its use is possible for pregnant women and during lactation.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not absorbed into the regional bloodstream, cannot be distributed by major vessels, and therefore has no systemic therapeutic or side effects. Accordingly, external use of the ointment during pregnancy does not pose a potential threat to the health of the developing child or to the mother’s body.

Typically, the pharmaceutical drug is used by young women as a cream for stretch marks, a common problem in the postpartum period . However, clinical studies have proven its low effectiveness in eliminating these skin defects.

When breastfeeding , as well as during pregnancy, the use of Contractubex ointment is not prohibited, but the indications for rational conservative therapy should be consulted with a qualified dermatologist, because there are skin defects that cannot be corrected by gels or similar medications.

Contratubeks or Imoferase - which is better for scars

Manufacturer: PETROVAX PHARM (Russia)
Release form: cosmetic cream

Active ingredient: hyaluronidase

Both medications help the patient get rid of skin defects and scars. This is especially true if they are on the face. Imoferase is a cheaper analogue of Contratubex for scars. Its effectiveness remains at a high level and is no less than the activity of the base drug.

Imoferase copes well with fresh skin defects, which within 1–2 months can be completely eliminated or become less noticeable.


  • hereditary or acquired intolerance to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical drug;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • trichomycosis;
  • increased individual sensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug (including parabens);
  • male alopecia (baldness);
  • skin rashes in children.

Contratubeks or Fermenkol - which is better?

Manufacturer: HIGH TECHNOLOGIES (Russia)
Release form: cosmetic gel

Active ingredient: collagenolytic collagenases (proteases)

Fermenkol is a new generation enzyme medicine used in the treatment of skin defects. The use of Contratubeks will be a priority in the postoperative period or after a recent injury. It is more effective because it has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect and prevents vascular thrombosis in the scar area. Such comprehensive care for damaged skin promotes better skin restoration.

A properly selected analogue of Contratubex will not only prevent the formation of scars after injuries and surgical procedures, but also significantly improve the condition of old keloid scars.

Price and analogues

The average cost of Mederma is 650 rubles, the price of Contractubex starts from 600 rubles.

Among the effective medications for scars with a similar effect are:

  1. Kelofibrase;
  2. Solcoseryl;
  3. Fermenkol;
  4. Dexpanthenol;
  5. Madecassol.

Each drug has its own indications and contraindications. Choosing a remedy on your own may be ineffective and unsafe. The use of analogues is discussed with your doctor.


Manufacturer: Valeant Pharmaceuticals Germany GmbH (Germany)
Release form: gel, ointment for external use

Active ingredient: protein-free extract from the blood of healthy dairy calves

Solcoseryl for external use is a medicine that helps stimulate metabolic, regenerative and trophic processes in tissues. The product helps to increase collagen synthesis. The drug is effective for external injuries, burns, frostbite. This analogue of Contratubex gives a good therapeutic effect for bedsores and trophic ulcers.

Analogues of Contractubex

Level 4 ATC code matches:


Kalanchoe juice

Aloe liniment






Pharmaceutical ointment is not the cheapest on the market for cosmetics of this type, so most attempts to replace it with another drug come down to searching for less expensive drugs in the form of gels or creams. Of course, there are cheaper analogues for Contractubex, but the evidence of their therapeutic effect does not always reach the required level.

As a rule, in such situations, one of the following drugs is chosen: Aekol , Algofin , Vinilin , Vundekhil , since the price of Contractubex analogues from this list is significantly lower than the original drug.

Contractubex or Dermatix – which is better?

silicon- based polymeric organic compounds . Its therapeutic effects include maintaining the physiologically normal water balance of the skin, smoothing and reducing protruding parts of dense connective tissue. Skin pigmentation and unpleasant itching sensations , which usually accompany the proliferation of fibroblasts, also

Dermatix , like Contractubex, does not allow you to completely get rid of an unpleasant, sometimes disfiguring skin defect, but as a palliative measure it has a good therapeutic effect. It should be noted that Dermatix is ​​easy to apply even to difficult areas of the skin (including joint surfaces and the face) and dries quickly.

Contractubex or Mederma – which is better?

Mederma is a pharmaceutical preparation similar in composition to the medicinal ointment Contractubex, but it also has its own unique features, allowing for slightly different therapeutic properties. The main effects of Mederma are fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory , respectively, the drug is more appropriate to use for acne or acne, the consequences of laser resurfacing or cryotherapy, and the elimination of minor damage to the skin.

Mederma is also prescribed for the elimination of hypertrophied areas , keloid scars in post-traumatic and postoperative care, however, like Contractubex, the pharmaceutical product does not have an evidence base for the effectiveness of such use from the point of view of traditional medicine.


Release form: silicone-based gel

Active ingredient: polysiloxane, silicon dioxide

Kelo-coat gel is used to treat keloid and hypertrophied scars of various origins. They can replace Contratubeks gel, which, when applied to the scar, forms a waterproof and airtight film. Under such a framework, collagen synthesis is normalized, which does not allow the scar to grow. The medication reduces itching, discomfort, the severity of scars, and restores the color of the skin.

So, which remedy is better - the opinion of doctors and patients

When it is necessary to remove keloid scars, doctors give preference to Contractubex. For minor skin damage, Mederma will be effective. The latter is considered one of the best for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Mederma receives positive reviews from doctors and patients due to its good moisturizing effect and improved blood supply in the area of ​​application. Its use protects against the risk of developing an inflammatory and purulent process. Disadvantage: lack of effectiveness for old scars. To completely remove a scar, you need to use it for at least 6 months without breaks.

Contractubex is best used for deep scars. It gives a noticeable effect on old skin defects. It stimulates the formation of new cells, due to which the skin is quickly renewed. He can remove fresh scars in literally 1 month.

Mederma is best used for fresh scars. The drug Contractubex copes with old scars. The latter, in the absence of contraindications, can replace the first, but not always vice versa.

We can conclude that Contractubex is stronger and more effective for eliminating scars. Mederma will be a good remedy for minor skin defects. A dermatologist after an examination will help you determine for sure which drug is suitable.


Manufacturer: Merz Pharma (Germany)
Release form: gel for external use

Active ingredient: cepalin, allantoin

The drug for external use Mederma is a combined biologically active agent with anti-inflammatory and reparative effects. Due to the active substances of the drug, hydrophilicity and tissue softening are stimulated. This process leads to smoothing of the collagen fibers that form the basis of the scar and inhibition of its synthesis processes.

Mederma - features

Mederma belongs to a new generation of modern drugs, the action of which is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration. It also has anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic effects. All components in the composition complement each other well, creating a unique formula for smoothing and eliminating collagen scars.

The composition contains the following substances:

  1. cephalin – has a bactericidal effect, prevents inflammatory and purulent complications;
  2. allantoin – prevents the appearance of unpleasant symptoms that accompany the scarring process, eliminates itching, soothes the skin;
  3. auxiliary components - flavor, water, sorbic acid, xanthan and methylparaben.

Due to this composition, the drug has a complex positive effect on the skin in the presence of scars. Substances help eliminate defects by softening and smoothing them. The product also prevents allergization and has an antiproliferative effect. The keratolytic effect, in turn, which allantoin has, promotes better penetration of all substances into the layers of the skin.


Manufacturer: JSC BIOSINTEZ (Russia)
Release form: ointment for external use

Active ingredient: dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine

Methyluracil belongs to the group of tissue regeneration stimulators. This analogue of Conratubex ointment for scars and scars helps to normalize metabolic processes in cellular structures, accelerates the growth of granulations and the formation of epithelium at the site of the wound surface. The medication inhibits the breakdown of proteins and stimulates the renewal of structural parts of cells.

Side effects

As a rule, even with long-term use of the ointment, no adverse effects are observed, however, in some patients the following adverse reactions were noted:

  • On the part of the skin: itching (indicates a structural restructuring of scar tissue), erythema , atrophy of normal skin, local hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia , urticaria , discomfort (burning, tension or irritation of the external integument), single papules.
  • From the immune system: local allergic manifestations by the mechanism of hypersensitivity reaction.
  • General disorders: swelling and pain at the site of application of the pharmaceutical drug.
  • Infectious skin lesions: shallow pustular rashes.


Manufacturer: JSC VERTEKS (Russia)
Release form: gel for external use

Active ingredients: allantoin, sodium heparin, onion extract, bromelain, rosemary essential oil

The Russian analogue of Contratubeks, Camelox gel, can be used to treat any type of scars. Thanks to the combined composition of the active ingredients of the drug, the following occurs:

  • stimulation of regenerative processes of the skin;
  • softening and increasing its elasticity;
  • stimulation of collagen production;
  • limiting the proliferation of cellular structures of scar tissue.

The drug can be used at any stage of scar formation, not only for treatment, but also as a prophylactic agent to prevent its formation.


The composition of 100 g of gel includes the following active ingredients:

  • onion extract – 10 g;
  • heparin – 5000 IU (international units);
  • allantoin – 1 g.

The following are used as excipients:

  • sorbic acid;
  • perfume DROM 2700;
  • methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;
  • polyethylene glycol 200;
  • purified water.


Manufacturer: NIZHFARM (Russia)
Release form: ointment for external use

Active ingredient: dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, chloramphenicol

Levomekol is a combination product for external use. The medication has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating effects. A cheap analogue of Contratubes purchased in Russia stimulates regeneration, maturation of granulations and epithelial growth in the wound surface.

The active ingredients of the ointment easily penetrate deep into tissues without damaging biological membranes. The antimicrobial activity of the ointment remains in the presence of pus and the presence of necrotic masses.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Mederma and Contractubex

The effectiveness of Mederma is quite similar to Contractubex - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Mederma is more pronounced, then using Contractubex even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Mederma and Contractubex. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Choice of drug

Both products have an anti-scar effect, so either of them can be used to remove scars that have arisen after injuries, burns, surgery, and post-acne marks. People who have severe contracture of joints and tendons due to scars are recommended to use Contractubex.

The gel is convenient to use at home, and the patch can be used at work: it does not stain the skin and its effect lasts up to 6-12 hours .

Although the products can be purchased without a prescription, they should not be used without first consulting a specialist.

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